264 research outputs found

    Reproductive biology of lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (L., 1758) in the Cantabrian Sea

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    This paper examines sexual maturity of the female lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (L., 1758) in the Cantabrian Sea (north of Spain). Analyses made using data collected from commercial trawlers during 1994 and 1995 showed that females reach sexual maturity at a length of 54.2 cm, and the mean egg-laying size is 56.4 ± 0.94 cm. At least one in six adult female dogfish carried egg-capsules during the study period. Sex-ratio by depth strata indicates a larger proportion of females in deeper waters. Mature and spawning females were found at depths ranging from 100 m to more than 400 m, with their proportion being larger in the deeper strata.No disponibl

    Faunal behavior in response to near bottom water dynamics in a marine protected area (Cantabrian Sea, southern Bay of Biscay)

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    A set of lander deployments in a deep marine protected area (MPA; El Cachucho) combining environmental sensors and a baited camera provided insight on the relationship between faunal behavior and oceanographic dynamics. Landers were deployed at different depths, ranging from 500 to 960 m for a period of 24–26 h. A total of 10,989 photographs were downloaded and synchronized using a time code with all the environmental variables recorded (pressure, temperature, salinity, water current, and direction). Total richness accounted for 41 species of different taxonomic groups (21 fishes, 11 crustaceans, 6 echinoderms, and 3 molluscs). The most abundant species were Synaphobranchus kaupii, Mora moro, Phycis blennoides, Helicolenus dactylopterus, and Etmopterus spinax. Arrival times (Tarr) and maximum number of individuals (Nmax) greatly differed among stations. Cluster analysis showed two main faunal groups in relation to depth: those close to the top of the bank and those in the flanks. Species densities were estimated using Priede's equations and compared with those obtained in previous studies using trawl samplers. The relation of species with environmental variables showed high variability depending on the location of the station and the associated variables (depth, current, and water masses). Near-bottom dynamics were consistent with previously known oceanographic patterns at the bank, dominated by background anticyclonic recirculation along the flanks overlaid by strong tidal cycles. Current and hydrography tidally driven phases showed an evident effect in the arrival of species at some locations. Species appeared during specific periods matching the beginning of the flooding phase or end of the ebb phase. Movement rates (cm s−1) were estimated for some invertebrate species, such as crabs (Bathynectes maravigna, 0.66; Pagurus sp., 0.09), the gasteropod Colus gracilis (0.15), and echinoderms (Cidaris cidaris, 0.04; Araeosoma fenestratum, 0.23)

    Obtención de un polímero de tipo Elastina modificado con secuencias Bioactivas y Biodegradables, para su aplicación en ingeniería

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    La matriz extracelular es uno de los principales elementos reguladores de la actividad celular. Los diferentes módulos de las macromoléculas que la componen son capaces de desencadenar señales que activan diferentes rutas intracelulares que organizan las funciones vitales de las células. La ingeniería de tejidos se dedica a desarrollar sistemas capaces de imitar, temporalmente, el comportamiento de la matriz extracelular con objeto de promover la regeneración o el reemplazo de tejidos y órganos dañados, actuando como un soporte atractivo para las células que deben adherirse y crecer sobre ella, hasta reemplazarla por tejido sano. En este trabajo se describe el proceso de diseño y producción de un polímero de tipo elastina que se ha funcionalizado con secuencias bioactivas que añaden actividades específicas al andamio o soporte celular que constituye la elastina. Así,algunos dominios elastoméricos se modificaron con el aminoácido lisina para poder entrecruzar las moléculas de polímero y conseguir matrices. También se incluyó la secuencia REDV, presente el dominio CS5 de la fibronectina humana, como motivo de adhesión celular. Por último, el polímero se funcionalizó con secuencias diana de enzimas proteolíticas para mejorar su bioprocesabilidad.Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a major component for the regulation of cell activity. The different modules of the proteins which constitute the extracellular matrix macromolecules represent for the cells which enter in contact with them, new signals capable of activating several intracellular signaling pathways, resulting in the modulation of numerous cell functions. Tissue engineering tries to develop new materials based on these components as scaffolds for cells to promote their adhesion and growth. In this work, genetic engineering techniques were used to design and biosynthesize an extracellular matrix analogue based in the elastin component. The structural base of our scaffold is an elastin –derived sequence which confers an adequate mechanical behavior. In addition, several domains were included, for adding new bioactivities to this elastin-like polymer (ELP). Some of these elastic domains were modified to contain lysine for cross linking purposes. The polymer also contained periodically spaced fibronectin CS5 domain enclosing the well known cell attachment sequence REDV. Finally, the polymer had target sequences for proteolitic action.Peer ReviewedAward-winnin

