94 research outputs found

    Developmental Profiles of Mucosal Immunity in Pre-school Children

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    This study investigated the effect of attending pre-school on mucosal immunity. Children 3.5 to 5 years of age who attended pre-school were observed for a 10 month period. Demographic information was collected on previous childcare experiences, the home environment and clinical information relating to the child and the family. A daily illness log was kept for each child. A multivariate longitudinal analysis of the relation between immunoglobulins in saliva and age, gender, childcare experience, pre-school exposure, number of siblings, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), atopy and hospitalisation was conducted. There was a positive association of higher IgA levels with the winter season and with children being older than 4 years (P < .001), having attended childcare prior to commencing pre-school (P < .05), and having been exposed to ETS at home (P < .05). Lower IgA levels were associated with being atopic (P < .05). Higher IgG levels were associated with exposure to ETS (P < .001), while lower levels were associated to having atopy. Higher IgM levels were associated with previous childcare experience (P < .01) whilst having been hospitalised was associated with having low salivary IgM levels (P < .01). Lagged analyses demonstrated that immunological parameters were affected by the number of respiratory infections in the preceding 2 months

    Non-Fusion Mutations in Endometrial Stromal Sarcomas: What is the Potential Impact on Tumorigenesis through Cell Cycle Dysregulation?

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    Targeted next-generation sequencing using the 50-gene Ion AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Panel v2 identified two significant point mutations in endometrial stromal sarcomas (ESS). Case 1 is a uterine mass from a quadragenarian woman with a karyotype lacking any known ESS rearrangements but demonstrated to have a CTNNB1-activating mutation (c.133T>C, p.[Ser45Pro]). Analysis of a uterine mass from case 2, a sexagenarian woman, revealed biallelic CDKN2A-inactivating mutations (c.172C>T, p.[Arg58Ter] and a deletion). Break-apart studies to identify YWHAE, JAZF1 and PHF1 rearrangements were negative in both tumours. We propose a model in which these point mutations may affect cell proliferation, converging at Wnt signalling and G1-S checkpoint control, that independently or in concert with a rare gene fusion result in ESS tumour development or progression

    Developmental Profiles of Mucosal Immunity in Pre-school Children

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    This study investigated the effect of attending pre-school on mucosal immunity. Children 3.5 to 5 years of age who attended pre-school were observed for a 10 month period. Demographic information was collected on previous childcare experiences, the home environment and clinical information relating to the child and the family. A daily illness log was kept for each child. A multivariate longitudinal analysis of the relation between immunoglobulins in saliva and age, gender, childcare experience, pre-school exposure, number of siblings, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), atopy and hospitalisation was conducted. There was a positive association of higher IgA levels with the winter season and with children being older than 4 years (P < .001), having attended childcare prior to commencing pre-school (P < .05), and having been exposed to ETS at home (P < .05). Lower IgA levels were associated with being atopic (P < .05). Higher IgG levels were associated with exposure to ETS (P < .001), while lower levels were associated to having atopy. Higher IgM levels were associated with previous childcare experience (P < .01) whilst having been hospitalised was associated with having low salivary IgM levels (P < .01). Lagged analyses demonstrated that immunological parameters were affected by the number of respiratory infections in the preceding 2 months

    Recurrent 8q13.2-13.3 microdeletions associated with Branchio-oto-renal syndrome are mediated by human endogenous retroviral (HERV) sequence blocks

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    Background: Human endogenous retroviral (HERV) sequences are the remnants of ancient retroviral infection and comprise approximately 8% of the human genome. The high abundance and interspersed nature of homologous HERV sequences make them ideal substrates for genomic rearrangements. A role for HERV sequences in mediating human disease-associated rearrangement has been reported but is likely currently underappreciated. Methods and Results: In the present study, two independent de novo 8q13.2-13.3 microdeletion events were identified in patients with clinical features of Branchio-Oto-Renal (BOR) syndrome. Nucleotide-level mapping demonstrated the identical breakpoints, suggesting a recurrent microdeletion including multiple genes such as EYA1, SULF1, and SLCO5A1, which is mediated by HERV1 homologous sequences. Conclusions: These findings raise the potential that HERV sequences may more commonly underlie recombination of dosage sensitive regions associated with recurrent syndromes

