441 research outputs found

    Milk Yield During the First Four Months of Lactation and Cow Productivity of Brahman and Tuli Beef Cattle in South-East Botswana

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    The climate of Botswana because of its semi-aridity, is mostly suitable for livestock farming, especially beef cattle production under extensive grazing conditions. The major indigenous cattle breed is the Tswana, while the Tuli (TT) and Brahman (BB) are popular and increasing in numbers to the cattle population of 2.5 million. In the present study, the TT (n=15) and BB (n=24) breeds were compared for cow productivity and milk production using the weigh-suckle-weigh technique. The TT cows produced more milk than BB cows (12.4 vs 9.2 kg/d) during the first four months of lactation. However, BB cows produced heavier (P0.001) calves at weaning than TT cows (164.8 vs 150.4 kg). Similarly, BB cows produced faster (P0.001) growing calves than TT cows (.69 vs .64 kg/d). Across breeds, calves born earlier in the season had a higher (P0.01) average daily gain (ADG) than those born later in the season (.69 vs .64 kg/d). It is an advantage to producers to have the majority of calves born early in the calving season (September/October) so that calves are bigger and heavier at weaning than those calves born late in the season (November/December)

    Shuffled Multi-Channel Sparse Signal Recovery

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    Mismatches between samples and their respective channel or target commonly arise in several real-world applications. For instance, whole-brain calcium imaging of freely moving organisms, multiple-target tracking or multi-person contactless vital sign monitoring may be severely affected by mismatched sample-channel assignments. To systematically address this fundamental problem, we pose it as a signal reconstruction problem where we have lost correspondences between the samples and their respective channels. Assuming that we have a sensing matrix for the underlying signals, we show that the problem is equivalent to a structured unlabeled sensing problem, and establish sufficient conditions for unique recovery. To the best of our knowledge, a sampling result for the reconstruction of shuffled multi-channel signals has not been considered in the literature and existing methods for unlabeled sensing cannot be directly applied. We extend our results to the case where the signals admit a sparse representation in an overcomplete dictionary (i.e., the sensing matrix is not precisely known), and derive sufficient conditions for the reconstruction of shuffled sparse signals. We propose a robust reconstruction method that combines sparse signal recovery with robust linear regression for the two-channel case. The performance and robustness of the proposed approach is illustrated in an application related to whole-brain calcium imaging. The proposed methodology can be generalized to sparse signal representations other than the ones considered in this work to be applied in a variety of real-world problems with imprecise measurement or channel assignment.Comment: Submitted to TS

    Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum

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    SummaryIntroductionPleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumour of the salivary glands. The major salivary glands are most commonly involved, or more rarely accessory salivary glands, especially the oral cavity. Other locations, such as the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses or upper aerodigestive tract, are exceptional.Case reportA 26-year-old female presented with right-sided nasal obstruction. Radiology found a lesion involving the anterior third of the nasal septum. The patient underwent complete surgical resection of the tumour via an endonasal approach. Histological examination found a mixed cellular component (epithelial and myoepithelial) and mesenchymatous tissue with chondromyxoid stroma, enabling diagnosis of a typical pleomorphic adenoma.Discussion/ConclusionPleomorphic adenoma is exceptional in the nasal cavity, with only a few cases reported in the literature. Although benign, the risk of local recurrence, malignant transformation and metastasis requires close long-term follow-up

    Decision analytic model for evaluation of suspected coronary disease with stress testing and coronary CT angiography.

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    RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to apply a decision analytic model for the evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD) to define the optimal utilization of coronary computed tomographic angiography (cCTA) and stress testing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The model tested in this study assumes that CAD is evaluated with a stress test and/or cCTA and that a patient with positive evaluation results undergoes cardiac catheterization. On the basis of values of sensitivity, specificity, and radiation dose from the published literature and test costs from the Medicare fee schedule, a decision tree model was constructed as a function of disease prevalence. RESULTS: The false-negative rate is lowest when cCTA is used as an isolated test. The false-positive rate is minimized when cCTA is used in combination with stress echocardiography. Effective radiation is minimized by use of stress electrocardiography or stress echocardiography alone or prior to cCTA. When the pretest probability of CAD is low, a strategy that uses stress echocardiography followed by cCTA minimizes the false-positive rate and effective radiation exposure, with relatively low imaging costs and with a false-negative rate only slightly higher than a strategy including stress myocardial scintigraphy. As the pretest probability of CAD increases above 20%, the false-negative rate of stress echocardiography followed by cCTA increases by \u3e5% relative to cCTA alone. CONCLUSION: Effective radiation dose and imaging costs for the workup of CAD may be minimized by an appropriate combination of stress testing and cCTA. A strategy that uses stress echocardiography followed by cCTA is most appropriate for the evaluation of low-risk patients with CAD with a pretest probability \u3c 20%, while cCTA alone may be more appropriate in intermediate-risk patients


