552 research outputs found

    Colonial education policy and practice in Indonesia : 1900-1942

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    So far, no detailed study has been made - either in Dutch, English, or Indonesian - of the history of education in Indonesia in the crucial period 1900-1942. In this study an attempt will he made to fill this gap. The only sizeable work in existence is Brugmans1 ’Geschiedenis van het Onderwijs in Nederlandsch- Indie1, published in 1937* In this work, the period under discussion is treated in outline only. Brugmans, who was a high colonial official and had been closely involved in some of the major policy decisions concerning education in this period, was obviously unable to disclose information which at that time was still on the classified list. The other secondary material is very limited, and consists mainly of journal articles dealing with specific aspects or topics of colonial education policy. This study, however, is based in part on extensive research in the Colonial Archives in the Hague and some hitherto unknown material has been brought to light. In order to give English speaking scholars some idea of the nature and the extent of the archival material available, the narrative has been kept fairly closely to the documents and a large number of excerpts translated by the author from the original Dutch - a little known language - have been included in the text

    Gut colonization with methanobrevibacter smithii is associated with childhood weight development

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    OBJECTIVE: To prospectively investigate the presence and counts of archaea in feces of 472 children in association with weight development from 6 to 10 years of age. METHODS: Within the KOALA Birth Cohort Study, a single fecal sample from each child was analyzed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction to quantify archaea (Methanobrevibacter smithii, Methanosphera stadtmanae). Anthropometric outcomes (overweight [body mass index {BMI} >/= 85th percentile], age- and sex-standardized BMI, weight, and height z-scores) were repeatedly measured at ages (mean +/- SD) of 6.2 +/- 0.5, 6.8 +/- 0.5, 7.8 +/- 0.5, and 8.8 +/- 0.5 years. Generalized estimating equation was used for statistical analysis while controlling for confounders. RESULTS: Methanobrevibacter smithii colonization was associated with an increased risk of overweight (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 2.69; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.96-7.54) from 6 to 10 years of age. Children with high levels (>7 log10 copies/g feces) of this archaeon were at highest risk for overweight (OR = 3.27; 95% CI 1.09-9.83). Moreover, M. smithii colonization was associated with higher weight z-scores (adj. beta 0.18; 95% CI 0.00-0.36), but not with height. For BMI z-scores, the interaction (P = 0.008) between M. smithii and age was statistically significant, implying children colonized with M. smithii had increasing BMI z-scores with age. CONCLUSIONS: Presence and higher counts of M. smithii in the gut of children are associated with higher weight z-scores, higher BMI z-scores, and overweight

    Early Life Antibiotic Exposure and Weight Development in Children

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the timing, frequency, and type of antibiotic exposure during the first 10 years of life in association with (over)weight across this period in a cohort of 979 children. STUDY DESIGN: Within the Child, Parents and Health: Lifestyle and Genetic Constitution Birth Cohort Study, antibiotic exposure record was obtained from general practitioners. Anthropometric outcomes (age- and sex-standardized body mass index, weight and height z-scores, and overweight) were measured repeatedly at 7 time points during the first 10 years of life. Generalized estimating equations method was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: After adjusting for confounding factors, children exposed to one course of antibiotics compared with none in the first 6 months of life had increased weight- (adjusted generalized estimating equations estimates [adjβ] 0.24; 95% CI 0.03-0.44) and height (adjβ 0.23; 95% CI 0.0002-0.46) z-scores; exposure to ≥2 courses during the second year of life was associated with both increased weight (adjβ 0.34; 95% CI 0.07-0.60), and height z-scores (adjβ 0.29; 95% CI -0.003 to 0.59). Exposure later in life was not associated with anthropometric outcomes. Associations with weight z-scores were mainly driven by exposure to broad- (≥2 courses: adjβ 0.11; 95% CI 0.003-0.22) and narrow-spectrum β-lactams (1 course: adjβ 0.18; 95% CI 0.005-0.35) during the follow-up period. Specific antibiotic used was not associated with body mass index z-scores and overweight. CONCLUSIONS: Repeated exposure to antibiotics early in life, especially β-lactam agents, is associated with increased weight and height. If causality of obesity can be established in future studies, this further highlights the need for restrictive antibiotic use and avoidance of prescriptions when there is minimal clinical benefit

    Effects of interacting with a large language model compared with a human coach on the clinical diagnostic process and outcomes among fourth-year medical students: study protocol for a prospective, randomised experiment using patient vignettes.

