39,968 research outputs found

    Virtual RTCP: A Case Study of Monitoring and Repair for UDP-based IPTV Systems

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    IPTV systems have seen widespread deployment, but often lack robust mechanisms for monitoring the quality of experience. This makes it difficult for network operators to ensure that their services match the quality of traditional broadcast TV systems, leading to consumer dissatisfaction. We present a case study of virtual RTCP, a new framework for reception quality monitoring and reporting for UDP-encapsulated MPEG video delivered over IP multicast. We show that this allows incremental deployment of reporting infrastructure, coupled with effective retransmission-based packet loss repair

    CP-Violating MSSM Higgs Bosons in the Light of LEP 2

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    In the MSSM, the CP parities of the neutral Higgs bosons may be mixed by radiative effects induced by explicit CP violation in the third generation of squarks. To allow for this possibility, we argue that the charged Higgs-boson mass and tan(beta) should be used to parametrize the MSSM Higgs sector. We introduce a new benchmark scenario of maximal CP violation appropriate for direct searches of CP-violating MSSM Higgs bosons. We show that the bounds established by LEP 2 on the MSSM Higgs sector may be substantially relaxed at low and intermediate values of tan(beta) in the presence of CP violation, and comment on possible Higgs boson signatures at LEP 2 within this framework.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 4 encapsulated figure

    Common drive unit

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    The Common Drive Unit (CDU) is a high reliability rotary actuator with many versatile applications in mechanism designs. The CDU incorporates a set of redundant motor-brake assemblies driving a single output shaft through differential. Tachometers provide speed information in the AC version. Operation of both motors, as compared to the operation of one motor, will yield the same output torque with twice the output speed

    High-Energy Constraints on the Direct Detection of MSSM Neutralinos

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    The requirement that the MSSM remain an acceptable effective field theory up to energies beyond the weak scale constrains the sparticle spectrum, and hence the permissible ranges of cold dark matter neutralino-proton cross sections. Specifically, squarks are generally much heavier than sleptons if no tachyons are to appear before the GUT scale ~10^16 GeV, or even before 10 TeV. We display explicitly the allowed ranges of effective squark and slepton masses at the weak scale, and the cross-section ranges allowed if the MSSM is to remain valid without tachyons up to 10 TeV or the GUT scale. The allowed areas in the cross section-mass plane for both spin-independent and spin-dependent scattering are significantly smaller than would be allowed if the MSSM were required to be valid only around the weak scale. In addition to a reduction in the maximum cross section, the upper limit on the neutralino mass is greatly reduced when tachyons are avoided, particularly for smaller values of the squark masses.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figure

    Renormalization-Group-Improved Effective Potential for the MSSM Higgs Sector with Explicit CP Violation

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    We perform a systematic study of the one-loop renormalization-group-improved effective potential of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM), including CP violation induced radiatively by soft trilinear interactions related to squarks of the third generation. We calculate the charged and neutral Higgs-boson masses and couplings, including the two-loop logarithmic corrections that arise from QCD effects, as well as those associated with the top- and bottom-quark Yukawa couplings. We also include the potentially large two-loop non-logarithmic corrections induced by one-loop threshold effects on the top- and bottom-quark Yukawa couplings, due to the decoupling of the third-generation squarks. Within this minimal CP-violating framework, the charged and neutral Higgs sectors become intimately related to one another and therefore require a unified treatment. In the limit of a large charged Higgs-boson mass, M_{H^+} >> M_Z, the lightest neutral Higgs boson resembles that in the Standard Model (SM), and CP violation occurs only in the heavy Higgs sector. Our analysis shows that sizeable radiative effects of CP violation in the Higgs sector of the MSSM may lead to significant modifications of previous studies for Higgs-boson searches at LEP2, the Tevatron and the LHC. In particular, CP violation could enable a relatively light Higgs boson to escape detection at LEP2.Comment: 55 pages, LaTeX, 9 eps figures, typo in (A.12) eliminate

    Eddy current damper

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    A high torque capacity eddy current damper used as a rate limiting device for a large solar array deployment mechanism is discussed. The eddy current damper eliminates the problems associated with the outgassing or leaking of damping fluids. It also provides performance advantages such as damping torque rates, which are truly linear with respect to input speed, continuous 360 degree operation in both directions of rotation, wide operating temperature range, and the capability of convenient adjustment of damping rates by the user without disassembly or special tools

    Differential Cross Sections for Higgs Boson Production at Tevatron Collider Energies

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    The transverse momentum QTQ_T distribution is computed for inclusive Higgs boson production at S=1.96\sqrt{S} = 1.96 TeV. We include all-orders resummation of large logarithms associated with emission of soft gluons at small QTQ_T. We provide results for Higgs boson and ZZ^* masses from MZM_Z to 200 GeV. The relatively hard transverse momentum distribution for Higgs boson production suggests possibilities for improvement of the signal to background ratio.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 7 figure

    A supersymmetric D-brane Model of Space-Time Foam

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    We present a supersymmetric model of space-time foam with two stacks of eight D8-branes with equal string tensions, separated by a single bulk dimension containing D0-brane particles that represent quantum fluctuations in the space-time foam. The ground state configuration with static D-branes has zero vacuum energy. However, gravitons and other closed-string states propagating through the bulk may interact with the D0-particles, causing them to recoil and the vacuum energy to become non zero. This provides a possible origin of dark energy. Recoil also distorts the background metric felt by energetic massless string states, which travel at less than the usual (low-energy) velocity of light. On the other hand, the propagation of chiral matter anchored on the D8 branes is not affected by such space-time foam effects.Comment: 33 pages, latex, five figure

    Prospects for Sparticle Discovery in Variants of the MSSM

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    We discuss the prospects for detecting supersymmetric particles in variants of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM), in light of laboratory and cosmological constraints. We first assume that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the lightest neutralino chi, and present scatter plots of the masses of the two lightest visible supersymmetric particles when the input scalar and gaugino masses are constrained to be universal (CMSSM), when the input Higgs scalar masses are non-universal (NUHM), and when the squark and slepton masses are also non-universal and the MSSM is regarded as a low-energy effective field theory valid up to the GUT scale (LEEST) or just up to 10 TeV (LEEST10). We then present similar plots in various scenarios when the LSP is the gravitino. We compare the prospects for detecting supersymmetry at linear colliders (LCs) of various energies, at the LHC, and as astrophysical dark matter. We find that, whilst a LC with a centre-of-mass energy E_{CM} <= 1000 GeV has some chance of discovering the lightest and next-to-lightest visible supersymmetric particles, E_{CM} >= 3000 GeV would be required to `guarantee' finding supersymmetry in the neutralino LSP scenarios studied, and an even higher E_{CM} might be required in certain gravitino dark matter scenarios. Direct dark matter experiments could explore part of the low-mass neutralino LSP region, but would not reveal all the models accessible to a low-energy LC.Comment: 19 pages, 16 eps figures, as accepted in PL