341 research outputs found

    Ruminal Proteolysis in Forages with Distinct Endopeptidases Activities

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    Improving livestock efficiency in utilisation of nitrogen resources continues to be a major environmental and economic objective. Zhu et al. (1999) have shown that plant endopeptidases are activated as a response to cutting stress. Previous work in our laboratory explored over 300 entries of forage genotypes and found a broad diversity in enzymatic activity by means of hydrolysis in gelatine and direct autolysis assays in forage tissues. The objective of this work was to assess if the species previously identified as having high or low endopeptidase activity, would behave consistently when exposed to ruminal microbial proteolysis

    ¿Qué está haciendo el científico? : análisis de la actividad científica descrita por alumnos secundarios chilenos de 11° y 12° grado de distintos tipos de establecimientos educacionales

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    Con el objetivo de conocer la representación de estudiantes secundarios chilenos de distintos tipos de establecimientos acerca de los científicos y la actividad que estos realizan, se aplicó a una muestra de 438 estudiantes de 11° y 12° grado el Draw-a-Scientist-Test, en la versión de Türkmen (2008). En ella, los alumnos son invitados a describir de manera escrita la actividad que realiza el científico que dibujaron. Dichas narraciones fueron analizadas en función de los procesos científicos relatados, propósitos y consecuencia de la actividad descrita. Los procesos científicos más frecuentemente mencionados fueron “experimentar” y “observar”. “Formular modelos”, proceso fundamental en la actividad científica, prácticamente no fue mencionado. En relación a propósitos y consecuencias la mayoría de los alumnos tiene una imagen positiva de la actividad científica

    Rhomboid domain containing 2 (RHBDD2): A novel cancer-related gene over-expressed in breast cancer

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    In the course of breast cancer global gene expression studies, we identified an uncharacterized gene known as RHBDD2 (Rhomboid domain containing 2) to be markedly over-expressed in primary tumors from patients with recurrent disease. In this study, we identified RHBDD2 mRNA and protein expression significantly elevated in breast carcinomas compared with normal breast samples as analyzed by SAGE (n=46) and immunohistochemistry (n=213). Interestingly, specimens displaying RHBDD2 over-expression were predominantly advanced stage III breast carcinomas (p=0.001). Western-blot, RT-PCR and cDNA sequencing analyses allowed us to identify two RHBDD2 alternatively spliced mRNA isoforms expressed in breast cancer cell lines. We further investigated the occurrence and frequency of gene amplification and over-expression affecting RHBDD2 in 131 breast samples. RHBDD2 gene amplification was detected in 21% of 98 invasive breast carcinomas analyzed. However, no RHBDD2 amplification was detected in normal breast tissues (n=17) or breast benign lesions (n=16) (p=0.014). Interestingly, siRNA mediated silencing of RHBDD2 expression results in a decrease of MCF7 breast cancer cells proliferation compared with the corresponding controls (p=0.001). In addition, analysis of publicly available gene expression data showed a strong association between high RHBDD2 expression and decreased overall survival (p=0.0023), relapsefree survival (p= 0.0013), and metastasis-free interval (p=0.006) in patients with primary ERnegative breast carcinomas. In conclusion, our findings suggest that RHBDD2 over-expression behaves as an indicator of poor prognosis and may play a role facilitating breast cancer progression

    Rhomboid domain containing 2 (RHBDD2): A novel cancer-related gene over-expressed in breast cancer

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    In the course of breast cancer global gene expression studies, we identified an uncharacterized gene known as RHBDD2 (Rhomboid domain containing 2) to be markedly over-expressed in primary tumors from patients with recurrent disease. In this study, we identified RHBDD2 mRNA and protein expression significantly elevated in breast carcinomas compared with normal breast samples as analyzed by SAGE (n = 46) and immunohistochemistry (n = 213). Interestingly, specimens displaying RHBDD2 over-expression were predominantly advanced stage III breast carcinomas (p = 0.001). Western-blot, RT-PCR and cDNA sequencing analyses allowed us to identify two RHBDD2 alternatively spliced mRNA isoforms expressed in breast cancer cell lines. We further investigated the occurrence and frequency of gene amplification and over-expression affecting RHBDD2 in 131 breast samples. RHBDD2 gene amplification was detected in 21% of 98 invasive breast carcinomas analyzed. However, no RHBDD2 amplification was detected in normal breast tissues (n = 17) or breast benign lesions (n = 16) (p = 0.014). Interestingly, siRNA-mediated silencing of RHBDD2 expression results in a decrease of MCF7 breast cancer cells proliferation compared with the corresponding controls (p = 0.001). In addition, analysis of publicly available gene expression data showed a strong association between high RHBDD2 expression and decreased overall survival (p = 0.0023), relapse-free survival (p = 0.0013), and metastasis-free interval (p = 0.006) in patients with primary ER-negative breast carcinomas. In conclusion, our findings suggest that RHBDD2 over-expression behaves as an indicator of poor prognosis and may play a role facilitating breast cancer progression.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Evaluación del estado nutricional y presencia de enfermedades parasitarias en escolares rurales de Berisso

