70 research outputs found

    La ‘tasa de seguridad y convivencia ciudadana’ : un reflejo de la necesidad de delimitar el poder tributario de los entes territoriales, así como de parametrizar las categorías tributarias

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    El presente estudio tiene como finalidad principal, a través del análisis de la tasa de seguridad y convivencia ciudadana creada por el artículo 8 de la Ley 1421 de 2010, demostrar la necesidad de positivizar y delimitar en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico el alcance del poder tributario de las entidades territoriales y la categorización de las tipologías tributarias. Con el propósito de sustentar la tesis planteada, se efectúa el análisis del alcance del poder tributario de las entidades territoriales y de las características de la tasa, trazados por la jurisprudencia. También, se realiza el estudio de la ley creadora de la tasa de seguridad y convivencia ciudadana, de los actos administrativos a través de los cuales éste fue regulado en los Departamentos del Valle y Magdalena y de las sentencias que estudiaron la legalidad de dichos actos. Finalmente, se examina la estructura del hecho generador del gravamen, con el fin de verificar si este se ajusta o no a las características que la jurisprudencia ha atribuido a las tasas para, finalmente, determinar qué inconsistencias presenta el tributo estudiado y la relación de dichos yerros con la falta de regulación normativa del alcance del poder tributario y de la parametrización de las categorías tributarias.The main purpose of this study, through the analysis of the rate of security and citizen coexistence created by Article 8 of Law 1421 of 2010, is to demonstrate the need to positivize and delimit in our legal system the outreach of the taxing power of territorial entities and the categorization of tax types. With the purpose of supporting the thesis presented, the analysis of the scope of the taxing power of the territorial entities and the characteristics of the rate, outlined by the case-law, is carried out. Furthermore, a study is conducted on the law that created the tax on citizen security and coexistence, the administrative acts through which it was regulated in the Departments of "Valle" and "Magdalena" and the court rulings that studied the legality of such acts. Lastly, the structure of the event that generated the tax is examined, in order to verify whether or not it complies with the characteristics that the case-law has attributed to the rates, in order to finally determine what inconsistencies the tax studied displays and the relationship of said errors with the lack of legislative regulation of the reach of the taxing power and the parameterization of the tax categories.Magíster en Derecho del Estado con Énfasis en Derecho TributarioMaestrí

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre estilos de vida, que tienen los pacientes diabéticos que asisten al puesto de salud San Pablo, San Rafael del sur, Managua II semestre 2018

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    El presente estudio se realizó en el puesto de salud San Pablo donde hay 88 casos de pacientes diabéticos de lo cual es la enfermedad crónica que más afecta a esta comunidad y ha ido en aumento, según datos estadísticos brindados por el Ministerio de Salud en el municipio de San Rafael del Sur. Se realizó bajo la línea de investigación enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles, con el objetivo de evaluar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre estilos de vida que tienen los pacientes diabéticos que asisten al puesto de salud san pablo san Rafael del sur Managua II semestre 2018. Esta investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, prospectivo y de corte transversal; se elaboró un cuestionario relacionado con las dimensiones de calidad de vida de la OMS como son: actividad física, manejo del estrés, alimentación y responsabilidad con la salud, el cual fue validado por tres expertos en enfermería y un médico. Entre los principales resultados la mayoría tienen buen conocimiento, no obstante, hay un déficit en cuanto actividad y ejercicio e alimentación. Sin embargo, la actitud sobre estilo de vida de los pacientes diabéticos es muy favorable, no tienen una práctica adecuada por lo tanto es un problema al no cumplir con las medidas necesarias, presentando dificultad en actividad y ejercicio en la responsabilidad con la salud. Palabras claves: estilos de vida, diabetes, responsabilidad con la salud

