612 research outputs found

    Testing Diagnostics of Nuclear Activity and Star Formation in Galaxies at z>1

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    We present some of the first science data with the new Keck/MOSFIRE instrument to test the effectiveness of different AGN/SF diagnostics at z~1.5. MOSFIRE spectra were obtained in three H-band multi-slit masks in the GOODS-S field, resulting in two hour exposures of 36 emission-line galaxies. We compare X-ray data with the traditional emission-line ratio diagnostics and the alternative mass-excitation and color-excitation diagrams, combining new MOSFIRE infrared data with previous HST/WFC3 infrared spectra (from the 3D-HST survey) and multiwavelength photometry. We demonstrate that a high [OIII]/Hb ratio is insufficient as an AGN indicator at z>1. For the four X-ray detected galaxies, the classic diagnostics ([OIII]/Hb vs. [NII]/Ha and [SII]/Ha) remain consistent with X-ray AGN/SF classification. The X-ray data also suggest that "composite" galaxies (with intermediate AGN/SF classification) host bona-fide AGNs. Nearly 2/3 of the z~1.5 emission-line galaxies have nuclear activity detected by either X-rays or the classic diagnostics. Compared to the X-ray and line ratio classifications, the mass-excitation method remains effective at z>1, but we show that the color-excitation method requires a new calibration to successfully identify AGNs at these redshifts.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted to ApJ Letter

    GOODS-HerschelHerschel: identification of the individual galaxies responsible for the 80-290μ\mum cosmic infrared background

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    We propose a new method of pushing HerschelHerschel to its faintest detection limits using universal trends in the redshift evolution of the far infrared over 24μ\mum colours in the well-sampled GOODS-North field. An extension to other fields with less multi-wavelength information is presented. This method is applied here to raise the contribution of individually detected HerschelHerschel sources to the cosmic infrared background (CIRB) by a factor 5 close to its peak at 250μ\mum and more than 3 in the 350μ\mum and 500μ\mum bands. We produce realistic mock HerschelHerschel images of the deep PACS and SPIRE images of the GOODS-North field from the GOODS-HerschelHerschel Key Program and use them to quantify the confusion noise at the position of individual sources, i.e., estimate a "local confusion noise". Two methods are used to identify sources with reliable photometric accuracy extracted using 24μ\mum prior positions. The clean index (CI), previously defined but validated here with simulations, which measures the presence of bright 24μ\mum neighbours and the photometric accuracy index (PAI) directly extracted from the mock HerschelHerschel images. After correction for completeness, thanks to our mock HerschelHerschel images, individually detected sources make up as much as 54% and 60% of the CIRB in the PACS bands down to 1.1 mJy at 100μ\mum and 2.2 mJy at 160μ\mum and 55, 33, and 13% of the CIRB in the SPIRE bands down to 2.5, 5, and 9 mJy at 250μ\mum, 350μ\mum, and 500μ\mum, respectively. The latter depths improve the detection limits of HerschelHerschel by factors of 5 at 250μ\mum, and 3 at 350μ\mum and 500μ\mum as compared to the standard confusion limit. Interestingly, the dominant contributors to the CIRB in all HerschelHerschel bands appear to be distant siblings of the Milky Way (zz\sim0.96 for λ\lambda<<300μ\mum) with a stellar mass of MM_{\star}\sim9×\times1010^{10}M_{\odot}.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The WiFeS S7 AGN survey: Current status and recent results on NGC 6300

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    The Siding Spring Southern Seyfert Spectroscopic Snapshot Survey (S7) is a targeted survey probing the narrow-line regions (NLRs) of a representative sample of ~140 nearby (z<0.02) Seyfert galaxies by means of optical integral field spectroscopy. The survey is based on a homogeneous data set observed using the Wide Field Spectrograph WiFeS. The data provide a 25x38 arcsec2^2 field-of-view around the galaxy centre at typically ~1.5 arcsec spatial resolution and cover a wavelength range between ~3400 - 7100 A˚\AA at spectral resolutions of ~100 km s1^{-1} and ~50 km s1^{-1} in the blue and red parts, respectively. The survey is primarily designed to study gas excitation and star formation around AGN, with a special focus on the shape of the AGN ionising continuum, the interaction between radio jets and the NLR gas, and the nature of nuclear LINER emission. We provide an overview of the current status of S7-based results and present new results for NGC 6300.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Refereed Proceeding of the "The Universe of Digital Sky Surveys" conference held at the INAF - Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples, on 25th-28th november 2014, to be published on Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, edited by Longo, Napolitano, Marconi, Paolillo, Iodic


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    Abstrak: Sesuatu yang dibutuhkan dalam matematika untuk kesuksesan hidup menghendaki lingkungan pembelajaran yang mendukung dan mendorong kompetensi matematika baik secara teori maupun praktik. Dalam pendidikan, mengajar matematika harus dengan cara yang kreatif dan mampu menciptakan suasana lingkungan dimana siswa tertarik untuk belajar matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika melalui implementasi pembelajaran kooperatif dengan model pembelajaran STAD. Metode yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdiri atas 3 pertemuan. Hasil dari siklus 1  ditemukan bahwa 28 siswa (82.35%)mencapai batas ketuntasan (KKM) dengan rata-rata nilai 80. Pada siklus2, rata-rata nilai mencapai 87 dengan 34 siswa (100%) mencapai batas ketuntasan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan diskusi dalam peneilitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa impelentasi pembelajaran kooperatif dengan model pembelajaran STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika.Abstract: The overwhelming need for mathematics comprehension for a successful life requires a learning environment that support and encourages both theoretical and practical math competency. In education, teaching mathematic should be creative and able to provide an environment where students are interested to learn mathematics.This study aimed to improve mathematic learning outcomes through the implementation of cooperative learning type STAD learning model. The method used in this research was a Classroom Action Research by conducting three meeting for each in two cycles. The result of the study in first cycle was found that 28 students (82.35%) meet the school competency with average grade 80. In the second cycle, the average of learning achievement reached 87 with 34 students (100%) meet the school competency. Based on the analysis and discussion of the research, it is concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning type STAD learning model can improve mathematic learning outcomes

