27 research outputs found

    Eco-Epidemiology of Chagas Disease in Chile

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    There are four vector species of Chagas disease in Chile: Triatoma infestans, responsible for the domestic cycle; Mepraia spinolai, the main wild vector; and M. gajardoi and M. parapatrica, two coastal wild species whose importance as vectors is not well known. They are species of dry environments of the central-north region of Chile, whose best predictors of distribution are warm average temperatures and low rainfall. They are found in rock quarries, nests of birds, and small mammals, and T. infestans has sylvatic foci associated with a Bromeliaceae species. While human blood represents 70% of the diet of T. infestans, in M. spinolai this value is 7%, which means that a large part of Chagas disease in Chile is due to T. infestans. However, all species have high percentages of T. cruzi infection. Chagas disease in Chile follows the distribution of T. infestans, and although the cycle of domestic transmission by this vector is interrupted, there is still a constant prevalence and mortality and ascending incidences. Models predict that although climate change will not vary greatly the north-south distribution of vectors, it could increase the reproductive number of the disease, increasing risk areas of Chagas disease

    Evaluación de los efectos agudos en la función pulmonar por exposición a material particulado fino (MP 2.5) en niños que viven próximos a una playa contaminada con relaciones mineros, Chañaral, Chile

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    Introducción: Producto de la gran actividad minera de la III Región de Atacama en el norte de Chile se vertieron al curso del rio El Salado millones de toneladas de relaves (con alto contenido de metales) sin tratamiento al curso del Rio Salado, los que fueron a dar a la bahía de la ciudad de Chañaral formando una extensa playa artificial. Estos relaves han producido un marcado efecto deletéreo sobre la flora y fauna marina del sector y en la calidad de vida de las poblaciones que viven adyacentes a esta playa, debido a que por acción eólica se levanta material particulado (MP) que es transportado hacia la ciudad. Objetivos: El objetivo primario fue evaluar la asociación entre la exposición diaria a material particulado fino (MP2.5) y la función respiratoria de niños de 6 a 15 que viven próximos a una playa masivamente contaminada con relaves mineros. Secundariamente, se caracterizó las concentraciones másica y composición metales/metaloides del MP2.5 en microambientes interiores y exteriores escolares. Métodos: Entre diciembre y mayo (2012-2013) se realizó un estudio longitudinal tipo panel en una muestra representativa de 140 escolares entre 6 y 15 años. En el inicio del estudio se aplicó un cuestionario sobre salud respiratoria, condiciones ambientales y características de la familia. Seguidamente fueron sometidos a exámenes de función respiratoria cada 2 semanas. Simultáneamente durante el periodo de estudio se monitorearon y registraron diariamente los niveles ambientales de MP2.5 por un periodo de 6 meses y se colectó MP2.5 en diferentes microambientes escolares en verano, otoño e invierno durante la jornada escolar. La determinación de metales/metaloides se realizó por medio de fluorescencia de rayos X. Las asociaciones entre la exposición diaria a MP2.5 y los cambios en la función pulmonar fueron estimadas por modelos de regresión de ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas (GEE), controlando por las variables de confusión y/o modificadoras de efecto. Resultados: Se analizaron 511 espirometrías que cumplían criterios ATS/ERS (2-7 por cada niño). Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre el MP2.5 de: lag12 máximo (FEV1 β-0.75 ml CI95% -1.5 -0.04; CVF β-1.90 ml CI95% -2.8 -1.01), lag4 promedio y máximo (CVF β-2.42 ml CI95% -4.7 -0.1 y CVF β-1.74 ml CI95% -2.7 -0.8, respectivamente), lag24 máximo (CVF β-2.01 ml CI95% -2.9 -1.03; PEF β-2.93 ml CI95% -5.7 -0.1) y lag48 máximo (CVF β-1.94 ml CI95% -2.8 -1.0; PEF β-2.77 ml CI95% -5.4 -0.1). Al ajustar por edad, sexo, peso, temperatura ambiental y velocidad del viento se mantuvo la asociación para los lag12, 24 y 48 y la CVF. Las concentraciones interiores de MP2.5 variaron entre 12,53 μg/m3 y 72,37 μg/m3, las exteriores entre 11,86 μg/m3 y 181,73 μg/m3 para verano. Otoño 24,06 μg/m3 a 80,22 μg/m3 en interiores y14,06 μg/m3 a 58,44 μg/m3 en exteriores. En invierno las concentraciones interiores variaron entre 21,85 μg/m3 y 110,53 μg/m3 y 21,38 μg/m3 y 93,07 μg/m3 en exteriores. La relación estacional I/E fue 0,22 a 0,28; 0,38 a 0,92 y 0,89 a 1,28, respectivamente. La composición y distribución de metales/metaloides al interior y exteriores fue altamente correlacionada (sala-patio, oficina-patio y oficina-sala fue r=0,98, r=0,98 y r=0,99). Los más frecuentes en interiores fueron Ca> S> Si> Cl> Na> Al> Fe> K> Mg> Ti> Cu> Zn> y Cr siendo entre 0,4 a 4 veces superior que los determinados al exterior. Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio prospectivo donde se evalúa la asociación entre la exposición a MP2.5 y efectos en la función pulmonar de escolares que viven próximos a una playa masivamente contaminada con relaves mineros. Se observó una disminución en la capacidad vital forzada para los rezagos de 12 a 48 horas posterior a la exposición al MP2.5, el cual podría estar potenciado por la presencia de alto contenido de metales pesados en los microambientes escolares donde ellos pasan la mayor parte del tiempo, muchos de ellos con conocidos efectos tóxicos a nivel del organismo.Introduction: Chañaral, a coastal city located in the Atacama Region of Chile, has a beach severely polluted by the tailings of a large copper mine, which were dumped into the Rio Salado from 1938 to 1989 and carried to Chañaral Bay without preprocessing treatment. This pollution created a large artificial beach that currently covers an approximate surface area of 12 km2, representing one of Chile’s most significant environmental disasters. The impact of these tailings on the marine and coastal ecosystem have been measured and studied extensively, however effects on the inhabitants living adjacent to the tailings have not been explored thoroughly. Human populations living near mine tailings are at risk for various health problems. In the northern Chilean city of Chañaral, prevailing spring and summer winds carry particulate matter (PM) that affects the population. Aims: The main aims was to estimate the association between environmental PM and lung function among schoolchildren living at Chañaral city in the Atacama Region of Chile, from 2012 to 2013. Secondary, we measured PM2.5 mass and its metal/metalloids composition in indoor and outdoor schools microenvironments in different seasons of the year. Methods: To main objective a longitudinal panel study of schoolchildren aged 6 to 15 years (n=110) was performed. PM levels (μg/m3) were measured continuously from November 2012 to May 2013 (182 days). Lung function was evaluated with spirometry testing performed every 2 weeks, values studied were forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and forced expiratory flow during the middle portion of the FVC (FEF25-75). In addition, meteorological, anthropometric, and sociodemographic variables were measured. We fitted generalized estimating equations (GEE) model to estimate associations between lung function and air pollution using different time-lag to fine (PM2.5) particulate matter concentrations. Simultaneously, we measure and compare fine particulate matter levels (PM2.5) and metallic composition in school microenvironments. PM2.5 were measured outdoors and indoors at six schools during the summer, fall, and winter of 2012 and 2013. Schools were visited during teaching hours on two consecutive days. Metal content was determined using X-ray fluorescence. Results: The analysis included 506 spirometry tests that met American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS) quality criteria. In the unadjusted model, there were significant negative associations for average and maximum PM2.5 levels with FEV1, FVC, and PEF, and for maximum PM10 levels with FEV1 and PEF. In the adjusted model, the negative association between PM2.5 and FVC remained significant. We found a negative association between the temporal variation of PM2.5 and changes in lung function specifically by lag12 max with FEV1 (β-0.75 ml, 95%CI -1.4, -0.03 for a 1 -unit increase in PM2.5); lag4 avg and lag12 avg with FVC (β-2.42 ml, 95%CI -4.7, -0.1; and β-5.07 ml, 95%CI - 8.9, -1.1, respectively), as were lag4 max, lag12 max, and lag24 max with FVC (β-1.74 ml, 95%CI -2.7, -0.8; β-1.90 ml, 95%CI -2.8, -1.01; and β-2.01 ml, 95%CI -2.9, -1.03, respectively), and PEF which was negatively associated with lag24 max (β-2.93 ml/sec, 95%CI -5.7, -0.1). After adjusting, only the negative associations between lag12 max and lag24 max PM2.5 levels and FVC remained significant. To microenvironment indoor pollution study, we found during summer, fall, and winter, indoor concentrations varied from 12.53-72.37 μg/m3, 24.06-80.22 μg/m3 and 21.85-110.53 μg/m3. Outdoor concentrations varied from 11.86-181.73 μg/m3, 14.06-58.44 μg/m3 and 21.38-93.07 μg/m3 in summer, fall, and winter respectively. Indoor/outdoor ratios by season were 0.22-0.28 in summer, 0.38-0.92 in fall, and 0.89-1.28 in winter. Metals with the highest indoor concentrations were Ca> S> Si> Cl> Na> Al> Fe> K> Mg> Ti> Cu> Zn> and, Cr. PM2.5 levels were elevated in indoor microenvironments in fall and winter months, at times exceeding national standards. During the summer, outdoor school environments exceeded recommendations. Conclusion: Our results suggest that schoolchildren exposed to fine particulate matter from tailings deposited in the bay of Chañaral have their forced vital capacity decreased, which would affect their present and future lung development, increasing the risk of developing chronic respiratory diseases. We found a negative association between the temporal variation of PM2.5 and changes in lung function specifically on forced vital capacity. On the other hand, we demonstrated that indoor air quality in schools microenvironments of Chañaral was closely associated with outdoors air pollution and that main source would be related to mine tailings presents in the bay

