2,506 research outputs found

    The needs of people with dementia living at home from user, caregiver and professional perspectives: a cross-sectional survey

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    Few reports have been published about differences in perspectives on perceived needs among community-residing people with dementia, their family caregivers, and professionals. The aim of this study was to compare these perspectives

    A new species of \u3ci\u3eChrysina\u3c/i\u3e Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico, with notes on the type locality of \u3ci\u3eChrysina adelaida\u3c/i\u3e (Hope, 1841)

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    This paper presents a taxonomic review of the genus Boreocanthon Halffter, restored generic sta­tus, a group of ball-rolling (telocoprid) dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) endemic to North America. The genus, heretofore treated as a subgenus of Canthon, comprises 13 species, each keyed, diagnosed, illustrated and presented with information on distribution, relationships, and biology (*signifies restored generic combination): *Boreocanthon ateuchiceps (Bates, 1887); B. coahuilensis (Howden, 1966); *B. depressipennis (LeConte, 1859c); *B. ebenus (Say, 1823); *B. forreri (Bates, 1887); *B. integricollis (Schaef­fer, 1915); *B. lecontei (Harold, 1868); *B. melanus (Robinson, 1948); *B. praticola (LeConte, 1868); *B. probus (Germar, 1823); *B. puncticollis (LeConte, 1866); *B. simplex (LeConte, 1857); as well as Boreocanthon halff­teri Edmonds here described as a new species. Other actions taken are a) Canthon mixtus Robinson declared junior subjective new synonym of Boreocanthon puncticollis; b) Canthon bisignatus Balthasar, 1939, declared junior subjective new synonym of Boreocanthon simplex; c) Boreocanthon coahuilensis (Howden) new ge­neric combination; and d) neotype designated for the type species of the genus Boreocanthon, Ateuchus ebenus Say, 1823, here Boreocanthon ebenus (Say). La localidad tipo aproximada de Chrysina adelaida (Hope, 1841) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) se fija en las montañas del sureste de México. Chrysina occidentalis Robacker and Hawks se describe como una nueva especie de la Sierra Madre Occidental en el noroeste de México con base en comparaciones morfométricas de adultos y cápsulas genitales con las de C. adelaida del sureste de México y con las de C. adelaida (de los autores) de la vecina estados al sur de la Sierra Madre Occidental

    Formación de usuarios en el Centro Regional Universitario de Coclé : propuesta para estudiantes de primer ingreso

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    La investigación sobre el fenómeno de los usuarios de la información se dirigió a los estudiantes que asistieron a la Biblioteca Gil Blas Tejeira del Centro Regional Universitario de Coclé, con el propósito de elaborara un Programa para la Formación de Usuarios, dirigido a los estudiantes de primer ingreso. El estudio desarrolla procedimientos de la metodología participativa, que incluye a los sujetos desde el inicio. Involucra a 2,401 estudiantes; de éstos, se seleccionó, de manera aleatoria 6.25 % del universo; es decir, una muestra de 150 alumnos, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario con quince preguntas. El tratamiento de la información, las orientaciones de la literatura y los recursos de la Biblioteca Gil Blas Tejeira, arrojaron datos significativos que permitió elaborara el Programa para la Formación de Usuarios

    Antiferromagnetic Ising spin glass competing with BCS pairing interaction in a transverse field

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    The competition among spin glass (SG), antiferromagnetism (AF) and local pairing superconductivity (PAIR) is studied in a two-sublattice fermionic Ising spin glass model with a local BCS pairing interaction in the presence of an applied magnetic transverse field Γ\Gamma. In the present approach, spins in different sublattices interact with a Gaussian random coupling with an antiferromagnetic mean J0J_0 and standard deviation JJ. The problem is formulated in the path integral formalism in which spin operators are represented by bilinear combinations of Grassmann variables. The saddle-point Grand Canonical potential is obtained within the static approximation and the replica symmetric ansatz. The results are analysed in phase diagrams in which the AF and the SG phases can occur for small gg (gg is the strength of the local superconductor coupling written in units of JJ), while the PAIR phase appears as unique solution for large gg. However, there is a complex line transition separating the PAIR phase from the others. It is second order at high temperature that ends in a tricritical point. The quantum fluctuations affect deeply the transition lines and the tricritical point due to the presence of Γ\Gamma.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted Eur. Phys. J.

