4,301 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of Moses Rock Kimberlite Diatreme

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    Three types of remote sensing data (Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy (AIS), NS001, Zeiss IR-photographs) were obtained for the Moses Rock kimberlite dike in southern Utah. The goal is to identify and characterize the mantle derived mafic component in such volcanic features. The Zeiss and NS001 images provide information on the regional setting and allow units of the dike to be distinguished from surrounding material. A potential unmapped satellite dike was identified. The AIS data provide characterizing information of the surface composition of the dike. Serpentized olivine-bearing soils are (tentatively) identified from the AIS spectra for a few areas within the dike

    Into Complexity. A Pattern-oriented Approach to Stakeholder Communities

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    The NWO-programme ”the societal aspects of genomics”, has called for stronger means of collaboration and deliberative involvement between the various stakeholders of genomics research. Within the project group assembled at the University for Humanistics, this call was translated to the ‘lingua democratica’, in which the prerequisites of such deliberative efforts were put to scrutiny. The contribution of this thesis has taken a more or less abstract angle to this task, and sought to develop a vocabulary that can be shared amongst various stakeholders with different backgrounds, interests and stakes for any complex theme, although genomics has more or less been in focus throughout the research. As ‘complexity thinking’ is currently a theme in both the ‘hard’ sciences as the social sciences and the humanities, and has always been an issue for professionals, this concept was pivotal in achieving such an inclusive angle. However, in order to prevent that complexity would become fragmented due to disciplinary boundaries, it is essential that those aspects of complexity that seem to return in many discussions would be made clear, and stand out with respect to the complexities of specialisation. The thesis has argued that the concept of ‘patterns’ applies for these aspects, and they form the backbone of the vocabulary that has been developed. Especially patterns of feedback have been given much attention, as this concept is pivotal for many complex themes. However, although patterns are implicitly or explicitly used in many areas, there is little methodological (and philosophical) underpinning of what they are and why they are able to do what they do. As a result, quite some attention has been given to these issues, and how they relate to concepts such as ‘information’,‘order’ and complexity itself. From these explorations, the actual vocabulary was developed, including the methodological means to use this vocabulary. This has taken the shape of a recursive development of a so-called pattern-library, which has crossed disciplinary boundaries, from technological areas, through biology, psychology and the social sciences, to a topic that is typical of the humanities. This journey across the divide of C.P. Snow’s ‘two cultures’ is both a test for a lingua democratica, as well as aimed to demonstrate how delicate, and balanced such a path must be in order to be effective, especially if one aims to retain certain coherence along the way. Finally, the methodology has been applied in a very practical way, to a current development that hinges strongly on research in genomics, which is trans-humanist movement

    Multispectral mapping of the lunar surface using groundbased telescopes

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    Images of the lunar surface were obtained at several wavelengths using a silicon vidicon imaging system and groundbased telescopes. These images were recorded and processed in digital form so that quantitative information is preserved. The photometric precision of the images is shown to be better than 1 percent. Ratio images calculated by dividing images obtained at two wavelengths (0.40/0.56 micrometer) and 0.95/0.56 micrometer are presented for about 50 percent of the lunar frontside. Spatial resolution is about 2 km at the sub-earth point. A complex of distinct units is evident in the images. Earlier work with the reflectance spectrum of lunar materials indicates that for the most part these units are compositionally distinct. Digital images of this precision are extremely useful to lunar geologists in disentangling the history of the lunar surface

    A qualitative comparison of how older breast cancer survivors process treatment information regarding endocrine therapy.

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    BACKGROUND:It remains unclear how information about aromatase inhibitors (AI) impacts women's decision-making about persistence with endocrine therapy. PURPOSE:To describe and compare how women treated for primary early stage breast cancer either persisting or not persisting with an AI received, interpreted, and acted upon AI-related information. DESIGN:Thematic analysis was used to sort and compare the data into the most salient themes. PARTICIPANTS:Women (N = 54; 27 persisting, 27 not persisting with an AI) aged 65-93 years took part in qualitative interviews. RESULTS:Women in both subgroups described information similarly in terms of its value, volume, type, and source. Aspects of AI-related information that either differed between the subgroups or were misunderstood by one or both subgroups included: (1) knowledge of AI or tamoxifen prior to cancer diagnosis, (2) use of online resources, (3) misconceptions about estrogen, hormone replacement therapies and AI-related symptoms, and (4) risk perception and the meaning and use of recurrence statistics such as Oncotype DX. CONCLUSIONS:Persisters and nonpersisters were similar in their desire for more information about potential side effects and symptom management at AI prescription and subsequent appointments. Differences included how information was obtained and interpreted. Interactive discussion questions are shared that can incorporate these findings into clinical settings

    Oxidized basalts on the surface of Venus: Compositional implications of measured spectral properties

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    Venera Lander reflectance data are compared with high temperature spectra of the same basaltic materials. The dark, flat unoxidized basalts are still inconsistent with the Venera data in the near-infrared. Basaltic material with a ferric component, however, would satisfy both the increase in reflectance beyond 0.7 microns as well as the dark, relatively colorless character in the visible. Therefore, it is concluded that besaltic surfaces of Venus represented by these measurements either contain minerals with uncommon characteristics, or, more likely, are relatively oxidized

    Development of a stereovision-based technique to measure the spread patterns of granular fertilizer spreaders