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    INTRODUCTION Versatile large language models (LLMs) have the potential to augment diagnostic decision-making by assisting diagnosticians, thanks to their ability to engage in open-ended, natural conversations and their comprehensive knowledge access. Yet the novelty of LLMs in diagnostic decision-making introduces uncertainties regarding their impact. Clinicians unfamiliar with the use of LLMs in their professional context may rely on general attitudes towards LLMs more broadly, potentially hindering thoughtful use and critical evaluation of their input, leading to either over-reliance and lack of critical thinking or an unwillingness to use LLMs as diagnostic aids. To address these concerns, this study examines the influence on the diagnostic process and outcomes of interacting with an LLM compared with a human coach, and of prior training vs no training for interacting with either of these 'coaches'. Our findings aim to illuminate the potential benefits and risks of employing artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnostic decision-making. METHODS AND ANALYSIS We are conducting a prospective, randomised experiment with N=158 fourth-year medical students from Charité Medical School, Berlin, Germany. Participants are asked to diagnose patient vignettes after being assigned to either a human coach or ChatGPT and after either training or no training (both between-subject factors). We are specifically collecting data on the effects of using either of these 'coaches' and of additional training on information search, number of hypotheses entertained, diagnostic accuracy and confidence. Statistical methods will include linear mixed effects models. Exploratory analyses of the interaction patterns and attitudes towards AI will also generate more generalisable knowledge about the role of AI in medicine. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION The Bern Cantonal Ethics Committee considered the study exempt from full ethical review (BASEC No: Req-2023-01396). All methods will be conducted in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Participation is voluntary and informed consent will be obtained. Results will be published in peer-reviewed scientific medical journals. Authorship will be determined according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors guidelines

    In vivo biocompatibility and immunogenicity of metal-phenolic gelation

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    In vivo forming hydrogels are of interest for diverse biomedical applications due to their ease-of-use and minimal invasiveness and therefore high translational potential. Supramolecular hydrogels that can be assembled using metal–phenolic coordination of naturally occurring polyphenols and group IV metal ions (e.g. TiIV or ZrIV) provide a versatile and robust platform for engineering such materials. However, the in situ formation and in vivo response to this new class of materials has not yet been reported. Here, we demonstrate that metal–phenolic supramolecular gelation occurs successfully in vivo and we investigate the host response to the material over 14 weeks. The TiIV–tannic acid materials form stable gels that are well-tolerated following subcutaneous injection. Histology reveals a mild foreign body reaction, and titanium biodistribution studies show low accumulation in distal tissues. Compared to poloxamer-based hydrogels (commonly used for in vivo gelation), TiIV–tannic acid materials show substantially improved in vitro drug loading and release profile for the corticosteroid dexamethasone (from 10 days). These results provide essential in vivo characterization for this new class of metal–phenolic hydrogels, and highlight their potential suitability for biomedical applications in areas such as drug delivery and regenerative medicine.<br

    Porous silicon nanoneedles modulate endocytosis to deliver biological payloads

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    Owing to their ability to efficiently deliver biological cargo and sense the intracellular milieu, vertical arrays of high aspect ratio nanostructures, known as nanoneedles, are being developed as minimally invasive tools for cell manipulation. However, little is known of the mechanisms of cargo transfer across the cell membrane‐nanoneedle interface. In particular, the contributions of membrane piercing, modulation of membrane permeability and endocytosis to cargo transfer remain largely unexplored. Here, combining state‐of‐the‐art electron and scanning ion conductance microscopy with molecular biology techniques, it is shown that porous silicon nanoneedle arrays concurrently stimulate independent endocytic pathways which contribute to enhanced biomolecule delivery into human mesenchymal stem cells. Electron microscopy of the cell membrane at nanoneedle sites shows an intact lipid bilayer, accompanied by an accumulation of clathrin‐coated pits and caveolae. Nanoneedles enhance the internalization of biomolecular markers of endocytosis, highlighting the concurrent activation of caveolae‐ and clathrin‐mediated endocytosis, alongside macropinocytosis. These events contribute to the nanoneedle‐mediated delivery (nanoinjection) of nucleic acids into human stem cells, which distribute across the cytosol and the endolysosomal system. This data extends the understanding of how nanoneedles modulate biological processes to mediate interaction with the intracellular space, providing indications for the rational design of improved cell‐manipulation technologies

