3,082 research outputs found

    Preliminary Orbit Determination System (PODS) for Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)-tracked target Spacecraft using the homotopy continuation method

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    The Preliminary Orbit Determination System (PODS) provides early orbit determination capability in the Trajectory Computation and Orbital Products System (TCOPS) for a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)-tracked spacecraft. PODS computes a set of orbit states from an a priori estimate and six tracking measurements, consisting of any combination of TDRSS range and Doppler tracking measurements. PODS uses the homotopy continuation method to solve a set of nonlinear equations, and it is particularly effective for the case when the a priori estimate is not well known. Since range and Doppler measurements produce multiple states in PODS, a screening technique selects the desired state. PODS is executed in the TCOPS environment and can directly access all operational data sets. At the completion of the preliminary orbit determination, the PODS-generated state, along with additional tracking measurements, can be directly input to the differential correction (DC) process to generate an improved state. To validate the computational and operational capabilities of PODS, tests were performed using simulated TDRSS tracking measurements for the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite and using real TDRSS measurements for the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) and the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) spacecraft. The effects of various measurement combinations, varying arc lengths, and levels of degradation of the a priori state vector on the PODS solutions were considered

    Response of selected microorganisms to experimental planetary environments

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    The anaerobic utilization of phosphite or phosphine and the significance of this conversion to potential contamination of Jupiter were investigated. A sporeforming organism was isolated from Cape Canaveral soil which anaerobically converts hypophosphite to phosphate. This conversion coincides with an increase in turbidity of the culture and with phosphate accumulation in the medium. Investigations of omnitherms (organisms which grow over a broad temperature range, i.e. 3 -55 C were also conducted. The cellular morphology of 28 of these isolates was investigated, and all were demonstrated to be sporeformers. Biochemical characterizations are also presented. Procedures for replicate plating were evaluated, and those results are also presented. The procedures for different replicate-plating techniques are presented, and these are evaluated on the basis of reproducibility, percentage of viable transfer, and ease of use. Standardized procedures for the enumeration of microbial populations from ocean-dredge samples from Cape Canaveral are also presented

    Effective Action for High-Energy Scattering in Gravity

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    The multi-Regge effective action is derived directly from the linearized gravity action. After excluding the redundant field components we separate the fields into momentum modes and integrate over modes which correspond neither to the kinematics of scattering nor to the one of exchanged particles. The effective vertices of scattering and of particle production are obtained as sums of the contributions from the triple and quartic interaction terms and the fields in the effective action are defined in terms of the two physical components of the metric fluctuation.Comment: 15 pages, LATE

    Formative peer assessment in a CSCL environment

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    In this case study our aim was to gain more insight in the possibilities of qualitative formative peer assessment in a computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. An approach was chosen in which peer assessment was operationalised in assessment assignments and assessment tools that were embedded in the course material. The course concerned a higher education case-based virtual seminar, in which students were asked to conduct research and write a report in small multidisciplinary teams. The assessment assignments contained the discussion of assessment criteria, the assessment of a group report of a fellow group, and writing an assessment report. A list of feedback rules was one of the assessment tools. A qualitative oriented study was conducted, focussing on the attitude of students towards peer assessment and practical use of peer assessment assignments and tools. Results showed that students’ attitude towards peer assessment was positive and that assessment assignments had added value. However, not all students fulfilled all assessment assignments. Recommendations for implementation of peer assessment in CSCL environments as well as suggestions for future research are discussed