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    Since the 1990s, Albania has aimed to introduce democratic values into its legislation. This process can come to fruition only by the recognition and protection of private property. As a result, a new Civil Code was enacted at the beginning of the 1990s through intensive collaboration between Albanian and foreign scholars. Book II of the Albanian Civil Code of 1994 highlights the importance of private property. This book fills the gap in the national and international scientific literature since there is no scientific contribution written in English that examines the development of the Albanian law of property showing the similarities and differences between the Albanian and the Italian civil codes. Another novelty rests on its identification of the rules of the Albanian Civil Codes of 1929 and of 1982 that regulate the various legal institutional parts of the property law. Furthermore, this research summarizes the EU impact on Albanian property law by examining the differences between the legal institutions established at the supranational level such as Dir. 2014/60/EU, Dir. 2008/122/EC, Dir. 1346/2000/EC, and Reg. 2015/848 with the current Albanian system. In the conclusions, this research demonstrates that the Albanian law of property of 1994 is similar, sometimes identical, to the rules established in the Italian Civil Code of 1942

    Comparison of electrohysterogram signal measured by surface electrodes with different designs: A computational study with dipole band and abdomen models

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    Non-invasive measurement of uterine activity using electrohysterogram (EHG) surface electrodes has been attempted to monitor uterine contraction. This study aimed to computationally compare the performance of acquiring EHG signals using monopolar electrode and three types of Laplacian concentric ring electrodes (bipolar, quasi-bipolar and tri-polar). With the implementation of dipole band model and abdomen model, the performances of four electrodes in terms of the local sensitivity were quantifed by potential attenuation. Furthermore, the efects of fat and muscle thickness on potential attenuation were evaluated using the bipolar and tri-polar electrodes with diferent radius. The results showed that all the four types of electrodes detected the simulated EHG signals with consistency. That the bipolar and tri-polar electrodes had greater attenuations than the others, and the shorter distance between the origin and location of dipole band at 20dB attenuation, indicating that they had relatively better local sensitivity. In addition, ANOVA analysis showed that, for all the electrodes with diferent outer ring radius, the efects of fat and muscle on potential attenuation were signifcant (all p<0.01). It is therefore concluded that the bipolar and tri-polar electrodes had higher local sensitivity than the others, indicating that they can be applied to detect EHG efectively

    Validation of the SCID-hu Thy/Liv mouse model with four classes of licensed antiretrovirals.

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    BackgroundThe SCID-hu Thy/Liv mouse model of HIV-1 infection is a useful platform for the preclinical evaluation of antiviral efficacy in vivo. We performed this study to validate the model with representatives of all four classes of licensed antiretrovirals.Methodology/principal findingsEndpoint analyses for quantification of Thy/Liv implant viral load included ELISA for cell-associated p24, branched DNA assay for HIV-1 RNA, and detection of infected thymocytes by intracellular staining for Gag-p24. Antiviral protection from HIV-1-mediated thymocyte depletion was assessed by multicolor flow cytometric analysis of thymocyte subpopulations based on surface expression of CD3, CD4, and CD8. These mice can be productively infected with molecular clones of HIV-1 (e.g., the X4 clone NL4-3) as well as with primary R5 and R5X4 isolates. To determine whether results in this model are concordant with those found in humans, we performed direct comparisons of two drugs in the same class, each of which has known potency and dosing levels in humans. Here we show that second-generation antiretrovirals were, as expected, more potent than their first-generation predecessors: emtricitabine was more potent than lamivudine, efavirenz was more potent than nevirapine, and atazanavir was more potent than indinavir. After interspecies pharmacodynamic scaling, the dose ranges found to inhibit viral replication in the SCID-hu Thy/Liv mouse were similar to those used in humans. Moreover, HIV-1 replication in these mice was genetically stable; treatment of the mice with lamivudine did not result in the M184V substitution in reverse transcriptase, and the multidrug-resistant NY index case HIV-1 retained its drug-resistance substitutions.ConclusionGiven the fidelity of such comparisons, we conclude that this highly reproducible mouse model is likely to predict clinical antiviral efficacy in humans

