402 research outputs found

    Photoelectrolytic oxidation of organic species at mesoporous tungsten trioxide film electrodes under visible light illumination

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    Operation of a photoelectrolyser fitted with a semitransparent semiconducting WO3 film photoanode is described. Due to its band-gap energy of 2.5eV, the photoresponse of the WO3 electrode extends into the blue part of the visible spectrum up to 500nm. The WO3 photoanode exhibits particularly high incident photon-to-current efficiencies for the oxidation of several organic species with the maximum occurring at ca. 400nm. Experiments conducted under simulated AM 1.5 solar illumination demonstrated efficient photodegradation of a variety of organic chemicals including small organic molecules as well as EDTA and anthraquinonic Acid Blue 80 dye. Although, due to the inherent mass transport limitations, the described device appears best suited to the treatment of industrial wastewater containing from 100ppm to few gL−1 of impurities, almost complete removal of organic carbon was observed in several photoelectrolysis runs. This is apparently associated with the concomitant photooxidation of sulphate-based supporting electrolyte resulting in the formation of a powerful chemical oxidant-persulphat

    The expected performance of stellar parametrization with Gaia spectrophotometry

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    Gaia will obtain astrometry and spectrophotometry for essentially all sources in the sky down to a broad band magnitude limit of G=20, an expected yield of 10^9 stars. Its main scientific objective is to reveal the formation and evolution of our Galaxy through chemo-dynamical analysis. In addition to inferring positions, parallaxes and proper motions from the astrometry, we must also infer the astrophysical parameters of the stars from the spectrophotometry, the BP/RP spectrum. Here we investigate the performance of three different algorithms (SVM, ILIUM, Aeneas) for estimating the effective temperature, line-of-sight interstellar extinction, metallicity and surface gravity of A-M stars over a wide range of these parameters and over the full magnitude range Gaia will observe (G=6-20mag). One of the algorithms, Aeneas, infers the posterior probability density function over all parameters, and can optionally take into account the parallax and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram to improve the estimates. For all algorithms the accuracy of estimation depends on G and on the value of the parameters themselves, so a broad summary of performance is only approximate. For stars at G=15 with less than two magnitudes extinction, we expect to be able to estimate Teff to within 1%, logg to 0.1-0.2dex, and [Fe/H] (for FGKM stars) to 0.1-0.2dex, just using the BP/RP spectrum (mean absolute error statistics are quoted). Performance degrades at larger extinctions, but not always by a large amount. Extinction can be estimated to an accuracy of 0.05-0.2mag for stars across the full parameter range with a priori unknown extinction between 0 and 10mag. Performance degrades at fainter magnitudes, but even at G=19 we can estimate logg to better than 0.2dex for all spectral types, and [Fe/H] to within 0.35dex for FGKM stars, for extinctions below 1mag

    Investigation of Cu-doped ceria through a combined spectroscopic approach: Involvement of different catalytic sites in CO oxidation

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    Copper-ceria mixed oxides are widely considered promising catalysts for oxidation reactions, especially when the participation of lattice oxygen is required. However, the mechanistic understanding of these catalytic systems is still incomplete, due to their considerable complexity. In fact, copper doping of ceria results in the formation of a significant number of different interacting sites in continuous evolution during the catalytic processes. In the present study, pure and Cu-doped ceria samples were deeply investigated through combined spectroscopic techniques, i.e. XPS, EPR, and in situ FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Through this systematic approach, the copper sites and lattice defects responsible for the enhanced CO oxidation activity of doped ceria were eluci-dated. Superficial Cu+ species and small Cu0 clusters promote the adsorption of CO at low temperature, while isolated Cu2+ monomers and dimers well-dispersed in the ceria matrix foster lattice oxygen mobility, involving the sub-surface in the redox phenomena. Consequently, the structure of Cu-doped ceria undergoes substantial modifications throughout CO oxidation in the absence of O2, with the formation of oxygen vacancy clusters. Anyway, these changes are reversible, and structural reorganization in the presence of O2 can occur even at room temperature. The excellent performance of Cu-doped ceria eventually stems from the effective cooperation among the different catalytic sites in the mixed oxide

    In situ Raman analyses of the soot oxidation reaction over nanostructured ceria-based catalysts

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    Abstract To reduce the emissions of internal combustion engines, ceria-based catalysts have been widely investigated as possible alternatives to the more expensive noble metals. In the present work, a set of four different ceria-based materials was prepared via hydrothermal synthesis, studying the effect of Cu and Mn as dopants both in binary and ternary oxides. In situ Raman analyses were carried out to monitor the behaviour of defect sites throughout thermal cycles and during the soot oxidation reaction. Despite ceria doped with 5% of Cu featured the highest specific surface area, reducibility and amount of intrinsic and extrinsic defects, a poor soot oxidation activity was observed through the standard activity tests. This result was confirmed by the calculation of soot conversion curves obtained through a newly proposed procedure, starting from the Raman spectra collected during the in situ tests. Moreover, Raman analyses highlighted that new defectiveness was produced on the Cu-doped catalyst at high temperature, especially after soot conversion, while a slight increase of the defect band and a total reversibility were observed in case of the ternary oxide and pure/Mn-doped ceria, respectively. The major increment was related to the extrinsic defects component; tests carried out in different atmospheres suggested the assignment of this feature to vacancy-free sites containing oxidized doping cations. Its increase at the end of the tests can be an evidence of peroxides and superoxides deactivation on catalysts presenting excessive oxygen vacancy concentrations. Instead, ceria doped with 5% of Mn exhibited the best soot oxidation activity, thanks to an intermediate density of oxygen vacancies and to its well-defined morphology