    Listado actualizado de las aves endémicas y casi-endémicas de Colombia

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    The continuous assessment of endemic and near-endemic species is an important and complementary tool to identify and determines conservation priorities and responsibilities for a country. We reappraised the Colombian endemic and near-endemic bird list by Stiles (1998). The new lists, was based on an extensive literature survey, field observations and ornithological records for the country. Of the 1639 resident species, 79 were classified as endemics, 193 as near-endemics, including five species restricted to islands, 19 species classified as of interest since they have nearly 50% of their geographical distribution in Colombia, while 16 species are data deficient to determine their status. Highest concentrations of species are found at medium elevations in mountains (800-2400 m.a.s.l.), with the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Pacific geographic region and Eastern Cordillera having the highest proportion of species. Of the near-endemics, most of them are shared with Ecuador and Panama at the Pacific side. Recent distributional information is needed for several species, as well as studies on natural history, population dynamics and life history traits. It is necessary to contrast our findings with the new threatened species list underway, to further complement extinction risks, assess conservation action plans, and the biological responsibilities we have in Colombia.Evaluar las especies endémicas y casi-endémicas de un país es una herramienta importante y complementaria para identificar y determinar prioridades de conservación y responsabilidades de un país. Se re-evalúa el listado de avifauna endémica y casi-endémica de Colombia de Stiles (1998). Se presenta el listado actualizado a partir de revisión de literatura, observaciones de campo y área de distribución. De las 1639 especies residentes, 79 se categorizaron como endémicas, 193 como casi-endémicas incluyendo cinco especies para las islas, 19 especies como de interés con casi 50% de su distribución en Colombia y 16 en una nueva categoría de información insuficiente para evaluar su estatus. La mayor cantidad de especies se encuentra en alturas medias en las cordilleras (800-2400 m s.n.m.), con mayor número para la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, el andén Pacífico y la cordillera Oriental. Las casi-endémicas están compartidas principalmente con Ecuador y Panamá en el lado Pacífico. Finalmente hay que confirmar la distribución de muchas especies con registros recientes y estudiar las dinámicas poblacionales, biología y ciclos de vida. Es necesario contrastar lo encontrado aquí con las especies en alguna categoría de amenaza para continuar evaluando las acciones de conservación necesarias y la responsabilidad biológica que tiene el país

    The efficacy of compassion training programmes for healthcare professionals: a systematic review and meta‑analysis

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    Continuous exposure to the suffering and death of patients produces certain syndromes such as compassion fatigue in health professionals. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect and the effectiveness of interventions based on mindfulness, aimed at training or cultivating compassion or self-compassion in compassion fatigue, self-compassion, compassion, and compassion satisfaction of health professionals. A systematic review is reported in line with the PRISMA guideline and was registered in PROSPERO. The PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO and CINAHL databases were used. Interventions based on compassion training or cultivation were selected, aimed at health professionals. A meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model. The effect size and hetereogeneity of the studies were calculated. Eight articles were selected. Among the programmes for the cultivation of compassion we highlight Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT), Mindfulness and Self-Compassion (MSC), Compassionate Meditation (CM), and Loving Kindness Meditation (LKM). The interventions decreased compassion fatigue and increased compassion, self-compassion, and compassion satisfaction in healthcare professionals. Compassion fatigue in healthcare professionals is due to a deficit in empathic and compassionate skills. Health systems should incorporate programmes based on the cultivation of compassion and self-compassion in order to improve the work conditions and quality of life of health professionals.We thank the research groups CTS-500 HIGIA of the University of Huelva and the research group CTS-451 Health Sciences of the University of Almeria for their collaboration. We would also like to thank the Fundación Progreso y Salud (FIBAO) for their support.Departamento de Enfermerí

    Nursing students' perceptions of euthanasia legislation: A qualitative study

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    Background: Spain passed a law to legalise euthanasia in March 2021. This law introduces a new right that is incorporated into the portfolio of services provided by the Spanish public health system, meaning that nurses and nursing students will play a key role in its administration. Objectives: To determine and understand nursing students' perceptions of the legalisation of euthanasia and the life experiences involved in their positions. Design: This is a descriptive qualitative study. Settings and participants: Thirteen semi-structured, open-ended, focused interviews were conducted with undergraduate nursing students at two faculties in south-eastern Spain. The Atlas ti.9.0 programme was used to analyse their discourses. Results: There are students who are in favour of euthanasia and those who are against it. Most students viewed the regulation of conscientious objection as positive and necessary. Students reported that they did not have indepth knowledge of the law, and those who were familiar with it expressed some misgivings. Students also felt that there was a lack of information and training on the management of euthanasia. Conclusions: The students described the legalisation of euthanasia as a breakthrough in Spanish public health which will benefit many patients. However, they were aware that they are not capable of facing new legal situation and demanded extra training in ethical conflicts at the end of life to avoid potential psychological sequelae. Nursing faculties should include in their curricula spaces to encourage moral deliberation in complex settings involving the implementation of euthanasia

    Compassion in health professionals: Development and validation of the Capacity for Compassion Scale

