513 research outputs found

    The 1-way on-line coupled atmospheric chemistry model system MECO(n) – Part 1: Description of the limited-area atmospheric chemistry model COSMO/MESSy

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    The numerical weather prediction model of the Consortium for Small Scale Modelling (COSMO), maintained by the German weather service (DWD), is connected with the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy). This effort is undertaken in preparation of a new, limited-area atmospheric chemistry model. Limited-area models require lateral boundary conditions for all prognostic variables. Therefore the quality of a regional chemistry model is expected to improve, if boundary conditions for the chemical constituents are provided by the driving model in consistence with the meteorological boundary conditions. The new developed model is as consistent as possible, with respect to atmospheric chemistry and related processes, with a previously developed global atmospheric chemistry general circulation model: the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model. The combined system constitutes a new research tool, bridging the global to the meso-Îł scale for atmospheric chemistry research. MESSy provides the infrastructure and includes, among others, the process and diagnostic submodels for atmospheric chemistry simulations. Furthermore, MESSy is highly flexible allowing model setups with tailor made complexity, depending on the scientific question. Here, the connection of the MESSy infrastructure to the COSMO model is documented and also the code changes required for the generalisation of regular MESSy submodels. Moreover, previously published prototype submodels for simplified tracer studies are generalised to be plugged-in and used in the global and the limited-area model. They are used to evaluate the TRACER interface implementation in the new COSMO/MESSy model system and the tracer transport characteristics, an important prerequisite for future atmospheric chemistry applications. A supplementary document with further details on the technical implementation of the MESSy interface into COSMO with a complete list of modifications to the COSMO code is provided

    Nitrogen compounds and ozone in the stratosphere: comparison of MIPAS satellite data with the Chemistry Climate Model ECHAM5/MESSy1

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    International audienceThe chemistry climate model ECHAM5/MESSy1 (E5/M1) in a setup extending from the surface to 80 km with a vertical resolution of about 600 m near the tropopause with nudged tropospheric meteorology allows a direct comparison with satellite data of chemical species at the same time and location. Here we present results out of a transient 10 years simulation for the period of the Antarctic vortex split in September 2002, where data of MIPAS on the ENVISAT-satellite are available. For the first time this satellite instrument opens the opportunity, to evaluate all stratospheric nitrogen containing species simultaneously with a good global coverage, including the source gas N2O which allows an estimate for NOx-production in the stratosphere. We show correlations between simulated and observed species in the altitude region between 10 and 50 hpa for different latitude belts, together with the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of model results and observations. This is supplemented by global charts on pressure levels showing the satellite data and the simulated data sampled at the same time and location. We demonstrate that the model in most cases captures the partitioning in the nitrogen family, the diurnal cycles and the spatial distribution within experimental uncertainty. There appears to be, however, a problem to reproduce the observed nighttime partitioning between N2O5 and NO2 in the middle stratosphere

    Simulation of polar stratospheric clouds in the chemistry-climate-model EMAC via the submodel PSC

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    The submodel PSC of the ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry model (EMAC) has been developed to simulate the main types of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC). The parameterisation of the supercooled ternary solutions (STS, type 1b PSC) in the submodel is based on Carslaw et al. (1995b), the thermodynamic approach to simulate ice particles (type 2 PSC) on Marti and Mauersberger (1993). For the formation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) particles (type 1a PSC) two different parameterisations exist. The first is based on an instantaneous thermodynamic approach from Hanson and Mauersberger (1988), the second is new implemented and considers the growth of the NAT particles with the aid of a surface growth factor based on Carslaw et al. (2002). It is possible to choose one of this NAT parameterisation in the submodel. This publication explains the background of the submodel PSC and the use of the submodel with the goal of simulating realistic PSC in EMAC

