18 research outputs found

    Connections of the amygdaloid structures integrating olfactory and vomeronasal information in mice

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    La amĂ­gdala es considerada una estructura clave en el aprendizaje emocional asociativo en roedores. La mayor parte de los estudios sobre aprendizaje emocional se han centrado en paradigmas de aprendizaje aversivo, cuando al menos, parte de la amĂ­gdala es tambiĂ©n relevante en el procesamiento de estĂ­mulos reforzantes, particularmente estĂ­mulos de naturaleza quĂ­mica (olores y feromonas), dado que los roedores son animales macrosmĂĄticos. La amĂ­gala es primer relevo telencefalico en donde convergen las proyecciones provenientes del bulbo olfatorio principal (MOB), que es activado por volĂĄtiles y del bulbo olfatorio accesorio (AOB), que es activado por no volĂĄtiles. Nuestro estudio se centra en las bases anatĂłmicas que permiten el aprendizaje emocional apetitivo en el que asocian olores con feromonas sexuales, que son estĂ­mulos vomeronasales en ratones. La hipĂłtesis de partida es que la parte corticomedial de la amĂ­gdala (que recibe la mayorĂ­a de los inputs olfatorios sensoriales de los bulbos olfatorios principal y accesorio), es la principal candidata a jugar un papel crĂ­tico en este proceso. Dentro de la amĂ­gdala corticomedial, el nĂșcleo medial (Me) es la principal ĂĄrea de convergencia de estĂ­mulos olfatorios y vomeronasales. Ha sido particularmente estudiado ya que es considerado una estructura clave en el circuito neural que controla las conductas sociosexuales. Esta es una estructura heterogĂ©nea que presenta tres subdivisiones, la anterior (MeA), posteroventral (MePV) y posterodorsal (MePD). Estas subdivisiones presentan diferencias en sus eferencias, en sus conexiones con estructuras implicadas en conductas defensivas y de reproducciĂłn y es sexualmente dimĂłrfica. El resto de los nĂșcleos amigdalinos en donde se ha encontrado convergencia han sido escasamente estudiados. Nuestro estudio se centrara en la descripciĂłn de las aferencias a la Me, ademĂĄs de la descripciĂłn de las aferencias de la ĂĄrea de transiciĂłn cĂłrtico-amigdalina y la amĂ­gdala cortical anterior, nĂșcleos donde tambiĂ©n existen convergencia olfatoria y vomeronasal. Con esto buscamos aportar informaciĂłn acerca de las conexiones anatĂłmicas de estos nĂșcleos con el resto del encĂ©falo y la injerencia de estos circuitos en el aprendizaje asociativo de olores y feromonas y sus efectos en la conducta sociosexual

    Afferent and efferent projections of the anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleus in the mouse

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    The anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleus (ACo) is a chemosensory area of the cortical amygdala that receives afferent projections from both the main and accessory olfactory bulbs. The role of this structure is unknown, partially due to a lack of knowledge of its connectivity. In this work, we describe the pattern of afferent and efferent projections of the ACo by using fluorogold and biotinylated dextranamines as retrograde and anterograde tracers, respectively. The results show that the ACo is reciprocally connected with the olfactory system and basal forebrain, as well as with the chemosensory and basomedial amygdala. In addition, it receives dense projections from the midline and posterior intralaminar thalamus, and moderate projections from the posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, mesocortical structures and the hippocampal formation. Remarkably, the ACo projects moderately to the central nuclei of the amygdala and anterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and densely to the lateral hypothalamus. Finally, minor connections are present with some midbrain and brainstem structures. The afferent projections of the ACo indicate that this nucleus might play a role in emotional learning involving chemosensory stimuli, such as olfactory fear conditioning. The efferent projections confirm this view and, given its direct output to the medial part of the central amygdala and the hypothalamic ‘aggression area’, suggest that the ACo can initiate defensive and aggressive responses elicited by olfactory or, to a lesser extent, vomeronasal stimuli

    Sex pheromones are not always attractive: changes induced by learning and illness in mice

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    A male-specific major urinary protein named darcin is attractive to female mice, Mus musculus, stimulates a learned attraction to volatile components of a male's urinary odour and induces spatial learning. In this article we show that darcin also induces learned attraction for a previously neutral olfactory stimulus (the odorant isoamyl acetate), acquired by repeated presentation of both stimuli together. We hypothesize that this is a case of olfactory–vomeronasal associative learning, in which darcin acts as the unconditioned reinforcer. However, the presence of darcin is not always attractive to adult female mice. Urine from males parasitized by the nematode Aspiculuris tetraptera has no attractive value for females, despite apparently normal presence of darcin. The loss of attractive value may be due to unknown infection-derived chemicals whose detection overrides the attraction induced by darcin, or prevents detection of darcin by other (unknown) mechanisms. Other cases in which male urine (and thus the presence of darcin) does not induce attraction are discussed, namely in lactating females, which respond with aggression towards intruder males, and in prepubertal females, which show aversive responses towards unfamiliar male urine. Thus, although the darcin sex pheromone induces attraction in adult female mice that does not need to be learned, such innate pheromonal responses can be modulated by the physiological or health status of the sender and receiver. This provides a degree of flexibility in response to pheromonal signals, but such that individuals of the same class or status still share consistent predictable responses to improve their reproductive fitness. Further, by readily inducing the same response towards other odorants through associative learning, pheromones can also target responses flexibly towards odour signatures at an individual-specific level

