773 research outputs found

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the graphene-ferromagnet interface

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    The article presents the work on the investigation of the surface structure as well as electronic and magnetic properties of graphene layer on a lattice matched surface of a ferromagnetic material, Ni(111).Comment: accepted in New J. Phy

    Ley de comuna autónoma (1891), cargas públicas y proporcionalidad

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.La Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago declara ilegal y anula una regulación municipal que establece una carga pública a las carnicerías por ser ésta desproporcionada y excesivamente onerosa.The Appeal Court of Santiago declared null & void a local regulation which creates a public burden applied to butcheries. The main argument used by the Court is this burden is out of proportion and overly onerous. © 2018 Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaiso. All rights reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-54552018000100677&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=enhttp://www.rehj.cl/index.php/rehj/article/viewArticle/91

    Analysing inter-relationships among water, governance, human development variables in developing countries

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    The "Integrated Water Resources Management" principle was formally laid down at the International Conference on Water and Sustainable development in Dublin 1992. One of the main results of this conference is that improving Water and Sanitation Services (WSS), being a complex and interdisciplinary issue, passes through collaboration and coordination of different sectors (environment, health, economic activities, governance, and international cooperation). These sectors influence or are influenced by the access to WSS. The understanding of these interrelations appears as crucial for decision makers in the water sector. In this framework, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC) has developed a new database (WatSan4Dev database) containing 42 indicators (called variables in this paper) from environmental, socio-economic, governance and financial aid flows data in developing countries. This paper describes the development of the WatSan4Dev dataset, the statistical processes needed to improve the data quality, and finally, the analysis to verify the database coherence is presented. Based on 25 relevant variables, the relationships between variables are described and organised into five factors (HDP – Human Development against Poverty, AP – Human Activity Pressure on water resources, WR – Water Resources, ODA – Official Development Aid, CEC – Country Environmental Concern). Linear regression methods are used to identify key variables having influence on water supply and sanitation. First analysis indicates that the informal urbanisation development is an important factor negatively influencing the percentage of the population having access to WSS. Health, and in particular children's health, benefits from the improvement of WSS. Irrigation is also enhancing Water Supply service thanks to multi-purpose infrastructure. Five country profiles are also created to deeper understand and synthetize the amount of information gathered. This new classification of countries is useful in identifying countries with a less advanced position and weaknesses to be tackled. The relevance of indicators gathered to represent environmental and water resources state is questioned in the discussion section. The paper concludes with the necessity to increase the reliability of current indicators and calls for further research on specific indicators, in particular on water quality at national scale, in order to better include environmental state in analysis to WSS

    Natural origin products as a source of new antiviral molecules

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    Motivation: Human adenovirus (HAdV) is a DNA virus that can cause a wide range of diseases, including respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, or conjunctivitis, that in immunocompetent individuals are ausually mild and self-limited. However, in immunosuppresed people and especially in pediatric units, HAdV infections present high morbidity and mortality. Currently there is no specific treatment approved against HAdV. The aim of this work was to characterize the anti-HAdV activity of 18 compounds that were previously selected after high-troughput screening (HTP) of a library of 1340 compounds, coming from our collaboration with the European initiative COSTACTION CM 1407Methods: We had evaluated the anti-HAdV activity of the compounds performing in vitro assays: plaque assays to calculate the IC50 value, citotoxicity assays to calculate the CC50 value, yield reduction assays and qPCR in real time to evaluate the inhibitory effect, and nucleocitoplasm assays to evaluate their mechanism of action.Results: It has been proven that 2 compounds, BBN75 and GSAED772E-1S2R have a safe selectivity index, a great inhibitory effect and they may act in steps subsequent to the arrival of the viral genome at the nucleus of the host cell.Conclusions: The results indicates that BBN75 and GSAED772E-1S2R are promising anti-HAdV drugs to be evaluated at in vivo assays

    Achievable throughput with Block Diagonalization on OFDM indoor demonstrator

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    The proceeding at: 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2013), took place 2013, September 09-13, in Marrakech, Septiembre 2013.Block Diagonalization (BD) is a linear precoding transmission technique able to achieve full multiplexing gain in multiple antenna systems. In this work we present a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) implementation based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) made up of a transmitter with 4 antennas and 2 users equipped with 2 antennas each one, which allows us to evaluate the performance of BD in indoor scenarios. First, the theoretic achievable rates are obtained for the measured channel in an offline evaluation. After that, the bit error rate performance is evaluated regarding the system sum throughput. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that BD performance is validated using a multiuser MIMO testbed.This work has been partially funded by research projects COMONSENS (CSD2008-000 1 0), and GRE3N (TEC20 11-29006-C03-02).Publicad

