3,010 research outputs found

    Carbonation of concrete with construction and demolition waste based recycled aggregates and cement with recycled content

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    Durability is a major concern in concrete (particularly recycled concrete) structures exposed to carbonation-induced corrosion, given the social, economic, environmental and safety implications involved. This article explores carbonation performance in concrete with 25% or 50% mixed recycled construction and demolition waste aggregate, alone or in conjunction with cement containing 25% fired clay construction and demolition waste. Irrespective of cement type, the mean carbonation depth was slightly greater in materials with 25% or 50% recycled aggregate than in concretes with 100% natural aggregate, although the difference was not statistically significant for the 25% replacement ratio. In all the concretes studied, the carbonation coefficient was below the 4 mm/yr0.5 indicative of good quality. Based on the prediction model proposed in Spain’s concrete code, reinforcement passivity was guaranteed in all these types of concrete when exposed to class XC1 to XC4 carbonation environments for substantially longer than their 100 year design service life.This study was funded under research projects BIA 2013-48876-C3-1-R, BIA2013-48876-C3-2-R and BIA2016-76643-C3-1-R awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and grant GR 18122 awarded to the MATERIA Research Group by the Regional Government of Extremadura and the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF. In 2016 University of Extremadura teaching and research personnel benefitted from a mobility grant (MOV15A029) awarded by the Regional Government of Extremadura and in 2018 from a José Castillejo (CAS17/00313) scholarship granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Philip Van den Heede is since October 2017 a postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO) (project number 3E013917) and acknowledges its support.Peer reviewe

    Low-Cost Diagnostics: A Novel Aptamer Screening Process

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    Low-Cost diagnostic and screening tools are of vital importance for low resources countries like those in Africa. DNA aptamers are becoming an important detection analytical tool to recognize small molecule targets, drugs and metabolites. Compared to alternative recognition motifs, such as antibody, protein and peptides, aptamers are cheaper to produce via chemical synthesis, stable at room temperature and relatively faster in R&D lead time (year). Over the past 15 years, various aptamer based sensors have been developed. Conventionally, aptamers were screened via a Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment(SELEX) process. We have improved the SELEX process to improve the binding affinity of aptamers. A novel aptamer was discovered for α-KG; an oncometabolite which are showing connections with the mutations occurring frequently in gliomas and acute myeloid leukemia. Combined with a fluorescent assay, the aptamer can potentially quantify the concentration of α-KG with high accuracy

    “Publishing Is Mystical”: The Latinx Caucus Bibliography, Top-Tier Journals, and Minority Scholarship

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    In 2014, members of the NCTE/CCCC Latinx Caucus began contributing citations to a shared Google Document (GDoc) that suggested a relatively significant contribution of scholarship to the field of Rhetoric and Composition studies. Scholars of color have argued that rhetoric and composition scholarship fails to represent diversity in academic publications (Baca; Banks; Jones Royster; Pimentel; RuĂ­z). This study examines statistical data arrived at through analysis of the NCTE/CCCC Latinx Caucus Bibliography, with survey and interview data from Latinx scholars providing important context about publishing for people of color

    Developing logistic software platforms: e-market place, a case study

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    This paper describes a framework for software development with emphasis on logistics platforms. Specifically, a case study is presented regarding the Logport program in Colombia’s Caribbean coast. The software development is based on the merging of modeling, design, and agile development techniques aimed towards software production. The agile methodologies discussed herein include Scrum, XP, and Crystal among others, and specific verification and validation aspects of CMMI 1.3 are evaluated. Furthermore, the integration of emerging technologies including elastic computing in cloud computing that allows scaled integration, security, load balancing, process speed, and high concurrency among other features are discussed. Finally, the proposed solutions cover actual and emergent needs in a B2B or B2C electronic commerce dynamic environment where suppliers and clients offer and demand transport, storage, and customs services. In this environment, their goal is to ensure there is added value to their logistics processes starting at the inputs and all the way to the outputs of the commercial business processes. Colombia’s Caribbean region is one such multimodal and multiport environment in which there is constant demand for low cost, time and storage optimization, and customs reliability for the businesspersons of this region, which serves as a Hub for the American Caribbean

    The catalog-to-cosmology framework for weak lensing and galaxy clustering for LSST

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    We present TXPipe, a modular, automated and reproducible pipeline for ingesting catalog data and performing all the calculations required to obtain quality-assured two-point measurements of lensing and clustering, and their covariances, with the metadata necessary for parameter estimation. The pipeline is developed within the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC), and designed for cosmology analyses using LSST data. In this paper, we present the pipeline for the so-called 3x2pt analysis – a combination of three two-point functions that measure the auto- and cross-correlation between galaxy density and shapes. We perform the analysis both in real and harmonic space using TXPipe and other LSST-DESC tools. We validate the pipeline using Gaussian simulations and show that it accurately measures data vectors and recovers the input cosmology to the accuracy level required for the first year of LSST data under this simplified scenario. We also apply the pipeline to a realistic mock galaxy sample extracted from the CosmoDC2 simulation suite (Korytov et al. 2019). TXPipe establishes a baseline framework that can be built upon as the LSST survey proceeds. Furthermore, the pipeline is designed to be easily extended to science probes beyond the 3x2pt analysis

    Mechanosensitive ACKR4 scavenges CCR7 chemokines to facilitate T cell de-adhesion and passive transport by flow in inflamed afferent lymphatics.

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    T cell migration via afferent lymphatics to draining lymph nodes (dLNs) depends on expression of CCR7 in T cells and CCL21 in the lymphatic vasculature. Once T cells have entered lymphatic capillaries, they slowly migrate into contracting collecting vessels. Here, lymph flow picks up, inducing T cell detachment and rapid transport to the dLNs. We find that the atypical chemokine receptor 4 (ACKR4), which binds and internalizes CCL19 and CCL21, is induced by lymph flow in endothelial cells lining lymphatic collectors, enabling them to scavenge these chemokines. In the absence of ACKR4, migration of T cells to dLNs in TPA-induced inflammation is significantly reduced. While entry into capillaries is not impaired, T cells accumulate in the ACKR4-deficient dermal collecting vessel segments. Overall, our findings identify an ACKR4-mediated mechanism by which lymphatic collectors facilitate the detachment of lymph-borne T cells in inflammation and their transition from crawling to free-flow toward the dLNs
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