7,323 research outputs found

    Hybrid Amperometric and Potentiometric Sensing Based on a CMOS ISFET Array

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    Potentiometry and amperometry are some of the most important techniques for electroanalytical applications. Integrating these two techniques on a single chip using CMOS technology paves the way for more analysis and measurement of chemical solutions. In this paper, we describe the integration of electrode transducers (amperometry) on an ion imager based on an ISFET array (potentiometry). In particular, this integration enables the spatial representation of the potential distribution of active electrodes in a chemical solution under investigation

    A Unified Picture of the FIP and Inverse FIP Effects

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    We discuss models for coronal abundance anomalies observed in the coronae of the sun and other late-type stars following a scenario first introduced by Schwadron, Fisk & Zurbuchen of the interaction of waves at loop footpoints with the partially neutral gas. Instead of considering wave heating of ions in this location, we explore the effects on the upper chromospheric plasma of the wave ponderomotive forces. These can arise as upward propagating waves from the chromosphere transmit or reflect upon reaching the chromosphere-corona boundary, and are in large part determined by the properties of the coronal loop above. Our scenario has the advantage that for realistic wave energy densities, both positive and negative changes in the abundance of ionized species compared to neutrals can result, allowing both FIP and Inverse FIP effects to come out of the model. We discuss how variations in model parameters can account for essentially all of the abundance anomalies observed in solar spectra. Expected variations with stellar spectral type are also qualitatively consistent with observations of the FIP effect in stellar coronae.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Status of the PICASSO Project

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    The Picasso project is a dark matter search experiment based on the superheated droplet technique. Preliminary runs performed at the Picasso Lab in Montreal have showed the suitability of this detection technique to the search for weakly interacting cold dark matter particles. In July 2002, a new phase of the project started. A batch of six 1-liter detectors with an active mass of approximately 40g was installed in a gallery of the SNO observatory in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada at a depth of 6,800 feet (2,070m). We give a status report on the new experimental setup, data analysis, and preliminary limits on spin-dependent neutralino interaction cross section.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the TAUP 2003 conference, 5-9 September, 2003, University of Washington, Seattle, US

    The EGNoG Survey: Molecular Gas in Intermediate-Redshift Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We present the Evolution of molecular Gas in Normal Galaxies (EGNoG) survey, an observational study of molecular gas in 31 star-forming galaxies from z=0.05 to z=0.5, with stellar masses of (4-30)x10^10 M_Sun and star formation rates of 4-100 M_Sun yr^-1. This survey probes a relatively un-observed redshift range in which the molecular gas content of galaxies is expected to have evolved significantly. To trace the molecular gas in the EGNoG galaxies, we observe the CO(1-0) and CO(3-2) rotational lines using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA). We detect 24 of 31 galaxies and present resolved maps of 10 galaxies in the lower redshift portion of the survey. We use a bimodal prescription for the CO to molecular gas conversion factor, based on specific star formation rate, and compare the EGNoG galaxies to a large sample of galaxies assembled from the literature. We find an average molecular gas depletion time of 0.76 \pm 0.54 Gyr for normal galaxies and 0.06 \pm 0.04 Gyr for starburst galaxies. We calculate an average molecular gas fraction of 7-20% at the intermediate redshifts probed by the EGNoG survey. By expressing the molecular gas fraction in terms of the specific star formation rate and molecular gas depletion time (using typical values), we also calculate the expected evolution of the molecular gas fraction with redshift. The predicted behavior agrees well with the significant evolution observed from z~2.5 to today.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; 29 pages, 20 figures, 6 table

    BioMAJ: a flexible framework for databanks synchronization and processing

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    Large- and medium-scale computational molecular biology projects require accurate bioinformatics software and numerous heterogeneous biological databanks, which are distributed around the world. BioMAJ provides a flexible, robust, fully automated environment for managing such massive amounts of data. The JAVA application enables automation of the data update cycle process and supervision of the locally mirrored data repository. We have developed workflows that handle some of the most commonly used bioinformatics databases. A set of scripts is also available for post-synchronization data treatment consisting of indexation or format conversion (for NCBI blast, SRS, EMBOSS, GCG, etc.). BioMAJ can be easily extended by personal homemade processing scripts. Source history can be kept via html reports containing statements of locally managed databanks

    The Fine-Scale Structure of the neutral Interstellar Medium in nearby Galaxies

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    We present an analysis of the properties of HI holes detected in 20 galaxies that are part of "The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey" (THINGS). We detected more than 1000 holes in total in the sampled galaxies. Where they can be measured, their sizes range from about 100 pc (our resolution limit) to about 2 kpc, their expansion velocities range from 4 to 36 km/s, and their ages are estimated to range between 3 and 150 Myr. The holes are found throughout the disks of the galaxies, out to the edge of the HI; 23% of the holes fall outside R25. We find that shear limits the age of holes in spirals (shear is less important in dwarf galaxies) which explains why HI holes in dwarfs are rounder, on average than in spirals. Shear, which is particularly strong in the inner part of spiral galaxies, also explains why we find that holes outside R25 are larger and older. We derive the scale height of the HI disk as a function of galactocentric radius and find that the disk flares up in all galaxies. We proceed to derive the surface and volume porosity (Q2D and Q3D) and find that this correlates with the type of the host galaxy: later Hubble types tend to be more porous. The size distribution of the holes in our sample follows a power law with a slope of a ~ -2.9. Assuming that the holes are the result of massive star formation, we derive values for the supernova rate (SNR) and star formation rate (SFR) which scales with the SFR derived based on other tracers. If we extrapolate the observed number of holes to include those that fall below our resolution limit, down to holes created by a single supernova, we find that our results are compatible with the hypothesis that HI holes result from star formation.Comment: 142 pages, 55 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The Hydromagnetic Interior of a Solar Quiescent Prominence. I. Coupling between Force-balance and Steady Energy-transport

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    This series of papers investigates the dynamic interior of a quiescent prominence revealed by recent {\it Hinode} and {\it SDO/AIA} high-resolution observations. This first paper is a study of the static equilibrium of the Kippenhahn-Schl\"{u}ter diffuse plasma slab, suspended vertically in a bowed magnetic field, under the frozen-in condition and subject to a theoretical thermal balance among an optically-thin radiation, heating, and field-aligned thermal conduction. The everywhere-analytical solutions to this nonlinear problem are an extremely restricted subset of the physically admissible states of the system. For most values of the total mass frozen into a given bowed field, force-balance and steady energy-transport cannot both be met without a finite fraction of the total mass having collapsed into a cold sheet of zero thickness, within which the frozen-in condition must break down. An exact, resistive hydromagnetic extension of the Kippenhahn-Schl\"{u}ter slab is also presented, resolving the mass-sheet singularity into a finite-thickness layer of steadily-falling dense fluid. Our hydromagnetic result suggests that the narrow, vertical prominence HαH_{\alpha} threads may be falling across magnetic fields, with optically-thick cores much denser and ionized to much lower degrees than conventionally considered. This implication is discussed in relation to (i) the recent {\it SDO/AIA} observations of quiescent prominences that are massive and yet draining mass everywhere in their interiors, (ii) the canonical range of 5−60G5-60 G determined from spectral-polarimetric observations of prominence magnetic fields over the years and (iii) the need for a more realistic multi-fluid treatment.Comment: 45 pages, 14 figure
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