165 research outputs found

    Feasibility study on the use of probabilistic migration modeling in support of exposure assessment from food contact materials

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    The use of probabilistic approaches in exposure assessments of contaminants migrating from food packages is of increasing interest but the lack of concentration or migration data is often referred as a limitation. Data accounting for the variability and uncertainty that can be expected in migration, for example, due to heterogeneity in the packaging system, variation of the temperature along the distribution chain, and different time of consumption of each individual package, are required for probabilistic analysis. The objective of this work was to characterize quantitatively the uncertainty and variability in estimates of migration. AMonte Carlo simulation was applied to a typical solution of the Fick’s law with given variability in the input parameters. The analysis was performed based on experimental data of a model system (migration of Irgafos 168 from polyethylene into isooctane) and illustrates how important sources of variability and uncertainty can be identified in order to refine analyses. For long migration times and controlled conditions of temperature the affinity of the migrant to the food can be the major factor determining the variability in the migration values (more than 70% of variance). In situations where both the time of consumption and temperature can vary, these factors can be responsible, respectively, for more than 60% and 20% of the variance in the migration estimates. The approach presented can be used with databases from consumption surveys to yield a true probabilistic estimate of exposure.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A novel gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate demethylating oxidase involved in catabolism of the tobacco alkaloid nicotine by Arthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1

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    Nicotine catabolism, linked in Arthrobacter nicotinovorans to the presence of the megaplasmid pAO1, leads to the formation of gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate from the pyrrolidine ring of the alkaloid. Until now the metabolic fate of gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate has been unknown. pAO1 carries a cluster of ORFs with similarity to sarcosine and dimethylglycine dehydrogenases and oxidases, to the bifunctional enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase and to formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase. We cloned and expressed the gene carrying the sarcosine dehydrogenase-like ORF and showed, by enzyme activity, spectrophotometric methods and identification of the reaction product as gamma-aminobutyrate, that the predicted 89 395 Da flavoprotein is a demethylating gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate oxidase. Site-directed mutagenesis identified His67 as the site of covalent attachment of FAD and confirmed Trp66 as essential for FAD binding, for enzyme activity and for the spectral properties of the wild-type enzyme. A K-m of 140 mum and a k(cat) of 800 s(-1) was determined when gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate was used as the substrate. Sarcosine was also turned over by the enzyme, but at a rate 200-fold slower than gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate. This novel enzyme activity revealed that the first step in channelling the gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate generated from nicotine into the cell metabolism proceeds by its oxidative demethylation

    Modelling migration from paper into a food simulant

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    The migration of components from paper into Tenax (R) was studied to determine the influence of molecular size and chemical character of the migrant and the influence of paper characteristics in the migration process The Weibull model was applied because Fick s 2nd law of diffusion gave poor fits in some cases The migration pattern depended on the migrants molecular size and was independent of temperature in the studied range The migration rate decreased with the migrant molecular size The influence of the migrants character (polarity and vapour pressure) on the migration behaviour was also studied nonpolar migrants with high vapour pressure presented low relative migration values and polar migrants presented high values of relative migration Results indicated that the apparent partition coefficient between paper and the simulant Tenax (R) increased with the migrant vapour pressure and with both the paper grammage and the recycled pulp contentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Dietary soy and meat proteins induce distinct physiological and gene expression changes in rats

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    This study reports on a comprehensive comparison of the effects of soy and meat proteins given at the recommended level on physiological markers of metabolic syndrome and the hepatic transcriptome. Male rats were fed semi-synthetic diets for 1 wk that differed only regarding protein source, with casein serving as reference. Body weight gain and adipose tissue mass were significantly reduced by soy but not meat proteins. The insulin resistance index was improved by soy, and to a lesser extent by meat proteins. Liver triacylglycerol contents were reduced by both protein sources, which coincided with increased plasma triacylglycerol concentrations. Both soy and meat proteins changed plasma amino acid patterns. The expression of 1571 and 1369 genes were altered by soy and meat proteins respectively. Functional classification revealed that lipid, energy and amino acid metabolic pathways, as well as insulin signaling pathways were regulated differently by soy and meat proteins. Several transcriptional regulators, including NFE2L2, ATF4, Srebf1 and Rictor were identified as potential key upstream regulators. These results suggest that soy and meat proteins induce distinct physiological and gene expression responses in rats and provide novel evidence and suggestions for the health effects of different protein sources in human diets

    Lupin protein isolate versus casein modifies cholesterol excretion and mRNA expression of intestinal sterol transporters in a pig model

