5,119 research outputs found

    Time's Barbed Arrow: Irreversibility, Crypticity, and Stored Information

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    We show why the amount of information communicated between the past and future--the excess entropy--is not in general the amount of information stored in the present--the statistical complexity. This is a puzzle, and a long-standing one, since the latter is what is required for optimal prediction, but the former describes observed behavior. We layout a classification scheme for dynamical systems and stochastic processes that determines when these two quantities are the same or different. We do this by developing closed-form expressions for the excess entropy in terms of optimal causal predictors and retrodictors--the epsilon-machines of computational mechanics. A process's causal irreversibility and crypticity are key determining properties.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Vegetation height products between 60° S and 60° N from ICESat GLAS data.

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    We present new coarse resolution (0.5� ×0.5�)vegetation height and vegetation-cover fraction data sets between 60� S and 60� N for use in climate models and ecological models. The data sets are derived from 2003–2009 measurements collected by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), the only LiDAR instrument that provides close to global coverage. Initial vegetation height is calculated from GLAS data using a development of the model of Rosette et al. (2008) with further calibration on desert sites. Filters are developed to identify and eliminate spurious observations in the GLAS data, e.g. data that are affected by clouds, atmosphere and terrain and as such result in erroneous estimates of vegetation height or vegetation cover. Filtered GLAS vegetation height estimates are aggregated in histograms from 0 to 70m in 0.5m intervals for each 0.5�×0.5�. The GLAS vegetation height product is evaluated in four ways. Firstly, the Vegetation height data and data filters are evaluated using aircraft LiDAR measurements of the same for ten sites in the Americas, Europe, and Australia. Application of filters to the GLAS vegetation height estimates increases the correlation with aircraft data from r =0.33 to r =0.78, decreases the root-mean-square error by a factor 3 to about 6m (RMSE) or 4.5m (68% error distribution) and decreases the bias from 5.7m to −1.3 m. Secondly, the global aggregated GLAS vegetation height product is tested for sensitivity towards the choice of data quality filters; areas with frequent cloud cover and areas with steep terrain are the most sensitive to the choice of thresholds for the filters. The changes in height estimates by applying different filters are, for the main part, smaller than the overall uncertainty of 4.5–6m established from the site measurements. Thirdly, the GLAS global vegetation height product is compared with a global vegetation height product typically used in a climate model, a recent global tree height product, and a vegetation greenness product and is shown to produce realistic estimates of vegetation height. Finally, the GLAS bare soil cover fraction is compared globally with the MODIS bare soil fraction (r = 0.65) and with bare soil cover fraction estimates derived from AVHRR NDVI data (r =0.67); the GLAS treecover fraction is compared with the MODIS tree-cover fraction (r =0.79). The evaluation indicates that filters applied to the GLAS data are conservative and eliminate a large proportion of spurious data, while only in a minority of cases at the cost of removing reliable data as well. The new GLAS vegetation height product appears more realistic than previous data sets used in climate models and ecological models and hence should significantly improve simulations that involve the land surface

    Victim’s posture and protective clothing changes the approach in an edged-weapon attack

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    Diverse groups of people use edged-weapons (i.e. knives, spears, swords) professionally. The training received affects how the edged-weapon is used and the area of the body targeted. There is a growing body of information available on the internet which is aimed at the training individuals in offensive knife attacks. This poster aims to raise awareness of this issue and highlight how a trained individual modifies an attack sequence depending on their victim’s posture and the protective clothing worn. A male trained in the Filipino martial arts discipline of Eskrima performed attack techniques on a static mannequin covered with a long sleeved upper body garment and leggings, a police custodian helmet and a HG1 + KR1 police body armour. In some simulated attacks the target was also dressed in a police high-visibility tactical vest on top of the body armour. High-speed video was used to capture each simulated attack and the impact location on the torso recorded using ultra-violet sensitive liquid applied to the weapon. Target posture was modified by adjusting the arm position of the mannequin. In a second series of experiments a PermaGel™ male target torso was used so that penetrating damage could be assessed. Data collected identified the change of attack due to victim’s posture and vulnerability of the neck, underarm area and groi

    Discussion of Recent Decisions

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    Cardiovascular drug therapy for human newborn: review of pharmacodynamic data

