12 research outputs found

    Two photon versus one photon fluorescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators

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    none14siWe investigate the feasibility of both one photon and two photon fluorescence excitation using whispering gallery mode microresonators. We report the linear and non linear fluorescence real-time detection of labeled IgG covalently bonded to the surface of a silica whispering gallery mode resonator (WGMR). The immunoreagents have been immobilized onto the surface of the WGMR sensor after being activated with an epoxy silane and an orienting layer. The developed immunosensor presents great potential as a robust sensing device for fast and early detection of immunoreactions. We also investigate the potential of microbubbles as nonlinear enhancement platform. The dyes used in these studies are dylight800, tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate, rhodamine 6G and fluorescein. All measurements were performed in a modified confocal microscope.Carme Pastells ; M.-Pilar Marco; David Merino ;Pablo Loza-Alvarez; Laura Pasquardini; Lorenzo Lunelli; Cecilia Pederzolli; Nicola Daldosso; Daniele Farnesi; Simone Berneschi; Giancarlo C. Righini; Franco Quercioli; Gualtiero Nunzi Conti; Silvia SoriaCarme, Pastells; M., Pilar Marco; David, Merino; Pablo Loza, Alvarez; Pasquardini, Laura; Lunelli, Lorenzo; Pederzolli, Cecilia; Nicola, Daldosso; Daniele, Farnesi; Simone, Berneschi; Giancarlo C., Righini; Franco, Quercioli; Gualtiero Nunzi, Conti; Silvia, Sori

    Two photon versus one photon fluorescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators

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    We investigate the feasibility of both one photon and two photon fluorescence excitation using whispering gallery mode microresonators. We report the linear and non linear fluorescence real-time detection of labeled IgG covalently bonded to the surface of a silica whispering gallery mode resonator (WGMR). The immunoreagents have been immobilized onto the surface of the WGMR sensor after being activated with an epoxy silane and an orienting layer. The developed immunosensor presents great potential as a robust sensing device for fast and early detection of immunoreactions. We also investigate the potential of microbubbles as nonlinear enhancement platform. The dyes used in these studies are dylight800, tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate, rhodamine 6G and fluorescein. All measurements were performed in a modified confocal microscope

    Educação inclusiva no ensino superior: um novo desafio

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    O crescente ingresso de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na rede regular de ensino torna necessário um aprofundamento na reflexão sobre a educação inclusiva. Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir os desafios da educação inclusiva no ensino superior. Com essa finalidade, retomamos a história da Universidade, verificamos seus objetivos e características principais, suas determinações nas instituições de ensino superior brasileiras e analisamos o percurso da educação inclusiva no cenário mundial e nacional. A partir daí, levantamos questões específicas da educação inclusiva no ensino superior e identificamos três níveis de desafios a serem enfrentados: a tomada de posição das instituições sobre os objetivos e a elegibilidade dos alunos para seus cursos, a necessidade de formação pedagógica dos professores do ensino superior para a educação inclusiva e, por fim, uma prática educativa que propicie a participação de alunos e professores no reconhecimento das diferenças e na criação de estratégias para a superação das dificuldades que surgirem

    Sobre feitiços e ritos: enfermidade e cura nas reduções jesuítico-guaranis (século 17) On spells and rites: illness and cures in the Jesuitic-Guarani mission settlements (17th century)

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar as altera- ções nas práticas mágico-terapêuticas empregadas pelos Guarani, em decorrência do projeto jesuítico de civilização e de conversão que previa a concentração dos indígenas em reduções e a normatização de suas manifestações rituais e religiosas.<br>This article has the main objective to introduce the alterations in the Guarani.s magic- therapeutic practices, resulting of Jesuit.s converting and civilization project, which demanded the concentration of the Indians in mission settlements and the regulation of ritual and devotional expressions

    A construção da memória historiográfica paulista: Dom Luiz de Céspedes Xeria e o mapa de sua expedição de 1628

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    This study presents an analysis of the map of Don Luis de Cespedes Xeria, which represents the state of São Paulo in 1628, based on the image of the original map that is under custody of the Archivo General de Indias, located in Seville, Spain. This map is compared with the traditional map reproduced by Afonso de Taunay, in 1922, in the Collectanea de mappas de cartographia paulista antiga. By comparison of these primary sources, it is shown that a source can acquire characteristics related to the broader and significant needs associated with the management and administration of a collective memory, which is structured to maintain the power and values of a particular social, hegemonic class. This fact is not noticed as something of a Machiavellian nature and significantly planned or architected, but as part of an unconscious pattern, necessary to maintain the cultural identity of that hegemonic social group