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    Centrifugal fertilizer spreaders are by far the most commonly used granular fertilizer spreader type in Europe. Their spread pattern however is error-prone, potentially leading to an undesired distribution of particles in the field and losses out of the field, which is often caused by poor calibration of the spreader for the specific fertilizer used. Due to the large environmental impact of fertilizer use, it is important to optimize the spreading process and minimize these errors. Spreader calibrations can be performed by using collection trays to determine the (field) spread pattern, but this is very time-consuming and expensive for the farmer and hence not common practice. Therefore, we developed an innovative multi-camera system to predict the spread pattern in a fast and accurate way, independent of the spreader configuration. Using high-speed stereovision, ejection parameters of particles leaving the spreader vanes were determined relative to a coordinate system associated with the spreader. The landing positions and subsequent spread patterns were determined using a ballistic model incorporating the effect of tractor motion and wind. Experiments were conducted with a commercial spreader and showed a high repeatability. The results were transformed to one spatial dimension to enable comparison with transverse spread patterns determined in the field and showed similar results

    Orientale and South Pole-Aitken basins on the Moon: Preliminary Galileo imaging results

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    During the Earth-Moon flyby the Galileo Solid State Imaging System obtained new information on the landscape and physical geology of the Moon. Multicolor Galileo images of the Moon reveal variations in color properties of the lunar surface. Using returned lunar samples as a key, the color differences can be interpreted in terms of variations in the mineral makeup of the lunar rocks and soil. The combined results of Apollo landings and multicolor images from Galileo allow extrapolation of surface composition to areas distant from the landing sites, including the far side invisible from Earth

    A history of transurethral resection of the prostate should not be a contra-indication for low-dose-rate 125I prostate brachytherapy: results of a prospective Uro-GEC phase-II trial

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    Purpose Early reports suggested that transurethral resection (TURP) prior to permanent seed brachytherapy (BT) results in high incontinence rates. Guidelines consider prior TURP as a contra-indication to treatment, but improvements in imaging and treatment planning may reduce this risk, and are investigated in this prospective study. Material and methods 99 men with histologically proven low- to intermediate-risk, localized prostate cancer, with a history of TURP performed at least 3 months before BT procedure were enrolled. All patients received a permanent seed implant between March 2009 and June 2015. Intra-operative interactive planning was recommended to ensure optimal accuracy of seed placement during the procedure. No supplemental external beam was allowed. Target and organ at risk contouring, definition of clinical target volume (CTV), and dosimetric parameters followed the modified GEC-ESTRO guidelines for permanent seed implants, as described an earlier report of our group. Follow-up was scheduled every 3 months for the first year, and every 6 months afterwards, with minimum follow-up of 2 years. Study endpoints the primary endpoint was the incidence of post-implant urinary incontinence. Secondary endpoints were the incidence of urinary and gastro-intestinal toxicity, the eventual impact on the sexual function, and the freedom from biochemical failure. Results The median follow-up time for these 99 patients was 49 months (min. 24, max. 96). In this series, the incontinence rate was 2% after TURP + BT and 2% in case of TURP + BT + re-TURP, ending up with a total urinary incontinence rate of 4%. Acute and late urinary toxicities were extremely low. No significant late gastro-intestinal toxicity was seen, and the 5-year biochemical non-evidence of disease (bNED) was 93%. Conclusions The excellent long-term results and low morbidity presented as well as many advantages of prostate brachytherapy over other treatments demonstrates that brachytherapy is an effective treatment for patients with transurethral resection and organ-confined prostate cancer

    Preliminary results of spectral reflectance studies of tycho crater

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    The preliminary analysis and interpretation of near infrared spectra obtained for both the interior and exterior deposits associated with the Tycho crater is presented. Specific objectives were: (1) to determine the composition and stratigraphy of the highland crust in the Tycho target site; (2) to determine the likely composition of the primary ejecta which may be present in ray deposits; (3) to investigate the nature of spectral units defined in previous studies; (4) to further investigate the nature and origin of both the bright and dark haloes around the rim crest; and (5) to compare the compositions determined for the Tycho units with those of the Aristarchus crater as well as typical highland deposits. The spectra obtained for the interior areas exhibit similar spectral features. These include relatively strong 1 micron absorption bands whose minima are centered between 0.97 and 0.99 microns and shallow to intermediate continuum slopes. The spectra generally exhibit indications of a 1.3 micron feature consistent with the presence of Fe(2+) bearing plagioclase feldspar. The strong 1 micron absorption features indicate a dominant high Ca clinopyroxene component. Results obtained from the ejecta deposits show that the spectrum of the inner, bright halo is almost identical with those obtained for interior units. The spectrum of the dark halo exhibits a wide, relatively shallow absorption feature centered at 1.01 microns, a 1.3 micron absorption, and a steep continuum slope. This spectrum is interpreted as indicating the presence of pyroxene, Fe-bearing feldspar, and a significant component of Fe-bearing impact melt glass. Finally, the spectra of spots inside Tycho show similarity with certain spectra for Aristarchus. However, the suite of spectra obtained for Tycho exhibits a different trend in terms of band center versus width

    Space Weathering of Ordinary Chondrite Parent Bodies, Its Impact on the Method of Distinguishing H, L, and LL Types and Implications for Itokawa Samples Returned by the Hayabusa Mission

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    As the most abundance meteorites in our collections, ordinary chondrites potentially have very important implications on the origin and formation of our Solar System. In order to map the distribution of ordinary chondrite-like asteroids through remote sensing, the space weathering effects of ordinary chondrite parent bodies must be addressed through experiments and modeling. Of particular importance is the impact on distinguishing different types (H/L/LL) of ordinary chondrites. In addition, samples of asteroid Itokawa returned by the Hayabusa spacecraft may re~ veal the mechanism of space weathering on an LLchondrite parent body. Results of space weathering simulations on ordinary chondrites and implications for Itokawa samples are presented here