    Evaluación de los efectos agudos en la función pulmonar por exposición a material particulado fino (MP 2.5) en niños que viven próximos a una playa contaminada con relaciones mineros, Chañaral, Chile

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    Introducción: Producto de la gran actividad minera de la III Región de Atacama en el norte de Chile se vertieron al curso del rio El Salado millones de toneladas de relaves (con alto contenido de metales) sin tratamiento al curso del Rio Salado, los que fueron a dar a la bahía de la ciudad de Chañaral formando una extensa playa artificial. Estos relaves han producido un marcado efecto deletéreo sobre la flora y fauna marina del sector y en la calidad de vida de las poblaciones que viven adyacentes a esta playa, debido a que por acción eólica se levanta material particulado (MP) que es transportado hacia la ciudad. Objetivos: El objetivo primario fue evaluar la asociación entre la exposición diaria a material particulado fino (MP2.5) y la función respiratoria de niños de 6 a 15 que viven próximos a una playa masivamente contaminada con relaves mineros. Secundariamente, se caracterizó las concentraciones másica y composición metales/metaloides del MP2.5 en microambientes interiores y exteriores escolares. Métodos: Entre diciembre y mayo (2012-2013) se realizó un estudio longitudinal tipo panel en una muestra representativa de 140 escolares entre 6 y 15 años. En el inicio del estudio se aplicó un cuestionario sobre salud respiratoria, condiciones ambientales y características de la familia. Seguidamente fueron sometidos a exámenes de función respiratoria cada 2 semanas. Simultáneamente durante el periodo de estudio se monitorearon y registraron diariamente los niveles ambientales de MP2.5 por un periodo de 6 meses y se colectó MP2.5 en diferentes microambientes escolares en verano, otoño e invierno durante la jornada escolar. La determinación de metales/metaloides se realizó por medio de fluorescencia de rayos X. Las asociaciones entre la exposición diaria a MP2.5 y los cambios en la función pulmonar fueron estimadas por modelos de regresión de ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas (GEE), controlando por las variables de confusión y/o modificadoras de efecto. Resultados: Se analizaron 511 espirometrías que cumplían criterios ATS/ERS (2-7 por cada niño). Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre el MP2.5 de: lag12 máximo (FEV1 β-0.75 ml CI95% -1.5 -0.04; CVF β-1.90 ml CI95% -2.8 -1.01), lag4 promedio y máximo (CVF β-2.42 ml CI95% -4.7 -0.1 y CVF β-1.74 ml CI95% -2.7 -0.8, respectivamente), lag24 máximo (CVF β-2.01 ml CI95% -2.9 -1.03; PEF β-2.93 ml CI95% -5.7 -0.1) y lag48 máximo (CVF β-1.94 ml CI95% -2.8 -1.0; PEF β-2.77 ml CI95% -5.4 -0.1). Al ajustar por edad, sexo, peso, temperatura ambiental y velocidad del viento se mantuvo la asociación para los lag12, 24 y 48 y la CVF. Las concentraciones interiores de MP2.5 variaron entre 12,53 μg/m3 y 72,37 μg/m3, las exteriores entre 11,86 μg/m3 y 181,73 μg/m3 para verano. Otoño 24,06 μg/m3 a 80,22 μg/m3 en interiores y14,06 μg/m3 a 58,44 μg/m3 en exteriores. En invierno las concentraciones interiores variaron entre 21,85 μg/m3 y 110,53 μg/m3 y 21,38 μg/m3 y 93,07 μg/m3 en exteriores. La relación estacional I/E fue 0,22 a 0,28; 0,38 a 0,92 y 0,89 a 1,28, respectivamente. La composición y distribución de metales/metaloides al interior y exteriores fue altamente correlacionada (sala-patio, oficina-patio y oficina-sala fue r=0,98, r=0,98 y r=0,99). Los más frecuentes en interiores fueron Ca> S> Si> Cl> Na> Al> Fe> K> Mg> Ti> Cu> Zn> y Cr siendo entre 0,4 a 4 veces superior que los determinados al exterior. Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio prospectivo donde se evalúa la asociación entre la exposición a MP2.5 y efectos en la función pulmonar de escolares que viven próximos a una playa masivamente contaminada con relaves mineros. Se observó una disminución en la capacidad vital forzada para los rezagos de 12 a 48 horas posterior a la exposición al MP2.5, el cual podría estar potenciado por la presencia de alto contenido de metales pesados en los microambientes escolares donde ellos pasan la mayor parte del tiempo, muchos de ellos con conocidos efectos tóxicos a nivel del organismo.Introduction: Chañaral, a coastal city located in the Atacama Region of Chile, has a beach severely polluted by the tailings of a large copper mine, which were dumped into the Rio Salado from 1938 to 1989 and carried to Chañaral Bay without