7 research outputs found

    Illness Perception Mediates the Relationship Between the Severity of Symptoms and Perceived Health Status in Patients With Behçet Disease

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between psychological representations of illness, perceived health status, and self-assessment of symptom severity in patients with Behçet disease, a rare long-term incurable condition with unclear etiology. Methods: Using cross-sectional survey design, data on self-administered questionnaires on illness perception, health status, symptoms severity, and demographic characteristics were collected from 273 patients with Behçet disease (age range, 18–65 years). The data were subjected to mediation analysis to test whether cognitive and emotional components of illness perception mediate the relationship between the severity of symptoms and heath status. Results: The results support our hypotheses that cognitive components of illness perception (perceived consequences and identity of the illness) mediate the link between symptom activity and pain, whereas emotional components of the illness (emotional representations about the illness) mediate the relationship between disease activity and perceived energy level. Conclusions: The robustness of these mediation effects suggests potential directions for clinical psychologists and health care practitioners in developing support programs. We supplement our study with Open Access database containing information about type ofmedication, comorbidmood disorder, and detailed measurement of the severity of BD symptoms for sharing and accumulating multidisciplinary knowledge aiming to support the development of interventions. Addressing psychological aspects of BD will help to manage complex patients effectively

    Fluid Intelligence and Psychosocial Outcome: From Logical Problem Solving to Social Adaptation

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    While fluid intelligence has proved to be central to executive functioning, logical reasoning and other frontal functions, the role of this ability in psychosocial adaptation has not been well characterized.Lower fluid intelligence scores were associated with physical violence, both in the role of victim and victimizer. Drug intake, especially cannabis, cocaine and inhalants and lower self-esteem were also associated with lower fluid intelligence. Finally, scores on the perceived mental health assessment were better when fluid intelligence scores were higher.Our results show evidence of a strong association between psychosocial adaptation and fluid intelligence, suggesting that the latter is not only central to executive functioning but also forms part of a more general capacity for adaptation to social contexts

    Seasonally and spatially referenced estimates of recreational shore-angling effort, catch composition, catch rates and total catch in the Goukamma Marine Protected Area, South Africa

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    A roving creel survey of the recreational shore fishery along the 16.4-km coastline in the Goukamma Marine Protected Area on the south coast of South Africa was conducted from 2009 to 2011. Some 838 patrols were stratified equally among months, areas and years, but intentionally biased towards weekends. Angler densities at Buffalo Bay and Groenvlei were 0.59 and 0.28 anglers km−1, respectively. Weekend densities were double to quadruple weekday densities and fishing during winter was more popular than during summer. Area, habitat and distance to access points explained variation in angler densities. Shannon–Wiener diversity in catches declined from 2.18 in an earlier (1993–2002) survey to 1.79. Although the order of species abundance in the catches remained largely unchanged, blacktail Diplodus capensis dominance increased to 57.3% by number, at the expense of galjoen Dichistius capensis. Habitat explained 27% of the variance in catch composition. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) for the top nine species ranged from 0.19 to 6.35 fish 100-h−1. The CPUE of all species, except spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii, declined. Blacktail and galjoen CPUE declined by 17% and 77%, respectively. The total catch estimate was 2 986 fish y−1. Transgressions of size limits were common. The results suggest that the fishery is overexploited and that catch rates are declining.Keywords: fishery monitoring, roving creel census, surf-zone fis