71 research outputs found

    Spectrofluorometric analysis of autofluorescing components of crude serum from a rat liver model of ischemia and reperfusion

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    Autofluorescence (AF) of crude serum was investigated with reference to the potential of its intrinsic AF biomarkers for the noninvasive diagnosis of liver injury. Spectral parameters of pure compounds representing retinol (vitamin A) and fluorescing free fatty acids were characterized by spectrofluorometry, to assess spectral parameters for the subsequent AF analysis of serum, collected from rats undergoing liver ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). Differences in AF spectral profiles detected between control and I/R were due to the increase in the AF components representing fatty acids in I/R serum samples. No significant changes occurred for retinol levels, consistently with the literature reporting that constant retinol levels are commonly observed in the blood, except for malnutrition or chronic severe liver disease. Conversely, fatty acids, in particular arachidonic and linoleic acid and their derivatives, act as modulating agents in inflammation, representing both a protective and damaging response to stress stimuli. The biometabolic and pathophysiological meaning of serum components and the possibility of their direct detection by AF spectrofluorometry open up interesting perspectives for the development of AF serum analysis, as a direct, cost effective, supportive tool to assess liver injury and related systemic metabolic alterations, for applications in experimental biomedicine and foreseen translation to the clinics

    Isolation of rat hepatocytes for pharmacological studies on metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) subtype 5: a comparison between collagenase I versus collagenase IV.

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    Isolated hepatocytes can be obtained from the liver by collagenase infusion, a procedure that could affect cell isolation as well as the integrity of membrane receptors. In this respect we compared metabotropic glutamate subtype 5 receptor (mGluR5) protein expression and activity in rat hepatocytes isolated by two collagenases, type I and type IV. Hepatocytes were isolated from male Wistar rats (200-250 g) using collagenase I or colla-genase IV and after isolation, viability and morphology of rat hepatocytes were assessed measuring mGluR5 protein expression by Western blot analyses. mGluR5 activation was evaluated by inositol-1-phosphate (IP-1) accumulation after treatment with the mGluR5 orthosteric agonist ACPD or the selective antagonist MPEP. No difference in cellular viability and morphology was observed using collagenase I when compared with collage-nase IV. An increase in mGluR5 protein expression was observed in hepatocytes isolated using collagenase IV with respect to collagenase I. Moreover, hepatocytes treated with ACPD and with MPEP presented higher levels of IP-1 when isolated using collagenase IV compared tocollagenase I. These results indicate that collage-nase IV better preserves the activity of surface proteins such as mGluR5in isolated rat hepatocytes, an in vitro model useful to reduce the use of experimental animals, in line with the 3R ethical framework

    Metabotropic glutamate receptor blockade reduces preservation damage in livers from donors after cardiac death

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    We previously demonstrated that the blockade of mGluR5 by 2-methyl-6(phenylethynyl)pyridine (MPEP) reduces both cold and warm ischemia/reperfusion injury. Here we evaluated whether MPEP reduces the hepatic preservation injury in rat livers from cardiac-death-donors (DCDs). Livers from DCD rats were isolated after an in situ warm ischemia (30 min) and preserved for 22 h at 4 °C with UW solution. Next, 10 mg/Kg MPEP or vehicle were administered 30 min before the portal clamping and added to the UW solution (3 µM). LDH released during washout was quantified. Liver samples were collected for iNOS, eNOS, NO, TNF-α, ICAM-1, caspase-3 and caspase-9 protein expression and nuclear factor-erythroid-2-related factor-2 (Nrf2) gene analysis. Lower LDH levels were detected in control grafts versus DCD groups. An increase in eNOS and NO content occurred after MPEP treatment; iNOS and TNF-α content was unchanged. ICAM-1 expression was reduced in the MPEP-treated livers as well as the levels of caspase-3 and caspase-9. Nrf2, oxidative stress-sensitive gene, was recovered to control value by MPEP. These results suggest that MPEP can be used to reclaim DCD livers subjected to an additional period of cold ischemia during hypothermic storage. MPEP protects against apoptosis and increased eNOS, whose overexpression has been previously demonstrated to be protective in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion damage

    Transient expression of reck under hepatic ischemia/reperfusion conditions is associated with mapk signaling pathways

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    In this study, we demonstrated the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Our aim is to evaluate the impact of reperfusion on I/R-related changes in RECK, an MMP modulator, and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPKs) pathways (ERK, p38, and JNK). Male Wistar rats were either subjected to 60 min partial-hepatic ischemia or sham-operated. After a 60 min or 120 min reperfusion, liver samples were collected for analysis of MMP-2 and MMP-9 by zymography and RECK, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 content, MAPKs activation (ERK1/2, JNK1/2, and p38), as well as iNOS and eNOS by Western blot. Serum enzymes AST, ALT, and alkaline-phosphatase were quantified. A transitory decrease in hepatic RECK and TIMPs was associated with a transitory increase in both MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity and a robust activation of ERK1/2, JNK1/2, and p38 were detected at 60 min reperfusion. Hepatic expression of iNOS was maximally upregulated at 120 min reperfusion. An increase in eNOS was detected at 120 min reperfusion. I/R evoked significant hepatic injury in a time-dependent manner. These findings provide new insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of reperfusion in inducing hepatic injury: a transitory decrease in RECK and TIMPs and increases in both MAPK and MMP activity suggest their role as triggering factors of the organ dysfunction