preprocessing treatment. This pollution created a large artificial beach that currently covers an approximate surface area of 12 km2, representing one of Chile’s most significant environmental disasters. The impact of these tailings on the marine and coastal ecosystem have been measured and studied extensively, however effects on the inhabitants living adjacent to the tailings have not been explored thoroughly. Human populations living near mine tailings are at risk for various health problems. In the northern Chilean city of Chañaral, prevailing spring and summer winds carry particulate matter (PM) that affects the population. Aims: The main aims was to estimate the association between environmental PM and lung function among schoolchildren living at Chañaral city in the Atacama Region of Chile, from 2012 to 2013. Secondary, we measured PM2.5 mass and its metal/metalloids composition in indoor and outdoor schools microenvironments in different seasons of the year. Methods: To main objective a longitudinal panel study of schoolchildren aged 6 to 15 years (n=110) was performed. PM levels (μg/m3) were measured continuously from November 2012 to May 2013 (182 days). Lung function was evaluated with spirometry testing performed every 2 weeks, values studied were forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and forced expiratory flow during the middle portion of the FVC (FEF25-75). In addition, meteorological, anthropometric, and sociodemographic variables were measured. We fitted generalized estimating equations (GEE) model to estimate associations between lung function and air pollution using different time-lag to fine (PM2.5) particulate matter concentrations. Simultaneously, we measure and compare fine particulate matter levels (PM2.5) and metallic composition in school microenvironments. PM2.5 were measured outdoors and indoors at six schools during the summer, fall, and winter of 2012 and 2013. Schools were visited during teaching hours on two consecutive days. Metal content was determined using X-ray fluorescence. Results: The analysis included 506 spirometry tests that met American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS) quality criteria. In the unadjusted model, there were significant negative associations for average and maximum PM2.5 levels with FEV1, FVC, and PEF, and for maximum PM10 levels with FEV1 and PEF. In the adjusted model, the negative association between PM2.5 and FVC remained significant. We found a negative association between the temporal variation of PM2.5 and changes in lung function specifically by lag12 max with FEV1 (β-0.75 ml, 95%CI -1.4, -0.03 for a 1 -unit increase in PM2.5); lag4 avg and lag12 avg with FVC (β-2.42 ml, 95%CI -4.7, -0.1; and β-5.07 ml, 95%CI - 8.9, -1.1, respectively), as were lag4 max, lag12 max, and lag24 max with FVC (β-1.74 ml, 95%CI -2.7, -0.8; β-1.90 ml, 95%CI -2.8, -1.01; and β-2.01 ml, 95%CI -2.9, -1.03, respectively), and PEF which was negatively associated with lag24 max (β-2.93 ml/sec, 95%CI -5.7, -0.1). After adjusting, only the negative associations between lag12 max and lag24 max PM2.5 levels and FVC remained significant. To microenvironment indoor pollution study, we found during summer, fall, and winter, indoor concentrations varied from 12.53-72.37 μg/m3, 24.06-80.22 μg/m3 and 21.85-110.53 μg/m3. Outdoor concentrations varied from 11.86-181.73 μg/m3, 14.06-58.44 μg/m3 and 21.38-93.07 μg/m3 in summer, fall, and winter respectively. Indoor/outdoor ratios by season were 0.22-0.28 in summer, 0.38-0.92 in fall, and 0.89-1.28 in winter. Metals with the highest indoor concentrations were Ca> S> Si> Cl> Na> Al> Fe> K> Mg> Ti> Cu> Zn> and, Cr. PM2.5 levels were elevated in indoor microenvironments in fall and winter months, at times exceeding national standards. During the summer, outdoor school environments exceeded recommendations. Conclusion: Our results suggest that schoolchildren exposed to fine particulate matter from tailings deposited in the bay of Chañaral have their forced vital capacity decreased, which would affect their present and future lung development, increasing the risk of developing chronic respiratory diseases. We found a negative association between the temporal variation of PM2.5 and changes in lung function specifically on forced vital capacity. On the other hand, we demonstrated that indoor air quality in schools microenvironments of Chañaral was closely associated with outdoors air pollution and that main source would be related to mine tailings presents in the bay

