39 research outputs found

    Arthropoda pada Varietas Padi di Lahan Organik di Desa Tegal Binangun Kecamatan Plaju Kelurahan Plaju Darat Palembang

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    Ekosistem merupakan suatu sistem ekologi yang terbentuk oleh hubungan timbal Balik tak terpisah-kan antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya. Serangga sebagai salah satu komponen ekosistem memiliki perananan penting dalam jaringan makanan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini (1) Apakah varietas padi inroduksi yang ditanam dapat mempengaruhi keanekaragaman spesies arthropoda yang datang atau hidup di tanaman padi tersebut yang ditanam di sawah organik?; (2) Apakah varietas padi introduksi yang tahan hama dapat mempengaruhi kemerataan arthropoda yang datang?; (3) Apakah lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi keaneka-ragaman arthropoda pada varietas padi introduksi?; Pengambilan data menggunakan metode eksplorasi dengan pengamatan satu lahan padi organik yang berumur 30 HST. Parameter yang diamati adalah indeks keragaman (H') dari Sannon-Weaver, kemerataan jenis (E) dari Pielou. Hasil penelitian pada Bulan Febru-ari—Mei 2014 didapatkan 2 kelas yaitu Insekta dan Archanida dengan jumlah arthropoda pada varietas Mi-ra-1 162 ekor dan varietas Bestari 158 ekor, dengan pengamatan 10, 20, 30 hari setelah tanam. Berdasarkan perhitungan indeks keragaman menunjukkan pada varietas padi Mira-1 2.658 dan padi varietas Bestari 2.443 masih stabil dengan indeks keragaman 1≤ H'≤3. Perhitungan Indeks kemerataan padi varietas Mira-1 1.604 dan pada padi varietas Bestari 1.597, indeks kemerataan padi varietas Mira-1 dan pada padi varietas Bes-tari menunjukkan kemerataan tinggi dan populasi stabil denga indeks kemerataan 0.6<E'≤1.0

    Self-supplied drinking water in low- and middle-income countries in the Asia-Pacific

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    AbstractThere is increasing awareness of household self-supply and the role it can play in securing water for domestic needs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), but its scale across the Asia-Pacific has not previously been quantified. This study analysed 77 datasets from 26 countries to estimate the prevalence of self-supplied drinking water, and its associated trends in LMICs in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. When factoring in temporal trends, results suggest that &gt;760 million people—or 31% of the population—relied on self-supply for their drinking water in these regions in 2018, with the number of users increasing by &gt;9 million each year. Reliance on self-supply for drinking water is greater in rural areas than in urban areas (37% of rural population vs 20% of urban population), though results vary considerably between countries. Groundwater sources constitute the most common form of self-supply in South Asia and Southeast Asia, while rainwater collection is dominant in the Pacific. The results confirm the significance of self-supply in the Asia-Pacific and suggest that households are a major but often overlooked source of financing within the water sector. The findings raise important questions about how policy and practice should respond to this widespread phenomenon.</jats:p


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    IDEAS are an acronym for Innovation, Design, Engineering, and Art & Science. We have collaborated with the principle that a problem can be solved with an integrated solution. IDEAS were initiated in 2012 in Bandung. Starting with some disciplines such as Architecture, Economics, Design, Microbiology, & Agribusiness. With this diversity we can explore solution with various disciple. Our focus is on developing a sustainable lifestyle

    Co-developing evidence-informed adaptation actions for resilient citywide sanitation: Local government response to climate change in Indonesia

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    Already climate-related hazards are impacting sanitation systems in Indonesia and elsewhere, and climate models indicate these hazards are likely to increase in frequency and intensity. Without due attention, to maintain existing progress on Sustainable Development Goal 6’s target 6.2 and to increase it to meet ambitions for 2030 will be difficult. City governments need new forms of evidence to respond, as well as approaches to enable them to consider sufficient breadth of strategies to adapt effectively. This paper describes a co-production research process which engaged local governments in four cities in Indonesia experiencing different climate hazards. Local government engagement took place across three stages of (i) inception and design, (ii) participation as key informants and (iii) joint analysis and engagement on the findings. We adapted and simplified a risk prioritisation process based on current literature and employed a novel framework of a ‘climate resilient sanitation system’ to prompt articulation of current and proposed climate change adaptation response actions. In contrast to many current framings of climate resilience in sanitation that focus narrowly on technical responses, the results paint a rich picture of efforts needed by city governments across all domains, including planning, institutions, financing, infrastructure and management options, user awareness, water cycle management and monitoring and evaluation. Local government commitment and improved comprehension on the implications of climate change for sanitation service delivery were key outcomes arising from the co-production process. With strengthened policy and capacity building initiatives from national level, this foundation can be supported, and Indonesian city governments will be equipped to move forward with adaptation actions that protect on-going access to sanitation services, public health and the environment. </jats:p