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    Background: Health professionals witness pain and suffering when they care for sick people and their families. Compassion is a necessary quality in their work as it combines the will to help, alleviate suffering and promote the well-being of both the people they are attending and the professionals themselves. The aim of the study was to design and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Capacity for Compassion Scale (CCS). Design: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale (reliability, temporal stability, content validity, criterion validity and construct validity). Methods: The study was carried out in two phases: pilot study and final validation. The data were collected between April and May 2022. The sample was selected by convenience sampling and was made up of a total of 264 participants, 59 in the pilot phase and 205 in the final validation. Results: The Capacity for Compassion Scale has been shown to have good psychometric properties in relation to reliability, temporal stability, and content, criterion, and construct validity. Factor analysis showed that there were four subdimensions of the scale: motivation/commitment, presence, shared humanity and self-compassion. The results also indicate that compassionate ability is significantly correlated with age and work experience. Conclusions: The Capacity for Compassion Scale shows adequate psychometric properties. This instrument measures the compassion capacity of health professionals, which is a valuable discovery for new lines of research in this field. Impact: Through this scale, low levels of capacity for compassion can be detected that negatively influence the quality of care provided by health professionals. The Capacity for Compassion Scale can therefore contribute to the identification of needs and promote training around compassion for health professionals. Patient or Public Contribution: No patient or public contribution.We thank all healthcare professionals for their participation in this study, the Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Medicine at the University of Almeria, the Research Group Health Sciences CTS-451 and Centro de Investigación en Salud (CEINSA).Departamento de Enfermerí

    Creative support for death grief in a hospital context: the experience in a Bogotá hospital

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    Resumen: El artículo presenta los resultados de un proceso de investigación participativa basada en las artes, en el que se buscó incorporar el arte y la creatividad en siete unidades de un hospital universitario de alta complejidad, para el acompañamiento en final de vida y duelo. Esto se hizo a través de la disposición de kits con materiales con potencial creativo y el desarrollo de talleres de sensibilización y creación con personal sanitario, administrativo, pacientes y familiares. El proceso se registró a través de observación participante y diarios de campo. También se realizaron reuniones periódicas, entrevistas informales, semiestructuradas de seguimiento y un grupo de discusión para identificar las principales barreras y facilitadores de la propuesta. Concluimos que, para poder integrar este tipo de recursos y para una atención centrada en la persona y las familias, los servicios de salud requieren transformaciones de fondo que incluyan la muerte como experiencia signifi-cante, dando espacio a sus propios duelos y emociones, lo que reduciría la fatiga por compasión muy frecuente en personal de salud enfrentado a la muerte de manera sistemática. El proyecto contó con la aprobación del comité de ética respectivo. Palabras clave: Investigación basada en artes; duelo; muerte; personal de salud.Q2Q2Abstract: The article presents the results of a participatory research process based on the arts, which sought to incorporate art and creativity in seven units of a high-complexity university hospital, for support at the end of life and bereavement. This was done through the provision of kits with mate-rials with creative potential and the development of awareness and creation workshops with health and administrative staff, patients, and family members. The process was produced through partic-ipant observation and field diaries. Informal, semi-structured interviews and a discussion group were also conducted to identify the main barriers and facilitators of the proposal. We conclude that, in order to integrate this type of resources and for care centered on the person and families, health services require deep transformations that include death as a significant experience, giving space to their own mourning and emotions, which would reduce Fatigue due to inflammation is very fre-quent in health personnel confronted with death in a systematic way. The project was approved by the respective ethics committee. Keywords: Arts-based research; grief; death; health personnel.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9132-0557https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SH-SFzMAAAAJ&hl=eshttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000274801Revista Nacional - IndexadaS

    Creep behavior of TiCxN1-x-CoTi cermets synthesized by mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction

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    The plastic flow of TiCxN1−x–CoTi cermets has been investigated by uniaxial compression tests carried out in argon atmosphere at temperatures between 1100 and 1200 ◦C. Two different cermets, with 5 wt.% W or WC content as sintering additives, have been explored to assess the influence of the sintering additives on creep. The microstructural observations of deformed samples and the mechanical results indicate that the hard phase (ceramic grains) controls the plastic deformation. The stress exponent changes from 1 to 2 with increasing strain rate, suggesting a transition in the deformation mechanism from diffusional creep to grain boundary sliding; both with similar activation energy values of about 400 kJ/mol. This value of activation energy agrees with C diffusion in the carbonitride grains as the strain rate controlling mechanism.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España - MAT2006-03068 y MAT2006-04911Junta de Andalucía - EXC/2005/FQM-33