    Feasibility and analysis of bipolar concentric recording of Electrohysterogram with flexible active electrode

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    The conduction velocity and propagation patterns of Electrohysterogram (EHG) provide fundamental information about uterine electrophysiological condition. The accuracy of these measurements can be impaired by both the poor spatial selectivity and sensitivity to the relative direction of the contraction propagation associated with conventional disc electrodes. Concentric ring electrodes could overcome these limitations the aim of this study was to examine the feasibility of picking up surface EHG signals using a new flexible tripolar concentric ring electrode (TCRE), and to compare it with conventional bipolar recordings. Simultaneous recording of conventional bipolar signals and bipolar concentric EHG (BC-EHG) were carried out on 22 pregnant women. Signal bursts were characterized and compared. No significant differences among channels in either duration or dominant frequency in the Fast Wave High frequency range were found. Nonetheless, the high pass filtering effect of the BC-EHG records resulted in lower frequency content within the range 0.1 to 0.2 Hz than the bipolar ones. Although the BC-EHG signal amplitude was about 5-7 times smaller than that of bipolar recordings, similar signal-to-noise ratio was obtained. These results suggest that the flexible TCRE is able to pick up uterine electrical activity and could provide additional information for deducing uterine electrophysiological condition.The authors are grateful to the Obstetrics Unit of the Hospital Universitario La Fe de Valencia (Valencia, Spain), where the recording sessions were carried out. The work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Espana (TEC2010-16945), by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID SP20120490) and Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2014/029) and by General Electric Healthcare.Ye Lin, Y.; Alberola Rubio, J.; Prats Boluda, G.; Perales Marin, AJ.; Desantes, D.; Garcia Casado, FJ. (2015). Feasibility and analysis of bipolar concentric recording of Electrohysterogram with flexible active electrode. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 43(4):968-976. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-014-1130-5S968976434Alberola-Rubio, J., G. Prats-Boluda, Y. Ye-Lin, J. Valero, A. Perales, and J. Garcia-Casado. Comparison of non-invasive electrohysterographic recording techniques for monitoring uterine dynamics. Med. Eng. Phys. 35(12):1736–1743, 2013.Besio, W. G., K. Koka, R. Aakula, and W. Dai. Tri-polar concentric ring electrode development for laplacian electroencephalography. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 53(5):926–933, 2006.Devasahayam, S. R. Signals and Systems in Biomedical Engineering. Berlin: Springer, 2013.Devedeux, D., C. Marque, S. Mansour, G. Germain, and J. Duchene. Uterine electromyography: a critical review. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 169(6):1636–1653, 1993.Estrada, L., A. Torres, J. Garcia-Casado, G. Prats-Boluda, and R. Jane. 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    Multi-Frequency Electrocochleography and Electrode Scan to Identify Electrode Insertion Trauma during Cochlear Implantation

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    Intraoperative electrocochleography (ECOG) is performed using a single low-frequency acoustic stimulus (e.g., 500 Hz) to monitor cochlear microphonics (CM) during cochlear implant (CI) electrode insertion. A decrease in CM amplitude is commonly associated with cochlear trauma and is used to guide electrode placement. However, advancement of the recording electrode beyond the sites of CM generation can also lead to a decrease in CM amplitude and is sometimes interpreted as cochlear trauma, resulting in unnecessary electrode manipulation and increased risk of cochlear trauma during CI electrode placement. In the present study, multi-frequency ECOG was used to monitor CM during CI electrode placement. The intraoperative CM tracings were compared with electrode scan measurements, where CM was measured for each of the intracochlear electrodes. Comparison between the peak CM amplitude measured during electrode placement and electrode scan measurements was used to differentiate between different mechanisms for decrease in CM amplitude during CI electrode insertion. Analysis of the data shows that both multi-frequency electrocochleography and electrode scan could potentially be used to differentiate between different mechanisms for decreasing CM amplitude and providing appropriate feedback to the surgeon during CI electrode placement
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