    Universal heat conduction in the iron-arsenide superconductor KFe2As2 : Evidence of a d-wave state

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    The thermal conductivity of the iron-arsenide superconductor KFe2As2 was measured down to 50 mK for a heat current parallel and perpendicular to the tetragonal c-axis. A residual linear term (RLT) at T=0 is observed for both current directions, confirming the presence of nodes in the superconducting gap. Our value of the RLT in the plane is equal to that reported by Dong et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 087005 (2010)] for a sample whose residual resistivity was ten times larger. This independence of the RLT on impurity scattering is the signature of universal heat transport, a property of superconducting states with symmetry-imposed line nodes. This argues against an s-wave state with accidental nodes. It favors instead a d-wave state, an assignment consistent with five additional properties: the magnitude of the critical scattering rate for suppressing Tc to zero; the magnitude of the RLT, and its dependence on current direction and on magnetic field; the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    A Survey of Atomic Carbon [C I] in High-redshift Main-Sequence Galaxies

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    We present the first results of an ALMA survey of the lower fine structure line of atomic carbon [C I](^3P_1\,-\,^{3}P_0) in far infrared-selected galaxies on the main sequence at z1.2z\sim1.2 in the COSMOS field. We compare our sample with a comprehensive compilation of data available in the literature for local and high-redshift starbursting systems and quasars. We show that the [C I](3P1^3P_1\rightarrow3P0^3P_0) luminosity correlates on global scales with the infrared luminosity LIRL_{\rm IR} similarly to low-JJ CO transitions. We report a systematic variation of L'_{\rm [C\,I]^3P_1\,-\, ^3P_0}/LIRL_{\rm IR} as a function of the galaxy type, with the ratio being larger for main-sequence galaxies than for starbursts and sub-millimeter galaxies at fixed LIRL_{\rm IR}. The L'_{\rm [C\,I]^3P_1\,-\, ^3P_0}/LCO(21)L'_{\rm CO(2-1)} and M[CI]M_{\rm{[C I]}}/MdustM_{\rm dust} mass ratios are similar for main-sequence galaxies and for local and high-redshift starbursts within a 0.2 dex intrinsic scatter, suggesting that [C I] is a good tracer of molecular gas mass as CO and dust. We derive a fraction of f[CI]=M[CI]/MC313f_{\rm{[C\,I]}} = M_{\rm{[C\,I]}} / M_{\rm{C}}\sim3-13% of the total carbon mass in the atomic neutral phase. Moreover, we estimate the neutral atomic carbon abundance, the fundamental ingredient to calibrate [C I] as a gas tracer, by comparing L'_{\rm [C\,I]^3P_1\,-\, ^3P_0} and available gas masses from CO lines and dust emission. We find lower [C I] abundances in main-sequence galaxies than in starbursting systems and sub-millimeter galaxies, as a consequence of the canonical αCO\alpha_{\rm CO} and gas-to-dust conversion factors. This argues against the application to different galaxy populations of a universal standard [C I] abundance derived from highly biased samples.Comment: 14 pages + Appendix. Accepted for publication in ApJ. All the data tables in Appendix will be also released in electronic forma


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    AbstractThis study aimed to improve students learning outcome in social science through the implementation of cooperative learning model numbered head together type assisted by picture stimulation media on 4th grade SD Negeri Drajidan Musuk Boyolali. This type of research was the classroom action research. The subject of this action research was teacher and students of 4th grade SD Negeri Drajidan Musuk Boyolali. This research has two cycles that conducting two meetings in each cycle. Cooperative learning model NHT type is one of the methods that focused on student’s activity. Design of the research arranged of planning, action, observing and reflecting.The technic data collections consist of non test and test values. The instrument of data collection applied a test question and observation sheet. Data analysis techniques used was comparative descriptive method by comparing pre cycle, cycle I and cycle II. The results of the study outcome by students who raise minimum completeness criteria before research implementation in pre cycle was 44%, then increase after research implementation through cooperative learning model numbered head together assisted by picture stimulation media in first cycle up to 60% and increasing again in second cycle up to 88%. Based on the analysis and discussion of the research, it is concluded that the application of cooperative learning model numbered head together type aided picture stimulation media can improve students learning outcome.Keywords: NHT, Learning Outcome, Picture Stimulation.AbstrakJenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar tematik muatan pembelajaran IPS siswa melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together dibantu oleh media stimulasi gambar pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Drajidan Musuk Boyolali. Subyek penelitian tindakan ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Drajidan Musuk Boyolali semester pertama tahun akademik 2017 / 2018. Penelitian ini memiliki dua siklus yang melakukan dua pertemuan dalam setiap siklus. Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe numbered head together adalah salah satu metode yang berfokus pada aktivitas siswa dalam mengikuti proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Desain penelitian disusun berdasarkan perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif komparatif dengan membandingkan hasil belajar pra siklus, siklus I dan siklus II. Hasil dari  penelitian oleh peneliti menunjukan bahwa siswa yang mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian di pra siklus adalah 44%, kemudian meningkat setelah pelaksanaan penelitian melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together berbantuan media stimulasi gambar pada siklus pertama meningkat hingga 60% dan meningkat lagi dalam siklus kedua hingga 88%. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together berbantuan media stimulasi gambar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar pada siswa.Kata Kunci: NHT, Hasil Belajar, Gambar Stimulas