    Effects of Low-Energy Laser Irradiation on Sperm Cells Dynamics of Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)

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    Infertility is a world disease in which a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy. There are numerous parameters to determinate fertility; nevertheless, sperm motility is by consensus one of the most important attributes to evaluate male fertility. Contributions to a better understanding of this crucial parameter are imperative; hence, the aim of this investigation was to assess the effect of low-energy laser irradiation on sperm cell dynamics in thawed samples that were cryopreserved. We used a 405 nm blue laser beam to irradiate spermatic cells from rabbit inside a temperature-controlled dispersion chamber at 37 °C; then, we applied an image recognizing system to calculate individual sperm trajectories and velocities. We found that sperms raise its motility after irradiation suggesting that λ=405 nm is an optimal wavelength for spermatic photo-stimulation

    The Large Aperture GRB Observatory

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    The Large Aperture GRB Observatory (LAGO) is aiming at the detection of the high energy (around 100 GeV) component of Gamma Ray Bursts, using the single particle technique in arrays of Water Cherenkov Detectors (WCD) in high mountain sites (Chacaltaya, Bolivia, 5300 m a.s.l., Pico Espejo, Venezuela, 4750 m a.s.l., Sierra Negra, Mexico, 4650 m a.s.l). WCD at high altitude offer a unique possibility of detecting low gamma fluxes in the 10 GeV - 1 TeV range. The status of the Observatory and data collected from 2007 to date will be presented.Comment: 4 pages, proceeding of 31st ICRC 200

    Water Cherenkov Detectors response to a Gamma Ray Burst in the Large Aperture GRB Observatory

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    In order to characterise the behaviour of Water Cherenkov Detectors (WCD) under a sudden increase of 1 GeV - 1 TeV background photons from a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), simulations were conducted and compared to data acquired by the WCD of the Large Aperture GRB Observatory (LAGO). The LAGO operates arrays of WCD at high altitude to detect GRBs using the single particle technique. The LAGO sensitivity to GRBs is derived from the reported simulations of the gamma initiated particle showers in the atmosphere and the WCD response to secondaries.Comment: 5 pages, proceeding of the 31st ICRC 200

    Effect of preterm birth on growth and blood pressure in adulthood in the Pelotas 1993 cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth has been associated with increased risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease later in adulthood, attributed to cardiovascular and metabolic alterations in early life. However, there is paucity of evidence from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). METHODS: We investigated the differences between preterm (<37 weeks gestational age) and term-born individuals in birth length and weight as well as adult (18 and 20 years) height, weight and blood pressure in the Brazilian 1993 Pelotas birth cohort using linear regressions. Analyses were adjusted for the maternal weight at the beginning of pregnancy and maternal education and family income at childbirth. Additional models were adjusted for body mass index (BMI) and birthweight. Separate analyses were run for males and females. The complete sample was analysed with an interaction term for sex. RESULTS: Of the 3585 babies included at birth, 3010 were followed up in adulthood at 22 years. Preterm participants had lower length and weight at birth. This difference remained for male participants in adulthood, but female participants were no shorter than their term counterparts by 18 years of age. At 22 years, females born preterm had lower blood pressures (systolic blood pressure -1.00 mmHg, 95%CI -2.7, 0.7 mmHg; diastolic blood pressure -1.1 mmHg, 95%CI -2.4, 0.3 mmHg) than females born at term. These differences were not found in male participants. CONCLUSIONS: In this Brazilian cohort we found contrasting results regarding the association of preterm birth with blood pressure in young adulthood, which may be unique to an LMIC