71 research outputs found

    Precise Non-Intrusive Real-Time Gaze Tracking System for Embedded Setups

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    This paper describes a non-intrusive real-time gaze detection system, characterized by a precise determination of a subject's pupil centre. A narrow field-of-view camera (NFV), focused on one of the subject's eyes follows the head movements in order to keep the pupil centred in the image. When a tracking error is observed, feedback provided by a second camera, in this case a wide field-of-view (WFV) camera, allows quick recovery of the tracking process. Illumination is provided by four infrared LED blocks synchronised with the electronic shutter of the eye camera. The characteristic shape of corneal glints produced by these illuminators allows optimizing the image processing algorithms for gaze detection developed for this system. The illumination power used in this system has been limited to well below maximum recommended levels. After an initial calibration procedure, the line of gaze is determined starting from the vector defined by the pupil centre and a valid glint. The glints are validated using the iris outline to avoid glint distortion produced by changes in the curvature on the ocular globe. In order to minimize measurement error in the pupil-glint vector, algorithms are proposed to determine the pupil centre at sub-pixel resolution. Although the paper describes a desk-mounted prototype, the final implementation is to be installed on board of a conventional car as an embedded system to determine the line of gaze of the driver

    Relationship of the Use of Short Footwear with the Development of Hallux Valgus in a Sample of Andalusian Schoolchildren

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    Background: Several studies have shown the relationship between poor footwear fit and the risk of feet deformities. The available evidence seems to show that the development of hallux valgus deformity in the feet of schoolchildren may be related to the use of shoes that are poorly fitting in length. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze the relationship between poor footwear fit in length and risk of developing hallux valgus. Methods: Using an instrument that was designed and calibrated for this purpose, maximum foot length was obtained and compared to the inner length of the shoe in 187 schoolchildren. Hallux valgus angle (HVA) was measured on weight-bearing podogram image obtained from the longest foot in 188 schoolchildren. Results: By default, the footwear was poorly fitting in length (too short or close-fitting) in 38.5% of the schoolchildren, with boys having the worst footwear fit; though no significant differences stood out. (p = 0.276). Regarding the HVA, no significant differences were recorded according to age or gender (p = 0.573). A strong correlation was observed between too-short footwear and the increase in HVA in 10-year-old boys (r = 0.817; p = 0.025) and in 9-year-old girls (r = 0.705; p = 0.005). Conclusions: Inadequate footwear fit in length may be a predisposing extrinsic risk factor for the development of hallux valgus in schoolchildren of both sexes. Results of the present study demonstrate the need to adapt the sizes of footwear to the rapid increase in foot-length that occur at puberty to avoid the risk of developing hallux valgus, especially at the ages of onset pubertal foot growth

    CacheSim: un simulador de cache configurable

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    Los conceptos de memoria virtual y jerarquía de memoria son importantes en la docencia de arquitectura de computadores. La mayoría de los libros de texto presentan estos temas como una descripción completa de conceptos básicos, modos de funcionamiento, y algoritmos. Pero es básico completar esto con ejemplos prácticos de diseño de caches reales, en la que puedan observar de forma empírica la influencia de las decisiones de diseño sobre la jerarquía de memoria en el rendimiento global del sistema

    La formación de los profesores de Preparación ciudadana para la defensa en la Educación Preuniversitaria (Original).

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    The objective of the article was aimed at presenting the results in the historical - logical study of the particularities of the process of permanent formation of the professors of Citizen Preparation for Defense in Cuba. The methodology used adopted the qualitative approach of the research. As a result, a periodization was achieved that takes into account the beginning of the changes and transformations of the study programs of the subject Citizen Preparation for Defense in its historical evolution, the potentialities and shortcomings of permanent training of the teachers. The made it possible to confirm the presence of insufficiencies in pedagogical training that limit the professional performance of teachers thorough their behavior over time and, in turn, corroborated the need to strengthen the pedagogical training of teachers to raise the quality of teaching Pre-university education.El objetivo del artículo estuvo dirigido a presentar los resultados obtenidos en el estudio histórico - lógico de las particularidades del proceso de formación permanente de los profesores de Preparación ciudadana para la defensa en Cuba. La metodología empleada adoptó el enfoque cualitativo de la investigación. Se logró como resultado una periodización que tiene en cuenta el inicio de los cambios y transformaciones en los programas de estudio de la asignatura Preparación ciudadana para la defensa en su devenir histórico, las potencialidades y carencias de la formación permanente con énfasis en la formación pedagógica de los profesores. Ello permitió confirmar la presencia de insuficiencias en la formación pedagógica que limitan el desempeño profesional de los profesores a través de su comportamiento en el transcurso del tiempo y, a la vez, fue corroborada la necesidad de fortalecer la formación pedagógica de los profesores para elevar la calidad de la Educación Preuniversitaria. &nbsp

