2,758 research outputs found

    Health care experiences of Black cancer survivors: A qualitative study exploring drivers of low and high Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems global ratings of care

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Black patients with cancer in health care by comparing drivers of high and low ratings. / Methods: Semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 Black patients with cancer recruited from cancer survivorship support groups and Facebook between May 2019 and March 2020. Interviews were coded across all transcripts by using a thematic analysis approach before comparing low- and high-rating groups. / Results: There were three major themes that influenced whether patients rated their care as low or high, which included the patient–provider relationship, health care staff interactions, and cancer care coordination. For example, the high-rating group described good communication with the health care team as physicians listening to their needs, being responsive to their concerns, and providing recommendations on how to address side effects. In contrast, the low-rating group described poor communication with their health care team as their needs being dismissed and being excluded from decision-making processes. Additionally, there were two distinct themes that influenced patients’ low ratings: insurance and financial toxicity issues and experiences of health care discrimination. / Conclusions: In an effort to promote equitable cancer care experiences for Black patients, it is important that health systems work to prioritize patient interactions with health care providers and staff, comprehensive care management for patients with cancer, and reductions in the financial burden of caring for cancer

    Inheritance of the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood) resistance in the tomato Cultivar 'Licato'

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    In order to do genetic characterization of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita resistance, exhibited by the tomato cultivar 'Licato', and using as resistance indexes the variables knot number and egg-masses number by plant, an inheritance study was carried out by using 'Licato' as resistant parent, 'Rutgers' as susceptible parent and the generations Fl and F2, as well as, backrosses from the Fl to both parents, employing in all the generations, 'Licato' as female. Besides the above an study of reciprocal effects was done with the direct and reciprocal hybrids between 'Licato' and 'Tropic' (susceptible parent). The studies were carried out under plastic root at ICA'S "La Selva" Experiment Station located at Rionegro (Antioquia, Colombia) at 2.100 meters above sea level. The obtained results, for the inheritance study, indicated that the resistance, measured for the two variables, is conditioned at least by two pair of genes with non-allelic interaction, being possible that the two evaluated variables are controlled by a group of genes with pleiotropic effects. The data for the several generations fitted a four parameteres model including m (mean population), d (additive effect), h (dominance effect) and j (additive x dominance interaction). Besides the above, reciprocal effects for both variables were found, which indicates also the existance oi cytoplasmic factors conditioning the resistance observed in this study.on el fin de caracterizar, genéticamente, la resistencia parcial al nemátodo formador de nudos radiculares, Meloidogyne incognita, exhibida por el cultivar de tomate Licato, medida ésta a través del número de nudos y masas de huevos por planta, luego de inoculación artificial, se realizó un estudio de herencia utilizando Licato como padre resistente y Rutgers como progenitor susceptible, y se incluyeron las generaciones F1 y F2 del cruzamiento, al igual que retrocruzamientos de la F1 hacia ambos padres, utilizando en todos los casos, con excepción de Rutgers, citoplasma de Licato (este último como progenitor femenino). Adicionalmente, se llevó a cabo un estudio de efectos maternos empleando comparaciones planeadas para los estimadores de la resistencia en los híbridos directo y recíproco entre Licato y Tropic, cultivar este último susceptible. Los trabajos se llevaron a cabo bajo cubierta plástica en el CRI La Selva del ICA, ubicado en Rionegro (Antioquia) a 2.100 m.s.n.m. y perteneciente a la formación ecológica bosque húmedo montano bajo. Se encontró, para ambas variables, que la resistencia era determinada por un mínimo de 2 pares de genes con interacción epistática, ajustándose los datos obtenidos a un modelo genético de 4 parámetros los cuales incluyen la media poblacional (m), los efectos de aditividad (d) y dominancia (h) y una interacción aditivo x dominante (j); la similitud de resultados sugiere que los 2 componentes de la resistencia son determinados por un mismo conjunto de genes con efectos pleiotrópicos. El trabajo de efectos recíprocos señaló que, aparte de los genes nucleares, existen efectos citoplásmicos en Licato responsables de la resistencia parcial al nematodo formador de nudos radiculares Meloidogyne incognita