    Cognitive Blind Interference Alignment for Macro-Femto Cellular Networks

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    The proceeding at: 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference took place 8-12 December 2014 in Austin, TX, USA.A cognitive Blind Interference Alignment scheme is devised for use in macro-femto cellular networks. The proposed scheme does not require any channel state information at the transmitter or data sharing among the Macro Base Station and the Femto Access Points. It achieves transmission to femto cell users without affecting the rates of the Macro users. This is achieved by appropriately combining the supersymbols of the Macro Base Stations and the Femto Access Points. It is shown that in some scenarios the use of this scheme results to considerable rates for Femto users.This work has been partially funded by research projects COMONSENS (CSD2008-00010) and GRE3N (TEC2011-29006-C03-02). This research work was partly carried out at the ESAT Laboratory of KU Leuven in the frame of the Belgian Programme on Interuniversity Attractive Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office: IUAP P7/23 ‘Belgian network on stochastic modeling analysis design and optimization of communication systems’ (BESTCOM) 2012-2017.Publicad

    Institutional Metacognition as an Improvement Tool for Educational Management

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    A theoretical article is presented in order to describe and analyze an innovative methodology for educational management called institutional metacognition (IM), and it’s defined as a reflective and participatory process of an educative community to face conflicts, applying techniques that generate a conscious, dialogical and collaboratory learning in educational organizations. This perspective is relevant to school management field, because it implies the need to build a new vision of the school as an organization that not only teaches but also learns and therefore delivers new tools to current social needs of communication and participation that are stressed nowadays in educational organizations. This process can be used as a management tool for organizational change, to promote an effective learning, and to improve coexistence in schools; it would be used to manage organizational change, and it allows monitoring and accomplishing activities and conflicts that may occur. The characteristics of IM help to improve managing the organizational process when it is visualized as a part of improvement cycle. It presents benefits to collaborative learning, diversity, conflicts mediation and participatory diagnostics. On the other hand, there are challenges that hinder their application to improve relationships, both internally, as a new and unknown tool, and externally related to features of educational institutions

    Nanocrystal size dependence of the third-order nonlinear optical response of Cu:Al2O3 thin films

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    3 pages, 3 figures.Metal nanocomposite thin films formed by Cu nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous Al2O3 host have been synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. The mean nanocrystal diameter d was varied in the range 3.0 ± 0.6 to 6 ± 1 nm. The linear and nonlinear optical properties of the films were studied in the vicinity of the surface plasmon resonance and the size dependence of the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility of the metal nanocrystals has been determined. The observed dependence (1/d3) indicates that in the studied diameter interval, the nonlinear response is due to quantum confinement effects in which the major contribution is associated with electronic intraband transitions.This work has been partially supported by CICYT (Spain) under TIC 96-0467 project and by the EU under BRPR-CT98-0616 project. We acknowledge Dr. I. Vickridge (University of Paris VI et VII, France) for his assistance with RBS techniques.Peer reviewe

    What traits underpin the successful establishment and spread of the invasive water bug Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis?

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    The introduction of exotic species has a major impact on a wide range of ecosystems, especially in aquatic ecosystems. Trichocorixa v. verticalis (Fieber, 1851), an euryhaline aquatic hemipteran native North America, has occurred as an exotic species in the Iberian Peninsula since at least 1997. In this study, we compared several physiological and biological traits (salinity tolerance of the different developmental stages, thermal tolerance, fecundity, and dispersal ability) in the alien species and three native, syntopic corixidae species (Sigara lateralis, Sigara scripta, and Sigara selecta), to determine which traits may explain its invasion success. Trichocorixa verticalis was the species most resistant to high conductivity at the egg stage, while S. selecta showed the highest halotolerance as adults. The invader had the highest upper thermal limit and a much higher fecundity than Sigara species. Wing morphometry suggested that T. verticalis may be a stronger flier than the native species. Our findings provide an example of how functional and ecological niche interactions among alien and native species can help predict impacts of invasion on aquatic communities.Peer Reviewe