3,936 research outputs found
Bright hot impacts by erupted fragments falling back on the Sun: UV redshifts in stellar accretion
A solar eruption after a flare on 7 Jun 2011 produced EUV-bright impacts of
fallbacks far from the eruption site, observed with the Solar Dynamics
Observatory. These impacts can be taken as a template for the impact of stellar
accretion flows. Broad red-shifted UV lines have been commonly observed in
young accreting stars. Here we study the emission from the impacts in the
Atmospheric Imaging Assembly's UV channels and compare the inferred velocity
distribution to stellar observations. We model the impacts with 2D hydrodynamic
simulations. We find that the localised UV 1600A emission and its timing with
respect to the EUV emission can be explained by the impact of a cloud of
fragments. The first impacts produce strong initial upflows. The following
fragments are hit and shocked by these upflows. The UV emission comes mostly
from the shocked front shell of the fragments while they are still falling, and
is therefore redshifted when observed from above. The EUV emission instead
continues from the hot surface layer that is fed by the impacts. Fragmented
accretion can therefore explain broad redshifted UV lines (e.g. C IV 1550A) to
speeds around 400 km/s observed in accreting young stellar objects.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures (movies available upon request), accepted for
Extreme Value GARCH modelling with Bayesian Inference
RePEC Working Paper Series No: 05/2009Extreme value theory is widely used financial applications such as risk analysis, forecasting and pricing models. One of the major difficulties in the applications to finance and economics is that the assumption of independence of time series observations is generally not satisfied, so that the dependent extremes may not necessarily be in the
domain of attraction of the classical generalised extreme value distribution. This study
examines a conditional extreme value distribution with the added specification that the extreme values (maxima or minima) follows a conditional autoregressive heteroscedasticity process. The dependence has been modelled by allowing the location and scale parameters of the extreme distribution to vary with time. The resulting combined
model, GEV-GARCH, is developed by implementing the GARCH volatility mechanism in these extreme value model parameters. Bayesian inference is used for the estimation of parameters and posterior inference is available through the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The model is firstly applied to relevant simulated data to verify model
stability and reliability of the parameter estimation method. Then real stock returns are
used to consider evidence for the appropriate application of the model. A comparison is
made between the GEV-GARCH and traditional GARCH models. Both the GEV-GARCH and GARCH show similarity in the resulting conditional volatility estimates, however the GEV-GARCH model differs from GARCH in that it can capture and explain extreme
quantiles better than the GARCH model because of more reliable extrapolation of the tail behaviour
Detailed diagnostics of an X-ray flare in the single giant HR 9024
We analyze a 96 ks Chandra/HETGS observation of the single G-type giant HR
9024. The high flux allows us to examine spectral line and continuum
diagnostics at high temporal resolution, to derive plasma parameters. A
time-dependent 1D hydrodynamic model of a loop with half-length cm (), cross-section radius
cm, with a heat pulse of 15 ks and ~erg cm s
deposited at the loop footpoints, satisfactorily reproduces the observed
evolution of temperature and emission measure, derived from the analysis of the
strong continuum emission. For the first time we can compare predictions from
the hydrodynamic model with single spectral features, other than with global
spectral properties. We find that the model closely matches the observed line
emission, especially for the hot ( K) plasma emission of the FeXXV
complex at \AA. The model loop has and aspect
ratio as typically derived for flares observed in active stellar
coronae, suggesting that the underlying physics is the same for these very
dynamic and extreme phenomena in stellar coronae independently on stellar
parameters and evolutionary stage.Comment: 26 pages. Accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journa
Radiative accretion shocks along nonuniform stellar magnetic fields in classical T Tauri stars
(abridged) AIMS. We investigate the dynamics and stability of post-shock
plasma streaming along nonuniform stellar magnetic fields at the impact region
of accretion columns. We study how the magnetic field configuration and
strength determine the structure, geometry, and location of the shock-heated
plasma. METHODS. We model the impact of an accretion stream onto the
chromosphere of a CTTS by 2D axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Our
model takes into account the gravity, the radiative cooling, and the
magnetic-field-oriented thermal conduction. RESULTS. The structure, stability,
and location of the shocked plasma strongly depend on the configuration and
strength of the magnetic field. For weak magnetic fields, a large component of
B may develop perpendicular to the stream at the base of the accretion column,
limiting the sinking of the shocked plasma into the chromosphere. An envelope
of dense and cold chromospheric material may also develop around the shocked
column. For strong magnetic fields, the field configuration determines the
position of the shock and its stand-off height. If the field is strongly
tapered close to the chromosphere, an oblique shock may form well above the
stellar surface. In general, a nonuniform magnetic field makes the distribution