    An inquiry-based learning approach to teaching information retrieval

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    The study of information retrieval (IR) has increased in interest and importance with the explosive growth of online information in recent years. Learning about IR within formal courses of study enables users of search engines to use them more knowledgeably and effectively, while providing the starting point for the explorations of new researchers into novel search technologies. Although IR can be taught in a traditional manner of formal classroom instruction with students being led through the details of the subject and expected to reproduce this in assessment, the nature of IR as a topic makes it an ideal subject for inquiry-based learning approaches to teaching. In an inquiry-based learning approach students are introduced to the principles of a subject and then encouraged to develop their understanding by solving structured or open problems. Working through solutions in subsequent class discussions enables students to appreciate the availability of alternative solutions as proposed by their classmates. Following this approach students not only learn the details of IR techniques, but significantly, naturally learn to apply them in solution of problems. In doing this they not only gain an appreciation of alternative solutions to a problem, but also how to assess their relative strengths and weaknesses. Developing confidence and skills in problem solving enables student assessment to be structured around solution of problems. Thus students can be assessed on the basis of their understanding and ability to apply techniques, rather simply their skill at reciting facts. This has the additional benefit of encouraging general problem solving skills which can be of benefit in other subjects. This approach to teaching IR was successfully implemented in an undergraduate module where students were assessed in a written examination exploring their knowledge and understanding of the principles of IR and their ability to apply them to solving problems, and a written assignment based on developing an individual research proposal

    A Q-operator for the twisted XXX model

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    Taking the isotropic limit in a recent representation theoretic construction of Baxter's Q-operators for the XXZ model with quasi-periodic boundary conditions we obtain new results for the XXX model. We show that quasi-periodic boundary conditions are needed to ensure convergence of the Q-operator construction and derive a quantum Wronskian relation which implies two different sets of Bethe ansatz equations, one above the other below the "equator" of total spin zero. We discuss the limit to periodic boundary conditions at the end and explain how this construction might be useful in the context of correlation functions on the infinite lattice. We also identify a special subclass of solutions to the quantum Wronskian for chains up to a length of 10 sites and possibly higher.Comment: 19 page

    Designing electronic collaborative learning environments

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    Electronic collaborative learning environments for learning and working are in vogue. Designers design them according to their own constructivist interpretations of what collaborative learning is and what it should achieve. Educators employ them with different educational approaches and in diverse situations to achieve different ends. Students use them, sometimes very enthusiastically, but often in a perfunctory way. Finally, researchers study them and—as is usually the case when apples and oranges are compared—find no conclusive evidence as to whether or not they work, where they do or do not work, when they do or do not work and, most importantly, why, they do or do not work. This contribution presents an affordance framework for such collaborative learning environments; an interaction design procedure for designing, developing, and implementing them; and an educational affordance approach to the use of tasks in those environments. It also presents the results of three projects dealing with these three issues

    Technology challenges for space interferometry: the option of mid-infrared integrated optics

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    Nulling interferometry is a technique providing high angular resolution which is the core of the space missions Darwin and the Terrestrail Planet Finder. The first objective is to reach a deep degree of starlight cancelation in the range 6 -- 20 microns, in order to observe and to characterize the signal from an Earth-like planet. Among the numerous technological challenges involved in these missions, the question of the beam combination and wavefront filtering has an important place. A single-mode integrated optics (IO) beam combiner could support both the functions of filtering and the interferometric combination, simplifying the instrumental design. Such a perspective has been explored in this work within the project Integrated Optics for Darwin (IODA), which aims at developing a first IO combiner in the mid-infrared. The solutions reviewed here to manufacture the combiner are based on infrared dielectric materials on one side, and on metallic conductive waveguides on the other side. With this work, additional inputs are offered to pursue the investigation on mid-infrared photonics devices.Comment: Accepted in Adv. in Space Researc

    Factorization of R-matrix and Baxter's Q-operator

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    The general rational solution of the Yang-Baxter equation with the symmetry algebra sl(2) can be represented as the product of the simpler building blocks denoted as R-operators. The R-operators are constructed explicitly and have simple structure. Using the R-operators we construct the two-parametric Baxter's Q-operator for the generic inhomogeneous periodic XXX spin chain. In the case of homogeneous XXX spin chain it is possible to reduce the general Q-operator to the much simpler one-parametric operator.Comment: 17 page

    Towards a solution of the charmonium production controversy: k_t-factorization versus color octet mechanism

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    The cross section of \chi_{cJ} hadroproduction is calculated in the k_t-factorization approach. We find a significant contribution of the \chi_{c1} state due to non-applicability of the Landau-Yang theorem because of off-shell gluons. The results are in agreement with data and, in contrast to the collinear factorization, show a dominance of the color singlet part and a strong suppression of the color octet contribution. Our results could therefore lead to a solution of the longstanding controversy between the color singlet model and the color octet mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, final PRL versio