197 research outputs found

    Atomic alignment and Diagnostics of Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media

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    We continue our studies of atomic alignment in diffuse media, in particularly, in interstellar and circumstellar media, with the goal of developing new diagnostics of magnetic fields in these environments. We understand atomic alignment as alignment of atoms or ions in their ground state. Such atoms are sensitive to weak magnetic fields. In particular, we provide predictions of the polarization that arises from astrophysically important aligned atoms (ions) with fine structure of the ground level, namely, OI and SII and Ti II. Unlike our earlier papers which dealt with weak fields only, a substantial part of our current paper is devoted to the studies of atomic alignment when magnetic fields get strong enough to affect the emission from the excited level, i.e. with the regime when the magnetic splitting is comparable to the line-width. This is a regime of Hanle effect modified by the atomic alignment. Using an example of emission and absorption lines of SII ion we demonstrate how polarimetric studies can probe magnetic fields in circumstellar regions and accretion disks. In addition, we show that atomic alignment induced by anisotropic radiation can induce substantial variations of magnetic dipole transitions within the ground state, thus affecting abundance studies based on this emission. Moreover, the radio emission is polarized, provides a new way to study magnetic fields, e.g. at the epoch of Universe reionization.Comment: Minor changes, accepted to Ap

    Magnetic Field Structures in a Facular Region Observed by THEMIS and Hinode

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    The main objective of this paper is to build and compare vector magnetic maps obtained by two spectral polarimeters, i.e. THEMIS/MTR and Hinode SOT/SP, using two inversion codes (UNNOFIT and MELANIE) based on the Milne-Eddington solar atmosphere model. To this end, we used observations of a facular region within active region NOAA 10996 on 23 May 2008, and found consistent results concerning the field strength, azimuth and inclination distributions. Because SOT/SP is free from the seeing effect and has better spatial resolution, we were able to resolve small magnetic polarities with sizes of 1" to 2", and we could detect strong horizontal magnetic fields, which converge or diverge in negative or positive facular polarities. These findings support models which suggest the existence of small vertical flux tube bundles in faculae. A new method is proposed to get the relative formation heights of the multi-lines observed by MTR assuming the validity of a flux tube model for the faculae. We found that the Fe 1 6302.5 \AA line forms at a greater atmospheric height than the Fe 1 5250.2 \AA line.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Milne-Eddington inversion of the Fe I line pair at 630~nm

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    The iron lines at 630.15 and 630.25 nm are often used to determine the physical conditions of the solar photosphere. A common approach is to invert them simultaneously under the Milne-Eddington approximation. The same thermodynamic parameters are employed for the two lines, except for their opacities, which are assumed to have a constant ratio. We aim at investigating the validity of this assumption, since the two lines are not exactly the same. We use magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the quiet Sun to examine the behavior of the ME thermodynamic parameters and their influence on the retrieval of vector magnetic fields and flow velocities. Our analysis shows that the two lines can be coupled and inverted simultaneously using the same thermodynamic parameters and a constant opacity ratio. The inversion of two lines is significantly more accurate than single-line inversions because of the larger number of observables.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Research Note

    Polarization from aligned atoms as a diagnostics of circumstellar, AGN and interstellar magnetic fields: II. Atoms with Hyperfine Structure

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    We show that atomic alignment presents a reliable way to study topology of astrophysical magnetic fields. The effect of atomic alignment arises from modulation of the relative population of the sublevels of atomic ground state pumped by anisotropic radiation flux. As such aligned atoms precess in the external magnetic field and this affects the properties of the polarized radiation arising from both scattering and absorption by the atoms. As the result the polarizations of emission and absorption lines depend on the 3D geometry of the magnetic field as well as the direction and anisotropy of incident radiation. We consider a subset of astrophysically important atoms with hyperfine structure. For emission lines we obtain the dependencies of the direction of linear polarization on the directions of magnetic field and the incident pumping radiation. For absorption lines we establish when the polarization is perpendicular and parallel to magnetic field. For both emission and absorption lines we find the dependence on the degree of polarization on the 3D geometry of magnetic field. We claim that atomic alignment provides a unique tool to study magnetic fields in circumstellar regions, AGN, interplanetary and interstellar medium. This tool allows studying of 3D topology of magnetic fields and establish other important astrophysical parameters. We consider polarization arising from both atoms in the steady state and also as they undergo individual scattering of photons. We exemplify the utility of atomic alignment for studies of astrophysical magnetic fields by considering a case of Na alignment in a comet wake.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, ApJ, in press, minor change

    Two-dimensional solar spectropolarimetry with the KIS/IAA Visible Imaging Polarimeter