    Caracterización epidemiológica y evolución del cáncer de mama en arica y parinacota, chile.1997-2007

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    Objetivo Caracterizar epidemiológicamente el cáncer de mama y su evolución en la Región de Arica y Parinacota para el  decenio 1997- 2007, Chile Método Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tendencia.  Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 306 casos pesquisados, consultantes del Policlínico de Oncología Mamaria del Hospital en Red Dr. Juan Noé Crevani. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo univariado de cada variable estudiada y se evaluó la tendencia de la incidencia y mortalidad de cáncer de mama. Resultados De los 306 casos estudiados durante el periodo, el 51,3 % tuvo entre  46 y 65 años de edad, siendo el 13,9 % de origen Aymara. El 70,2 %  de las pacientes eran menopáusicas, 98,4 % sin tratamiento hormonal. El 12 % refirió tener antecedentes familiares, de los cuales la hermana fue lo más frecuente. El 84,1 % tuvo el diagnostico de carcinoma ductal infiltrante, un 32,8 % de estos en etapa IIA. De todos los casos, el 31,6 % presentó metástasis múltiple, con 74,7 % en un rango de edad entre  of 56 a 94 años. El análisis de la serie indica una tendencia creciente de nuevos casos y una moderada tendencia a la diminución de la tasa de mortalidad. Conclusiones La Región de Arica y Parinacota de Chile, muestra una tendencia creciente absoluta y relativa de nuevos casos de cáncer de mama durante el decenio estudiado. Por otra parte, la tasa mortalidad tendió a la disminución en el periodo. Ambos situaciones se explicarían en parte por el diagnóstico precoz y las políticas de salud implementados

    Tendencia de actividades odontológicas realizadas en atención primaria del Servicio de Salud Valparaíso - San Antonio, chile: 2008 a 2018

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    Background: The current Chilean Oral Health Policy indicates that dental care is aimed at promotion and prevention, thus reinforcing the presence of dental programs in Primary Health Care (PHC) Centers. It is unknown how this policy has materialized over time, since no studies to date have analyzed the trend of dental services carried out in PHC. The objective of this study was to analyze the evolution of dental services carried out in adults in PHC of the Valparaíso - San Antonio Health Service (VSAHS). Materials and Methods: A mixed ecological study was carried out between 2008 and 2018, in 8 of the 9 municipalities of the VSAHS. The percentage trends of promotional-preventive services (PPS) and extractions were analyzed, using the databases “Resúmenes Estadísticos Mensuales-A09” (REM-A09). Results: The percentage of dental services dedicated to PPS and extractions were 24.53% and 11.36%, respectively. The group of adults between 20 and 64 years of age presented a higher percentage of PPS and a lower percentage of extractions than the 65 and over group in each municipality. There was also a trend of the percentage of PPS services increasing over time, while the percentage of extractions decreased in most of the municipalities studied. Discussion: The type of dental services carried out in PHC has evolved over time, and differences were found between municipalities of the VSAHS. To explain these results, future studies should focus on the local management of dental services in PHC.Introducción: La actual Política de Salud Bucal chilena indica que la atención odontológica está orientada a la promoción y prevención, reforzando la atención odontológica en Atención Primaria de Salud (APS). Se desconoce cómo esta política se ha materializado en el tiempo, pues, a la fecha, no existen estudios que analicen la tendencia de este tipo de actividades. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la tendencia de las actividades odontológicas, realizadas en adultos y adultos mayores, en APS del Servicio de Salud Valparaíso - San Antonio (SSVSA). Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico de tipo mixto entre los años 2008-2018, en 8 de las 9 comunas del SSVSA. Se analizó la tendencia del porcentaje de actividades promocionales-preventivas (APP) y de exodoncias utilizando las bases de datos “Resúmenes Estadísticos Mensuales-A09” (REM-A09). Resultados: El 24,53% y 11,36% de las actividades realizadas correspondieron a APP y a exodoncias, respectivamente. El grupo de 20-64 años presentó un mayor porcentaje de APP y un menor porcentaje de exodoncias que el grupo de 65 y más años, en cada una de las comunas. Hubo una tendencia al aumento del porcentaje de APP y a la disminución del porcentaje de exodoncia en la mayoría de las comunas estudiadas. Discusión: La tendencia de las actividades odontológicas realizadas en APS ha evolucionado a lo largo de los años, con diferencias entre comunas del SSVSA. Para poder determinar cuáles son los motivos que explican los resultados encontrados, se sugiere realizar otros estudios enfocados a la gestión odontológica local de APS

