49 research outputs found

    A long-term equilibrium beach planform model for coastal work design

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    Traditional models usually allow fitting the equilibrium beach planform of crenulated beaches knowing wave climate characteristics at a control point. However, sometimes there are shoals or bars in the surf zone which affect surf zone dynamics and longshore sediment distribution, and it is difficult to take into account these elements using those traditional models. A long-term equilibrium beach planform model is proposed here based on sediment transport equations. This model takes into account the sediment transport due to oblique wave incidence and that due to wave height gradient. Two case studies have been studied: a simple pocket beach and a beach which is sheltered by a sandstone bar. Results show the model fits reasonably well the equilibrium beach planform to the shorelines of those beaches. This model is more suitable than traditional models when there are elements affecting surf zone dynamics

    Mean curvature of spacelike submanifolds in a Brinkmann spacetime

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    Several geometric properties of complete spacelike submanifolds, with codimension at least two, in a Brinkmann spacetime are shown from natural assumptions involving the mean curvature vector field \mcv of the spacelike submanifold. Especially, we get sufficient conditions that assure that a spacelike submanifold is contained in a leaf of the foliation of the Brinkmann spacetime defined by the orthogonal vectors to the parallel lightlike vector field. When this vector field is the gradient of a smooth function, a characterization of arbitrary codimension spacelike submanifolds contained in a leaf of this foliation is given. In the case of plane fronted wave spacetimes, relevant examples of Brinkmann spacetimes that generalize pp-waves spacetimes, several uniqueness results for codimension two spacelike submanifolds are obtained. In particular, it is proven that any compact codimension two spacelike submanifold with \mcv=0 in a plane fronted spacetime wave must be a (totally geodesic) front of wave.The first author has been partially supported by MINECO/FEDER project MTM2015-65430-P, Fundaci\'on S\'eneca project 19901/GERM/15 and research grant 19783/FPI/15 from Fundaci\'on S\'eneca, the second and the third authors by Spanish MINECO and ERDF project MTM2016-78807-C2-1-P and Andalusian and ERDF project A-FQM-494-UGR1

    Childhood exposure to parental alienation practices: a socio-educational analysis

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    Objective. To carry out a study about family alienation practices and the extent to which they affect minors as they are exposed to such practices. Methodology. A qualitative research approach is used. In order to conduct this research, a case study made up of five families who attend the Specialised Family and Infancy Service in Spain was carried out. Results and conclusions. The obtained results revealed the high degree of effect on the family members who made up the sample due to the conflicts that legal separation or divorce procedures cause. It is important to ensure that the fundamental right of minors are suitably related to both their mothers and fathers by maintaining all their links

    Multiple drying aspects shape dissolved organic matter composition in intermittent streams

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    Water availability is a fundamental driver of biogeochemical processing in highly dynamic ecosystems such as intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), which are recognized as the most common fluvial ecosystem globally. Because of their global extent, IRES have a remarkable contribution to organic matter processing, which is expected to intensify as climate change and water extraction expand IRES extension. Nevertheless, the effect of the complexity of the drying process on river biogeochemistry remains unclear. This study investigated how drying aspects affect the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and composition in 35 streams along a wide flow-intermittence gradient in the NE Iberian Peninsula. To do that, four drying aspects: annual drying duration, annual frequency, duration of the last drying event, and time since the last drying event were characterized. Results showed that DOC concentration and the contribution of humic-like compounds were positively associated with intensifying drying conditions. In addition, protein-like compounds decreased over the drying gradient. More specifically, changes in DOC concentration were driven mainly by annual drying duration, whereas annual drying frequency and the duration of the last drying event jointly explained dissolved organic matter composition. These results suggest that the quantity and composition of dissolved organic matter in streams respond differently to the temporal aspects of the drying process. Our study can help to better anticipate changes in organic matter in the context of climate change

    Diversity mediates the responses of invertebrate density to duration and frequency of rivers annual drying regime

