600 research outputs found

    Some effects of ice crystals on the FSSP measurements in mixed phase clouds

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    In this paper, we show that in mixed phase clouds, the presence of ice crystals may induce wrong FSSP 100 measurements interpretation especially in terms of particle size and subsequent bulk parameters. The presence of ice crystals is generally revealed by a bimodal feature of the particle size distribution (PSD). The combined measurements of the FSSP-100 and the Polar Nephelometer give a coherent description of the effect of the ice crystals on the FSSP-100 response. The FSSP-100 particle size distributions are characterized by a bimodal shape with a second mode peaked between 25 and 35 ÎŒm related to ice crystals. This feature is observed with the FSSP-100 at airspeed up to 200 m s<sup>−1</sup> and with the FSSP-300 series. In order to assess the size calibration for clouds of ice crystals the response of the FSSP-100 probe has been numerically simulated using a light scattering model of randomly oriented hexagonal ice particles and assuming both smooth and rough crystal surfaces. The results suggest that the second mode, measured between 25 ÎŒm and 35 ÎŒm, does not necessarily represent true size responses but corresponds to bigger aspherical ice particles. According to simulation results, the sizing understatement would be neglected in the rough case but would be significant with the smooth case. Qualitatively, the Polar Nephelometer phase function suggests that the rough case is the more suitable to describe real crystals. Quantitatively, however, it is difficult to conclude. A review is made to explore different hypotheses explaining the occurrence of the second mode. However, previous cloud in situ measurements suggest that the FSSP-100 secondary mode, peaked in the range 25–35 ÎŒm, is likely to be due to the shattering of large ice crystals on the probe inlet. This finding is supported by the rather good relationship between the concentration of particles larger than 20 ÎŒm (hypothesized to be ice shattered-fragments measured by the FSSP) and the concentration of (natural) ice particles (CPI data). In mixed cloud, a simple estimation of the number of ice crystals impacting the FSSP inlet shows that the ice crystal shattering effect is the main factor in observed ice production

    Experience with the Multi-Year Implementation of an Industrial Control System

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    In 1990, CERN passed a multi-year purchasing and installation contract for the LEP 200 Cryogenics control system with ABB, one of the world's leading suppliers of integrated Distributed Control Systems (DCS). A financial framework provided over a period of eight years the required supplies. These were called up with so called "Release Orders", taking into account the latest technical developments. The issues and experiences with such a new approach and the resulting control system are described

    The expansion of cohabitation in Mexico, 1930-2010 : the revenge of history?

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    In this chapter we use census microdata to examine trends in cohabitation in Mexico between 1930 and 2010. The microdata reveal a dramatic increase in cohabitation since the 1990s. By being able to go further back in time than in the other countries examined in this book, we better document the phase that preceded the post-1990 cohabitation boom. This earlier phase was characterized by the systematic reduction in cohabitation in favor of marriages, which results in an overall U-shaped evolution of cohabitation for the entire period between 1930 and 2010. Judging from the mere cross-sectional profiles and results from multilevel models, one could conclude that recent cohabitation replicates historical differentials. However, several features emerge that strongly mitigate this historical inheritance and fits the Second Demographic Transition theory. Among others, these features include that cohabitation is now a "normal" form of partnership among the expanding top educational groups and that the shift from marriage to prolonged cohabitation is driven by further secularization and an overall shift in values. Time will tell how fast and to what degree the shift to the SDT-type will be occurring in Mexico, but at present it is clear that the shift away from the traditional type is under way

    Aspects ThĂ©rapeutiques du DĂ©collement de la RĂ©tine chez les ÉvacuĂ©s Sanitaires de Horns, BĂ©nin, de 2015 Ă  2020

