244 research outputs found

    Can urban gardens improve food security, health, well-being and financial sustainability of households?

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Amada pátria idolatrada: um estudo da obra Porque me ufano do meu país, de Affonso Celso (1900)

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    O presente estudo analisa a obra Porque me ufano do meu país, escrita por Affonso Celso, que se tornou leitura obrigatória nas escolas secundárias brasileiras, tendo várias edições e traduções, transformando-se em uma verdadeira cartilha de nacionalidade. Pode ser considerado um livro de leitura com função moralizadora e intenção educativa, cívica, patriótica e social, um pequeno manual de educação cívica. Essa obra constitui uma unidade discursiva, produtora de ordenamento, de afirmação de distâncias, de divisões (CHARTIER, 1990, p. 28), representativa dos valores da ilustração brasileira quanto ao projeto pedagógico republicano de formação do novo homem para o novo regime: crença ilustrada nas virtudes da instrução moral e cívica, como forma de manter a ordem social e fortalecer o caráter nacional, no período da Primeira República. Nesse período, a educação moral, cívica e religiosa tornou-se o eixo das preocupações para os que almejavam o perene controle das relações e das estruturas sociais, como forma capaz de regenerar o país. A obra não é um exemplo isolado, insere-se na extensa produção de manuais de história pátria que circularam nas primeiras décadas do século XX, com a função de fortalecer a identidade nacional. Beloved and idolized motherland: studying the book Why I am proud of my country, by Affonso Celso (1900) Abstract This study analyzes the book Why I am proud of my country, by Affonso Celso which was a compulsory reading for high school students for many years. This book had many translations and editions and was considered a guide to patriotism for its moralizing function and educative, civic, patriotic, and social intentions. It establishes a discursive unity that produces order, asserts distances and divisions (CHARTIER, 1990, p. 28), which represented the values of the Brazilian intelligentsia concerning to the republican pedagogic project of building a new man for a new regime. During the First Republic, such beliefs were represented by the virtues of moral and civic instruction as a means of keeping the social order and fortifying the national character. At that period, moral, civic and religious education became the main concern for those who wanted to control social relations and structures thus regenerating the Nation. This book is inserted in an extensive list of motherland history manuals which were available during the first decades of the XX Century and had the objective of strengthening the national identity

    Influence of brushing with natural dentifrices on color change : in vitro study

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    To evaluate in vitro the influence of daily brushing with the use of natural toothpastes on the color change of enamel in bovine teeth. Four dentifrices were used, one conventional Colgate Total 12 - Clean Mint (G1), and three natural, Contented Toothp

    A instrução pública e o ensino mútuo no Brasil : uma história pouco conhecida : 1808-1827

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    Este artigo analisa a introdução do ensino mútuo no Brasil no período que antecede a adoção oficial do método pelas autoridades governamentais, em 1827. Em um primeiro momento descreve a evolução histórica do ensino mútuo, suas características e especificidades. A seguir, investiga a emergência do mesmo no Brasil.This article analyses the introduction of the mutual instruction method in Brazil, before its official adoption by brazilian government in 1827. It begins with a description of the historical evolution, characteristics and specificities of that method and goes on with the investigation of its emergency in a particular context - Brazil

    O novo e o nacional em revista : a Revista do Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul : 1939-1942

