57 research outputs found

    Flupirtine Derivatives as Potential Treatment for the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses

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    OBJECTIVE: Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCL) are fatal inherited neurodegenerative diseases with established neuronal cell death and increased ceramide levels in brain, hence, a need for disease-modifying drug candidates, with potential to enhance growth, reduce apoptosis and lower ceramide in neuronal precursor PC12 cells and human NCL cell lines using enhanced flupirtine aromatic carbamate derivatives in vitro. METHODS: Aromatic carbamate derivatives were tested by establishing growth curves under pro-apoptotic conditions and activity evaluated by trypan blue and JC-1 staining, as well as a drop in pro-apoptotic ceramide in neuronal precursor PC12 cells following siRNA knockdown of the RESULTS: Retigabine, the benzyl-derivatized carbamate and an allyl carbamate derivative were neuroprotective in CLN3-defective PC12 cells and rescued CLN1-/CLN2-/CLN3-/CLN6-/CLN8 patient-derived lymphoblasts from diminished growth and accelerated apoptosis. All drugs decreased ceramide in CLN1-/CLN2-/CLN3-/CLN6-/CLN8 patient-derived lymphoblasts. Increased INTERPRETATION: These findings establish that compounds analogous to flupirtine demonstrate anti-apoptotic activity with potential for treatment of NCL disease and use of ceramide as a marker for these diseases

    The Serine 814 of TRPC6 Is Phosphorylated under Unstimulated Conditions

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    TRPC are nonselective cation channels involved in calcium entry. Their regulation by phosphorylation has been shown to modulate their routing and activity. TRPC6 activity increases following phosphorylation by Fyn, and is inhibited by protein kinase G and protein kinase C. A previous study by our group showed that TRPC6 is phosphorylated under unstimulated conditions in a human embryonic kidney cells line (HEK293). To investigate the mechanism responsible for this phosphorylation, we used a MS/MS approach combined with metabolic labeling and showed that the serine at position 814 is phosphorylated in unstimulated cells. The mutation of Ser814 into Ala decreased basal phosphorylation but did not modify TRPC6 activity. Even though Ser814 is within a consensus site for casein kinase II (CK2), we showed that CK2 is not involved in the phosphorylation of TRPC6 and does not modify its activity. In summary, we identified a new basal phosphorylation site (Ser814) on TRPC6 and showed that CK2 is not responsible for the phosphorylation of this site

    Identification of TRPC6 as a possible candidate target gene within an amplicon at 11q21-q22.2 for migratory capacity in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas