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de dĂ©crire les aspects thĂ©rapeutiques du dĂ©collement de la rĂ©tine chez les Ă©vacuĂ©s sanitaires hors BĂ©nin de 2015 Ă  2020. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude observationnelle transversale descriptive Ă  visĂ©e analytique avec collecte rĂ©trospective des donnĂ©es. Elle s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e Ă  la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale de la MĂ©decine HospitaliĂšre et des Explorations Diagnostiques et dans des centres d’Ophtalmologie publics et privĂ©s. La durĂ©e moyenne entre le diagnostic et la chirurgie Ă©tait de 81,67 ±23,05 jours avec des extrĂȘmes de 2 et 400 jours.  Une chirurgie de DR par voie endoculaire Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 28 yeux (60,87%). Notons que des 28 yeux ayant subi une chirurgie endoculaire, 19 ont eu un tamponnement par huile de silicone et les 9 restants, un tamponnement par gaz. Sur les 46 yeux, 25 (54,35%) prĂ©sentaient des complications postopĂ©ratoires dont 15 cataractes et 9 rĂ©cidives du DR. En prĂ©opĂ©ratoire, 28 yeux sur 46 (60,87%) avaient une AV<1/20 et 5 yeux (10,87%) avaient une AV>3/10. En postopĂ©ratoire, 34 yeux (73,91%) avaient une AV≄1/20 dont 32 (69,57%) une AV >1/20 et 17 (36,96%) une AV>3/10. L’AV Ă©tait rĂ©duite pour 7 yeux (15,22%), stationnaire pour 10 yeux (21,74%) et 29 yeux (63,04%) ont eu un gain d’AV. En prĂ©opĂ©ratoire, 6 yeux (13,04%) avaient une AV<1/20 et 2 yeux (4,35%) avaient une AV>3/10. En postopĂ©ratoire, 4 yeux (8,70%) avaient une AV<1/20 et 4 yeux (8,70%) avaient une AV>3/10. Chez les 2 sujets opĂ©rĂ©s dans un dĂ©lai ≀ 7 jrs (4,35%), l'AV Ă©tait amĂ©liorĂ©e et le gain supĂ©rieur Ă  6 lignes. Le dĂ©collement de la rĂ©tine est une pathologie oculaire grave pouvant causer la cĂ©citĂ©. Toutefois, de bonnes pratiques thĂ©rapeutiques donnent gĂ©nĂ©ralement un bon gain visuel.   The objective of this study is to describe the therapeutic aspects of retinal detachment in medical evacuees outside Benin from 2015 to 2020. We conducted an observational cross-sectional descriptive study with an analytical purpose and retrospective data collection. The study took place at the General Directorate of Hospital Medicine and Diagnostic Explorations and in public and private Ophthalmology centers. The average duration between diagnosis and surgery was 81.67 ± 23.05 days, ranging from 2 to 400 days. Endocular surgery for retinal detachment was performed on 28 eyes (60.87%). Of these 28 eyes undergoing endocular surgery, 19 had tamponade with silicone oil, and the remaining 9 had tamponade with gas. Among the 46 eyes, 25 (54.35%) had postoperative complications, including 15 cataracts and 9 retinal detachment recurrences. Preoperatively, 28 eyes out of 46 (60.87%) had visual acuity (VA) <1/20, and 5 eyes (10.87%) had VA >3/10. Postoperatively, 34 eyes (73.91%) had VA ≄1/20, with 32 (69.57%) having VA >1/20 and 17 (36.96%) having VA >3/10. VA was reduced for 7 eyes (15.22%), remained stationary for 10 eyes (21.74%), and 29 eyes (63.04%) showed a gain in VA. Preoperatively, 6 eyes (13.04%) had VA <1/20, and 2 eyes (4.35%) had VA >3/10. Postoperatively, 4 eyes (8.70%) had VA <1/20, and 4 eyes (8.70%) had VA >3/10. Among the 2 subjects operated within ≀ 7 days (4.35%), VA improved, and the gain was greater than 6 lines. Retinal detachment is a serious ocular condition that can lead to blindness. However, proper therapeutic practices generally result in significant visual improvement

    Aspects Therapeutiques du Decolement de Retine chez les Evacues Sanitares Hors Benin de 2015 a 2020