    A discussion on the determination of atmospheric OH and its trends

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    The oxidation efficiency of the troposphere is largely determined by the hydroxyl radical and its global distribution. Its presence limits the lifetime of most trace gases. Because of the great importance of several of these gases for climate, ozone budget and OH itself, it is of fundamental importance to acquire knowledge about atmospheric OH and possible trends in its concentrations. In the past, average concentrations of OH and trends were largely derived using industrially produced CH<sub>3</sub>CCl<sub>3</sub> as a chemical tracer. The analyses have given valuable, but also rather uncertain results. In this paper we describe an idealized computer aided tracer experiment which has as one of its goals to derive tracer concentration weighted, global average <<i>k</i>(OH)>, where the temporal and spatial OH distribution is prescribed and <i>k</i> is the reaction rate coefficient of OH with a hitherto never produced (Gedanken) tracer, which is injected at a number of surface sites in the atmosphere in well known amounts over a given time period. Using a three-dimensional (3-D) time-dependent chemistry transport model, <<i>k</i>(OH)> can be accurately determined from the calculated 3-D tracer distribution. It is next explored how well <<i>k</i>(OH)> can be retrieved solely from tracer measurements at a limited number of surface sites. The results from this analysis are encouraging enough to actually think about the feasibility to carry out a global dedicated tracer experiment to derive <<i>k</i>(OH)> and its temporal trends. However, before that, we propose to test the methods that are used to derive <<i>k</i>(OH)>, so far largely using CH<sub>3</sub>CCl<sub>3</sub>, with an idealized tracer experiment, in which a global chemistry transport model is used to calculate the ``Gedanken'' tracer distribution, representing the real 3-D world, from which <<i>k</i>(OH)> is derived, using only the tracer information from a limited set of surface sites. We propose here that research groups which are, or will be, involved in global average OH studies to participate in such an inter-comparison of methods, organized and over-seen by a committee appointed by the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) program

    A reconstruction of the past trend of atmospheric CO based on firn air samples from Berkner Island, Antarctica

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    International audienceAlthough for several atmospheric trace gases trends over the past 100 year have been reconstructed using firn air analyses, little is known about one of the chemically most significant trace gases, namely CO. Among the 3 Antarctic drilling expeditions reported, the one from Berkner Island appears to have given results of sufficient analytical quality to warrant a modelling with the aim to reconstruct past changes in atmospheric CO. Based on our reconstructions, CO in high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere has been increasing since beginning of the 20th century from ~38 ppbv to a recent value of about 52.5 ppbv. The increase in CO is mainly explained by the known increase in CH4, with biomass burning output being most likely responsible for an additional increase. Which, if any, role changes in OH have played cannot be derived

    Consistent simulation of bromine chemistry from the marine boundary layer to the stratosphere – Part 2: Bromocarbons

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    In this second part of a series of articles dedicated to a detailed analysis of bromine chemistry in the atmosphere we address one (out of two) dominant natural sources of reactive bromine. The two main source categories are the release of bromine from sea salt and the decomposition of bromocarbons by photolysis and reaction with OH. Here, we focus on C&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;-bromocarbons. We show that the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy realistically simulates their emission, transport and decomposition from the boundary layer up to the mesosphere. We included oceanic emission fluxes of the short-lived bromocarbons CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;ClBr, CHClBr&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, CHCl&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br, CHBr&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; and of CH&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;Br. The vertical profiles and the surface mixing ratios of the bromocarbons are in general agreement with the (few available) observations, especially in view of the limited information available and the consequent coarseness of the emission fields. For CHBr&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;, CHCl&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br and CHClBr&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; photolysis is the most important degradation process in the troposphere. In contrast to this, tropospheric CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, CH&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;Br and CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;ClBr are more efficiently decomposed by reaction with OH. In the free troposphere approximately 40% of the C&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;-bromocarbons decompose by reaction with OH. Our results indicate that bromoform contributes substantial amounts of reactive bromine to the lower stratosphere and thus should not be neglected in stratospheric simulations

    A climatology of surface ozone in the extra tropics: cluster analysis of observations and model results

