354 research outputs found

    Analysis of the total 12C(α,γ)16O cross section based on available angular distributions and other primary data

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    Because a knowledge of the 12C/16O ratio is crucial to the understanding of the later evolution of massive stars, new R- and K-matrix fits have been completed using the available angular distribution data from radiative α capture and elastic α scattering on 12C. Estimates of the total 12C(α,γ)16O rate at stellar energies are reported. In contrast with previous work, the analyses generally involve R- and K-matrix fits directly to the primary data, i.e., the energy- and angle-dependent differential yields, with all relevant partial waves fitted simultaneously (referred to here as surface fits). It is shown that, while the E1 part of the reaction is well constrained by a recent experiment on the β-delayed α-particle decay of 16N, only upper limits can be placed on the E2 ground state cross section factor which we take conservatively as SE2(300)<140 keV b. Simulations were then carried out to explore what kind of new data could lead to better restrictions on SE2(300). We find that improved elastic scattering data may be the best short-term candidate for such restrictions while significantly improving S(300) with new radiative capture data may require a longer-term effort. Theoretical models and estimates from α-transfer reactions for the E2 part of 12C(α,γ)16O are then discussed for comparison with the R- and K-matrix fits of the present work

    Nontrivial eigenvalues of the Liouvillian of an open quantum system

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    We present methods of finding complex eigenvalues of the Liouvillian of an open quantum system. The goal is to find eigenvalues that cannot be predicted from the eigenvalues of the corresponding Hamiltonian. Our model is a T-type quantum dot with an infinitely long lead. We suggest the existence of the non-trivial eigenvalues of the Liouvillian in two ways: one way is to show that the original problem reduces to the problem of a two-particle Hamiltonian with a two-body interaction and the other way is to show that diagram expansion of the Green's function has correlation between the bra state and the ket state. We also introduce the integral equations equivalent to the original eigenvalue problem.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, proceeding

    Tallimustine in advanced previously untreated colorectal cancer, a phase II study.

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    Tallimustine is a novel benzoyl mustard derivative from distamycin A with a unique mode of action. It is a DNA minor groove binder and produces highly sequence-specific alkylations. Previous studies have shown significant anti-tumour effects in animal models. We performed a phase II study in previously untreated patients with advanced colorectal cancer, using a schedule of i.v. bolus infusions of 900 microgram m-2 once every 4 weeks. Seventeen patients were enrolled, and no responses were documented in 14 evaluable patients. Toxicity mainly consisted a highly selective neutropenia, which warrants further investigation of this agent in combination with myeloid growth factors

    Late glacial to deglacial variation of coralgal assemblages in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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    Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 325 cored submerged reefs along the shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) to study sea-level and environmental changes and their impacts on reef communities and reef growth since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Previous work defined five reef sequences (Reef 1–5) that span the last 30,000 years. Here we examined the variation in coralgal assemblages and their paleoenvironmental settings in late glacial to deglacial sequences from 23 holes cored seaward of the modern GBR in water depths from 46 to 131 m along four transects at three localities: Hydrographers Passage (HYD-01C and HYD-02A), Noggin Pass (NOG–01B), and Ribbon Reef (RIB-02A). We identified three coralline algal assemblages and eight coral assemblages indicating a broad range of reef settings from the shallow reef crest (0–5 m) to the deep forereef slope (>20 m). We document in detail for the first time the distribution and composition of reef communities that grew in the GBR during the LGM from 22,000–19,000 years ago. They included coral taxa that are major reef builders today: Isopora, Acropora gr. humilis, Dipsastraea gr. pallida, Porites, and Montipora. Prior to the fall in sea level to the maximum extent of the LGM, late glacial reef communities developed more proximally (landward) to the modern GBR along the shelf edge. Their distribution and composition reflect influences of the older Pleistocene basement depth and possible terrigenous sediment inputs. Post-LGM deglacial reef growth was vigorous in proximal sites and characterized by the accretion of a very shallow high-energy coralgal assemblage composed of medium to robustly branching Acropora, including A. gr. humilis, and thick algal crusts of Porolithon gr. onkodes associated with vermetid gastropods. More distally, reef growth was variably impacted by terrigenous input following deglacial reflooding of antecedent reef terraces. The coralgal succession and sedimentary facies in Noggin Pass indicate that an early drowning trend was linked to increased turbidity that was likely controlled by shelf morphology (narrow shelf, steep slope) and/or proximity to a paleo-river mouth. The deglacial succession in Ribbon Reef lacks typical shallow-water indicators, which may reflect influences of the particularly steep slope of the northern GBR shelf edge on reef zonation. A major sea-level jump at the onset of the Younger Dryas displaced reef habitats further upslope, forming a barrier reef system mainly composed of robustly branching acroporids distinct from the more distal sites. Our results highlight the importance of sedimentation and shelf morphology in addition to relative sea-level changes in controlling variations in reef community over centennial to millennial timescales. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.Australian Research Council-DP109400

    Translation validation of a new back pain screening questionnaire (the STarT Back Screening Tool) in French