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    Abstract: Background: Cytogenetic and gene expression analyses in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) have allowed identification of genomic aberrations that may contribute to cancer pathophysiology. Nevertheless, the molecular consequences of numerous genetic alterations still remain unclear. Methods: To identify novel genes implicated in HNSCC pathogenesis, we analyzed the genomic alterations present in five HNSCC-derived cell lines by array CGH, and compared high level focal gene amplifications with gene expression levels to identify genes whose expression is directly impacted by these genetic events. Next, we knocked down TRPC6, one of the most highly amplified and over-expressed genes, to characterize the biological roles of TRPC6 in carcinogenesis. Finally, real time PCR was performed to determine TRPC6 gene dosage and mRNA levels in normal mucosa and human HNSCC tissues. Results: The data showed that the HNSCC-derived cell lines carry most of the recurrent genomic abnormalities previously described in primary tumors. High-level genomic amplifications were found at four chromosomal sites (11q21-q22.2, 18p11.31-p11.21, 19p13.2-p13.13, and 21q11) with associated gene expression changes in selective candidate genes suggesting that they may play an important role in the malignant behavior of HNSCC. One of the most dramatic alterations of gene transcription involved the TRPC6 gene (located at 11q21-q22.2) which has been recently implicated in tumour invasiveness. siRNA-induced knockdown of TRPC6 expression in HNSCC-derived cells dramatically inhibited HNSCC-cell invasion but did not significantly alter cell proliferation. Importantly, amplification and concomitant overexpression of TRPC6 was also found in HNSCC tumour samples. Conclusions: Altogether, these data show that TRPC6 is likely to be a target for 11q21-22.2 amplification that confers enhanced invasive behavior to HNSCC cells. Therefore, TRPC6 may be a promising therapeutic target in the treatment of HNSCC.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria [FIS PI11/929 to M.-D.C and C. S.]; Red Tematica de Investigacion Cooperativa en Cancer [RD12/0036/0015] Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness & European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); and Obra Social CajAstur-Instituto Universitario de Oncologia del Principado de Asturias.Bernaldo De Quirós, S.; Merlo, A.; Secades, P.; Zambrano, I.; Saenz De Santa María, I.; Ugidos, N.; Jantus Lewintre, E.... (2013). Identification of TRPC6 as a possible candidate target gene within an amplicon at 11q21-q22.2 for migratory capacity in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. BMC Cancer. 13(116):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2407-13-116S1913116Akervall J: Genomic screening of head and neck cancer and its implications for therapy planning. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2006, 263: 297-304. 10.1007/s00405-006-1039-1.Squire JA, Bayani J, Luk C, Unwin L, Tokunaga J, MacMillan C, Irish J, Brown D, Gullane P, Kamel-Reid S: Molecular cytogenetic analysis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: by comparative genomic hybridization, spectral karyotyping, and expression array analysis. Head Neck. 2002, 24: 874-887. 10.1002/hed.10122.Perez-Ordonez B, Beauchemin M, Jordan RC: Molecular biology of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. J Clin Pathol. 2006, 59: 445-453. 10.1136/jcp.2003.007641.Tan KD, Zhu Y, Tan HK, Rajasegaran V, Aggarwal A, Wu J, Wu HY, Hwang J, Lim DT, Soo KC, Tan P: Amplification and overexpression of PPFIA1, a putative 11q13 invasion suppressor gene, in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. 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Neoplasia. 2005, 7: 556-562. 10.1593/neo.04586.Helias-Rodzewicz Z, Perot G, Chibon F, Ferreira C, Lagarde P, Terrier P, Coindre JM, Aurias A: YAP1 And VGLL3, encoding two cofactors of TEAD transcription factors, are amplified and overexpressed in a subset of soft tissue sarcomas. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2010, 49: 1161-1171. 10.1002/gcc.20825.Fernandez LA, Northcott PA, Dalton J, Fraga C, Ellison D, Angers S, Taylor MD, Kenney AM: YAP1 Is amplified and up-regulated in hedgehog-associated medulloblastomas and mediates sonic hedgehog-driven neural precursor proliferation. Genes Dev. 2009, 23: 2729-2741. 10.1101/gad.1824509.Muramatsu T, Imoto I, Matsui T, Kozaki K, Haruki S, Sudol M, Shimada Y, Tsuda H, Kawano T, Inazawa J: YAP is a candidate oncogene for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Carcinogenesis. 2010, 32: 389-398.Chigurupati S, Venkataraman R, Barrera D, Naganathan A, Madan M, Paul L, Pattisapu JV, Kyriazis GA, Sugaya K, Bushnev S: Receptor channel TRPC6 is a key mediator of notch-driven glioblastoma growth and invasiveness. Cancer Res. 2010, 70: 418-427. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-2654.Ding X, He Z, Zhou K, Cheng J, Yao H, Lu D, Cai R, Jin Y, Dong B, Xu Y, Wang Y: Essential role of TRPC6 channels in G2/M phase transition and development of human glioma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2010, 102: 1052-1068. 10.1093/jnci/djq217.Lansford CDGR, Bier H: Head and neck cancers. 1999, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pressvan den Ijssel P, Tijssen M, Chin SF, Eijk P, Carvalho B, Hopmans E, Holstege H, Bangarusamy DK, Jonkers J, Meijer GA: Human and mouse oligonucleotide-based array CGH. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005, 33: e192-10.1093/nar/gni191.Livak KJ, Schmittgen TD: Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(−delta delta C(T)) method. 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    Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    Background: Regular, detailed reporting on population health by underlying cause of death is fundamental for public health decision making. Cause-specific estimates of mortality and the subsequent effects on life expectancy worldwide are valuable metrics to gauge progress in reducing mortality rates. These estimates are particularly important following large-scale mortality spikes, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. When systematically analysed, mortality rates and life expectancy allow comparisons of the consequences of causes of death globally and over time, providing a nuanced understanding of the effect of these causes on global populations. Methods: The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 cause-of-death analysis estimated mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) from 288 causes of death by age-sex-location-year in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations for each year from 1990 until 2021. The analysis used 56 604 data sources, including data from vital registration and verbal autopsy as well as surveys, censuses, surveillance systems, and cancer registries, among others. As with previous GBD rounds, cause-specific death rates for most causes were estimated using the Cause of Death Ensemble model—a modelling tool developed for GBD to assess the out-of-sample predictive validity of different statistical models and covariate permutations and combine those results to produce cause-specific mortality estimates—with alternative strategies adapted to model causes with insufficient data, substantial changes in reporting over the study period, or unusual epidemiology. YLLs were computed as the product of the number of deaths for each cause-age-sex-location-year and the standard life expectancy at each age. As part of the modelling process, uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated using the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles from a 1000-draw distribution for each metric. We decomposed life expectancy by cause of death, location, and year to show cause-specific effects on life expectancy from 1990 to 2021. We also used the coefficient of variation and the fraction of population affected by 90% of deaths to highlight concentrations of mortality. Findings are reported in counts and age-standardised rates. Methodological improvements for cause-of-death estimates in GBD 2021 include the expansion of under-5-years age group to include four new age groups, enhanced methods to account for stochastic variation of sparse data, and the inclusion of COVID-19 and other pandemic-related mortality—which includes excess mortality associated with the pandemic, excluding COVID-19, lower respiratory infections, measles, malaria, and pertussis. For this analysis, 199 new country-years of vital registration cause-of-death data, 5 country-years of surveillance data, 21 country-years of verbal autopsy data, and 94 country-years of other data types were added to those used in previous GBD rounds. Findings: The leading causes of age-standardised deaths globally were the same in 2019 as they were in 1990; in descending order, these were, ischaemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lower respiratory infections. In 2021, however, COVID-19 replaced stroke as the second-leading age-standardised cause of death, with 94·0 deaths (95% UI 89·2–100·0) per 100 000 population. The COVID-19 pandemic shifted the rankings of the leading five causes, lowering stroke to the third-leading and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to the fourth-leading position. In 2021, the highest age-standardised death rates from COVID-19 occurred in sub-Saharan Africa (271·0 deaths [250·1–290·7] per 100 000 population) and Latin America and the Caribbean (195·4 deaths [182·1–211·4] per 100 000 population). The lowest age-standardised death rates from COVID-19 were in the high-income super-region (48·1 deaths [47·4–48·8] per 100 000 population) and southeast Asia, east Asia, and Oceania (23·2 deaths [16·3–37·2] per 100 000 population). Globally, life expectancy steadily improved between 1990 and 2019 for 18 of the 22 investigated causes. Decomposition of global and regional life expectancy showed the positive effect that reductions in deaths from enteric infections, lower respiratory infections, stroke, and neonatal deaths, among others have contributed to improved survival over the study period. However, a net reduction of 1·6 years occurred in global life expectancy between 2019 and 2021, primarily due to increased death rates from COVID-19 and other pandemic-related mortality. Life expectancy was highly variable between super-regions over the study period, with southeast Asia, east Asia, and Oceania gaining 8·3 years (6·7–9·9) overall, while having the smallest reduction in life expectancy due to COVID-19 (0·4 years). The largest reduction in life expectancy due to COVID-19 occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean (3·6 years). Additionally, 53 of the 288 causes of death were highly concentrated in locations with less than 50% of the global population as of 2021, and these causes of death became progressively more concentrated since 1990, when only 44 causes showed this pattern. The concentration phenomenon is discussed heuristically with respect to enteric and lower respiratory infections, malaria, HIV/AIDS, neonatal disorders, tuberculosis, and measles. Interpretation: Long-standing gains in life expectancy and reductions in many of the leading causes of death have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the adverse effects of which were spread unevenly among populations. Despite the pandemic, there has been continued progress in combatting several notable causes of death, leading to improved global life expectancy over the study period. Each of the seven GBD super-regions showed an overall improvement from 1990 and 2021, obscuring the negative effect in the years of the pandemic. Additionally, our findings regarding regional variation in causes of death driving increases in life expectancy hold clear policy utility. Analyses of shifting mortality trends reveal that several causes, once widespread globally, are now increasingly concentrated geographically. These changes in mortality concentration, alongside further investigation of changing risks, interventions, and relevant policy, present an important opportunity to deepen our understanding of mortality-reduction strategies. Examining patterns in mortality concentration might reveal areas where successful public health interventions have been implemented. Translating these successes to locations where certain causes of death remain entrenched can inform policies that work to improve life expectancy for people everywhere. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Mechanoprotection by polycystins against apoptosis is mediated through the opening of stretch-activated K(2P) channels.