    Relation of genetic variants of CYP2A6 with tobacco dependence and smoking habit in Chilean subjects. A pilot study

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    Background: Genetic and metabolic factors associated with nicotine metabolism may be related to smoking behavior. Aim: To assess the prevalence of allelic and genotype variants of CYP2A6 in a sample of Chilean subjects and to evaluate their relationship with smoking and tobacco dependence. Material and Methods: The genotype frequencies for *2, *3 and *4 of CYP2A6*1 (wild type) gene were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 54 volunteers. Addiction to tobacco was evaluated using the Fagerström Test. The association between the presence of allelic variants of CYP2A6 and smoking and tobacco dependence was evaluated with chi square test. Results: The prevalence of *1, *2 (wt/*2), *3 (wt/*3 or *3/*3) and *4 (del/del) were 92.6%, 3.7%, 0% y 3.7%, respectively. No signifi cant association was observed between being a carrier of a variant genotype of CYP2A6 and smoking or tobacco dependence. Conclusions: In this sample of Chilean individuals we did not fi nd a relation between any CYP2A6 genotype with smoking or tobacco dependence.Trabajo financiado por Proyecto Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo (DID-2000)

    Contribution of Anthropogenic Factors and Climate Variables to Human Cystic Echinococcosis Mortality in Chile (2001-2011)

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    Here we assess the effect of weather and anthropogenic environmental variables, particularly urbanization, on cystic echinococcosis mortality in Chile from 2001 to 2011 using a nonparametric regression model, multivariate adaptive regression splines, and Poisson nonlinear regression models. This study integrated data from various sources on weather and anthropogenic variables. The canine population had the greatest influence on human cystic echinococcosis mortality during the period analyzed. Urbanization among anthropogenic variables and temperature and precipitation among the weather-related variables were the main factors related to cystic echinococcosis deaths. Deaths decreased with urbanization level. Temperature showed a nonlinear impact on mortality, with an optimum value similar to 11 degrees C. Public policies aimed at improving safe management of companion animal populations are crucial in controlling the spread of this disease. Effective animal management strategies would have wide-ranging public health benefits, advance the welfare of companion animals and livestock, and decrease the number of human cystic echinococcosis cases

    Short communication. Hepatotoxic Effect of Aralia mandshurica Dried Root Extract in Pigs

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    Artículo de publicación ISIThe hepatotoxic effect of a dried root extract of Aralia mandshurica over a period of 60 days (0.16 g/kg, 1.5 g/kg and 3 g/kg) was studied in Landrace pigs of both sexes. The toxic effect of Aralia mandshurica was evaluated by measuring serum alanine amino transferase (ALT), gamma glutamil transpeptidase (gGT) and serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP). Blood samples were obtained by venopuncture on days 0, 7, 30, and 60 after the administration of Aralia mandshurica and the body weight was registered weekly. At the end of the experiment the liver was examined histologically. The levels of ALT and gGT were increased significantly with all the concentrations of Aralia mandshurica at day 60. A subclinical hepatitis characterized by the presence of lymphocytes and polymorphonuclears in the portal and periportal region was observed. A hepatobiliary toxic effect of Aralia mandshurica dried root extract after chronic administration in pigs is concluded

    Relationship among metabolizing genes, smoking and alcohol used as modifier factors on prostate cancer risk: Exploring some gene-gene and gene-environment interactions

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common male cancers, but the burden of this disease shows remarkable worldwide variation. The role of susceptibility low penetrance genes and environmental factors in the etiology of (PCa) is unclear, but may involve, in some cases, multiple alleles at multiple loci and environmental factors. Study Objectives: To assess whether CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTT1 susceptibility genotypes, smoking status and alcohol consumption factors contribute to PCa risk, gene-gene and gene-environment interactions were analyzed. Design and Participants: We explored interactions on a multiplicative scale conducting a population-based case-control and a case-only study on 103 incident PCa patients and 132 unrelated controls. Main Results: The interaction odds ratios (IOR) for PCa risk were increased in men who had both susceptibility genotypes GST (M1; T1) null and CYP1A1-M1* in a case-control and case-only design (IORcc: 1.11; 95% CI: 0.12-10.02; IORcc: 6.23; 95%, CI: 0.51-75.89; IORco: 2.80; 95% CI: 0.44-17.45 and IORco: 2.65; 95%, CI: 0.30-25.40). No clear evidence for interaction on a multiplicative scale between smoking status, alcohol consumption and genetic polymorphisms in PCa risk was observed. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the interaction between genetic polymorphisms in GST (T1; M1) and CYP1A1-M1* would play a significant role as a modifying factor on PCa risk in Chilean people. However, these preliminary exploratory results should be confirmed in a larger study.This work was supported by the National Cancer Corporation of Chile (CONAC) and National Fund of Scientific Development FONDECYT Grant No. 3020043