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    Las alteraciones de la nutrición y las enfermedades parasitarias muestran interacciones complejas que se retroalimentan generando un detrimento de la salud, afectando principalmente a niños de países en desarrollo.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Anemia en escolares de una comunidad suburbana de La Plata

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    Las alteraciones nutricionales reconocen causas que abarcan desde factores ambientales y productivos hasta la influencia de la enfermedad e inadecuaciones en la ingesta, que conducen a la malnutrición y sus consecuencias. La Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría define anemia como la “disminución de la masa de glóbulos rojos o de la concentración de hemoglobina por debajo del segundo desvío Standard respecto de la media para edad y sexo. La anemia por deficiencia de hierro es la deficiencia nutricional más común en el mundo. A pesar de tratarse de un problema común durante la niñez, e incluso la adolescencia; las principales investigaciones en nuestro país se han realizado en niños menores de 2 años de edad y en embarazadas.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Rhomboid domain containing 2 (RHBDD2): A novel cancer-related gene over-expressed in breast cancer

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    In the course of breast cancer global gene expression studies, we identified an uncharacterized gene known as RHBDD2 (Rhomboid domain containing 2) to be markedly over-expressed in primary tumors from patients with recurrent disease. In this study, we identified RHBDD2 mRNA and protein expression significantly elevated in breast carcinomas compared with normal breast samples as analyzed by SAGE (n = 46) and immunohistochemistry (n = 213). Interestingly, specimens displaying RHBDD2 over-expression were predominantly advanced stage III breast carcinomas (p = 0.001). Western-blot, RT-PCR and cDNA sequencing analyses allowed us to identify two RHBDD2 alternatively spliced mRNA isoforms expressed in breast cancer cell lines. We further investigated the occurrence and frequency of gene amplification and over-expression affecting RHBDD2 in 131 breast samples. RHBDD2 gene amplification was detected in 21% of 98 invasive breast carcinomas analyzed. However, no RHBDD2 amplification was detected in normal breast tissues (n = 17) or breast benign lesions (n = 16) (p = 0.014). Interestingly, siRNA-mediated silencing of RHBDD2 expression results in a decrease of MCF7 breast cancer cells proliferation compared with the corresponding controls (p = 0.001). In addition, analysis of publicly available gene expression data showed a strong association between high RHBDD2 expression and decreased overall survival (p = 0.0023), relapse-free survival (p = 0.0013), and metastasis-free interval (p = 0.006) in patients with primary ER-negative breast carcinomas. In conclusion, our findings suggest that RHBDD2 over-expression behaves as an indicator of poor prognosis and may play a role facilitating breast cancer progression.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Strategic and operational decision-making in expanding supply chains for LNG as a fuel

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    The European Union aims for a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, and recognizes the opportunities of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as an alternative fuel for transportation to reach this goal. The lack of a mature supply chain for LNG as a fuel results in a need to invest in new (satellite) terminals, bunker barges and tanker trucks. This network design problem can be defined as a Two-Echelon Capacitated Location Routing Problem with Split Deliveries (2E-CLRPSP). An important feature of this problem is that direct deliveries are allowed from terminals, which makes the problem much harder to solve than the existing location routing literature suggests. In this paper, we improve the performance of a hybrid exact algorithm and apply our algorithm to a real world network design problem related to the expansion of the European supply chain for LNG as a fuel. We show that satellite terminals and bunker barges become an interesting option when demand for LNG grows and occurs further away from the import terminal. In those situations, the large investments associated with LNG satellites and bunker barges are offset by reductions in operational costs of the LNG tanker trucks

    Financial Development, Financial Constraints, and the Volatility of Industrial Output

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    More financially developed countries show lower volatility of industrial output. Volatility is particularly reduced in industries that are more financially dependent. Most of the reduction is in idiosyncratic volatility. Systematic volatility is reduced less strongly, implying that industries are more closely correlated with GDP in more financially developed countries. At the firm level, short-term debt is negatively correlated with output as financial development increases, suggesting that debt is used in a countercyclical way to stabilize production. The results indicate that financial development relaxes financial constraints mainly to smooth negative cashflow shocks

    Thinking political sociology: beyond the limits of post-Marxism

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    This article is concerned with post-Marxism and materialism in the work of Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. As ‘post-Marxists’ these writers use ‘material’ in a variety of ways, all of which indicate limits and constraints. The article focuses on one version of ‘materialism’ in this work, a version that is more implied than elaborated, in which ‘material’ is equivalent to institutionalized performativity or sedimented discourse: to ‘objective’ social structures and institutions. Post-Marxists often use ‘the social’ as equivalent to ‘material’ in this sense, to gesture towards the context in which politics succeeds or fails. I argue that the specificities of ‘the social’ cannot be theorized from within the terms of post-Marxism itself and that Butler and Laclau acknowledge this limitation in their most recent work. I therefore conclude that post-Marxism needs a supplement that I call political sociology. This is a dangerous supplement in the Derridean sense: a necessary addition that destabilizes the value post-Marxism gives to the distinction between ‘social’ and ‘political’ in which the latter is the privileged term