40 research outputs found

    Keurmerken en labels voor verse Nederlandse vis : een wegwijzer voor kenniskringen in de visserij

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    Het project Kenniskringen in de Visserij is gericht op het beantwoorden van kennisvragen die door vissers samen met wetenschappers worden geformuleerd en die gerelateerd zijn aan verduurzaming van de visserij. Vanuit verschillende kenniskringen, en specifiek de kenniskring Flyshoot-visserij, kwam de vraag om meer inzicht te krijgen in de verschillende keurmerken voor verse vis. Welke keurmerken zijn er, wat betekenen deze keurmerken, hoe belangrijk zijn ze en hoe belangrijk zijn ze voor de visserspraktij

    Improving the Quality of EEG Data in Patients With Alzheimers Disease Using ICA

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    Does Independent Component Analysis (ICA) denature EEG signals? We applied ICA to two groups of subjects (mild Alzheimer patients and control subjects). The aim of this study was to examine whether or not the ICA method can reduce both group di®erences and within-subject variability. We found that ICA diminished Leave-One- Out root mean square error (RMSE) of validation (from 0.32 to 0.28), indicative of the reduction of group di®erence. More interestingly, ICA reduced the inter-subject variability within each group (¾ = 2:54 in the ± range before ICA, ¾ = 1:56 after, Bartlett p = 0.046 after Bonfer- roni correction). Additionally, we present a method to limit the impact of human error (' 13:8%, with 75.6% inter-cleaner agreement) during ICA cleaning, and reduce human bias. These ¯ndings suggests the novel usefulness of ICA in clinical EEG in Alzheimer's disease for reduction of subject variability

    Eficacia de dexketoprofeno versus tramadol como analgesia preventiva en Anestesia General Balanceada

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    El dolor postoperatorio los pacientes lo aceptaban como una experiencia desagradable e inevitable, uno de los peor tratados, el control del mismo es primordial para los pacientes sometidos a cirugías abdominales. Su principio es simple y consiste en administrar un analgésico preoperatoriamente antes de la incisión quirúrgica ya que puede prevenir o reducir la hipersensibilidad de las neuronas del asta dorsal para reducir o eliminar el dolor subsiguiente. Este mal control del dolor post operatorio está asociado a una variedad de consecuencias negativas, que incluyen alteraciones cardíacas e incremento del riesgo de isquemia o infarto al miocardio, complicaciones tromboembólicas y pulmonares, alteraciones inmunes, deprivación del sueño y trastornos psicológicos como ansiedad y depresión, incrementa el riesgo de dolor postoperatorio persistente, necesidad de rehabilitación, incrementa la estancia hospitalaria o reingreso y disminuye la calidad de vida de quien la padec

    Providing perioperative care for patients with hip fractures

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    Providing perioperative care for patients with hip fractures can present major challenges for the anaesthesiologist. These patients often have multiple comorbidities, the deterioration of any one of which may have precipitated the fall. A careful balance has to be achieved between minimising the time before operation and spending time to optimise their medical status. This review will present insights into preoperative patient assessment and optimization in this group of patients from the anaesthesiologists’ perspective. In particular, it will highlight important medical issues of concern that may alter anaesthetic risks and management. With a greater understanding of what these issues are, potentially a more prompt and integrated approach to managing these patients may be made. Hopefully, this would result in minimising last minute cancellations due to medical reasons for these patients

    Keurmerken en labels voor verse Nederlandse vis : een wegwijzer voor kenniskringen in de visserij

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    Het project Kenniskringen in de Visserij is gericht op het beantwoorden van kennisvragen die door vissers samen met wetenschappers worden geformuleerd en die gerelateerd zijn aan verduurzaming van de visserij. Vanuit verschillende kenniskringen, en specifiek de kenniskring Flyshoot-visserij, kwam de vraag om meer inzicht te krijgen in de verschillende keurmerken voor verse vis. Welke keurmerken zijn er, wat betekenen deze keurmerken, hoe belangrijk zijn ze en hoe belangrijk zijn ze voor de visserspraktij

    A method for detection of Alzheimer's disease using ICA-enhanced EEG measurements

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    OBJECTIVE: Many researchers have studied automatic EEG classification and recently a lot of work has been done on artefact-removal from EEG data using independent component analyses (ICA). However, demonstrating that a ICA-processed multichannel EEG measurement becomes more interpretable compared to the raw data (as is usually done in work on ICA-processing of EEG data) does not yet prove that detection of (incipient) anomalies is also better possible after ICA-processing. The objective of this study is to show that ICA-preprocessing is useful when constructing a detection system for Alzheimer's disease. METHODS AND MATERIAL: The paper describes a method for detection of EEG patterns indicative of Alzheimer's disease using automatic pattern recognition techniques. Our method incorporates an artefact removal stage based on ICA prior to automatic classification. The method is evaluated on measurements of a length of 8s from two groups of patients, where one group is in an initial stage of the disease (28 patients), whereas the other group is in a more progressed stage (15 patients). Both setups include a control group that should be classified as normal (10 and 21, respectively). RESULTS: Our final classification results for the group with severe Alzheimer's disease are comparable to the best results from literature. We show that ICA-based reduction of artefacts improves classification results for patients in an initial stage. CONCLUSION: We conclude that a more robust detection of Alzheimer's disease related EEG patterns may be obtained by employing ICA as ICA based pre-processing of EEG data can improve classification results for patients in an initial stage of Alzheimer's disease

    Body changes after cancer: female cancer patients’ perceived social support and their perspective on care

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate among female cancer patients their perceived social support from health care professionals (HCPs), family and friends, and public media, and their perspective on care concerning body changes. Methods: A study-specific questionnaire was completed by 235 female cancer patients. Descriptive statistics were used to describe social support and perspective on care. Logistic regression analyses were used to investigate the associations between social support and sociodemographic and clinical factors, psychosocial impact, and importance of appearance. Results: More than half of the patients received sufficient support from HCPs (54%) and family and friends (55%), and a third from the media (32%). Higher educated patients and those who found appearance not important during illness perceived lower support from HCPs. Patients without a partner, and those with a surgical treatment only, perceived lower support from family and friends. Patients who were older, higher educated, without a partner, and those who found appearance not important during illness perceived lower support from the media. In total, 15–50% of the patients received sufficient care for different domains of body changes. Patients expressed the highest need for psychological support (28%) and nutrition (28%). Conclusions: Half of the female cancer patients reported to receive sufficient social support concerning body changes after cancer. Perceived support depended on age, education, relationship status, and treatment modality. The need for more care was moderate