    Evaluación de los efectos agudos en la función pulmonar por exposición a material particulado fino (MP 2.5) en niños que viven próximos a una playa masivamente contaminada con relaves mineros, Chañaral, Chile

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    Introducción: Producto de la gran actividad minera de la III Región de Atacama en el norte de Chile se vertieron al curso del rio El Salado millones de toneladas de relaves (con alto contenido de metales) sin tratamiento al curso del Rio Salado, los que fueron a dar a la bahía de la ciudad de Chañaral formando una extensa playa artificial. Estos relaves han producido un marcado efecto deletéreo sobre la flora y fauna marina del sector y en la calidad de vida de las poblaciones que viven adyacentes a esta playa, debido a que por acción eólica se levanta material particulado (MP) que es transportado hacia la ciudad. Objetivos: El objetivo primario fue evaluar la asociación entre la exposición diaria a material particulado fino (MP2.5) y la función respiratoria de niños de 6 a 15 que viven próximos a una playa masivamente contaminada con relaves mineros. Secundariamente, se caracterizó las concentraciones másica y composición metales/metaloides del MP2.5 en microambientes interiores y exteriores escolares. Métodos: Entre diciembre y mayo (2012-2013) se realizó un estudio longitudinal tipo panel en una muestra representativa de 140 escolares entre 6 y 15 años. En el inicio del estudio se aplicó un cuestionario sobre salud respiratoria, condiciones ambientales y características de la familia. Seguidamente fueron sometidos a exámenes de función respiratoria cada 2 semanas. Simultáneamente durante el periodo de estudio se monitorearon y registraron diariamente los niveles ambientales de MP2.5 por un periodo de 6 meses y se colectó MP2.5 en diferentes microambientes escolares en verano, otoño e invierno durante la jornada escolar. La determinación de metales/metaloides se realizó por medio de fluorescencia de rayos X. Las asociaciones entre la exposición diaria a MP2.5 y los cambios en la función pulmonar fueron estimadas por modelos de regresión de ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas (GEE), controlando por las variables de confusión y/o modificadoras de efecto. Resultados: Se analizaron 511 espirometrías que cumplían criterios ATS/ERS (2-7 por cada niño). Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre el MP2.5 de: lag12 máximo (FEV1 β-0.75 ml CI95% -1.5 -0.04; CVF β-1.90 ml CI95% -2.8 -1.01), lag4 promedio y máximo (CVF β-2.42 ml CI95% -4.7 -0.1 y CVF β-1.74 ml CI95% -2.7 -0.8, respectivamente), lag24 máximo (CVF β-2.01 ml CI95% -2.9 -1.03; PEF β-2.93 ml CI95% -5.7 -0.1) y lag48 máximo (CVF β-1.94 ml CI95% -2.8 -1.0; PEF β-2.77 ml CI95% -5.4 -0.1). Al ajustar por edad, sexo, peso, temperatura ambiental y velocidad del viento se mantuvo la asociación para los lag12, 24 y 48 y la CVF. Las concentraciones interiores de MP2.5 variaron entre 12,53 μg/m3 y 72,37 μg/m3, las exteriores entre 11,86 μg/m3 y 181,73 μg/m3 para verano. Otoño 24,06 μg/m3 a 80,22 μg/m3 en interiores y14,06 μg/m3 a 58,44 μg/m3 en exteriores. En invierno las concentraciones interiores variaron entre 21,85 μg/m3 y 110,53 μg/m3 y 21,38 μg/m3 y 93,07 μg/m3 en exteriores. La relación estacional I/E fue 0,22 a 0,28; 0,38 a 0,92 y 0,89 a 1,28, respectivamente. La composición y distribución de metales/metaloides al interior y exteriores fue altamente correlacionada (sala-patio, oficina-patio y oficina-sala fue r=0,98, r=0,98 y r=0,99). Los más frecuentes en interiores fueron Ca> S> Si> Cl> Na> Al> Fe> K> Mg> Ti> Cu> Zn> y Cr siendo entre 0,4 a 4 veces superior que los determinados al exterior. Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio prospectivo donde se evalúa la asociación entre la exposición a MP2.5 y efectos en la función pulmonar de escolares que viven próximos a una playa masivamente contaminada con relaves mineros. Se observó una disminución en la capacidad vital forzada para los rezagos de 12 a 48 horas posterior a la exposición al MP2.5, el cual podría estar potenciado por la presencia de alto contenido de metales pesados en los microambientes escolares donde ellos pasan la mayor parte del tiempo, muchos de ellos con conocidos efectos tóxicos a nivel del organismoIntroduction: Chañaral, a coastal city located in the Atacama Region of Chile, has a beach severely polluted by the tailings of a large copper mine, which were dumped into the Rio Salado from 1938 to 1989 and carried to Chañaral Bay without