    Education, Family and School: Traces on Ethics and Aesthetics

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    La Familia y la Escuela son considerados dos grandes pilares y estructuras de la sociedad vinculados desde su intención e intencionalidad con la educación; no escapan a tensiones y retos y llevan en sí mismas complementariedades, necesarias unas veces, y difusas, otras. El presente artículo invita a hacer una lectura contemplativa-reflexiva de la educación en la escuela y la familia, sobre los trazos de la ética y la estética como conceptos filosóficos que llevan en sí mismos tareas, compromisos y consecuencias. Para lograr lo anterior, el escrito transita por tres acápites en los cuales se reflexiona sobre la vida como obra: ética, estética, arte (primero), escuela y familia: el arte de educar en la vida cotidiana (segundo) y los trascendentales de la educación: verdad, bondad y belleza como guía y camino (tercero). El artículo finaliza con invitaciones/provocaciones que quieren continuar aportando al largo camino educativo recorrido entre familia y escuela.The Family and the School are considered two great pillars and structures of society linked from their intention and intent to education; They do not escape tensions and challenges and carry within themselves complementarities, sometimes necessary and diffuse, others. This article invites us to make a contemplative-reflective reading of education in the school and the family, on the lines of ethics and aesthetics as philosophical concepts that carry tasks, commitments and consequences in themselves. To achieve the above, the writing goes through three sections in which it reflects on life as a work: ethics, aesthetics, art (first), school and family: the art of educating in everyday life (second) and the transcendental of education: truth, goodness and beauty as a guide and a way (third). The article ends with invitations / provocations that want to continue contributing to the long educational path traveled between family and school

    Validation of the Castilian version of Powe’s Fatalism Inventory in a Mexican population with cancer

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    Objective: To validate the Spanish version of Powe’s Fatalism Inventory (SPFI) in Mexican population with cancer.Method: The SPFI was applied to 133 women with breast cancer. A factorial analysis with Oblimin rotation was conducted, Then, the internal consistency was evaluated with the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient and finally, correlation analyses among the questionnaire factors were conducted. The final instrument was named Spanish Powe Fatalism Inventory-Cancer (IFPE-C). Results: Seven of the original 15 items were eliminated and eight were retained, all with factor loads greater than 0.40. We obtained a structure of three factors that explained 73.7% of the variance and were called: Uselessness of the treatment with α = 0.85, Predestination with α = 0.918 and Thoughts of death with α = 0.73. The internal consistency for the global scale was α = 0.80. Statistically significant correlations were obtained between the factors. Conclusion: the IFPE-C proved to be a valid and reliable instrument that can be used both in clinical and research settings to identify fatalistic beliefs about cancer of patients

    Cancer and mitochondrial function

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    Se ha descrito que algunas alteraciones del metabolismo están asociadas con la pérdida de función mitocondrial en células tumorales. Aún se discute si tal pérdida se evidencia en la función o si la célula brinda máxima estabilidad a sus funciones, se requieren más estudios para conocer el comportamiento del cáncer en la mitocondria. Cuando tiene limitación de oxígeno y mutaciones en oncogenes, genes supresores de tumor y enzimas de la vía glucolítica o del metabolismo oxidativo mitocondrial, la célula tumoral permite la formación de un cáncer agresivo. Este artículo es producto de la revisión bibliográfica de la evidencia científica que se ha presentado en las últimas investigaciones respecto al cáncer y la función mitocondrial.Metabolism alterations are associated with the loss of mitochondrial function in tumor cells. Current research discuss whether such loss is evident in function itself, or if cells can provide maximum stability to its functions. More studies are needed to determine the behavior of cancer in mitochondria. Tumor cells experience a limitation of oxygen and mutations in oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and/or mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, thus allowing the formation of aggressive cancer. This article is the result of a literature review of the scientific evidence that has been presented in the latest research on cancer and mitochondrial function