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de dĂ©crire les aspects thĂ©rapeutiques du dĂ©collement de la rĂ©tine (DR) chez les Ă©vacuĂ©s sanitaires hors BĂ©nin de 2015 Ă  2020. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude observationnelle transversale descriptive Ă  visĂ©e analytique avec collecte rĂ©trospective des donnĂ©es. Elle s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e Ă  la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale de la MĂ©decine HospitaliĂšre et des Explorations Diagnostiques et dans des centres d’Ophtalmologie publics et privĂ©s. La durĂ©e moyenne entre le diagnostic et la chirurgie Ă©tait de 81,67 ±23,05 jours avec des extrĂȘmes de 2 et 400 jours.  46 yeux de 42 patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude. Une chirurgie de DR Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e par voie endoculaire sur 28 yeux (60,87%), par voie externe sur 4 yeux (8,70%) et technique chirurgicale non prĂ©cisĂ©e sur 14 yeux (30,43%).  Notons que des 28 yeux ayant subi une chirurgie endoculaire, 19 ont eu un tamponnement par huile de silicone et les 9 restants, un t amponnement par gaz. Sur les 46 yeux, 25 (54,35%) prĂ©sentaient des complications postopĂ©ratoires dont 15 cataractes et 9 rĂ©cidives du DR. En prĂ©opĂ©ratoire, 28 yeux sur 46 (60,87%) avaient une AV<1/20 et 5 yeux (10,87%) avaient une AV>3/10. En postopĂ©ratoire, 34 yeux (73,91%) avaient une AV≄1/20 et 17 (36,96%) une AV>3/10. L’AV Ă©tait rĂ©duite pour 7 yeux (15,22%), stationnaire pour 10 yeux (21,74%) et 29 yeux (63,04%) ont eu un gain moyen d’AV de 3 lignes. Chez les 2 sujets opĂ©rĂ©s dans un dĂ©lai ≀ 7 jours (4,35%), l'AV Ă©tait amĂ©liorĂ©e et le gain supĂ©rieur Ă  6 lignes. Le dĂ©collement de la rĂ©tine est une pathologie oculaire grave pouvant causer la cĂ©citĂ©. Toutefois, de bonnes pratiques thĂ©rapeutiques donnent gĂ©nĂ©ralement un bon gain visuel. The objective of this study is to describe the therapeutic aspects of retinal detachment in medical evacuees outside Benin from 2015 to 2020. We conducted an observational cross-sectional descriptive study with an analytical purpose and retrospective data collection. The study took place at the General Directorate of Hospital Medicine and Diagnostic Explorations and in public and private Ophthalmology centers. The average duration between diagnosis and surgery was 81.67 ± 23.05 days, ranging from 2 to 400 days. Endocular surgery for retinal detachment was performed on 28 eyes (60.87%), externally in 4 eyes (8,70%) and unspecified surgical technique in 14 eyes (30,43%). Of these 28 eyes undergoing endocular surgery, 19 had tamponade with silicone oil, and the remaining 9 had tamponade with gas. Among the 46 eyes, 25 (54.35%) had postoperative complications, including 15 cataracts and 9 retinal detachment recurrences. Preoperatively, 28 eyes out of 46 (60.87%) had visual acuity (VA) <1/20, and 5 eyes (10.87%) had VA >3/10. Postoperatively, 34 eyes (73.91%) had VA ≄1/20, with 17 (36.96%) having VA >3/10. VA was reduced for 7 eyes (15.22%), remained stationary for 10 eyes (21.74%), and 29 eyes (63.04%) showed a gain in VA. Among the 2 subjects operated within ≀ 7 days (4.35%), VA improved, and the gain was greater than 6 lines. Retinal detachment is a serious ocular condition that can lead to blindness. However, proper therapeutic practices generally result in significant visual improvement

    Health-care-associated infections in neonates, children, and adolescents: an analysis of paediatric data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control point-prevalence survey.

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    BACKGROUND: In 2011-12, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) held the first Europe-wide point-prevalence survey of health-care-associated infections in acute care hospitals. We analysed paediatric data from this survey, aiming to calculate the prevalence and type of health-care-associated infections in children and adolescents in Europe and to determine risk factors for infection in this population. METHODS: Point-prevalence surveys took place from May, 2011, to November, 2012, in 1149 hospitals in EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, and Croatia. Patients present on the ward at 0800 h on the day of the survey and who were not discharged at the time of the survey were included. Data were collected by locally trained health-care workers according to patient-based or unit-based protocols. We extracted data from the ECDC database for all paediatric patients (age 0-18 years). We report adjusted prevalence for health-care-associated infections by clustering at the hospital and country level. We also calculated risk factors for development of health-care-associated infections with use of a generalised linear mixed-effects model. FINDINGS: We analysed data for 17 273 children and adolescents from 29 countries. 770 health-care-associated infections were reported in 726 children and adolescents, corresponding to a prevalence of 4·2% (95% CI 3·7-4·8). Bloodstream infections were the most common type of infection (343 [45%] infections), followed by lower respiratory tract infections (171 [22%]), gastrointestinal infections (64 [8%]), eye, ear, nose, and throat infections (55 [7%]), urinary tract infections (37 [5%]), and surgical-site infections (34 [4%]). The prevalence of infections was highest in paediatric intensive care units (15·5%, 95% CI 11·6-20·3) and neonatal intensive care units (10·7%, 9·0-12·7). Independent risk factors for infection were age younger than 12 months, fatal disease (via ultimately and rapidly fatal McCabe scores), prolonged length of stay, and the use of invasive medical devices. 392 microorganisms were reported for 342 health-care-associated infections, with Enterobacteriaceae being the most frequently found (113 [15%]). INTERPRETATION: Infection prevention and control strategies in children should focus on prevention of bloodstream infections, particularly among neonates and infants. FUNDING: None