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    Important aspects of the seasonal variations of surface ozone are discussed. The underlying analysis is based on the long-term (1990&amp;ndash;2004) ozone records of the Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP) and the World Data Centre of Greenhouse Gases, which provide data mostly for the Northern Hemisphere. Seasonal variations are pronounced at most of the 114 locations at all times of the day. A seasonal-diurnal variations classification using hierarchical agglomeration clustering reveals 6 distinct clusters: clean background, rural, semi-polluted non-elevated, semi-polluted semi-elevated, elevated and polar/remote marine. For the &quot;clean background&quot; cluster the seasonal maximum is observed in March-April, both for night and day. For those sites with a double maximum or a wide spring-summer maximum, the spring maximum appears both for day and night, while the summer maximum is more pronounced for daytime and hence can be attributed to photochemical processes. The spring maximum is more likely caused by dynamical/transport processes than by photochemistry as it is observed in spring for all times of the day. We compare the identified clusters with corresponding data from the 3-D atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1 covering the period of 1998&amp;ndash;2005. For the model output as for the measurements 6 clusters are considered. The simulation shows at most of the sites a spring seasonal maximum or a broad spring-summer maximum (with higher summer mixing ratios). For southern hemispheric and polar remote locations the seasonal maximum in the simulation is shifted to spring, while the absolute mixing ratios are in good agreement with the measurements. The seasonality in the model cluster covering background locations is characterized by a pronounced spring (April&amp;ndash;May) maximum. For the model clusters which cover rural and semi-polluted sites the role of the photochemical production/destruction seems to be overestimated. Taking into consideration the differences in the data sampling procedure, the comparison demonstrates the ability of the model to reproduce the main regimes of surface ozone variations quite well

    Uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry modelling due to convection parameterisations and subsequent scavenging

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    Moist convection in global modelling contributes significantly to the transport of energy, momentum, water and trace gases and aerosols within the troposphere. Since convective clouds are on a scale too small to be resolved in a global model their effects have to be parameterised. However, the whole process of moist convection and especially its parameterisations are associated with uncertainties. In contrast to previous studies on the impact of convection on trace gases, which had commonly neglected the convective transport for some or all compounds, we investigate this issue by examining simulations with five different convection schemes. This permits an uncertainty analysis due to the process formulation, without the inconsistencies inherent in entirely neglecting deep convection or convective tracer transport for one or more tracers. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Both the simulated mass fluxes and tracer distributions are analysed. Investigating the distributions of compounds with different characteristics, e.g., lifetime, chemical reactivity, solubility and source distributions, some differences can be attributed directly to the transport of these compounds, whereas others are more related to indirect effects, such as the transport of precursors, chemical reactivity in certain regions, and sink processes. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The model simulation data are compared with the average regional profiles of several measurement campaigns, and in detail with two campaigns in fall and winter 2005 in Suriname and Australia, respectively. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The shorter-lived a compound is, the larger the differences and consequently the uncertainty due to the convection parameterisation are, as long as it is not completely controlled by local production that is independent of convection and its impacts (e.g. water vapour changes). Whereas for long-lived compounds like CO or O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; the mean differences between the simulations are less than 25%), differences for short-lived compounds reach up to &amp;plusmn;100% with different convection schemes. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; A rating of an overall "best" performing scheme is difficult, since the optimal performance depends on the region and compound

    Prevalences of primary headache symptoms at school-entry: a population-based epidemiological survey of preschool children in Germany

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    Primary headache and functional abdominal pain prevalences in an unselected populationbased sample of German preschool children and their parents (n=885) were collected in relation to health-related quality of life and sociodemographic variables. The pain symptoms were assessed according to IHS classification (2004) and Rome-II criteria (1999) during the 2004 data census. The participation rate was 62.7%, with an equal gender distribution. The focus of this paper lies on the symptom-oriented point prevalences for primary headaches of preschool children: 3.6% headache, 33.2% abdominal pain, 48.8% headache+abdominal pain and 14.4% without pain. High comorbidities for pain-affected children have been found. Pain intensities differ significantly only for abdominal pain (one-way ANOVA F=3,339, df=4/445, p=0.010*), not for headaches. However, recurrent headaches show a striking ratio in favour of boys (10:1). Children at preschool age have high quality-of-life measures, already influenced negatively by paediatric pain experiences (one-way ANOVA: F=9,193, df=4/546, p=0.000**). Headache and abdominal pain are relevant for children’s everyday life; hence, simultaneous and prospective assessment is an essential issue in public health research
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