    Single step fabrication of antimicrobial fibre mats from a bioengineered protein-based polymer

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    Producción CientíficaGenetically engineered protein polymers functionalized with bioactive domains have potential as multifunctional versatile materials for biomedical use. The present work describes the fabrication and characterisation of antimicrobial fibre mats comprising the antimicrobial elastin-like recombinamer (ELR) CM4-A200. The CM4-A200 protein polymer derives from the genetic fusion of the ABP-CM4 antimicrobial peptide from Bombyx mori with 200 repetitions of the pentamer VPAVG. This is the first report on non-crosslinked fibre mats fabricated with an antimicrobial ELR stable in solution. Thermal gravimetric analysis of CM4-A200 fibre mats shows one single degradation step at temperatures above 300 °C, with fibres displaying a higher thermal degradation activation. The electrospun CM4-A200 fibres display high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria with no detectable cytotoxic effects against normal human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, revealing the great potential of these polymers for the fabrication of biomedical materials.2018-09-10Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects MAT2013-41723-R, MAT2013- 42473-R and MAT2012-38043)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA244U13, VA313U14

    The effect of sintering temperature on the properties of the BiOCl films for potential application in DSSC

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    In this work, BiOCl films were obtained by tape casting using BiOCl powders synthesized by the co-precipitation method. The effect of the film's sintering temperature (300 °C–600 °C) on the morphology, chemical composition, crystalline phases and optical characteristics was studied. The obtained BiOCl powders showed a flake-like morphology, a tetragonal crystalline structure without secondary phases and a wide band gap of 3.53 eV. For BiOCl films, results indicated that as the sintering temperature increased the flake-like shaped particles changed to rectangular ones while the amount of chlorine in the films decreased. A phase transition from tetragonal BiOCl to monoclinic Bi24O31Cl10 was also observed as the sintering temperature increased. Consequently, optical studies revealed that the band gap of BiOCl films decreased from 3.03 eV to 2.82 eV. FTIR analysis demonstrated that the organic groups were removed from the films only for sintering temperatures above 400 °C. The Rhodamine B dye adsorption capacity of BiOCl films decreased with increasing sintering temperature. The results obtained allow us to conclude that BiOCl films are suitable for use in DSSC when the sintering temperature is in the range of 400–500 °C

    Dual Self-Assembled Nanostructures from Intrinsically Disordered Protein Polymers with LCST Behavior and Antimicrobial Peptides

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have attracted great interest as they constitute one of the most promising alternatives against drug-resistant infections. Their amphipathic nature provides them antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties but also the ability to selfassemble into supramolecular nanostructures. Here, we propose their use as selfassembling domains to drive hierarchical organization of intrinsically disordered protein polymers (IDPPs). Using a modular approach, hybrid protein-engineered polymers were recombinantly produced, thus combining designer AMPs and a thermoresponsive IDPP, an elastin-like recombinamer (ELR). We exploited the ability of these AMPs and ELRs to self-assemble to develop supramolecular nanomaterials by way of a dual-assembly process. First, the AMPs trigger the formation of nanofibers, then the thermoresponsiveness of the ELRs enables assembly into fibrillar aggregates. The interplay between the assembly of AMPs and ELRs provides an innovative molecular tool in the development of self-assembling nanosystems with potential use for biotechnological and biomedical applications.Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos de investigación MAT2016-78903-R y RTI2018-096320-B-C22 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, del proyecto VA317P18 de la Junta de Castilla y León, del proyecto 0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E del programa Interreg V A España Portugal POCTEP y del Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y Leó

    Threatened, endemic and harvested – two overlooked European skates

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    Sandy ray Leucoraja circularis and shagreen ray L. fullonica are large-bodied skate species occurring in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean on the edge of the continental shelf and upper slope. These areas are not sampled effectively by fishery-independent trawl surveys, and fisheries-dependent data are also limited, as these species are landed as a bycatch. Consequently, there are no formal assessments or reference points, even though they are harvested as part of the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for generic skates and rays. The implementation of data-limited assessment methods is often reliant on robust life-history data, which was lacking. Therefore, biological data were collected from 116 specimens of L. circularis (21–116 cm LT) and 54 specimens of L. fullonica (19–100 cm LT). Length at 50% maturity for L. circularis was estimated at 81 cm LT and 100 cm LT for males and females, respectively. This large size at maturity makes them more biologically vulnerable than other skate species managed under the generic TAC. This inherent vulnerability, low representation of mature individuals in trawl surveys and bycatch risk due to spatial overlap with important commercial fisheries suggests that both species, assessed as Threatened, would benefit from precautionary species-specific management measures. L. circularis and L. fullonica are respectively, the only IUCN listed Endangered and Vulnerable elasmobranchs that are endemic to Europe and also occur in UK waters. Therefore, with the eastern Atlantic being the main part of their distribution, urgent research and management action is of even greater importance to conserve them