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    Spectropolarimetry at high spatial and spectral resolution is a basic tool to characterize the magnetic properties of the solar atmosphere. We introduce the KIS/IAA Visible Imaging Polarimeter (VIP), a new post-focus instrument that upgrades the TESOS spectrometer at the German VTT into a full vector polarimeter. VIP is a collaboration between the KIS and the IAA. We describe the optical setup of VIP, the data acquisition procedure, and the calibration of the spectropolarimetric measurements. We show examples of data taken between 2005 and 2008 to illustrate the potential of the instrument. VIP is capable of measuring the four Stokes profiles of spectral lines in the range from 420 to 700 nm with a spatial resolution better than 0.5". Lines can be sampled at 40 wavelength positions in 60 s, achieving a noise level of about 2 x 10E-3 with exposure times of 300 ms and pixel sizes of 0.17" x 0.17" (2 x 2 binning). The polarization modulation is stable over periods of a few days, ensuring high polarimetric accuracy. The excellent spectral resolution of TESOS allows the use of sophisticated data analysis techniques such as Stokes inversions. One of the first scientific results of VIP presented here is that the ribbon-like magnetic structures of the network are associated with a distinct pattern of net circular polarization away from disk center. VIP performs spectropolarimetric measurements of solar magnetic fields at a spatial resolution that is only slightly worse than that of the Hinode spectropolarimeter, while providing a 2D field field of view and the possibility to observe up to four spectral regions sequentially with high cadence. VIP can be used as a stand-alone instrument or in combination with other spectropolarimeters and imaging systems of the VTT for extended wavelength coverage.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics v2: figures updated with improved qualit

    Classical Evolution of Quantum Elliptic States

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    The hydrogen atom in weak external fields is a very accurate model for the multiphoton excitation of ultrastable high angular momentum Rydberg states, a process which classical mechanics describes with astonishing precision. In this paper we show that the simplest treatment of the intramanifold dynamics of a hydrogenic electron in external fields is based on the elliptic states of the hydrogen atom, i.e., the coherent states of SO(4), which is the dynamical symmetry group of the Kepler problem. Moreover, we also show that classical perturbation theory yields the {\it exact} evolution in time of these quantum states, and so we explain the surprising match between purely classical perturbative calculations and experiments. Finally, as a first application, we propose a fast method for the excitation of circular states; these are ultrastable hydrogenic eigenstates which have maximum total angular momentum and also maximum projection of the angular momentum along a fixed direction. %Comment: 8 Pages, 2 Figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Estimation of solar prominence magnetic fields based on the reconstructed 3D trajectories of prominence knots

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    We present an estimation of the lower limits of local magnetic fields in quiescent, activated, and active (surges) promineces, based on reconstructed 3-dimensional (3D) trajectories of individual prominence knots. The 3D trajectories, velocities, tangential and centripetal accelerations of the knots were reconstructed using observational data collected with a single ground-based telescope equipped with a Multi-channel Subtractive Double Pass imaging spectrograph. Lower limits of magnetic fields channeling observed plasma flows were estimated under assumption of the equipartition principle. Assuming approximate electron densities of the plasma n_e = 5*10^{11} cm^{-3} in surges and n_e = 5*10^{10} cm^{-3} in quiescent/activated prominences, we found that the magnetic fields channeling two observed surges range from 16 to 40 Gauss, while in quiescent and activated prominences they were less than 10 Gauss. Our results are consistent with previous detections of weak local magnetic fields in the solar prominences.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    An active region filament studied simultaneously in the chromosphere and photosphere: I - Magnetic structure

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    A thorough multiwavelength, multiheight study of the vector magnetic field in a compact active region (AR) filament (NOAA10781) is presented. We suggest an evolutionary scenario for this filament. Full Stokes vectors were acquired with TIP-II in a spectral range which comprises the chromospheric He I 10830 A multiplet and the photospheric Si I 10827 A line. An AR filament (that was formed before our observing run) was detected in the He I absorption images on 2005 July 3rd. The chromospheric vector magnetic field in this portion of the filament was strongly sheared whereas the photospheric field lines underneath had an inverse polarity configuration. From July 3rd to July 5th, an opening and closing of the polarities at either side of the polarity inversion line (PIL) was recorded, resembling the recently discovered process of the sliding door effect seen by Hinode. During this time, a newly created region that contained pores and orphan penumbrae at the PIL was observed.On July 5th, a normal polarity configuration was inferred from the chromospheric spectra, while strongly sheared field lines aligned with the PIL were found in the photosphere. In this same data set, the spine of the filament is also observed in a different portion of the FOV and is clearly mapped by the Silicon line core. The inferred vector magnetic fields of the filament suggest a flux rope topology. Furthermore, the observations indicate that the filament is divided in two parts, one which lies in the chromosphere and another one that stays trapped in the photosphere. Therefore, only the top of the helical structure is seen by the Helium lines. The pores and orphan penumbrae at the PIL appear to be the photospheric counterpart of the extremely low-lying filament. We suggest that orphan penumbrae are formed in very narrow PILs of compact ARs and are the photospheric manifestation of flux ropes in the photosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 16 pages, 13 figure