    Los desafíos del cambio : investigación en diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (194 páginas)Aborda los desafíos del cambio y la investigación en diseño - a 30 años de distancia de la creación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana y de ejercer la figura de profesor investigador, signo distintivo de nuestra Institución -trata los cambios y desafíos que se han presentado durante este tiempo, con relación a su objeto de estudio, la manera como se concibe y realiza la investigación, como en la práctica se ha dado - o no- el binomio investigación docencia y cómo se enfrentan las dificultades y las soluciones que han tomado los profesores-investigadores

    Predictores de riesgo en una cohorte española con cardiolaminopatías. Registro REDLAMINA

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. According to sudden cardiac death guidelines, an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) should be considered in patients with LMNA-related dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and ≥ 2 risk factors: male sex, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 45%, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT), and nonmissense genetic variants. In this study we aimed to describe the clinical characteristics of carriers of LMNA genetic variants among individuals from a Spanish cardiac-laminopathies cohort (REDLAMINA registry) and to assess previously reported risk criteria. Methods. The relationship between risk factors and cardiovascular events was evaluated in a cohort of 140 carriers (age ≥ 16 years) of pathogenic LMNA variants (54 probands, 86 relatives). We considered: a) major arrhythmic events (MAE) if there was appropriate ICD discharge or sudden cardiac death; b) heart failure death if there was heart transplant or death due to heart failure. Results. We identified 11 novel and 21 previously reported LMNA-related DCM variants. LVEF < 45% (P = .001) and NSVT (P < .001) were related to MAE, but not sex or type of genetic variant. The only factor independently related to heart failure death was LVEF < 45% (P < .001). Conclusions. In the REDLAMINA registry cohort, the only predictors independently associated with MAE were NSVT and LVEF < 45%. Therefore, female carriers of missense variants with either NSVT or LVEF < 45% should not be considered a low-risk group. It is important to individualize risk stratification in carriers of LMNA missense variants, because not all have the same prognosis.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Según las guías de muerte súbita, se debe considerar un desfibrilador automático implantable (DAI) para los pacientes con miocardiopatía dilatada debida a variantes en el gen de la lamina (LMNA) con al menos 2 factores: varones, fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo (FEVI) < 45%, taquicardia ventricular no sostenida (TVNS) y variantes no missense. Nuestro objetivo es describir las características clínicas de una cohorte española de pacientes con cardiolaminopatías (registro REDLAMINA) y evaluar los criterios de riesgo vigentes. Métodos. Se evaluó la relación entre factores de riesgo y eventos cardiovasculares en una cohorte de 140 portadores de variantes en LMNA (54 probandos, 86 familiares, edad ≥ 16 años). Se consideró: a) evento arrítmico mayor (EAM) si hubo descarga apropiada del DAI o muerte súbita, y b) muerte por insuficiencia cardiaca, incluidos los trasplantes. Resultados. Se identificaron 11 variantes nuevas y 21 previamente publicadas. La FEVI < 45% (p = 0,001) y la TVNS (p < 0,001) se relacionaron con los EAM, pero no el sexo o el tipo de variante (missense frente a no missense). La FEVI < 45% (p < 0,001) fue el único factor relacionado con la muerte por insuficiencia cardiaca. Conclusiones. En el registro REDLAMINA, los únicos 2 predictores asociados con EAM fueron la TVNS y la FEVI < 45%. No se debería considerar grupo de bajo riesgo a las portadoras de variantes missense con TVNS o FEVI < 45%. Es importante individualizar la estratificación del riesgo de los portadores de variantes missense en LMNA, porque no todas tienen el mismo pronóstico.This study received a grant from the Proyecto de investigación de la Sección de Insuficiencia Cardiaca 2017 from the Spanish Society of Cardiology and grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) [PI14/0967, PI15/01551, AC16/0014] and ERA-CVD Joint Transnational Call 2016 (Genprovic). Grants from the ISCIII and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (Spanish Department of Economy and Competitiveness) are supported by the Plan Estatal de I+D+i 2013-2016: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) “Una forma de hacer Europa”