    Afferent projections to the different medial amygdala subdivisions: a retrograde tracing study in the mouse

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    The medial amygdaloid nucleus (Me) is a key node in the socio-sexual brain, composed of anterior (MeA), posteroventral (MePV) and posterodorsal (MePD) subdivisions. These subdivisions have been suggested to play a different role in reproductive and defensive behaviours. In the present work we analyse the afferents of the three Me subdivisions using restricted injections of fluorogold in female outbred CD1 mice. The results reveal that the MeA, MePV and MePD share a common pattern of afferents, with some differences in the density of retrograde labelling in several nuclei. Common afferents to Me subdivisions include: the accessory olfactory bulbs, piriform cortex and endopiriform nucleus, chemosensory amygdala (receiving direct inputs from the olfactory bulbs), posterior part of the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTM), CA1 in the ventral hippocampus and posterior intralaminar thalamus. Minor projections originate from the basolateral amygdala and amygdalo-hippocampal area, septum, ventral striatum, several allocortical and periallocortical areas, claustrum, several hypothalamic structures, raphe and parabrachial complex. MeA and MePV share minor inputs from the frontal cortex (medial orbital, prelimbic, infralimbic and dorsal peduncular cortices), but differ in the lack of main olfactory projections to the MePV. By contrast, the MePD receives preferential projections from the rostral accessory olfactory bulb, the posteromedial BSTM and the ventral premammillary nucleus. In summary, the common pattern of afferents to the Me subdivisions and their interconnections suggest that they play cooperative instead of differential roles in the various behaviours (e.g., sociosexual, defensive) in which the Me has been shown to be involved

    Automação da correção da primeira velocidade em medidas eletrÎnicas de distùncia com base em rede de observação de parùmetros ambientais multi-estaçÔes

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. LuĂ­s Augusto Koenig VeigaCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Wilson de AlcĂąntara SoaresDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias da Terra, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em CiĂȘncias GeodĂ©sicas. Defesa : Curitiba, 17/12/2018Inclui referĂȘncias: p.142-148Resumo: O uso de medidores eletrĂŽnicos de distĂąnica (MED) Ă© uma tĂ©cnica empregada em estaçÔes totais para a determinação de distancias entre estas e uma superfĂ­cie refletora. Esta tĂ©cnica baseia-se na propagação de ondas eletromagnĂ©ticas, a qual, atravĂ©s do conhecimento da velocidade de propagação e o tempo gasto em se deslocar no sistema emissor-refletor e viceversa, permite obter a distĂąncia entre eles. A velocidade de propagação da onda depende do estado do meio de propagação, sendo que a densidade deste varia em função do comportamento dos parĂąmetros ambientais de pressĂŁo, umidade e temperatura, sendo esta Ășltima a que gera maior incerteza. A variação da velocidade Ă© determinada atravĂ©s do cĂĄlculo do Ă­ndice de refração, e sua quantificação em metros Ă© obtida a partir da primeira correção de velocidade. Ambos os parĂąmetros sĂŁo calculados de forma automĂĄtica mediante inserção dos parĂąmetros de pressĂŁo, temperatura e umidade a serem aplicados no instante da observação de distĂąncia. Nesta pesquisa foi desenvolvida e automatizada uma rede de sensores de temperatura com objetivo de avaliar e considerar as variaçÔes deste parĂąmetro e sua incidĂȘncia na determinação de distĂąncias no contexto do monitoramento geodĂ©sico de barragens. O sistema foi projetado e programado para que as observaçÔes de distĂąncias e mediçÔes de temperatura fossem realizadas simultaneamente. Portanto, foi possĂ­vel determinar em tempo real as variaçÔes de temperatura, e verificar como estas afetam Ă s distĂąncias. Os resultados mostraram a funcionalidade do mĂ©todo proposto, confirmando a necessidade de medir valores de temperatura durante a observação de redes de controle, bem como no decurso de coleta de pontos de monitoramento, jĂĄ que em diferentes locaçÔes a temperatura apresentou variaçÔes em torno de 5 graus. Palavras chaves: DistanciĂłmetros eletrĂŽnicos. Refração. Primeira correção de Velocidade. Automação. Temperatura.Abstract: The electronic distance meters is a technique used in total stations to determine the distances between this and a reflecting surface. This technique is based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, which, through the knowledge of the propagation velocity and the time spent in moving from the system transmitter-receiver and vice versa, allows obtaining the distance between them. The wave propagation velocity depends on the conditions of the propagation medium which, its density varies according to the behavior of the environmental parameters such as pressure, humidity and temperature. The last one generates very significant uncertainties. The velocity variation is determined through the refraction index calculation, and its quantification in meters obtained from the first velocity correction. Both parameters are calculated automatically by inserting pressure, temperature and humidity parameters to be applied in the instant of distance observation. In this research, a temperature sensors network was developed and automated with the aim to evaluate and take into account the variations of this parameter and its incidence in the determination of distances in the context of dams geodetic monitoring. The system was designed and programmed for simultaneous distances observations and temperature measurements. Therefore, it was possible to determine in real time the temperature variations, and to verify how they affect the distances. The results showed the functionality of the developed system, confirming the need to measure temperature values during the observation of control networks, as well as while the collection of monitoring points, since at different locations the temperature showed variations around 5 degrees. Key- words: Electronic meters. Refraction. First correction of Velocity. Automation. Temperature