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    A presente pesque.sa analisa o prometo de reconstrução nacional do Estado Novo e a proposta políti-co-pedagógica 'de renovação educacional rio-grandense, privilegiando a questão do novo e do nacional no discurso do periódico - A REVISTA DO ENSINO (1939-1942) - di.ri.gado especi.almente ao professor do Ri.o Grande do Sul. A política educacional no Estado Novo tem sido objeto de muitos estudos. Entretanto os dispositivos através dos quais sua política foi sendo implementada tem merecido pouca atenção. Assim, a anál.se da produção discursiva da REVISTA DO ENSINO procurou identificar temáticas educacionais e suas articulações com a política estadonovista de irreconstrução nacional o presente estudo analisa o papel da Revista na modelização das práti.cas escolares e na ori.entação do fazer pedagógico do professor rio-grandense. Analisa também pretende a política estadonovista de reorganização do sistema escolar do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo permitiu verificar a presença de um discurso artecalado de construção da identidade do professor - destinatário da Revista - pela sacralízação de sua função. A Revista elege o professor como agente da política de reconstrução nacional, através de um discurso modelados. mordizador e prescritivo do ser docentede uma política de valorização profissional, pela ênfase no preparo técnico- pedagógico De modo análogo, a REVISTA DO ENSINO produz um discurso sobre a Escola, como espaço de vivênci.as cívi.co-sociais de construção do "novo" ci.dadão. Esta tese permitiu constatar a importância da imprensa pedagógi.ca como fonte de informação para a história da educação - veículo de produção e ci.rculação de representações da vida educacional e escolar, indicando possibilidades de prosseguimento da analise da REVISTA DO ENINO buscando desvelar o discurso que perpassa a formação do professor e a construção do cotidiano escolar - rio-grandense e nacional

    Volatile metabolomic signature of human breast cancer cell lines

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    Breast cancer (BC) remains the most prevalent oncologic pathology in women, causing huge psychological, economic and social impacts on our society. Currently, the available diagnostic tools have limited sensitivity and specificity. Metabolome analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for obtaining information about the biological processes that occur in organisms, and is a useful platform for discovering new biomarkers or make disease diagnosis using different biofluids. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the headspace of cultured BC cells and normal human mammary epithelial cells, were collected by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), thus defining a volatile metabolomic signature. 2-Pentanone, 2-heptanone, 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol, ethyl acetate, ethyl propanoate and 2-methyl butanoate were detected only in cultured BC cell lines. Multivariate statistical methods were used to verify the volatomic differences between BC cell lines and normal cells in order to find a set of specific VOCs that could be associated with BC, providing comprehensive insight into VOCs as potential cancer biomarkers. The establishment of the volatile fingerprint of BC cell lines presents a powerful approach to find endogenous VOCs that could be used to improve the BC diagnostic tools and explore the associated metabolomic pathways.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An integrative approach based on GC–qMS and NMR metabolomics data as a comprehensive strategy to search potential breast cancer biomarkers

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    Introduction Globally, breast cancer (BC) is leading at the top of women's diseases and, as a multifactorial disease, there is the need for the development of new approaches to aid clinicians on monitoring BC treatments. In this sense, metabo lomic studies have become an essential tool allowing the establishment of interdependency among metabolites in biological samples. Objective The combination of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC–qMS) based metabolomic analyses of urine and breast tissue samples from BC patients and cancer-free individuals was used. Methods Multivariate statistical tools were used in order to obtain a panel of metabolites that could discriminate malignant from healthy status assisting in the diagnostic feld. Urine samples (n=30), cancer tissues (n=30) were collected from BC patients, cancer-free tissues were resected outside the tumor margin from the same donors (n=30) while cancer-free urine samples (n=40) where obtained from healthy subjects and analysed by NMR and GC–qMS methodologies. Results The orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis model showed a clear separation between BC patients and cancer-free subjects for both classes of samples. Specifcally, for urine samples, the goodness of ft (R2 Y) and predictive ability (Q2 ) was 0.946 and 0.910, respectively, whereas for tissue was 0.888 and 0.813, revealing a good predictable accuracy. The discrimination efciency and accuracy of tissue and urine metabolites was ascertained by receiver operating charac teristic curve analysis that allowed the identifcation of metabolites with high sensitivity and specifcity. The metabolomic pathway analysis identifed several dysregulated pathways in BC, including those related with lactate, valine, aspartate and glutamine metabolism. Additionally, correlations between urine and tissue metabolites were investigated and fve metabo lites (e.g. acetone, 3-hexanone, 4-heptanone, 2-methyl-5-(methylthio)-furan and acetate) were found to be signifcant using a dual platform approach. Conclusion Overall, this study suggests that an improved metabolic profle combining NMR and GC–qMS may be useful to achieve more insights regarding the mechanisms underlying cancer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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