2,823 research outputs found

    Diphoton decay for a 750 GeV scalar boson in a SU(6)U(1)XSU(6)\otimes U(1)_{X} model

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    We propose a new SU(6)U(1)XSU(6)\otimes U(1)_{X} GUT model free from anomalies, with a 750 GeV scalar candidate which can decay into two photons, compatible with the recent diphoton signal reported by ATLAS and CMS collaborations. This model gives masses to all fermions and may explain the 750GeV signal through one loop decays to γγ\gamma\gamma with charged vector and charged Higgs bosons, as well as up- and electron-like exotic particles that arise naturally from the condition of cancellation of anomalies of the SU(6)U(1)XSU(6)\otimes U(1)_{X} group. We obtain, for different width approximations, allowed mass regions from 900 GeV to 3 TeV for the exotic up-like quark, in agreement with ATLAS and CMS collaborations data.Comment: 4 figures, discussion extended, 1 new figur

    Associations between physical fitness and adiposity among school-age children from Monteria, Colombia

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    Los niveles bajos de condición física se han asociado con adiposidad elevada. Ambas condiciones pueden predecir alteraciones cardiovasculares y metabólicas. El objetivo fue analizar la relación entre la condición física y los indicadores antropométricos de adiposidad. Estudio transversal, en 534 escolares de 6 a 12 años de edad del municipio de Montería. Se midió la condición cardiorrespiratoria (CCR), flexibilidad, fuerza explosiva de miembros inferiores (FEMI), fuerza resistencia abdominal (FRA), Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), masa adiposa (PMA), y perímetro abdominal (PA). Las asociaciones entre adiposidad y la condición física se analizaron con modelos de regresión logística. Se encontró que el sobrepeso está asociado a baja CCR (ORa = 2,7, p<0,0001); el PA elevado está asociado a baja FRA (ORa = 2,2, p<0,02), y a baja CCR (ORa = 3,3, p<0,001); el PMA elevado está asociado a baja CCR (ORa = 2,7, p<0,0001). Conclusión, la condición física está asociada a la adiposidadLow physical fitness levels have been associated with elevated adiposity. Both conditions may predict cardiovascular and metabolic alterations. The objective was to analyze the associations between health-related physical fitness and adipose. A cross-sectional study in 534 school-age children aged 6-12 in Monteria, Colombia. Measurements included cardiorespiratory fitness (CCR), flexibility, explosive strength of lower limbs (FEMI), abdominal strength endurance (ASE), body mass index (BMI), percentage of adipose mass (PAM), and waist circumference (WC). The associations between adiposity and physical fitness were calculated by logistic regression models. Results indicate that overweight is associated with low CCR (aOR = 2.7, p<0.0001). Elevated PA was associated with low ASE (aOR = 2.2, p<0.02), and with low CCR (aOR = 3.3, p<0.001). Elevated PMA was associated with low CCR (aOR=2.7, p<0.0001). In conclusion, physical fitness is associated with adiposity

    Methodology for Designing Decision Support Systems for Visualising and Mitigating Supply Chain Cyber Risk from IoT Technologies

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    This paper proposes a methodology for designing decision support systems for visualising and mitigating the Internet of Things cyber risks. Digital technologies present new cyber risk in the supply chain which are often not visible to companies participating in the supply chains. This study investigates how the Internet of Things cyber risks can be visualised and mitigated in the process of designing business and supply chain strategies. The emerging DSS methodology present new findings on how digital technologies affect business and supply chain systems. Through epistemological analysis, the article derives with a decision support system for visualising supply chain cyber risk from Internet of Things digital technologies. Such methods do not exist at present and this represents the first attempt to devise a decision support system that would enable practitioners to develop a step by step process for visualising, assessing and mitigating the emerging cyber risk from IoT technologies on shared infrastructure in legacy supply chain systems

    Competencia entre grupos, cooperación intragrupal y desempeño relativo

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    We report the results of a new public goods experiment with an intra-group cooperation dilemma and inter-group competition. In our design subjects receive information about their relative individual and group performance after each round with non-incentivized and then incentivized group competition. We found that, on average, individuals with low relative performance reduce their contributions to the public good, but groups with low performance increase theirs. With incentivized competition, where the relative ranking of the group increases individual payoffs, the reaction to relative performance is larger with individuals contributing more to the group; further, we observe that the variance of strategies decreases as individual and group rankings increase. These results offer new insights on how social comparison shapes similar reactions in games with different incentives for group performance and how competition and cooperation can influence each othe

    Urban Public Works in Spatial Equilibrium: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia

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    This paper evaluates a large urban public works program randomly rolled out across neighborhoods of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We find the program increased public employment and reduced private labor supply among beneficiaries and improved local amenities in treated locations. We then combine a spatial equilibrium model and unique commuting data to estimate the spillover effects of the program on private sector wages across neighborhoods: under full program rollout, wages increased by 18.6 percent. Using our model, we show that welfare gains to the poor are six times larger when we include the indirect effects on private wages and local amenities


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    This article presents a phenomenological combustion model using turbulent flame propagation theory developed by Keck and coworkers, 1974. The model was adapted to work with gasoline-ethanol blends, following correlations presented by Bayraktar,2005. New sub-models were introduced for intake valve velocity and combustion efficiency. These allow simulating the effect of compression ratio, spark timing and fuel change. Results show good agreement with the ones in the original work as well as with experimental results in a Cooperative Fuels Research (CFR) engine

    Diez años de la Especialización en Radiología e Imágenes Diagnósticas

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    ResumenHace diez a&ntilde;os, en 1996, paralelo a la creaci&oacute;n de la Facultad de Medicina de la UNAB se dio origen a la Especializaci&oacute;n en Radiolog&iacute;a e Im&aacute;genes Diagn&oacute;sticascuando el Icfes otorgara su registro de funcionamiento como el primer posgrado cl&iacute;nico adscrito a la misma. El proyecto encontr&oacute; suficientes justificaciones avaladasen la necesidad de formar m&eacute;dicos radi&oacute;logos que suplieran el bajo n&uacute;mero de especialistas que en 1.994 registraba 11,5/1.000 habitantes concentrados en su gran mayor&iacute;aen las ciudades; la solidez de la alianza Foscal-UNAB, que en ese entonces concentraba sus esfuerzos en la puesta en marcha de la decisi&oacute;n estrat&eacute;gica de adentrarse enel campo de la educaci&oacute;n en salud, fueron razones que unidas a la oferta limitada de especializaciones que en esta rama del saber ofrec&iacute;a el sistema de educaci&oacute;n superiorcolombiano, daban indicios de la necesidad de su apertura