    The Poor Survival among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Chiapas, Mexico: The Case of Los Altos Region

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    Objective. To analyse survival in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and factors associated with such survival. Design. Study of a cohort of patients aged over 14 years diagnosed with PTB from January 1, 1998 to July 31, 2005. During 2004–2006 a home visit was made to each patient and, during 2008-2009, they were visited again. During these visits a follow-up interview was administered; when the patient had died, a verbal autopsy was conducted with family members. Statistical analysis consisted of survival tests, Kaplan-Meier log-rank test and Cox regression. Results. Of 305 studied patients, 68 had died due to PTB by the time of the first evaluation, 237 were followed-up for a second evaluation, and 10 of them had died of PTB. According to the Cox regression, age (over 45 years) and treatment duration (under six months) were associated with a poorer survival. When treatment duration was excluded, the association between poorer survival with age persisted, whereas with having been treated via DOTS strategy, was barely significant. Conclusions. In the studied area it is necessary that patients receive a complete treatment scheme, and to give priority to patients aged over 45 years

    Cathodoluminescence Characterization of Dilute Nitride GaNSbAs Alloys

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    The effects of ex situ annealing in N ambient and in situ annealing in As ambient on GaNSbAs/GaAs structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy were investigated by low temperature cross-sectional cathodoluminescence (CL). The amount and distribution of Sb was measured by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The cross-sectional CL analysis of all samples reveals a shift of the near band edge (NBE) emission along the growth axis, presumably associated with a non-uniform incorporation of Sb during the growth process, in agreement with the Sb distribution measured by EDS in the as-grown sample. The NBE emission in the annealed samples presents a redshift with respect to the as-grown sample. This effect might be explained by a redistribution/activation of N in the GaNSbAs lattice since the Sb distribution measured by EDS does not reveal significant changes, within the error margin, with respect to the as-grown sample. The in situ annealed in the As overpressure sample shows the best properties for solar cells applications, i.e., a NBE peak position close to 1.0 eV and the lowest full width at half maximum of this emission.Spanish Government (MINECO Project ENE2014- 56069-C4-4-R) and Junta de Castilla y Leo´n (VA293U13 and VA081U16 Projects). The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO supports this work through Projects TEC2014-54260- C3-1-P, TEC2014-54260-C3-2-P, TEC2014-54260- C3-3-P, PCIN-2015-181-C02-01 and PCIN-2015- 181-C02-02

    Challenges of determining frequency and magnitudes of explosive eruptions even with an unprecedented stratigraphy

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    Through decades of field studies and laboratory analyses, Volcán de Colima, Mexico has one of the best known proximal eruption stratigraphies of any volcano, yet the frequency and magnitudes of previous eruptions are still poorly resolved. Hazard assessments based on models of well-known, well-mapped recent eruptions may appear to have low uncertainty, but may be biased by the nature of those events. We present a comprehensive stratigraphy of explosive eruption deposits combining new data collected as part of this study together with published and unpublished data. For the first time we have been able to model five of the best exposed and cross-correlated pre-historical Holocene explosive events at Volcán de Colima. By modelling the volumes and magnitudes of Holocene eruptions at Volcán de Colima, we are able to improve estimations of the potential range of magnitudes of future explosive eruptions, which can be incorporated into hazard assessments for nearby communities. Based on recent studies we demonstrate that these volumes may be underestimated by at least an order of magnitude, and show that even with an exceptionally well-defined stratigraphic record our understanding of the full range of explosive eruptions may still be biased

    Effect of Chronic Administration of Resveratrol on Cognitive Performance during Aging Process in Rats