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    BACKGROUND: Circulatory failure in preterm and term newborn infants is commonly treated with inotropes or vasoactive medications. In this structured literature review, the available data on pharmacodynamic effects of the inotropes adrenaline, dobutamine, dopamine, levosimendan, milrinone, noradrenaline, and the vasoactive drugs vasopressin and hydrocortisone are presented. METHODS: Structured searches were conducted to identify relevant articles according to pre-defined inclusion criteria which were human clinical trials published after 2000. RESULTS: Out of 101 identified eligible studies only 22 studies met the criteria for evidence based practice guidelines level I to IV. The most prevalent pharmacodynamic effects were increase in blood pressure and/or heart rate, which were also the most frequently studied circulatory parameters. CONCLUSION: This review demonstrates the need for further systematic studies on all reviewed drugs with incorporation of novel non-invasive biomarkers in this vulnerable patient group, for more timely and appropriate treatment for clinical efficacy

    Effect of water-wall interaction potential on the properties of nanoconfined water

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    Much of the understanding of bulk liquids has progressed through study of the limiting case in which molecules interact via purely repulsive forces, such as a hard-core potential. In the same spirit, we report progress on the understanding of confined water by examining the behavior of water-like molecules interacting with planar walls via purely repulsive forces and compare our results with those obtained for Lennard-Jones (LJ) interactions between the molecules and the walls. Specifically, we perform molecular dynamics simulations of 512 water-like molecules which are confined between two smooth planar walls that are separated by 1.1 nm. At this separation, there are either two or three molecular layers of water, depending on density. We study two different forms of repulsive confinements, when the interaction potential between water-wall is (i) 1/r91/r^9 and (ii) WCA-like repulsive potential. We find that the thermodynamic, dynamic and structural properties of the liquid in purely repulsive confinements qualitatively match those for a system with a pure LJ attraction to the wall. In previous studies that include attractions, freezing into monolayer or trilayer ice was seen for this wall separation. Using the same separation as these previous studies, we find that the crystal state is not stable with 1/r91/r^9 repulsive walls but is stable with WCA-like repulsive confinement. However, by carefully adjusting the separation of the plates with 1/r91/r^9 repulsive interactions so that the effective space available to the molecules is the same as that for LJ confinement, we find that the same crystal phases are stable. This result emphasizes the importance of comparing systems only using the same effective confinement, which may differ from the geometric separation of the confining surfaces.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Differential regulation of gene expression pathways with dexamethasone and ACTH after early life seizures.

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    Early-life seizures (ELS) are associated with persistent cognitive deficits such as ADHD and memory impairment. These co-morbidities have a dramatic negative impact on the quality of life of patients. Therapies that improve cognitive outcomes have enormous potential to improve patients\u27 quality of life. Our previous work in a rat flurothyl-induction model showed that administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) at time of seizure induction led to improved learning and memory in the animals despite no effect on seizure latency or duration. Administration of dexamethasone (Dex), a corticosteroid, did not have the same positive effect on learning and memory and has even been shown to exacerbate injury in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. We hypothesized that ACTH exerted positive effects on cognitive outcomes through beneficial changes to gene expression and proposed that administration of ACTH at seizure induction would return gene-expression in the brain towards the normal pattern of expression in the Control animals whereas Dex would not. Twenty-six Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into vehicle- Control, and ACTH-, Dex-, and vehicle- ELS. Rat pups were subjected to 60 flurothyl seizures from P5 to P14. After seizure induction, brains were removed and the hippocampus and PFC were dissected, RNA was extracted and sequenced, and differential expression analysis was performed using generalized estimating equations. Differential expression analysis showed that ACTH pushes gene expression in the brain back to a more normal state of expression through enrichment of pathways involved in supporting homeostatic balance and down-regulating pathways that might contribute to excitotoxic cell-damage post-ELS

    Associations of dry skin, skin care habits, well‐being, sleep quality and itch in nursing home residents : results of a multicentre, observational, cross‐sectional study

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    Aim: Dry skin is one of the most frequent cutaneous problems in aged long-term care residents. Although it is clinically relevant, the impact on quality of life is unclear. The objective was to measure well-being, sleep quality and itch in nursing home residents being 65 years and older and to explore possible associations with demographics, dry skin and skincare habits. Design: Multicentre, observational, cross-sectional. Methods: Sleep quality was assessed with the Richards-Campbell Sleep Quality Questionnaire, well-being with the WHO-Five Well-being Index and itch with the 5-D Itch scale. Skin dryness was measured using the Overall Dry Skin score. Results: A total of 51 residents were included. The item scores of the sleep quality and itch questionnaires were strongly associated with each other. Demographics, dry skin and skincare habits were not associated with the questionnaires. It is unclear whether basic skincare activities can improve the quality of life in this population