    Assessing copy number aberrations and copy neutral loss of heterozygosity across the genome as best practice: An evidence based review of clinical utility from the cancer genomics consortium (CGC) working group for myelodysplastic syndrome, myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative and myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    Multiple studies have demonstrated the utility of chromosomal microarray (CMA) testing to identify clinically significant copy number alterations (CNAs) and copy-neutral loss-of-heterozygosity (CN-LOH) in myeloid malignancies. However, guidelines for integrating CMA as a standard practice for diagnostic evaluation, assessment of prognosis and predicting treatment response are still lacking. CMA has not been recommended for clinical work-up of myeloid malignancies by the WHO 2016 or the NCCN 2017 guidelines but is a suggested test by the European LeukaemiaNet 2013 for the diagnosis of primary myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC) Working Group for Myeloid Neoplasms systematically reviewed peer-reviewed literature to determine the power of CMA in (1) improving diagnostic yield, (2) refining risk stratification, and (3) providing additional genomic information to guide therapy. In this manuscript, we summarize the evidence base for the clinical utility of array testing in the workup of MDS, myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms (MDS/MPN) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). This review provides a list of recurrent CNAs and CN-LOH noted in this disease spectrum and describes the clinical significance of the aberrations and how they complement gene mutation findings by sequencing. Furthermore, for new or suspected diagnosis of MDS or MPN, we present suggestions for integrating genomic testing methods (CMA and mutation testing by next generation sequencing) into the current standard-of-care clinical laboratory testing (karyotype, FISH, morphology, and flow)

    Assessing copy number abnormalities and copy-neutral loss-of-heterozygosity across the genome as best practice in diagnostic evaluation of acute myeloid leukemia: An evidence-based review from the cancer genomics consortium (CGC) myeloid neoplasms working group

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    Structural genomic abnormalities, including balanced chromosomal rearrangements, copy number gains and losses and copy-neutral loss-of-heterozygosity (CN-LOH) represent an important category of diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic markers in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Genome-wide evaluation for copy number abnormalities (CNAs) is at present performed by karyotype analysis which has low resolution and is unobtainable in a subset of cases. Furthermore, examination for possible CN-LOH in leukemia cells is at present not routinely performed in the clinical setting. Chromosomal microarray (CMA) analysis is a widely available assay for CNAs and CN-LOH in diagnostic laboratories, but there are currently no guidelines how to best incorporate this technology into clinical testing algorithms for neoplastic diseases including AML. The Cancer Genomics Consortium Working Group for Myeloid Neoplasms performed an extensive review of peer-reviewed publications focused on CMA analysis in AML. Here we summarize evidence regarding clinical utility of CMA analysis in AML extracted from published data, and provide recommendations for optimal utilization of CMA testing in the diagnostic workup. In addition, we provide a list of CNAs and CN-LOH regions which have documented clinical significance in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment decisions in AML

    Chronic wasting disease prions are not transmissible to transgenic mice overexpressing human prion protein

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    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease that affects free-ranging and captive cervids, including mule deer, white-tailed deer, Rocky Mountain elk and moose. CWD-infected cervids have been reported in 14 USA states, two Canadian provinces and in South Korea. The possibility of a zoonotic transmission of CWD prions via diet is of particular concern in North America where hunting of cervids is a popular sport. To investigate the potential public health risks posed by CWD prions, we have investigated whether intracerebral inoculation of brain and spinal cord from CWD-infected mule deer transmits prion infection to transgenic mice overexpressing human prion protein with methionine or valine at polymorphic residue 129. These transgenic mice have been utilized in extensive transmission studies of human and animal prion disease and are susceptible to BSE and vCJD prions, allowing comparison with CWD. Here, we show that these mice proved entirely resistant to infection with mule deer CWD prions arguing that the transmission barrier associated with this prion strain/host combination is greater than that observed with classical BSE prions. However, it is possible that CWD may be caused by multiple prion strains. Further studies will be required to evaluate the transmission properties of distinct cervid prion strains as they are characterized