    Effect of the interval between estrus onset 4 and artificial insemination on sex ratio 5 and fertility in cattle: a field study

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    P. 1264-1270We have carried out a field trial in cattle to study the effect of the interval between the onset of estrus and AI on sex ratio and fertility. Data were obtained from 716 cows that had been inseminated at different times between 8 and 44 h from the visual detection of estrus. Before analyzing the data, it was grouped in three intervals considering the time between estrus onset and AI (8–18, 18–30, and ≥30 h). Our results show that the percentage of calved females (73.05%) is significantly superior for early inseminations (8–18 h), and it decreases 1.85% per hour from the onset of estrus. Delayed AIs (≥30 h) produce a significant deviation of the sex ratio towards the males (72.06%); nevertheless, fertility (percentage of successful pregnancies) diminishes significantly, from 66.19% (8–18 h) to 45.35% (≥30 h). In conclusion, variations in the interval between the onset of estrus and AI modify sex ratio. However, we must consider its effect on fertility.S

    Controlled Production of Elastin-like Recombinamer Polymer-Based Membranes at a Liquid–Liquid Interface by Click Chemistry

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    Producción CientíficaDiffusion of organic and inorganic molecules controls most industrial and biological processes that occur in a liquid phase. Although significant efforts have been devoted to the design and operation of large-scale purification systems, diffusion devices with adjustable biochemical characteristics have remained difficult to achieve. In this regard, micrometer-scale, bioinspired membranes with tunable diffusion properties have been engineered by covalent cross-linking of two elastin-like recombinamers (ELRs) at a liquid−liquid interface. The covalent approach selected provides the desired ELR-based membranes with structural support, and modulation of the concentration of the polypeptides employed confers direct control of the thickness, pore size, and diffusive properties over a broad range of molecular weights (4−150 kDa). The recombinant and versatile nature of the proteinaceous building blocks employed further paves the way to engineering bioactive motifs within the membrane scaffold, thereby widening their applicability in the biological field.The authors are grateful for funding from the Spanish Government (MAT2016-78903-R, RTI2018-096320-B-C22), the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte para la ́ Formacion de Profesorado Universitario to MG (FPU15- ́ 00448), the Junta de Castilla y Leon (VA317P18), the Interreg ́ V A España Portugal POCTEP (0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E), and the Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y Leo

    Human resources in dentistry and treatment needs of caries in 12-year-old teenagers in Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloEl objetivo del estudio es estimar los recursos odontológicos para resolver las necesidades de tratamiento de los adolescentes de 12 años de Chile, pertenecientes a los niveles socio económicos alto, medio y bajo. El estudio se realizó a partir de los resultados del "Estudio Diagnóstico Nacional de Salud Bucal del Adolescente de 12 Años y Evaluación del Grado de Cumplimiento de los Objetivos Sanitarios de Salud Bucal 2000-2010", proyecto FONIS el que fue realizado en una muestra de 2.232 adolescentes de 12 años, con representación regional proporcional a la población nacional. Para estratificar por nivel socioeconómico este estudio se usó la clasificación y ranking de pobreza por comuna de MIDEPLAN y la caracterización por NSE de los establecimientos del Ministerio de Educación Se calculó el recurso humano necesario mediante la aplicación de estándares de rendimiento del ministerio de salud, comparando estos parámetros en el eje de nivel socioeconómico. Se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las necesidades de tratamiento entre los NSE, concentrándose la mayor necesidad en los grupos de NSE bajo y medio.Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine oral health care delivery team workforce necessary to tackle oral health treatment needs of 12-year-old adolescents from different socioeconomic status. The sample consisted of 2.232 individuals. There was a proportional representation of the Nations regions. The Socioeconomic status (SES) was stratified through the MIDEPLAN)s poverty municipality ranking and by means of description of SES of the selected school by the Ministry of Education. To determine oral health treatments needs we carried out dental examination and WHO diagnosis criteria were used. We calculated the oral health care delivery team workforce based on Ministry of Health recommendations and compare among SES. Differences upon health care delivery team workforce necessary to tackle oral health treatment needs of 12-year-old adolescents from different socioeconomic status were evident.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0719-01072011000200001&nrm=is