    Принципи реалізму і теорії націоналізму

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    Статтю присвячено порівняльному аналізові теорій націоналізму й теорії політичного реалізму. Здійснена спроба синтезу цих двох теоретичних формацій з метою вдосконалення пізнавального апарату політології міжнародних відносин. На підставі базових положень реалізму, розглянуто роль націоналізму, як глобальної соціальної сили в світовій політиці, а також реалістські теоретичні інтерпретації цієї сили. Особливу увагу надано витлумаченню націоналізму як фактору міжнародних конфліктів та наслідкам для систем міжнародних відносин національних державотворчих процесів.Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу теорий национализма и теории политического реализма. С целью усовершенствования познавательного аппарата политологии международных отношений, осуществлена попытка синтеза этих двух теоретических систем. На основании базовых положений реализма рассмотрена роль национализма в мировой политике, а также реалистские интерпретации этой определяющей силы современности. Особое внимание уделено интерпретации роли национализма в международных конфликтах и последствиям для международных систем процессов образования новых государств.The article deals with comparative analysis of the theories of nationalism and theory of political realism. This study aimed at methodological synthesis of these two groups of theories in order to improve a cognitive potential of political science in the sphere of its application to international relations. The role of nationalism as a global social factor and interpretation of this factor by realism is regarded. The special research attention is paid to the ways modern international conflicts and state1building processes are inspired by nationalism

    Favourable effects of consuming a Palaeolithic-type diet on characteristics of the metabolic syndrome:a randomized controlled pilot-study

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    Background: The main goal of this randomized controlled single-blinded pilot study was to study whether, independent of weight loss, a Palaeolithic-type diet alters characteristics of the metabolic syndrome. Next we searched for outcome variables that might become favourably influenced by a Paleolithic-type diet and may provide new insights in the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the metabolic syndrome. In addition, more information on feasibility and designing an innovative dietary research program on the basis of a Palaeolithic-type diet was obtained.Methods: Thirty-four subjects, with at least two characteristics of the metabolic syndrome, were randomized to a two weeks Palaeolithic-type diet (n = 18) or an isoenergetic healthy reference diet, based on the guidelines of the Dutch Health Council (n = 14). Thirty-two subjects completed the study. Measures were taken to keep bodyweight stable. As primary outcomes oral glucose tolerance and characteristics of the metabolic syndrome (abdominal circumference, blood pressure, glucose, lipids) were measured. Secondary outcomes were intestinal permeability, inflammation and salivary cortisol. Data were collected at baseline and after the intervention.Results: Subjects were 53.5 (SD9.7) year old men (n = 9) and women (n = 25) with mean BMI of 31.8 (SD5.7) kg/m(2). The Palaeolithic-type diet resulted in lower systolic blood pressure (-9.1 mmHg; P = 0.015), diastolic blood pressure (-5.2 mmHg; P = 0.038), total cholesterol (-0.52 mmol/l; P = 0.037), triglycerides (-0.89 mmol/l; P = 0.001) and higher HDL-cholesterol (+0.15 mmol/l; P = 0.013), compared to reference. The number of characteristics of the metabolic syndrome decreased with 1.07 (P = 0.010) upon the Palaeolithic-type diet, compared to reference. Despite efforts to keep bodyweight stable, it decreased in the Palaeolithic group compared to reference (-1.32 kg; P = 0.012). However, favourable effects remained after post-hoc adjustments for this unintended weight loss. No changes were observed for intestinal permeability, inflammation and salivary cortisol.Conclusions: We conclude that consuming a Palaeolithic-type diet for two weeks improved several cardiovascular risk factors compared to a healthy reference diet in subjects with the metabolic syndrome.</p

    Breastfeeding and infant eczema in the first year of life in the KOALA birth cohort study: a risk period-specific analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: We studied the association between breastfeeding and eczema, taking into account the possible influence of reverse causation, with risk period-specific analyses. METHODS: Information on breastfeeding, determinants, and outcomes at 1 year of age was collected with repeated questionnaires for 2405 mother-infant pairs participating in the KOALA (Child, Parent and Health: Lifestyle and Genetic Constitution [in Dutch]) birth cohort study. By using multivariate logistic regression analysis, we compared an overall analysis with risk period-specific analyses. RESULTS: By the age of 1 year, 535 infants (22.2%) had developed eczema. In an overall analysis, we found a weak nonsignificant trend toward a reduced risk of eczema in the first year of life with increasing duration of breastfeeding (lowest risk for those breastfed for > or = 7 months versus never breastfed). In the risk period-specific analysis (confined to infants "at risk" for eczema onset after 3 months of age), no indication for reverse causation was found (results were not very different, compared with the overall analysis). Infants who were breastfed from birth on had a slightly (although not statistically significantly) increased risk for eczema in the first 3 months of life, compared with infants who were formula fed from birth on. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that no strong effect of breastfeeding on eczema in the first year of life was present. This conclusion was strengthened by risk period-specific analysis, which made the influence of reverse causation unlikely