4,305 research outputs found

    Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometer (SAIR)

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    The aperture size requirements of imaging microwave radiometers in geosynchronous orbit ruled out filled aperture antenna systems below 10 GHz. In the regions 10 to 30 GHz, filled apertures are only marginally practical. The size requirements in turn aggravate the problems with a mechanically steered antenna beam. Both the aperture size and steering problems are resolved with a synthetic aperture interferometric radiometer (SAIR). The SAIR imaging is discussed, along with the requirements of the two-dimensional antenna elements

    CO2\mathrm{CO_2} exploding clusters dynamics probed by XUV fluorescence

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    Clusters excited by intense laser pulses are a unique source of warm dense matter, that has been the subject of intensive experimental studies. The majority of those investigations concerns atomic clusters, whereas the evolution of molecular clusters excited by intense laser pulses is less explored. In this work we trace the dynamics of CO2\mathrm{CO_2} clusters triggered by a few-cycle 1.45-μ\mum driving pulse through the detection of XUV fluorescence induced by a delayed 800-nm ignition pulse. Striking differences among fluorescence dynamics from different ionic species are observed

    Critical sets of nonlinear Sturm-Liouville operators of Ambrosetti-Prodi type

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    The critical set C of the operator F:H^2_D([0,pi]) -> L^2([0,pi]) defined by F(u)=-u''+f(u) is studied. Here X:=H^2_D([0,pi]) stands for the set of functions that satisfy the Dirichlet boundary conditions and whose derivatives are in L^2([0,pi]). For generic nonlinearities f, C=\cup C_k decomposes into manifolds of codimension 1 in X. If f''0, the set C_j is shown to be non-empty if, and only if, -j^2 (the j-th eigenvalue of u -> u'') is in the range of f'. The critical components C_k are (topological) hyperplanes.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Disorder-induced phonon self-energy of semiconductors with binary isotopic composition

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    Self-energy effects of Raman phonons in isotopically disordered semiconductors are deduced by perturbation theory and compared to experimental data. In contrast to the acoustic frequency region, higher-order terms contribute significantly to the self-energy at optical phonon frequencies. The asymmetric dependence of the self-energy of a binary isotope system m1−xMxm_{1-x} M_x on the concentration of the heavier isotope mass x can be explained by taking into account second- and third-order perturbation terms. For elemental semiconductors, the maximum of the self-energy occurs at concentrations with 0.5<x<0.70.5<x<0.7, depending on the strength of the third-order term. Reasonable approximations are imposed that allow us to derive explicit expressions for the ratio of successive perturbation terms of the real and the imaginary part of the self-energy. This basic theoretical approach is compatible with Raman spectroscopic results on diamond and silicon, with calculations based on the coherent potential approximation, and with theoretical results obtained using {\it ab initio} electronic theory. The extension of the formalism to binary compounds, by taking into account the eigenvectors at the individual sublattices, is straightforward. In this manner, we interpret recent experimental results on the disorder-induced broadening of the TO (folded) modes of SiC with a 13C^{13}{\rm C}-enriched carbon sublattice. \cite{Rohmfeld00,Rohmfeld01}Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, submitted to PR

    Load Monitoring Practice in European Elite Football and the Impact of Club Culture and Financial Resources

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    Load monitoring is considered important to manage the physical training process in team sports such as Association Football. Previous studies have described the load monitoring practices of elite English football clubs and clubs with an established sports-science department. An examination of a broader international sample is currently not available. In addition, previous research has suggested factors that may improve the implementation of load monitoring practices, such as a strong club belief on the benefit of evidence-based practice (EBP) and high club financial resources. However, no study has examined yet the actual impact of these factors on the monitoring practices. Therefore, this study aims (1) to provide an overview of load monitoring practices in European elite football and (2) to provide insight into the differences in implementation between clubs by examining the impact of the club beliefs on the benefit of EBP and the club financial resources. An online survey, consisting of multiple choice and Likert scale questions, was distributed among sports-science and sports-medicine staff (n = 99, 50% response rate). Information was asked about the types of data collected, collection purposes, analysis methods, and staff involvement. The results indicated that external load data (e.g., global navigation satellite system, accelerometer…) was collected the most whilst respondents also indicated to collect internal load (e.g., heart rate, rating of perceived exertion…) and training outcome data (e.g., aerobic fitness, neuromuscular fatigue…) for multiple purposes. Considerable diversity in data analysis was observed suggesting that analysis is often limited to reporting the gathered data. Sports-science staff were responsible for data collection and analysis. Other staff were involved in data discussion to share decision-making. These practices were positively impacted by a stronger club belief on the benefit of EBP and greater financial resources. Creating an organizational culture, characterized by a strong belief on the benefit of EBP, is important to increase the impact of load monitoring. However, the actual potential may still be largely determined by financial resources. High-level clubs could therefore play a leading role in generating and sharing knowledge to improve training practices and player health

    Ocean water vapor and cloud liquid water trends from 1992 to 2005 TOPEX Microwave Radiometer data