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    The increase in the elderly population has generated concern to meet health demands. The research efforts to elucidate the mechanisms of damage associated with aging have also been significantly increased, especially in order to avoid the reduction of the cognitive abilities in geriatric patients, resulting from the damage generated mainly at the level of the hippocampus during old age. At present, many studies describe resveratrol as an antiaging component. There are reports that it can activate the Sirt1 gene related to antiaging, emulating the effects obtained by caloric restriction in rodents. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of chronic administration of resveratrol (10 mg/kg) on cognitive performance in behavioral tests after 8 months of treatment and on the preservation of cerebral integrity in the cytoarchitecture of regions CA1 and CA2. Results showed that the cytoarchitecture of the CA1 and CA2 regions in the hippocampus retained their integrity over time in rats treated with resveratrol, and the behavioral test performed revealed that chronic resveratrol administration for 8 months showed improvements in cognitive performance. The results indicate that resveratrol may exhibit therapeutic potential for age-related conditions

    Integrated molecular signaling involving mitochondrial dysfunction and alteration of cell metabolism induced by tyrosine kinase inhibitors in cancer

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    Cancer cells have unlimited replicative potential, insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals, evasion of apoptosis, cellular stress, and sustained angiogenesis, invasiveness and metastatic potential. Cancer cells adequately adapt cell metabolism and integrate several intracellular and redox signaling to promote cell survival in an inflammatory and hypoxic microenvironment in order to maintain/expand tumor phenotype. The administration of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) constitutes the recommended therapeutic strategy in different malignancies at advanced stages. There are important interrelationships between cell stress, redox status, mitochondrial function, metabolism and cellular signaling pathways leading to cell survival/death. The induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest widely related to the antitumoral properties of TKIs result from tightly controlled events involving different cellular compartments and signaling pathways. The aim of the present review is to update the most relevant studies dealing with the impact of TKI treatment on cell function. The induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and Ca2+ disturbances, leading to alteration of mitochondrial function, redox status and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-protein kinase B (Akt)-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathways that involve cell metabolism reprogramming in cancer cells will be covered. Emphasis will be given to studies that identify key components of the integrated molecular pattern including receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) downstream signaling, cell death and mitochondria-related events that appear to be involved in the resistance of cancer cells to TKI treatments.This study was funded by Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCiii) (PI16/00090, PI19/00838 and PI19/01266), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2016-80006-P), Andalusian Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment (BIO-216 and CTS-6264), Andalusian Ministry of Equality, Health and Social Policies (PI-0198-2016) and Valencian Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (PROMETEO/2019/027). P de la C-O was supported by FPU predoctoral fellowship (FPU17/00026) from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. E N-V was supported by the the predoctoral i-PFIS IIS-enterprise contract in science and technologies in health (IFI18/00014) from ISCiii. We thank the Biomedical Research Network Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (CIBERcv), and the Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd) founded by the ISCiii and co-financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) "A way to achieve Europe" for their financial support

    A novel mutation Thr162Arg of the melanocortin 4 receptor gene in a Spanish children and adolescent population

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    Objective  The melanocortin 4 receptor gene (MC4R) is involved in body weight regulation. While many studies associated MC4R mutations with childhood obesity, information on MC4R mutations in Spanish children and adolescents is lacking. Our objective was to screen a population of children and adolescents from the north of Spain (Navarra) for MC4R mutations and to study the phenotypes of carriers and their families. In addition, functional assays were performed for a novel MC4R mutation. Methods  The study was composed of 451 Spanish children and adolescents (49% boys), aged 5–18 year. According to the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) criteria, the groups included 160 obese, 132 overweight and 159 normal-weight control subjects. Results  One novel (Thr162Arg) and three known nonsynonymous mutations in the MC4R gene (Ser30Phe, Thr150Ile, Ala244Glu) were detected heterozygously. The MC4R mutations were found in three male (one obese and two overweight) and two female subjects (one obese and one overweight). The novel mutation did not appear to lead to an impaired receptor function. An unequivocal relationship of MC4R mutations with obesity in pedigrees together with an impaired function of the encoded receptor could not be established for any of the mutations. Conclusions  The presence of heterozygous MC4R mutations in obese and overweight subjects indicates that these mutations may be a susceptibility factor for obesity development, but lifestyle factors, such as exercise or sedentary activities, may modify their effect