2,160 research outputs found

    Accumulation horizons and period-adding in optically injected semiconductor lasers

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    We study the hierarchical structuring of islands of stable periodic oscillations inside chaotic regions in phase diagrams of single-mode semiconductor lasers with optical injection. Phase diagrams display remarkable {\it accumulation horizons}: boundaries formed by the accumulation of infinite cascades of self-similar islands of periodic solutions of ever-increasing period. Each cascade follows a specific period-adding route. The riddling of chaotic laser phases by such networks of periodic solutions may compromise applications operating with chaotic signals such as e.g. secure communications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, laser phase diagrams, to appear in Phys. Rev. E, vol. 7

    Analysis of the temperature influence on Langmuir probe measurements on the basis of gyrofluid simulations

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    The influence of the temperature and its fluctuations on the ion saturation current and the floating potential, which are typical quantities measured by Langmuir probes in the turbulent edge region of fusion plasmas, is analysed by global nonlinear gyrofluid simulations for two exemplary parameter regimes. The numerical simulation facilitates a direct access to densities, temperatures and the plasma potential at different radial positions around the separatrix. This allows a comparison between raw data and the calculated ion saturation current and floating potential within the simulation. Calculations of the fluctuation-induced radial particle flux and its statistical properties reveal significant differences to the actual values at all radial positions of the simulation domain, if the floating potential and the temperature averaged density inferred from the ion saturation current is used.Comment: Submitted to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Great bowerbirds create theaters with forced perspective when seen by their audience

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    Birds in the infraorder Corvida [1] (ravens, jays, bowerbirds) are renowned for their cognitive abilities [2–4], which include advanced problem solving with spatial inference [4–8], tool use and complex constructions [7–10], and bowerbird cognitive ability is associated with mating success [11]. Great bowerbird males construct bowers with a long avenue from within which females view the male displaying over his bower court [10]. This predictable audience viewpoint is a prerequisite for forced (altered) visual perspective [12–14]. Males make courts with gray and white objects that increase in size with distance from the avenue entrance. This gradient creates forced visual perspective for the audience; court object visual angles subtended on the female viewer’s eye are more uniform than if the objects were placed at random. Forced perspective can yield false perception of size and distance [12, 15]. After experimental reversal of their size-distance gradient, males recovered their gradients within 3 days, and there was little difference from the original after 2 wks. Variation among males in their forced-perspective quality as seen by their female audience indicates that visual perspective is available for use in mate choice, perhaps as an indicator of cognitive ability. Regardless of function, the creation and maintenance of forced visual perspective is clearly important to great bowerbirds and suggests the possibility of a previously unknown dimension of bird cognition

    A perspective on sensory drive

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    Female preference for blue in Japan blue guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

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    Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are widely used as a model species in mate choice studies. Although native to South America, guppies have been introduced to natural water bodies in disparate regions of the globe. Here, for the first time, we examine guppies from one such introduced population in Japan where males have evolved a predominantly blue color pattern. Previous studies of wild-type guppies have shown blue to play a relatively minor role in the mate choice decisions of females compared to other traits, such as orange, and the importance of blue is not universally supported by all studies. The Japanese population therefore presents an ideal opportunity to re-examine the potential significance of blue as a mate choice cue in guppies. Mate choice experiments, in which female Japan blue guppies were given a choice between pairs of males that differed in their area of blue coloration but were matched for other traits, revealed that females prefer males with proportionately larger amounts of blue in their color patterns. We discuss possible factors, including sexual and ecological selection, which may have led to the evolution of unusually large areas of blue at the expense of other colors in Japan blue guppies. However, further studies are needed to distinguish between these scenarios.Web of Scienc

    Convergent evolution of sexual deception via chromatic and achromatic contrast rather than colour mimicry

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    The Orchidaceae is characterised by the repeated evolution of sexual deception, one of the most specialised pollination strategies. In orchids, sexual deception involves long-range pollinator attraction via mimicry of female insect sex pheromones. At close range, visual signals involving colour mimicry, contrast to the background, and exploitation of pollinator sensory biases could attract pollinators, but remain largely untested. Here we focus on a remarkable system in which species from two only distantly related sexually deceptive orchid genera with strikingly different flowers (Drakaea livida and three species of Caladenia) share the same pollinator, males of the thynnine wasp Zaspilothynnus nigripes. We used spectral reflectance measurements and modelling to investigate pollinator perception of colour, including the first examination of overall colour patterns in flowers via colour pattern geometry analyses. Rather than closely matching the colours of female Z. nigripes, these orchids had strong chromatic and achromatic contrast against their backgrounds. For Caladenia, the sepals and petals show high contrast, while in D. livida, which has diminutive petals and sepals, it is the labellum that contrasts strongly against the background. Despite varying in colour, the Caladenia species all had strong within-flower contrast between a UV-bright central target (column and labellum) and a corolla of radiating stripes (petals and sepals). The colour pattern geometry analyses also indicated that the orchids’ overall colour patterns are highly conspicuous against their backgrounds. Contrast, UV, and target patterns could all enhance detection, and exploit pollinators’ innate preferences. Since colour contrast may function with a range of colours and floral forms, attracting pollinators via contrast rather than visual mimicry may be a critical but previously overlooked process facilitating the evolution of sexual deception.Funding for fieldwork and equipment was from a University of Auckland FRDF Grant to ACG and an Australian Orchid Foundation Grant to RDP. The project was completed while RDP was supported by an ARC Linkage Grant (LP110100408) to Rod Peakall, Kingsley Dixon and Celeste Linde and a Discovery Early Career Research Award (DE150101720) and ACG was supported by University of Auckland sabbatical and parental leave funding
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