7 research outputs found

    Molecular Landscape of the Ribosome Pre-initiation Complex during mRNA Scanning: Structural Role for eIF3c and Its Control by eIF5

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    Citation: Obayashi, E., Luna, R. E., Nagata, T., Martin-Marcos, P., Hiraishi, H., Singh, C. R., . . . Asano, K. (2017). Molecular Landscape of the Ribosome Pre-initiation Complex during mRNA Scanning: Structural Role for eIF3c and Its Control by eIF5. Cell Reports, 18(11), 2651-2663. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2017.02.052During eukaryotic translation initiation, eIF3 binds the solvent-accessible side of the 40S ribosome and recruits the gate-keeper protein eIF1 and eIF5 to the decoding center. This is largely mediated by the N-terminal domain (NTD) of eIF3c, which can be divided into three parts: 3c0, 3c1, and 3c2. The N-terminal part, 3c0, binds eIF5 strongly but only weakly to the ribosome-binding surface of eIF1, whereas 3c1 and 3c2 form a stoichiometric complex with eIF1. 3c1 contacts eIF1 through Arg-53 and Leu-96, while 3c2 faces 40S protein uS15/S13, to anchor eIF1 to the scanning pre-initiation complex (PIC). We propose that the 3c0:eIF1 interaction diminishes eIF1 binding to the 40S, whereas 3c0:eIF5 interaction stabilizes the scanning PIC by precluding this inhibitory interaction. Upon start codon recognition, interactions involving eIF5, and ultimately 3c0:eIF1 association, facilitate eIF1 release. Our results reveal intricate molecular interactions within the PIC, programmed for rapid scanning-arrest at the start codon

    Mechanisms of translational regulation by a human eIF5-mimic protein

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    The translation factor eIF5 is an important partner of eIF2, directly modulating its function in several critical steps. First, eIF5 binds eIF2/GTP/Met-tRNAiMet ternary complex (TC), promoting its recruitment to 40S ribosomal subunits. Secondly, its GTPase activating function promotes eIF2 dissociation for ribosomal subunit joining. Finally, eIF5 GDP dissociation inhibition (GDI) activity can antagonize eIF2 reactivation by competing with the eIF2 guanine exchange factor (GEF), eIF2B. The C-terminal domain (CTD) of eIF5, a W2-type HEAT domain, mediates its interaction with eIF2. Here, we characterize a related human protein containing MA3- and W2-type HEAT domains, previously termed BZW2 and renamed here as eIF5-mimic protein 1 (5MP1). Human 5MP1 interacts with eIF2 and eIF3 and inhibits general and gene-specific translation in mammalian systems. We further test whether 5MP1 is a mimic or competitor of the GEF catalytic subunit eIF2Bε or eIF5, using yeast as a model. Our results suggest that 5MP1 interacts with yeast eIF2 and promotes TC formation, but inhibits TC binding to the ribosome. Moreover, 5MP1 is not a GEF but a weak GDI for yeast eIF2. We propose that 5MP1 is a partial mimic and competitor of eIF5, interfering with the key steps by which eIF5 regulates eIF2 function

    An eIF5/eIF2 complex antagonizes guanine nucleotide exchange by eIF2B during translation initiation

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    In eukaryotic translation initiation, the eIF2·GTP/Met-tRNA(i)(Met) ternary complex (TC) binds the eIF3/eIF1/eIF5 complex to form the multifactor complex (MFC), whereas eIF2·GDP binds the pentameric factor eIF2B for guanine nucleotide exchange. eIF5 and the eIF2Bɛ catalytic subunit possess a conserved eIF2-binding site. Nearly half of cellular eIF2 forms a complex with eIF5 lacking Met-tRNA(i)(Met), and here we investigate its physiological significance. eIF5 overexpression increases the abundance of both eIF2/eIF5 and TC/eIF5 complexes, thereby impeding eIF2B reaction and MFC formation, respectively. eIF2Bɛ mutations, but not other eIF2B mutations, enhance the ability of overexpressed eIF5 to compete for eIF2, indicating that interaction of eIF2Bɛ with eIF2 normally disrupts eIF2/eIF5 interaction. Overexpression of the catalytic eIF2Bɛ segment similarly exacerbates eIF5 mutant phenotypes, supporting the ability of eIF2Bɛ to compete with MFC. Moreover, we show that eIF5 overexpression does not generate aberrant MFC lacking tRNA(i)(Met), suggesting that tRNA(i)(Met) is a vital component promoting MFC assembly. We propose that the eIF2/eIF5 complex represents a cytoplasmic reservoir for eIF2 that antagonizes eIF2B-promoted guanine nucleotide exchange, enabling coordinated regulation of translation initiation