6,121 research outputs found

    Influencia de la respiración diafragmática en la motricidad fina

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar si la respiración diafragmática influye en la ejecución de una tarea de motricidad fina. Se utilizó un diseño experimental con postprueba únicamente. Los participantes fueron 16 mujeres con edades entre los 18 y 25 años; al grupo experimental se le entrenó en respiración diafragmática y posteriormente se evaluó su motricidad fina con la prueba Purdue Pegboard. Durante la ejecución de la prueba se midió la frecuencia respiratoria por minuto, se registraron 6 clases de errores y los ensayos correctos. Los resultados sugieren que el patrón respiratorio diafragmático influye positivamente sobre la ejecución motriz, lo cual soporta nuevas preguntas de investigación. Se discute el papel del aprendizaje en la modificación del patrón respiratorio y la influencia que pueden tener variables cognoscitivas y ambientales en este tipo de experimentos orientados a fundamentar la práctica clínica.The objective of this research was to establish whether the diaphragmatic breathing affects the performance o fan fine motricity work. An experimental posttest was used. The participants were 16 women between 18 an 25 years. The experimental group was trained in diaphragmatic breathing and further evaluated in fine motricity on the purdue pegmoard. During the execution of the test the breathing frequency per minute was measured and were registered 6 kinds of mistake altogether the correct trials. The results suggest that the diaphragmatic breathing pattern influences on the motricity executions, which supports new investigation questions. The roll of learning on the breathing pattern modification is discussed in this sort of experiments oriented to base the clinical practice

    A fuzzy logic model for the analysis of social corporate responsibility

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    Introduction: Critical public opinion, based on information that is made available to the public through different systems, has led companies that operate in the environment to continually improve their social, environmental, and ethical performance. Objectives: This paper aims to propose a fuzzy-logic-based model for the analysis of social corporate responsibility in cases of environmental accidents. Methods: Our study employs techniques derived from social network analysis. The data was collected from the online database of The New York Times for the timespan from March 24, 1989, to September 1, 2017. Results: The results show that the proposed model can be replicated, after some adjustments. Conclusion: We conclude that, despite the complexity of an analysis of this kind in which the model is applied considering isolated words in the text and not the semantic aspects, the proposed model based on fuzzy logic is adequate for the analysis of social corporate responsibility.We would like to thank professors Mariana Claudia Broens, Jose Arthur Quilici Gonzalez and Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez for the helpful supervision and indications during the fundamental stages of this research. This paper was supported by the "Understanding opinion and language dynamics using massive data", funded by The São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP (reference: 2016/50256-0) (Trans-Atlantic Platform Social Sciences and Humanities, Digging into Data Challenges). We would like to thank the whole team of this project for their discussion and feedback. Ana Claudia Golzio also received support by FAPESP (process number: 2019/08442-9) during the development of this paper, and Mirelys Puerta-Díaz received funding from Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) - Financial Code 001

    Estos son los sueños de Gorgona

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    Gorgona, con su espeso follaje y los secretos de sus aguas , sirvió de hogar al cacique Yudigua, de la tribu sidagua, cuando huía de los españoles en los convulsionados años de la conquista. Desde allí Francisco Pizarro, en 1527, pensaba en la forma como iba a conquistar el Perú. Y fue Pizarro, quien, en su afiebrada lucha por sobrevivir, encontró un enemigo mortal: las serpientes

    Citología cutánea veterinaria

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    La citología es una herramienta cada vez más utilizada y reconocida en el diagnóstico veterinario, y ha conseguido un sólido asentamiento en muchos países donde se utiliza de forma rutinaria en clínica. Es así porque aporta información que el veterinario demanda de forma rápida, muy deseable a la hora de instaurar tratamiento, sencilla, barata, indolora y muy versátil, ya que todas las células del organismo pueden someterse a estudio. Es por ello básicamente práctica y eficaz. Debido a la cantidad de lesiones que aparecen en la piel y tejido subcutáneo la citología en estas patologías para realizar un primer acercamiento diagnóstico, que puede ser definitivo en ocasiones, y reducir la lista de diagnósticos diferenciales posibles e incluso ahorrar en tiempo, coste y la realización de otras pruebas adicionales. Este artículo va dirigido al estudio de la citología cutánea, considerando la correcta obtención de muestras, la población celular que podemos encontrar y los procesos más frecuentemente implicados

    Flow of colloidal suspensions through small orifices

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    In this work, we numerically study a dense colloidal suspension flowing through a small outlet driven by a pressure drop using lattice-Boltzmann methods. This system shows intermittent flow regimes that precede clogging events. Several pieces of evidence suggest that the temperature controls the dynamic state of the system when the driving force and the aperture size are fixed. When the temperature is low, the suspension's flow can be interrupted during long time periods, which can be even two orders of magnitude larger than the system's characteristic time (Stokes).We also find that strong thermal noise does not allowthe formation of stable aggregate structures avoiding extreme clogging events, but, at the same time, it randomizes the particle trajectories and disturbs the advective particle flow through the aperture. Moreover, examining the particle velocity statistics, we obtain that in the plane normal to the pressure drop the colloids always move as free particles regardless of the temperature value. In the pressure drop direction, at high temperature the colloids experience a simple balance between advective and diffusive transport, but at low temperature the nature of the flow is much more complex, correlating with the occurrence of very long clogging events

    Synthetic peptides derived from ribosomal proteins of leishmania spp. in mucocutaneous leishmaniasis: Diagnostic usefulness

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    Background: The serological diagnostic methods currently available for mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) lack specificity when complete parasites are used; however, such specificity increases when protein fractions are used. Ribosomal proteins have been reported to induce antibodies in animal and humans infected with the parasite, making them a worth candidate to assess its diagnosis potential. Objective: This study was thus aimed at evaluating synthetic peptides derived from Leishmania braziliensis ribosomal proteins S25 and S5 as antigen candidates for diagnosing MCL by ELISA Methods: It was used 8 and 13 peptides derived from ribosomal proteins 25 and S5 respectively as antigens in order to detect IgG antibodies by ELISA in people with active MCL, Chagas disease (CH) and autoimmune disease (AID). Results: 4 of these 21 peptides (P4, P6, P19 and P21) had the greatest sensitivity (21.7%, 13.04%, 20% and 20%, respectively) as well as having 95%, 100%, 100% and 82.5% specificity, respectively. Conclusion: The study revealed the limited usefulness of the peptides being studied as a diagnostic tool in the conditions used here, because its low sensitivity, but it is worth highlighting that the use of peptides as antigen in the serodiagnosis of MCL may overcome the cross reaction presented with other antigens, thus avoiding false positives

    New Pharmacological Strategies against Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: The Multifunctional Thiosemicarbazone FA4

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    A new sigma-2 (σ2) receptor ligand (FA4) was efficiently synthesized and evaluated for cytotoxic, proapoptotic, and antimigratory activity on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) primary cell cultures, which restrained the aggressive and chemoresistant behavior of PDAC. This compound showed relevant antiproliferative activity with half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values ranging from 0.701 to 0.825 µM. The cytotoxic activity was associated with induction of apoptosis, resulting in apoptotic indexes higher than those observed after exposure to a clinically relevant concentration of the gemcitabine, the first-line drug used against PDAC. Interestingly, FA4 was also able to significantly inhibit the migration rate of both PDAC-1 and PDAC-2 cells in the scratch wound-healing assay. In conclusion, our results support further studies to improve the library of thiosemicarbazones targeting the σ-2 receptor for a deeper understanding of the relationship between the biological activity of these compounds and the development of more efficient anticancer compounds against PDAC