    Inference of the infection status of individuals using longitudinal testing data from cryptic populations: Towards a probabilistic approach to diagnosis

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    Effective control of many diseases requires the accurate detection of infected individuals. Confidently ascertaining whether an individual is infected can be challenging when diagnostic tests are imperfect and when some individuals go for long periods of time without being observed or sampled. Here, we use a multi-event capture-recapture approach to model imperfect observations of true epidemiological states. We describe a method for interpreting potentially disparate results from individuals sampled multiple times over an extended period, using empirical data from a wild badger population naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis as an example. We examine the effect of sex, capture history and current and historical diagnostic test results on the probability of being truly infected, given any combination of diagnostic test results. In doing so, we move diagnosis away from the traditional binary classification of apparently infected versus uninfected to a probability-based interpretation which is updated each time an individual is re-sampled. Our findings identified temporal variation in infection status and suggest that capture probability is influenced by year, season and infection status. This novel approach to combining ecological and epidemiological data may aid disease management decision-making by providing a framework for the integration of multiple diagnostic test data with other information

    New Insights on the Management of Wildlife Diseases Using Multi-State Recapture Models: The Case of Classical Swine Fever in Wild Boar

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    The understanding of host-parasite systems in wildlife is of increasing interest in relation to the risk of emerging diseases in livestock and humans. In this respect, many efforts have been dedicated to controlling classical swine fever (CSF) in the European Wild Boar. But CSF eradication has not always been achieved even though vaccination has been implemented at a large-scale. Piglets have been assumed to be the main cause of CSF persistence in the wild since they appeared to be more often infected and less often immune than older animals. However, this assumption emerged from laboratory trials or cross-sectional surveys based on the hunting bags.In the present paper we conducted a capture-mark-recapture study in free-ranging wild boar piglets that experienced both CSF infection and vaccination under natural conditions. We used multi-state capture recapture models to estimate the immunization and infection rates, and their variations according to the periods with or without vaccination. According to the model prediction, 80% of the infected piglets did not survive more than two weeks, while the other 20% quickly recovered. The probability of becoming immune did not increase significantly during the summer vaccination sessions, and the proportion of immune piglets was not higher after the autumn vaccination.Given the high lethality of CSF in piglets highlighted in our study, we consider unlikely that piglets could maintain the chain of CSF virus transmission. Our study also revealed the low efficacy of vaccination in piglets in summer and autumn, possibly due to the low palatability of baits to that age class, but also to the competition between baits and alternative food sources. Based on this new information, we discuss the prospects for the improvement of CSF control and the interest of the capture-recapture approach for improving the understanding of wildlife diseases

    Genetic Predictions of Prion Disease Susceptibility in Carnivore Species Based on Variability of the Prion Gene Coding Region

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    Mammalian species vary widely in their apparent susceptibility to prion diseases. For example, several felid species developed prion disease (feline spongiform encephalopathy or FSE) during the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic in the United Kingdom, whereas no canine BSE cases were detected. Whether either of these or other groups of carnivore species can contract other prion diseases (e.g. chronic wasting disease or CWD) remains an open question. Variation in the host-encoded prion protein (PrP(C)) largely explains observed disease susceptibility patterns within ruminant species, and may explain interspecies differences in susceptibility as well. We sequenced and compared the open reading frame of the PRNP gene encoding PrP(C) protein from 609 animal samples comprising 29 species from 22 genera of the Order Carnivora; amongst these samples were 15 FSE cases. Our analysis revealed that FSE cases did not encode an identifiable disease-associated PrP polymorphism. However, all canid PrPs contained aspartic acid or glutamic acid at codon 163 which we propose provides a genetic basis for observed susceptibility differences between canids and felids. Among other carnivores studied, wolverine (Gulo gulo) and pine marten (Martes martes) were the only non-canid species to also express PrP-Asp163, which may impact on their prion diseases susceptibility. Populations of black bear (Ursus americanus) and mountain lion (Puma concolor) from Colorado showed little genetic variation in the PrP protein and no variants likely to be highly resistant to prions in general, suggesting that strain differences between BSE and CWD prions also may contribute to the limited apparent host range of the latter