    Exomoon simulations

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    We introduce and describe our newly developed code that simulates light curves and radial velocity curves for arbitrary transiting exoplanets with a satellite. The most important feature of the program is the calculation of radial velocity curves and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in such systems. We discuss the possibilities for detecting the exomoons taking the abilities of Extremely Large Telescopes into account. We show that satellites may be detected also by their RM effect in the future, probably using less accurate measurements than promised by the current instrumental developments. Thus, RM effect will be an important observational tool in the exploration of exomoons.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures with 9 figure panels, accepted by EM&

    A Case Study of Low-Mass Star Formation

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    This article synthesizes observational data from an extensive program aimed toward a comprehensive understanding of star formation in a low-mass star-forming molecular cloud. New observations and published data spanning from the centimeter wave band to the near infrared reveal the high and low density molecular gas, dust, and pre-main sequence stars in L1551.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, ApJS accepte

    Cerium‐Copper Oxides Synthesized in a Multi‐Inlet Vortex Reactor as Effective Nanocatalysts for CO and Ethene Oxidation Reactions

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    In this study, a set of CuCeOx catalysts was prepared via the coprecipitation method using a Multi‐Inlet Vortex Reactor: the Cu wt.% content is 5, 10, 20, 30 and 60. Moreover, pure CeO2 and CuO were synthesized for comparison purposes. The physico‐chemical properties of this set of samples were investigated by complementary techniques, e.g., XRD, N2 physisorption at −196 °C, Scanning Electron Microscopy, XPS, FT‐IR, Raman spectroscopy and H2‐TPR. Then, the CuCeOx catalysts were tested for the CO and ethene oxidation reactions. As a whole, all the prepared samples presented good catalytic performances towards the CO oxidation reaction (1000 ppm CO, 10 vol.% O2/N2): the most promising catalyst was the 20%CuCeOx (complete CO conversion at 125 °C), which exhibited a long‐term thermal stability. Similarly, the oxidative activity of the catalysts were evaluated using a gaseous mixture containing 500 ppm C2H4, 10 vol.% O2/N2. Accordingly, for the ethene oxidation reaction, the 20%CuCeOx catalyst evidenced the best catalytic properties. The elevated catalytic activity towards CO and ethene oxidation was mainly ascribed to synergistic interactions between CeO2 and CuO phases, as well as to the high amount of surface‐chemisorbed oxygen species and structural defects

    The expected performance of stellar parametrization with Gaia spectrophotometry

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    Gaia will obtain astrometry and spectrophotometry for essentially all sources in the sky down to a broad band magnitude limit of G=20, an expected yield of 10^9 stars. Its main scientific objective is to reveal the formation and evolution of our Galaxy through chemo-dynamical analysis. In addition to inferring positions, parallaxes and proper motions from the astrometry, we must also infer the astrophysical parameters of the stars from the spectrophotometry, the BP/RP spectrum. Here we investigate the performance of three different algorithms (SVM, ILIUM, Aeneas) for estimating the effective temperature, line-of-sight interstellar extinction, metallicity and surface gravity of A-M stars over a wide range of these parameters and over the full magnitude range Gaia will observe (G=6-20mag). One of the algorithms, Aeneas, infers the posterior probability density function over all parameters, and can optionally take into account the parallax and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram to improve the estimates. For all algorithms the accuracy of estimation depends on G and on the value of the parameters themselves, so a broad summary of performance is only approximate. For stars at G=15 with less than two magnitudes extinction, we expect to be able to estimate Teff to within 1%, logg to 0.1-0.2dex, and [Fe/H] (for FGKM stars) to 0.1-0.2dex, just using the BP/RP spectrum (mean absolute error statistics are quoted). Performance degrades at larger extinctions, but not always by a large amount. Extinction can be estimated to an accuracy of 0.05-0.2mag for stars across the full parameter range with a priori unknown extinction between 0 and 10mag. Performance degrades at fainter magnitudes, but even at G=19 we can estimate logg to better than 0.2dex for all spectral types, and [Fe/H] to within 0.35dex for FGKM stars, for extinctions below 1mag.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Minor corrections made in v

    Observations of T-Tauri Stars using HST-GHRS: I. Far Ultraviolet Emission Lines

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    We have analyzed GHRS data of eight CTTS and one WTTS. The GHRS data consists of spectral ranges 40 A wide centered on 1345, 1400, 1497, 1550, and 1900 A. These UV spectra show strong SiIV, and CIV emission, and large quantities of sharp (~40 km/s) H2 lines. All the H2 lines belong to the Lyman band and all the observed lines are single peaked and optically thin. The averages of all the H2 lines centroids for each star are negative which may indicate that they come from an outflow. We interpret the emission in H2 as being due to fluorescence, mostly by Ly_alpha, and identify seven excitation routes within 4 A of that line. We obtain column densities (10^12 to 10^15 cm^-2) and optical depths (~1 or less) for each exciting transition. We conclude that the populations are far from being in thermal equilibrium. We do not observe any lines excited from the far blue wing of Ly_alpha, which implies that the molecular features are excited by an absorbed profile. SiIV and CIV (corrected for H2 emission) have widths of ~200 km/s, and an array of centroids (blueshifted lines, centered, redshifted). These characteristics are difficult to understand in the context of current models of the accretion shock. For DR Tau we observe transient strong blueshifted emission, perhaps the a result of reconnection events in the magnetosphere. We also see evidence of multiple emission regions for the hot lines. While CIV is optically thin in most stars in our sample, SiIV is not. However, CIV is a good predictor of SiIV and H2 emission. We conclude that most of the flux in the hot lines may be due to accretion processes, but the line profiles can have multiple and variable components.Comment: 67 pages, 19 figures, Accepted in Ap