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    The continuous 1992–2005 data set of the TOPEX Microwave Radiometer (TMR) has been reprocessed to provide global, zonal, and regional scale histories of overocean integrated water vapor (IWV) and cloud liquid water (CLW). Results indicate well-defined trends in IWV on global and hemisphere scales, with values of 1.8 ± 0.4%/decade (60°S–60°N), 2.4 ± 0.4%/decade (0–60°N), and 1.0 ± 0.5%/decade (0–60°S). The uncertainties represent 1 standard deviation of the regressed slope parameter adjusted for lag 1 autocorrelation. These results are comparable to earlier results based on analyses of the multiinstrument SSM/I ocean measurements beginning in 1988. For the 1992–2005 interval, comparisons between SSM/I- and TMR-derived IWV trends show remarkable agreement, with global trends differing by less than 0.3%/decade, comparable to the statistical uncertainty level and about one-sixth of the global TMR-derived trend. Latitudinal and regional analyses of IWV trends show large variability about the global mean, with synoptic scale variations of IWV trends ranging from ∼−8 to +8%/decade. Averaged over 5° latitude bands the IWV trends reveal a near zero minimum in the Southern Tropical Pacific and maximum values of ∼4%/decade over the 30–40N latitude band. Comparisons with band latitude averaged SST data over the same 1992–2005 interval roughly match a delta_IWV/delta_SST trend scaling of ∼11%/K, consistent with previously observed tropical and midlatitude seasonal variability. TMR-derived CLW trends are fractionally comparable to the IWV trends. The CLW values are 1.5 ± 0.6%/decade (60°S–60°N), 2.0 ± 0.8%/decade (0–60°N), and 1.1 ± 0.8%/decade (0–60°S). When scaled to global mean CLW derived from SSM/I and compared seasonally, the TMR CLW variations exhibit excellent tracking with the SSM/I results. Unlike IWV, however, the CLW statistical uncertainties do not likely reflect the dominant error component in the retrieved trends. The 1992–2005 CLW trend estimates were particularly sensitive to short-term trends in the first and last 2 years of the TMR archive. Additional errors difficult to quantify include strong aliasing effects from precipitation cells and uncertainties in the radiative transfer models utilized in the generation of the TMR CLW algorithm

    Effects of oxidized low density lipoprotein, lipid mediators and statins on vascular cell interactions

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    The integrin heterodimer CD11b/CD18 (alpha M beta 2, Mac-1, CR3) expressed on monocytes or polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) is a receptor for iC3b, fibrinogen, heparin, and for intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 on endothelium, crucially contributing to vascular cell interactions in inflammation and atherosclerosis. In this report, we summarize our findings on the effects of lipid mediators and lipid-lowering drugs. Exposure of endothelial cells to oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) induces upregulation of ICAM-1 and increases adhesion of monocytic cells expressing Mac-1. Inhibition experiments show that monocytes use distinct ligands, i.e. ICAM-1 and heparan sulfate proteoglycans for adhesion to oxLDL-treated endothelium. An albumin-transferable oxLDL activity is inhibited by the antioxidant pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC), while 8-epi-prostaglandin F2 alpha (8-epi-PGF2 alpha) or lysophosphatidylcholine had no effect, implicating yet unidentified radicals. Sequential adhesive! and signaling events lead to the firm adhesion of rolling PMN on activated and adherent platelets, which may occupy areas of endothelial denudation. Shear resistant arrest of PMN on thrombin-stimulated platelets in flow conditions requires distinct regions of Mac-1, involving its interactions with fibrinogen bound to platelet alpha llb beta 3, and with other platelet ligands. Both arrest and adhesion strengthening under flow are stimulated by platelet-activating factor and leukotriene B4, but not by the chemokine receptor CXCR2. We tested whether Mac-1-dependent monocyte adhesiveness is affected by inhibitors of hydroxy-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A reductase (statins) which improve morbidity and survival of patients with coronary heart disease. As compared to controls, adhesion of isolated monocytes to endothelium ex vivo was increased in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Treatment with statins decreased total and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol plasma levels, surface expression of Mac-1, and resulted in a dramatic reduction of Mac,mediated monocyte adhesion to endothelium. The inhibition of monocyte adhesion was reversed by mevalonate but not LDL in vitro,indicating that isoprenoid precursors are crucial for adhesiveness of Mac-1. Such effects may crucially contribute to the clinical benefit of statins, independent of cholesterol-lowering, and may represent a paradigm for novel, anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action by this class of drugs

    Exact Boundary Critical Exponents and Tunneling Effect in Integrable Models for Quantum Wires

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    Using the principles of the conformal quantum field theory and the finite size corrections of the energy of the ground and various excited states, we calculate the boundary critical exponents of single- and multicomponent Bethe ansatz soluble models. The boundary critical exponents are given in terms of the dressed charge matrix which has the same form as that of systems with periodic boundary conditions and is uniquely determined by the Bethe ansatz equations. A Luttinger liquid with open boundaries is the effective low-energy theory of these models. As applications of the theory, the Friedel oscillations due to the boundaries and the tunneling conductance through a barrier are also calculated. The tunneling conductance is determined by a nonuniversal boundary exponent which governs its power law dependence on temperature and frequency.Comment: REVTEX, submitted to PR
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