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    Abstract Background Lupin proteins exert hypocholesterolemic effects in man and animals, although the underlying mechanism remains uncertain. Herein we investigated whether lupin proteins compared to casein modulate sterol excretion and mRNA expression of intestinal sterol transporters by use of pigs as an animal model with similar lipid metabolism as humans, and cellular cholesterol-uptake by Caco-2 cells. Methods Two groups of pigs were fed cholesterol-containing diets with either 230 g/kg of lupin protein isolate from L. angustifolius or 230 g/kg casein, for 4 weeks. Faeces were collected quantitatively over a 5 d period for analysis of neutral sterols and bile acids by gas chromatographically methods. The mRNA abundances of intestinal lipid transporters were analysed by real-time RT-PCR. Cholesterol-uptake studies were performed with Caco-2 cells that were incubated with lupin conglutin \u3b3, phytate, ezetimibe or albumin in the presence of labelled [4-14C]-cholesterol. Results Pigs fed the lupin protein isolate revealed lower cholesterol concentrations in total plasma, LDL and HDL than pigs fed casein (P < 0.05). Analysis of faeces revealed a higher output of cholesterol in pigs that were fed lupin protein isolate compared to pigs that received casein (+57.1%; P < 0.05). Relative mRNA concentrations of intestinal sterol transporters involved in cholesterol absorption (Niemann-Pick C1-like 1, scavenger receptor class B, type 1) were lower in pigs fed lupin protein isolate than in those who received casein (P < 0.05). In vitro data showed that phytate was capable of reducing the uptake of labelled [4-14C]-cholesterol into the Caco-2 cells to the same extend as ezetimibe when compared to control ( 1220.5% vs. 1221.1%; P < 0.05). Conclusions Data reveal that the cholesterol-lowering effect of lupin protein isolate is attributable to an increased faecal output of cholesterol and a reduced intestinal uptake of cholesterol. The findings indicate phytate as a possible biofunctional ingredient of lupin protein isolate.Background: Lupin proteins exert hypocholesterolemic effects in man and animals, although the underlying mechanism remains uncertain. Herein we investigated whether lupin proteins compared to casein modulate sterol excretion and mRNA expression of intestinal sterol transporters by use of pigs as an animal model with similar lipid metabolism as humans, and cellular cholesterol-uptake by Caco-2 cells. Methods. Two groups of pigs were fed cholesterol-containing diets with either 230 g/kg of lupin protein isolate from L. angustifolius or 230 g/kg casein, for 4 weeks. Faeces were collected quantitatively over a 5 d period for analysis of neutral sterols and bile acids by gas chromatographically methods. The mRNA abundances of intestinal lipid transporters were analysed by real-time RT-PCR. Cholesterol-uptake studies were performed with Caco-2 cells that were incubated with lupin conglutin \u3b3, phytate, ezetimibe or albumin in the presence of labelled [4- 14C]-cholesterol. Results: Pigs fed the lupin protein isolate revealed lower cholesterol concentrations in total plasma, LDL and HDL than pigs fed casein (P < 0.05). Analysis of faeces revealed a higher output of cholesterol in pigs that were fed lupin protein isolate compared to pigs that received casein (+57.1%; P < 0.05). Relative mRNA concentrations of intestinal sterol transporters involved in cholesterol absorption (Niemann-Pick C1-like 1, scavenger receptor class B, type 1) were lower in pigs fed lupin protein isolate than in those who received casein (P < 0.05). In vitro data showed that phytate was capable of reducing the uptake of labelled [4- 14C]-cholesterol into the Caco-2 cells to the same extend as ezetimibe when compared to control (-20.5% vs. -21.1%; P < 0.05). Conclusions: Data reveal that the cholesterol-lowering effect of lupin protein isolate is attributable to an increased faecal output of cholesterol and a reduced intestinal uptake of cholesterol. The findings indicate phytate as a possible biofunctional ingredient of lupin protein isolate

    Random mutagenesis of the prokaryotic peptide transporter YdgR identifies potential periplasmic gating residues

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    The peptide transporter (PTR) family represents a group of proton-coupled secondary transporters responsible for bulk uptake of amino acids in the form of di- and tripeptides, an essential process employed across species ranging from bacteria to humans. To identify amino acids critical for peptide transport in a prokaryotic PTR member, we have screened a library of mutants of the Escherichia coli peptide transporter YdgR using a high-throughput substrate uptake assay.Wehave identified 35 single point mutations that result in a full or partial loss of transport activity. Additional analysis, including homology modeling based on the crystal structure of the Shewanella oneidensis peptide transporter PepT so, identifies Glu 56 and Arg 305 as potential periplasmic gating residues. In addition to providing new insights into transport by members of the PTR family, these mutants provide valuable tools for further study of the mechanism of peptide transport

    Environmental chemicals impact dog semen quality in vitro and may be associated with a temporal decline in sperm motility and increased cryptorchidism

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    Adverse temporal trends in human semen quality and cryptorchidism in infants have been associated with exposure to environmental chemicals (ECs) during development. Here we report that a population of breeding dogs exhibit a 26 year (1988–2014) decline in sperm quality and a concurrent increased incidence of cryptorchidism in male offspring (1995–2014). A decline in the number of males born relative to the number of females was also observed. ECs, including diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and polychlorinated biphenyl 153 (PCB153), were detected in adult dog testes and commercial dog foods at concentrations reported to perturb reproductive function in other species. Testicular concentrations of DEHP and PCB153 perturbed sperm viability, motility and DNA integrity in vitro but did not affect LH stimulated testosterone secretion from adult testis explants. The direct effects of chemicals on sperm may therefore contribute to the decline in canine semen quality that parallels that reported in the human