preprocessing treatment. This pollution created a large artificial beach that currently covers an approximate surface area of 12 km2, representing one of Chile's most significant environmental disasters. The impact of these tailings on the marine and coastal ecosystem have been measured and studied extensively, however effects on the inhabitants living adjacent to the tailings have not been explored thoroughly. Human populations living near mine tailings are at risk for various health problems. In the northern Chilean city of Chañaral, prevailing spring and summer winds carry particulate matter (PM) that affects the population. Aims: The main aims was to estimate the association between environmental PM and lung function among schoolchildren living at Chañaral city in the Atacama Region of Chile, from 2012 to 2013. Secondary, we measured PM2.5 mass and its metal/metalloids composition in indoor and outdoor schools microenvironments in different seasons of the year. Methods: To main objective a longitudinal panel study of schoolchildren aged 6 to 15 years (n=110) was performed. PM levels (μg/m3) were measured continuously from November 2012 to May 2013 (182 days). Lung function was evaluated with spirometry testing performed every 2 weeks, values studied were forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and forced expiratory flow during the middle portion of the FVC (FEF25-75). In addition, meteorological, anthropometric, and sociodemographic variables were measured. We fitted generalized estimating equations (GEE) model to estimate associations between lung function and air pollution using different time-lag to fine (PM2.5) particulate matter concentrations. Simultaneously, we measure and compare fine particulate matter levels (PM2.5) and metallic composition in school microenvironments. PM2.5 were measured outdoors and indoors at six schools during the summer, fall, and winter of 2012 and 2013. Schools were visited during teaching hours on two consecutive days. Metal content was determined using X-ray fluorescence. Results: The analysis included 506 spirometry tests that met American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS) quality criteria. In the unadjusted model, there were significant negative associations for average and maximum PM2.5 levels with FEV1, FVC, and PEF, and for maximum PM10 levels with FEV1 and PEF. In the adjusted model, the negative association between PM2.5 and FVC remained significant. We found a negative association between the temporal variation of PM2.5 and changes in lung function specifically by lag12 max with FEV1 (β-0.75 ml, 95%CI -1.4, -0.03 for a 1 -unit increase in PM2.5); lag4 avg and lag12 avg with FVC (β-2.42 ml, 95%CI -4.7, -0.1; and β-5.07 ml, 95%CI - 8.9, -1.1, respectively), as were lag4 max, lag12 max, and lag24 max with FVC (β-1.74 ml, 95%CI -2.7, -0.8; β-1.90 ml, 95%CI -2.8, -1.01; and β-2.01 ml, 95%CI -2.9, -1.03, respectively), and PEF which was negatively associated with lag24 max (β-2.93 ml/sec, 95%CI -5.7, -0.1). After adjusting, only the negative associations between lag12 max and lag24 max PM2.5 levels and FVC remained significant. To microenvironment indoor pollution study, we found during summer, fall, and winter, indoor concentrations varied from 12.53-72.37 μg/m3, 24.06-80.22 μg/m3 and 21.85-110.53 μg/m3. Outdoor concentrations varied from 11.86-181.73 μg/m3, 14.06-58.44 μg/m3 and 21.38-93.07 μg/m3 in summer, fall, and winter respectively. Indoor/outdoor ratios by season were 0.22-0.28 in summer, 0.38-0.92 in fall, and 0.89-1.28 in winter. Metals with the highest indoor concentrations were Ca> S> Si> Cl> Na> Al> Fe> K> Mg> Ti> Cu> Zn> and, Cr. PM2.5 levels were elevated in indoor microenvironments in fall and winter months, at times exceeding national standards. During the summer, outdoor school environments exceeded recommendations. Conclusion: Our results suggest that schoolchildren exposed to fine particulate matter from tailings deposited in the bay of Chañaral have their forced vital capacity decreased, which would affect their present and future lung development, increasing the risk of developing chronic respiratory diseases. We found a negative association between the temporal variation of PM2.5 and changes in lung function specifically on forced vital capacity. On the other hand, we demonstrated that indoor air quality in schools microenvironments of Chañaral was closely associated with outdoors air pollution and that main source would be related to mine tailings presents in the bay