    Compassion fatigue and burnout in healthcare facing of grief and death in hospital

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    Este artículo pretende identificar y analizar en la literatura la producción relacionada con la fatiga por compasión y el agotamiento psicológico presente en el personal sanitario que brinda atención y cuidado a personas durante los procesos de muerte y duelo de pacientes y sus familiares, respectivamente. Esta es una revisión integradora en las bases de datos JSTOR, ProQuest, Medline (vía PubMed), LILACS y Google Scholar en el periodo 2005-2018. La revisión permitió la identificación de tres cuerpos importantes de producción académica: trabajos de corte cualitativo que describen el fenómeno; los que desarrollan escalas y herramientas de medición del problema; y los que describen estrategias desarrolladas frente al mismo. En los contextos hospitalarios al personal de salud que acompaña a persona durante el proceso de muerte se le impide demostrar sentimientos y vivir el duelo por la pérdida de sus pacientes. Los trámites administrativos, la despersonalización sanitaria, el número de pacientes a cargo y la baja conciencia en relación con la muerte regulan de cierta forma lo acontecido, impidiendo que exista por parte del personal de salud descarga de sentimientos, llevándolos a presentar agotamiento psicológico y fatiga por compasión. Palabras clave: Agotamiento Profesional; Muerte; Duelo; Personal de SaludQ3To identify and analyze in the literature the production related to comparison fatigue and psychological exhaustion present in healthcare personnel who provide care and attention to people during the death and grief processes of patients and their families, respectively. Integrative review in the JSTOR, ProQuest, Medline (vía PubMed), LILACS y Google Scholar databases in the period 2005-2018. The review identified the identification of three important bodies of academic production: on the one hand, qualitative studies that describe the phenomenon, secondly, those that scale and measurement tools of the problem and finally those that analyze strategies developed against the same. In hospital settings, health personnel accompanying a person during the death process are prevented from showing feelings and mourning the loss of their patients. The administrative procedures, the depersonalization of health, the number of patients in charge and the low conscience in relation to death regulated in a certain way, what happened, preventing health personnel from unloading feelings, leading them to present psychological exhaustion and fatigue. out of compassion. Keywords: Professional Burnout; Death; Grief; Health Personnel.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9132-0557https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SH-SFzMAAAAJ&hl=eshttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000274801&lang=esRevista Internacional - Indexad

    Prácticas pedagógicas y culturales alternativas para un diálogo intercultural en el territorio indígena Quillasinga Refugio del Sol

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    Maestría en Educación desde la Diversidad, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.La presente investigación desarrollada en el Resguardo Indígena Quillasinga Refugio del Sol, territorio de El Encano, aborda el reconocimiento de las prácticas culturales de los sabedores indígenas y campesinos y los docentes mestizos que mantienen relación con este pueblo ancestral, lo anterior como una posibilidad para acercarse a la construcción de una propuesta de educación alternativa que permita un dialogo intercultural entre las diversas poblaciones que habitan el territorio. Debido a los múltiples fracasos ligados al sistema educativo de tradición occidental, que desde épocas de la colonia se impuso de manera violenta sobre los pueblos originarios de América Latina, y cuyas consecuencias se evidencian, entre otras, en el deterioro de las relaciones humanas, la creciente despreocupación y falta de acción frente al cambio climático, el desapego del ser humano consigo mismo y con la naturaleza; es preciso señalar que el modelo de educación heredado del viejo mundo, resulta ajeno a las necesidades y cotidianidades del individuo latinoamericano; por esta razón, surge la necesidad de visibilizar las epistemes heterodoxas que residen en la cultura ancestral de los pueblos indígenas, campesinos y mestizos como una alternativa de cambio, a partir de la cual el reconocimiento de lo diverso es fundamental para el fortalecimiento de la cultura y el enaltecimiento de los valores creativos que caracterizan la condición humana. En esta perspectiva, es preciso pensar una educación acorde al contexto del pueblo indígena Quillasinga, que reposa en la memoria de sus mayores, cuya sabiduría preservada a través de la oralidad, la música, la danza, la shagra y el tejido ha resistido durante siglos la arremetida de una violencia históricas y que se alimentan y enriquecen con el diálogo, que poco a poco, se establece con los otros grupos poblacionales que comparten este territorio ancestral