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    Predicting the impacts of global change on highly dynamic ecosystems requires a better understanding of how communities respond to disturbance duration, frequency and timing. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams are dynamic ecosystems that are recognized as the most common fluvial ecosystem globally. The complexity of the drying process can give rise to different annual and antecedent hydrological conditions, but their effect on aquatic communities remains unclear. Here, using aquatic invertebrates from 33 streams across a flow-intermittence gradient, we assessed how annual (drying duration and frequency) and recent drying characteristics (duration of the last dry period and flowing duration since the last rewetting) affect the density and diversity metrics of communities and trophic groups while controlling for other key abiotic factors (dissolved oxygen and altitude). We characterized invertebrate communities using taxonomy and functional traits to capture biological features that increase vulnerability to drying. In addition, using structural equation modelling (SEM), we evaluated pathways by which drying characteristics directly impact invertebrate density and whether diversity indirectly mediates such relationships. We show that drying frequency drove reductions in diversity at the community level and within trophic groups, whereas both the drying duration and frequency had a negative influence on density metrics. Reductions in taxonomic richness were linked to increased annual drying duration, whereas functional diversity declined in response to annual drying frequency. Filterer, predator and shredder trophic groups exhibited the strongest negative responses to drying. Recent drying characteristics had a minor effect on density and diversity metrics. Our SEM results demonstrated that diversity mediates the negative impacts of annual drying duration and frequency on invertebrate density through reductions in their taxonomic richness and functional diversity. Our results underscore the importance of considering multiple drying characteristics together with the interdependence of density and diversity to better anticipate drying responses in freshwater ecosystems. Keywords: biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, drying, flow intermittence, functional traits, intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams, Mediterranean stream

    Transiting the Family Breakup: An Approach to Parenting Coordination

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    El modelo tradicional de familia ha sufrido cambios durante los 煤ltimos tiempos, existiendo un incremento de separaciones y divorcios, a la vez que un aumento en la cifra de los procesos de ruptura judicializados. En torno a dicha realidad socio-familiar, es importante garantizar el derecho fundamental de los menores a relacionarse adecuadamente tanto con su padre como con su madre manteniendo todos sus v铆nculos. Ello se debe a que el problema surge no por el hecho de que los progenitores decidan poner fin a su vida en com煤n, sino cuando se hace part铆cipes a sus hijos de los conflictos que ha generado la separaci贸n o divorcio. Dichos procesos de ruptura familiar con alta conflictividad suponen un riesgo importante en lo que refiere a la garant铆a del bienestar de los ni帽os y ni帽as involucrados en estos. Son cada vez m谩s los autores que exponen que los procesos de separaci贸n o divorcio conflictivos repercuten en los menores, provocando un incremento de problemas de comportamiento, emocionales o psicol贸gicos. La presente investigaci贸n tiene por objetivo el desarrollo de un an谩lisis de contenido desde el que poder analizar la literatura cient铆fica, nacional e internacional, que se genera en torno a dicha problem谩tica de 铆ndole familiar. Los resultados obtenidos vislumbran una primera aproximaci贸n que permita profundizar en los procesos de ruptura familiar y conocer el impacto de la evidencia cient铆fica en torno a la realidad de la coordinaci贸n de parentalidad.The traditional family model has undergone changes in recent times, there has been an increase in separations and divorces, as well as an increase in the number of judicial breakup proceedings subject to high levels of conflict. Regarding this socio-family reality, it is important to guarantee the fundamental right of minors to relate adequately with both their father and their mother, maintaining all their ties. The problem arises when their children are involved in the conflicts generated by the separation or divorce. These processes of family breakup with high levels of conflict are an important risk in terms of guaranteeing the well-being of the children involved in them. In the same way, there are more and more authors who explain that processes of separation or divorce conflict affect the children in different dimensions, causing an increase in behavioral, emotional or psychological problems. The aim of this study is to develop a content analysis to know and analyze the scientific literature, national and international, around this area. Our results show a first approximation from which to investigate and deepen the family breakup processes and to know the impact of scientific evidence around the reality of parenting coordination

    Subsurface zones in intermittent streams are hotspots of microbial decomposition during the non-flow period

