615 research outputs found

    The power of the noble lady in the late middle ages: The case of Leonor Pimentel y Zuñiga, I duchess of Plasencia

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    El presente trabajo analiza la figura de la mujer noble bajomedieval, acercándose al poder que aquella ejercía dentro de su sociedad. Objeto de estudio que solo en los últimos años ha visto incrementado el número de trabajos que lo analizan. En este caso, además de hacer un pequeño recorrido por la situación de la nobleza en el siglo XV, y de acercarnos a los estudios que versan sobre la Historia de las Mujeres, nuestro objetivo principal es dar a conocer la figura de una dama noble que no había sido tratada por la historiografía. Nos referimos a doña Leonor Pimentel y Zúñiga, quien llegó a ser duquesa de Plasencia y señora de varias villas rompiendo el mayorazgo de la casa Zúñiga, a la que pertenecía por doble vía, por la materna y por la matrimonial, ya que casó con su tío y cabeza del linaje, don Álvaro de Zúñiga y GuzmánThis work analyzes the figure of the aristocratic woman in the Late Middle Ages, approaching the power that women exercised within their society. These studies have not been treated by the Spanish historiography; only in recent years, there are works that analyze this situation. In addition to give a brief overview of the situation of the nobility in the fifteenth century and to approach the study of women, our main objective is to present the figure of a noble woman who had not been treated by historiography yet. We refer to Mrs. Leonor Pimentel y Zúñiga, who became Duchess of Plasencia and mistress of several villas, breaking the Primogeniture of the Zúñig

    Los franciscanos en el Nuevo Mundo

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    Testing for Concordance Ordering

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    We propose inference tools to analyse the concordance (or correlation) order of random vectors. The analysis in the bivariate case relies on tests for upper and lower quadrant dominance of the true distribution by a parametric or semiparametric model, i.e. for a parametric or semiparametric model to give a probability that two variables are simultaneously small or large at least as great as it would be were they left unspecified. Tests for its generalisation in higher dimensions, namely joint lower and upper orthant dominance, are also analysed. The parametric and semiparametric settings are based on the copula representation for multivariate distribution, which allows for disentangling behaviour of margins and dependence structure. A distance test and an intersection-union test for inequality constraints are developed depending on the definition of null and alternative hypotheses. An empirical illustration is given for US insurance claim dat

    Arteriovenous Tumor: Dermoscopic Clues

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    Case Presentation A 78-year-old man consulted for an asymptomatic cutaneous lesion on the external aspect of his left arm that had first appeared 7 months earlier. The lesion, which was firm and measured 15?mm in diameter, was papulonodular, dome-shaped, and erythematous-violaceous in color (Fig. 1A). Figure 1. A, Firm erythematous-violaceous, papulonodular lesion on the external aspect of the left arm. B, Dermoscopic image showing whitish structures on an erythematous base, nonarborizing telangiectasias, vessels with a glomerular appearance, and a slight brown reticular pattern mainly on the periphery. What Is Your Diagnosis? Arteriovenous tumor. Comment Polarized light dermoscopy revealed the presence of whitish structures, a slightly brown reticular pattern mainly on the periphery, and vascular structures (nonarborizing telangiectasias in areas with a glomerular appearance), all on an erythematous base (Fig. 1A). Given the clinical and dermoscopic characteristics of the lesion, the differential diagnosis was made with a vascular lesion, including arteriovenous tumor, aneurysmal dermatofibroma, and hypomelanotic nodular melanoma. ..

    RecordTest: An R Package to Analyze Non-Stationarity in the Extremes Based on Record-Breaking Events

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    The study of non-stationary behavior in the extremes is important to analyze data in environmental sciences, climate, finance, or sports. As an alternative to the classical extreme value theory, this analysis can be based on the study of record-breaking events. The R package RecordTest provides a useful framework for non-parametric analysis of non-stationary behavior in the extremes, based on the analysis of records. The underlying idea of all the non-parametric tools implemented in the package is to use the distribution of the record occurrence under series of independent and identically distributed continuous random variables, to analyze if the observed records are compatible with that behavior. Two families of tests are implemented. The first only requires the record times of the series, while the second includes more powerful tests that join the information from different types of records: upper and lower records in the forward and backward series. The package also offers functions that cover all the steps in this type of analysis such as data preparation, identification of the records, exploratory analysis, and complementary graphical tools. The applicability of the package is illustrated with the analysis of the effect of global warming on the extremes of the daily maximum temperature series in Zaragoza, Spain

    Statistical analysis of extreme and record-breaking daily maximum temperatures in peninsular Spain during 1960–2021

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    This work analyses the effects of global warming in the upper extremes of daily temperature series over Spain. This objective implies specific analysis, since time evolution of mean temperature is not always parallel to evolution of the extremes. We propose the use of several record tests to study the behavior of the extreme and record-breaking events in different temperature signals, at different time and spatial scales. The underlying idea of the tests is to compare the occurrence of the extreme events in the observed series and the occurrence in a stationary climate. Given that under global warming, an increasing trend, or an increasing variability, can be expected, the alternative is that the probability of the extremes is higher than in a stationary climate. Some of the tests, based on a permutation approach, can be applied to sets of correlated series and this allows the analysis of short periods of time and regional analysis, where series are measured in close days and/or locations. Using these tests, we evaluate and compare the effects of climate change in temperature extreme and record-breaking events using 36 series of daily maximum temperature from 1960 to 2021, all over peninsular Spain. We also compare the behavior in different Spanish regions, in different periods of the year, and in different signals such as the annual maximum temperature. Significant evidences of the effect of an increasing trend in the occurrence of upper extremes are found in most of Spain. The effects are heterogeneous within the year, being autumn the season where the effects are weaker and summer where they are stronger. Concerning the spatial variability, the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic region are the areas where the effects are more and less clear, respectively

    Record tests to detect non-stationarity in the tails with an application to climate change

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    The analysis of trends and other non-stationary behaviours at the extremes of a series is an important problem in global warming. This work proposes and compares several statistical tools to analyse that behaviour, using the properties of the occurrence of records in i.i.d. series. The main difficulty of this problem is the scarcity of information in the tails, so it is important to obtain all the possible evidence from the available data. First, different statistics based on upper records are proposed, and the most powerful is selected. Then, using that statistic, several approaches to join the information of four types of records, upper and lower records of forward and backward series, are suggested. It is found that these joint tests are clearly more powerful. The suggested tests are specifically useful in analysing the effect of global warming in the extremes, for example, of daily temperature. They have a high power to detect weak trends and can be widely applied since they are non-parametric. The proposed statistics join the information of M independent series, which is useful given the necessary split of the series to arrange the data. This arrangement solves the usual problems of climate series (seasonality and serial correlation) and provides more series to find evidence. These tools are used to analyse the effect of global warming on the extremes of daily temperature in Madrid

    PredicForex. A tool for a reliable market. Playing with currencies

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    The Forex market is a very interesting market. Finding a suitable tool to forecast currency behavior will be of great interest. It is almost impossible to find a 100 % reliable tool. This market is like any other one, unpredictable. However we developed a very interesting tool that makes use of WebCrawler, data mining and web services to offer and forecast an advice to any user or broker