of emission measure vs. temperature of the shocked plasma lower than in the
case of uniform magnetic field. CONCLUSIONS. The initial strength and
configuration of the magnetic field in the impact region of the stream are
expected to influence the chromospheric absorption and, therefore, the
observability of the shock-heated plasma in the X-ray band. The field strength
and configuration influence also the energy balance of the shocked plasma, its
emission measure at T > 1 MK being lower than expected for a uniform field. The
above effects contribute in underestimating the mass accretion rates derived in
the X-ray band.Comment: 11 pages, 11 Figures; accepted for publication on A&A. Version with
full resolution images can be found at
Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is involved in the epigenetic control of TET1 gene transcription
TET enzymes are the epigenetic factors involved in the formation of the Sixth DNA base 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, whose deregulation has been associated with tumorigenesis. In particular, TET1 acts as tumor suppressor preventing cell proliferation and tumor metastasis and it has frequently been found down-regulated in cancer. Thus, considering the importance of a tight control of TET1 expression, the epigenetic mechanisms involved in the transcriptional regulation of TET1 gene are here investigated. The involvement of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in the control of DNA and histone methylation on TET1 gene was examined. PARP activity is able to positively regulate TET1 expression maintaining a permissive chromatin state characterized by DNA hypomethylation of TET1 CpG island as well as high levels of H3K4 trimethylation. These epigenetic modifications were affected by PAR depletion causing TET1 downregulation and in turn reduced recruitment of TET1 protein on HOXA9 target gene. In conclusion, this work shows that PARP activity is a transcriptional regulator of TET1 gene through the control of epigenetic events and it suggests that deregulation of these mechanisms could account for TET1 repression in cancer
The Soft X-ray Lightcurves of Partially Eclipsed Stellar Flares
Most stellar flares' soft X-ray lightcurves possess a `typical' morphology,
which consists of a rapid rise followed by a slow exponential decay. However, a
study of 216 of the brightest flares on 161 pre-main sequence stars, observed
during the Chandra Orion-Ultradeep Project (COUP), showed that many flare
lightcurves depart from this typical morphology. While this can be attributed
to the superposition of multiple typical flares, we explore the possibility
that the time-variable eclipsing of flares by their host stars may also be an
important factor. We assume each flare is contained within a single, uniform
plasma density magnetic loop and specify the intrinsic variation of the flare's
emission measure with time. We consider rotational eclipse by the star itself,
but also by circumstellar discs and flare-associated prominences. Based on this
simple model, we generate a set of flares similar to those observed in the COUP
database. Many eclipses simply reduce the flare's maximum emission measure or
decay time. We conclude therefore that eclipses often pass undetected, but
usually have only a modest influence on the flare emission measure profile and
hence the derived loop lengths. We show that eclipsing can easily reproduce the
observed atypical flare morphologies. The number of atypical modelled flare
morphologies is however much less than that found in the COUP sample. The large
number of observed atypical flare morphologies, therefore, must be attributed
to other processes such as multiple flaring loops.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure
The flaring and quiescent components of the solar corona
The solar corona is a template to understand stellar activity. The Sun is a
moderately active star, and its corona differs from active stars: active
stellar coronae have a double-peaked EM(T) with the hot peak at 8-20 MK, while
the non flaring solar corona has one peak at 1-2 MK. We study the average
contribution of flares to the solar EM(T) to investigate indirectly the
hypothesis that the hot peak of the EM(T) of active stellar coronae is due to a
large number of unresolved solar-like flares, and to infer properties on the
flare distribution from nano- to macro-flares. We measure the disk-integrated
time-averaged emission measure, EM_F(T), of an unbiased sample of solar flares
analyzing uninterrupted GOES/XRS light curves over time intervals of one month.
We obtain the EM_Q(T) of quiescent corona for the same time intervals from the
Yohkoh/SXT data. To investigate how EM_F(T) and EM_Q(T) vary with the solar
cycle, we evaluate them at different phases of the cycle (from Dec. 1991 to
Apr. 1998). Irrespective of the solar cycle phase, EM_F(T) appears like a peak
of the distribution significantly larger than the values of EM_Q(T) for T~5-10
MK. As a result the time-averaged EM(T) of the whole solar corona is
double-peaked, with the hot peak, due to time-averaged flares, located at
temperature similar of that of active stars, but less enhanced. The EM_F(T)
shape supports the hypothesis that the hot EM(T) peak of active coronae is due
to unresolved solar-like flares. If this is the case, quiescent and flare
components should follow different scaling laws for increasing stellar
activity. In the assumption that the heating of the corona is entirely due to
flares, from nano- to macro-flares, then either the flare distribution or the
confined plasma response to flares, or both, are bimodal.Comment: 8 pages, 7 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy
and Astrophysic
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