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    The microbial decomposition of organic matter is a fundamental ecosystem process that transforms organic matter and fuels detritus-based food webs, influencing biogeochemical cycles such as C-cycling. The efficiency of this process can be compromised during the non-flow periods of intermittent and ephemeral streams (IRES). When water flow ceases, sediments represent the last wet habitat available to microorganisms and may play an important role in sustaining microbial decomposition. However, despite the increasing prevalence of IRES due to climate change and water abstraction, it is unclear to what degree the subsurface habitat can sustain microbial decomposition during non-flow periods. In order to gather information, we selected 20 streams across Catalonia (Spain) along a gradient of flow intermittency, where we measured microbial decomposition and fungal biomass by placing wood sticks in both the surface and subsurface zones (15 cm below the streambed) over the course of one hydrological year. Our results showed that microbial decomposition and fungal biomass were consistently greater in the subsurface zone than in the surface zone, when intermittency increased. Although flow intermittency was the main driver of both microbial decomposition and fungal biomass, phosphorus availability in the water, sediment C:N ratio and sediment grain size also played relevant roles in surface and subsurface organic matter processing. Thus, our findings demonstrate that although the OM processing in both zones decreases with increased intermittency, the subsurface zone made an important contribution during the non-flow periods in IRES. Therefore, subsurface activity during non-flow periods has the potential to affect and maintain ecosystem functioning

    Invisible victims: analysis of the socioeducational intervention in children exposed to gender-based violence within the family.

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    [ES] El presente trabajo pretendi贸 visibilizar la situaci贸n de vulnerabilidad que sufren las ni帽as/os expuestos a violencia de g茅nero en el seno de la familia. Para ello, se profundiz贸 en las consecuencias de dicha exposici贸n a trav茅s de un estudio de casos. Asimismo, se estudi贸 el efecto de una intervenci贸n. Se realizaron entrevistas, se estudiaron expedientes y se obtuvo informaci贸n del Cuestionario Barcelona Childhood Index Screning, antes, despu茅s y a los tres meses de haber concluido la intervenci贸n. Todo ello con la finalidad de determinar el nivel de experimentaci贸n y evoluci贸n de s铆ntomas propios del Trastorno de Estr茅s Postraum谩tico (TEPT), as铆 como los factores que han influido en el proceso de afectaci贸n. La muestra estuvo compuesta por cinco menores (con una media de edad de 8 a帽os; dos ni帽os y tres ni帽as) expuestos a violencia de g茅nero que asistieron a un servicio de atenci贸n a familia e infancia. La informaci贸n se obtuvo a trav茅s de las progenitoras y los/as profesionales que intervinieron con ellos/as desde el servicio. Los resultados mostraron que los/as cinco menores reun铆an algunos de los s铆ntomas propios del TEPT y que tras el proceso de intervenci贸n se dio una evoluci贸n positiva de los mismos, reduci茅ndose en la fase de seguimiento. Vi茅ndose esta evoluci贸n influenciada por los factores de protecci贸n frente a los de riesgo. Al comparar la percepci贸n de las progenitoras frente a la de los/as profesionales respecto al grado de afectaci贸n de los ni帽os/as, se evidenci贸 una valoraci贸n mayor de dicha afectaci贸n por parte de las progenitoras debido a la violencia que sufrieron. Por tanto, es importante hacer hincapi茅 en la promoci贸n de programas o proyectos de prevenci贸n y asistencia a las v铆ctimas como medidas de protecci贸n para los/as menores y sus progenitoras. [EN] The following paper aimed to make visible the situation of vulnerability suffered by children exposed to gender-based violence within the family. In order to do so, the consequences of such exposure were explored through a case study. In the same way, the effects of an intervention were studied. Interviews were conducted, records examined, and information was obtained from the Barcelona Childhood Index Screning questionnaire before, immediately after and three months after the intervention was completed. The purpose of such research was determining the level of experimentation and development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms, as well as the factors that have influenced the affectation process. The sample consisted of five minors (with an average age of 8 years old; two boys and three girls) exposed to gender-based violence who attended a family and child-care service. The information was gathered from the biological mothers and the professionals that treated them in such service. The results indicated that five of the minors showed some of the symptoms associated to PTSD and, after the intervention process, there was a positive evolution of the symptoms, being reduced in the follow-up phase. Such evolution was influenced by the protective factors against risk factors. The comparison of the perception of the mothers with that of the professionals regarding the degree of affectation of the children evidenced a higher evaluation of such affectation by mothers due to the violence they suffered. It is therefore important to promote victim assistance and prevention projects or programmes as protective measures for minors and mothers