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    How renal epithelial cells respond to increased pressure and the link with kidney disease states remain poorly understood. Pkd1 knockout or expression of a PC2 pathogenic mutant, mimicking the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, dramatically enhances mechanical stress-induced tubular apoptotic cell death. We show the presence of a stretch-activated K(+) channel dependent on the TREK-2 K(2P) subunit in proximal convoluted tubule epithelial cells. Our findings further demonstrate that polycystins protect renal epithelial cells against apoptosis in response to mechanical stress, and this function is mediated through the opening of stretch-activated K(2P) channels. Thus, to our knowledge, we establish for the first time, both in vitro and in vivo, a functional relationship between mechanotransduction and mechanoprotection. We propose that this mechanism is at play in other important pathologies associated with apoptosis and in which pressure or flow stimulation is altered, including heart failure or atherosclerosis

    Minimally invasive carpal tunnel release.

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    We prospectively compared the safety and effectiveness of mini-incision (group A) and a limited open technique (group B) for carpal tunnel release (CTR) in 185 consecutive patients operated between November 1999 and May 2001, with a 5-year minimum follow-up. Patients in Group A had a minimally invasive approach (<2 cm incision), performed using the KnifeLight (Stryker, Kalamazoo, Michigan) instrument. Patients in Group B had a limited longitudinal incision (3-4 cm). Patient status was evaluated with an Italian modified version of the Boston Carpal Tunnel questionnaire, administered preoperatively and at 19, 30, and 60 postoperative months. Mini-incision CTR showed advantages over standard technique in early recovery, pillar pain, and recurrence rate. The recovery period after mini-incision is shorter than after standard procedure