    Metabolic myopathy presenting with polyarteritis nodosa: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, we describe for the first time a patient in whom an unusual metabolic myopathy was identified after failure to respond to curative therapy for a systemic vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa. We hope this report will heighten awareness of common metabolic myopathies that may present later in life. It also speculates on the potential relationship between metabolic myopathy and systemic vasculitis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 78-year-old African-American woman with a two-year history of progressive fatigue and exercise intolerance presented to our facility with new skin lesions and profound muscle weakness. Skin and muscle biopsies demonstrated a medium-sized artery vasculitis consistent with polyarteritis nodosa. Biochemical studies of the muscle revealed diminished cytochrome C oxidase activity (0.78 μmol/minute/g tissue; normal range 1.03 to 3.83 μmol/minute/g tissue), elevated acid maltase activity (23.39 μmol/minute/g tissue; normal range 1.74 to 9.98 μmol/minute/g tissue) and elevated neutral maltase activity (35.89 μmol/minute/g tissue; normal range 4.35 to 16.03 μmol/minute/g tissue). Treatment for polyarteritis nodosa with prednisone and cyclophosphamide resulted in minimal symptomatic improvement. Additional management with a diet low in complex carbohydrates and ubiquinone, creatine, carnitine, folic acid, α-lipoic acid and ribose resulted in dramatic clinical improvement.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our patient's initial symptoms of fatigue, exercise intolerance and progressive weakness were likely related to her complex metabolic myopathy involving both the mitochondrial respiratory chain and glycogen storage pathways. Management of our patient required treatment of both the polyarteritis nodosa as well as metabolic myopathy. Metabolic myopathies are common and should be considered in any patient with exercise intolerance. Metabolic myopathies may complicate the management of various disease states.</p

    The Assembly of Individual Chaplin Peptides from Streptomyces coelicolor into Functional Amyloid Fibrils

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    The self-association of proteins into amyloid fibrils offers an alternative to the natively folded state of many polypeptides. Although commonly associated with disease, amyloid fibrils represent the natural functional state of some proteins, such as the chaplins from the soil-dwelling bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor, which coat the aerial mycelium and spores rendering them hydrophobic. We have undertaken a biophysical characterisation of the five short chaplin peptides ChpD-H to probe the mechanism by which these peptides self-assemble in solution to form fibrils. Each of the five chaplin peptides produced synthetically or isolated from the cell wall is individually surface-active and capable of forming fibrils under a range of solution conditions in vitro. These fibrils contain a highly similar cross-β core structure and a secondary structure that resembles fibrils formed in vivo on the spore and mycelium surface. They can also restore the growth of aerial hyphae to a chaplin mutant strain. We show that cysteine residues are not required for fibril formation in vitro and propose a role for the cysteine residues conserved in four of the five short chaplin peptides

    Massive-Scale RNA-Seq Analysis of Non Ribosomal Transcriptome in Human Trisomy 21

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    Hybridization- and tag-based technologies have been successfully used in Down syndrome to identify genes involved in various aspects of the pathogenesis. However, these technologies suffer from several limits and drawbacks and, to date, information about rare, even though relevant, RNA species such as long and small non-coding RNAs, is completely missing. Indeed, none of published works has still described the whole transcriptional landscape of Down syndrome. Although the recent advances in high-throughput RNA sequencing have revealed the complexity of transcriptomes, most of them rely on polyA enrichment protocols, able to detect only a small fraction of total RNA content. On the opposite end, massive-scale RNA sequencing on rRNA-depleted samples allows the survey of the complete set of coding and non-coding RNA species, now emerging as novel contributors to pathogenic mechanisms. Hence, in this work we analysed for the first time the complete transcriptome of human trisomic endothelial progenitor cells to an unprecedented level of resolution and sensitivity by RNA-sequencing. Our analysis allowed us to detect differential expression of even low expressed genes crucial for the pathogenesis, to disclose novel regions of active transcription outside yet annotated loci, and to investigate a plethora of non-polyadenilated long as well as short non coding RNAs. Novel splice isoforms for a large subset of crucial genes, and novel extended untranslated regions for known genes—possibly novel miRNA targets or regulatory sites for gene transcription—were also identified in this study. Coupling the rRNA depletion of samples, followed by high-throughput RNA-sequencing, to the easy availability of these cells renders this approach very feasible for transcriptome studies, offering the possibility of investigating in-depth blood-related pathological features of Down syndrome, as well as other genetic disorders

    Exploring public views on marine litter in Europe: Perceived causes, consequences and pathways to change

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    Marine litter is a global challenge and society plays an important role via lifestyles and behaviour, including policy support. We analysed public perceptions of marine litter and contributing factors, using data from 1133 respondents across 16 European countries. People reported high levels of concern about marine litter, and the vast majority (95%) reported seeing litter when visiting the coast. The problem was attributed to product and packaging design and behaviour rather than lack of facilities or accidental loss of items. Retailers, industry and government were perceived as most responsible, but also least motivated and competent to reduce marine litter, whereas scientists and environmental groups were perceived as least responsible but most motivated and competent. Regression analyses demonstrated the importance of psychological factors such as values and social norms above socio-demographic variables. These findings are important for communications and interventions to reduce inputs of marine litter to the natural environment