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    Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a major public health problem and the identification of individuals at risk of persistent LBP poses substantial challenges to clinical management. The STarT Back questionnaire is a validated nine-item patient self-report questionnaire that classifies patients with LBP at low, medium or high-risk of poor prognosis for persistent non-specific LBP. The objective of this study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the English version of the STarT Back questionnaire into French. Methods: The translation was performed using best practice translation guidelines. The following phases were performed: contact with the STarT Back questionnaire developers, initial translations (English into French), synthesis, back translations, expert committee review, test of the pre-final version on 44 individuals with LBP, final version. Results: The linguistic translation required minor semantic alterations. The participants interviewed indicated that all items of the questionnaire were globally clear and comprehensible. However, 6 subjects (14%) wondered if two questions were related to back pain or general health. After discussion within the expert committee and with the developer of the STarT Back tool, it was decided to modify the questionnaire and to add a reference to back pain in these two questions. Conclusions: The French version of the STarT Back questionnaire has been shown to be comprehensible and adapted to the French speaking general population. Investigations are now required to test the psychometric properties (reliability, internal and external validity, responsiveness) of this translated version of the questionnaire

    Human papillomavirus oncoproteins induce a reorganization of epithelial-associated γδ T cells promoting tumor formation.

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    It has been shown that γδ T cells protect against the formation of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in several models. However, the role of γδ T cells in human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated uterine cervical SCC, the third-leading cause of death by cancer in women, is unknown. Here, we investigated the impact of γδ T cells in a transgenic mouse model of carcinogenesis induced by HPV16 oncoproteins. Surprisingly, γδ T cells promoted the development of HPV16 oncoprotein-induced lesions. HPV16 oncoproteins induced a decrease in epidermal Skint1 expression and the associated antitumor Vγ5 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; γδ T cells, which were replaced by γδ T-cell subsets (mainly Vγ6 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; γδ &lt;sup&gt;low&lt;/sup&gt; CCR2 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CCR6 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; ) actively producing IL-17A. Consistent with a proangiogenic role, γδ T cells promoted the formation of blood vessels in the dermis underlying the HPV-induced lesions. In human cervical biopsies, IL-17A &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; γδ T cells could only be observed at the cancer stage (SCC), where HPV oncoproteins are highly expressed, supporting the clinical relevance of our observations in mice. Overall, our results suggest that HPV16 oncoproteins induce a reorganization of the local epithelial-associated γδ T-cell subpopulations, thereby promoting angiogenesis and cancer development

    Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolated from Chickens in West of Algeria

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    Modern poultry flocks undergo strong microbial pressure. Antibiotics can contribute to reduce bacterial infections. Their use increased these last years. Studies performed in Morocco and Algeria highlighted the importance of antibioresistance after excessive use of antibiotics in poultry breeding. In western Algeria, 240 strains of enterobacteriaceae were isolated according to usual bacteriological procedures. In order to assess antimicrobial resistance, the disc diffusion method for antibiotic susceptibility (tetracycline (TE), enrofloxacin (ENR), trimethoprim+sulfamethoxazole (SXT), amoxicillin+clavulanic acid (AMC), ceftiofur (KF), colistin (CT), neomycin (N), gentamicin (GN) and chloramphenicol (C) was applied (Antibioresistance Committee of the French Microbiology Society, 2010). All enterobacteriaceae strains isolated presented at least one resistance to those antibiotics. Escherichia coli counted for 47.5% of these strains (N=114). By omitting intermediate resistances, 28% of E. coli presented a resistance to at least 6 antibiotics and 31.6% to 5 antibiotics. In general, 90.35%, 79.82%, 70.17%, 92.10%, 62.28%, 31.57% and 21.05% of E. coli were resistant to, respectively, TE, ENR, SXT, AMC, KF, CT and N. Considering such a high resistance rate, it is strongly advised to implement epidemiological survey of bacterial resistances at the regional level

    Rural veterinarian's perception and practices in terms of biosecurity across three European countries

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    The implementation of biosecurity measures in the animal health and production context is quite broad and aims at limiting the risk of introduction and spread of diseases. Veterinarians play a major role in biosecurity as key informants on the subject for cattle holders, key players in terms of disease prevention/control and eradication programs, as well as key risk factor in terms of disease dissemination. Many biosecurity studies have highlighted professional visitors such as veterinary practitioners as representing a high-risk factor in terms of disease introduction in animal facilities but, to date, very few studies have focused on the implementation level of biosecurity measures by veterinarians. An online survey was implemented in three European countries (Belgium, France and Spain) to assess the behaviour of rural veterinarians towards biosecurity, as well as their implementation level of the biosecurity measures. A descriptive analysis of data and a scoring system were applied to assess the implementation level of measures. The influence of different factors on the implementation level of biosecurity measures was investigated through a negative binomial regression model. The study identified different strengths, weaknesses, possible constraints and solutions in terms of veterinary perspectives. Veterinarians are considered as key informants by the farmers and could therefore play a more active role in terms of guidance and improvement of biosecurity at farm level. Based on the survey outcomes, two factors seemed to influence significantly the implementation level of measures: the country where he/she practices and the veterinarian's perception level of biosecurity. The biosecurity stages with the lowest application level, therefore representing the biggest threats, were bio-exclusion (increasing the risk of disease introduction) and biocontainment (increasing the risk of inter-herd transmission).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio