1,629 research outputs found

    Technique of high-frequency endolaryngeal ultrasound

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    Abstract Objective: We describe in detail the technique of in vivo endolaryngeal ultrasound during microlaryngoscopy, offering a number of practical suggestions which may be of use, especially to the otolaryngologist. Methods: Endosonography is a non-invasive imaging technology usually applied for the assessment of local tumour growth and regional lymph node metastases in the digestive tract. Conclusions: Due to a penetrating depth of up to 25mm and a high tissue resolution, endosonography also qualifies for use in the larynx. The technique may have a potentially important role in the intra- and post-operative investigation of laryngeal lesions bigger than 3m

    ADAT LAW IN INDONESIA. By B. ter Haar. New York: Institute of Pacific lR elations. 1948.

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    Ultraschallmikroskopie im oberen Aerodigestivtrakt: Erste klinische Erfahrungen

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Erste klinische Erfahrungen mit der Ultraschallmikroskopie im Bereich der oberen Luft- und Speisewege werden beschrieben. Patienten und Methoden: In der vorliegenden Pilotstudie wurden 20 gesunde Probanden und 10 Patienten, die aufgrund einer Veränderung von Mundhöhle, Rachen oder Kehlkopf operiert wurden, mit einem neuen Prototyp eines Ultraschallmikroskops untersucht. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt konnten 24 normale und 6 pathologische Befunde im Bereich des oberen Aerodigestivtrakts erhoben werden. Dabei handelte es sich einerseits um normale Schleimhaut von Mundboden, Wange, Gaumen und Stimmlippe, andererseits um Karzinome des Mundbodens, der aryepiglottischen Falte und der Stimmlippe. Des Weiteren wurden ein Papillom des Gaumenbogens und 2Epiglottiszysten ultraschallmikroskopisch untersucht. Schlussfolgerung: Unsere Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Ultraschallmikroskopie der Hohlorgane in den Bereich des Möglichen gerückt ist. Hierbei unterscheiden sich pathologische Läsionen deutlich von normalem Epithel. Zur Erkennung von Gesetzmäßigkeiten bei Veränderungen von Mundhöhle, Rachen und Kehlkopf sind jedoch weitere Untersuchungen mit wesentlich größeren Fallzahlen nöti

    Selective posterior lumbosacral rhizotomy for the management ofcerebral palsy spasticity A 10-year experience

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    One hundred and sixty-eight patients had selective lumbosacral posterior rhizotomies for the treatment of cerebral palsy spasticity at Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital and Groote Schuur Hospital during the 10-year period 1981 - 1991. There was no mortality and insignificant early postoperative morbidity. Long-term follow-up on 110 patients has revealed satisfactory tone reduction in 95% of cases. The majority showed improvement in standing, sitting and locomotion. Thirteen patients had minor persistent sensory disturbances and 20% have developed asymptomatic spondylolysis or grade I spondylolisthesis. Most therapists, patients and parents remain enthusiastic about the results ofthis procedure

    The isotopic composition of cosmic rays with 5 is less than or equal to z which is less than or equal to 26

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    Results obtained from a high altitude balloon flight from Thompson, Canada in August, 1973 are reported. The instrument consisted of a spark chamber, a Lucite Gerenkov counter and thirteen layers of scintillators. For heavy particles the Cerenkov-range method of analysis was used to determine the mass of particles energetic enough to produce a Cerenkov signal and then stop in the layered scintillators. The data appear to be consistent with current cosmic-ray propagation models. Using a simple exponential path length propagation model this data is extrapolated to the cosmic-ray source and some implications of the data are discussed as to the nature of the source

    ANALISIS KESTABILAN LERENG DENGAN METODE BISHOP (Studi Kasus: Kawasan Citraland sta.1000m)

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    Analisis kestabilan lereng didapat berdasarkan nilai faktor keamanan dari suatu lereng menggunakan program Rocscience Slide 6.0. Soil properties didapat dari hasil geser langsung. Hasil dari analisis kestabilan lereng yang berada dikawasan Citraland dapat dilihat bahwa kondisi lereng dalam keadaan kritis yang mana nilai faktor keamanannya adalah 1,099. Dengan kondisi kritis tersebut perlu diadakan perbaikan lereng diantaranya dengan menggunakan End Anchored yang mempunyai tujuan untuk memperkecil momen penyebab longsor. Penggunaan End Anchored memberikan nilai faktor keamanan sebesar 1,522 yang menunjukkan lereng dalam kondisi yang stabil. Kata kunci: kestabilan lereng, faktor keamanan,bisho

    Student Preferences for Faculty-Led Honors Study Abroad Experiences

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    A critical component of any education, particularly an honors education, is an interdisciplinary curriculum that enriches the college experience. At South Dakota State University (SDSU), the Fishback Honors College strives to provide a robust and holistic educational experience through innovative honors courses paired with enriching co-curricular programs. One way to meet these goals is an honors study abroad experience included as part of the Fishback Honors College curriculum. The study abroad course is an integral part the honors curriculum, fulfilling the requirement of an interdisciplinary colloquium course and thus making it accessible to students from every field of study

    Four-Fermi Effective Operators in Top-Quark Production and Decay

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    Effects of four-Fermi-type new interactions are studied in top-quark pair production and their subsequent decays at future e^+e^- colliders. Secondary-lepton-energy distributions are calculated for arbitrary longitudinal beam polarizations. An optimal-observables procedure is applied for the determination of new parameters.Comment: Polarized e^- plus unpolarized e^+ collisions were include

    Large Extra Dimension Effects on the Spin Configuration of the Top Quark Pair at e^+ e^- Colliders

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    Large extra dimension effects on the spin configuration of the top quark pair at the e+ettˉe^+ e^-\to t\bar{t} process are studied. It is shown that the TeV scale quantum gravity effects cause significant deviations from the Standard Model predictions for the spin configuration in the off-diagonal basis: they lead to substantial cross sections of the like-spin states of the top quark pair, which vanish in the SM; they weaken the pure dominance of the processes, the Up-Down (Down-Up) spin states for the left-handed (right-handed) beam. In addition it is shown that the angular cut 0.5<cosθ<0-0.5<\cos\theta<0 is very effective to determine the sign of the quantum gravity corrections.Comment: A discussion on the angular distribution is added with a tabl

    MIPS: The Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF

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    The Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF (MIPS) is to be designed to reach as closely as possible the fundamental sensitivity and angular resolution limits for SIRTF over the 3 to 700μm spectral region. It will use high performance photoconductive detectors from 3 to 200μm with integrating JFET amplifiers. From 200 to 700μm, the MIPS will use a bolometer cooled by an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator. Over much of its operating range, the MIPS will make possible observations at and beyond the conventional Rayleigh diffraction limit of angular resolution