136 research outputs found

    Productividad, estado trófico y dinámica fitoplanctónica en la laguna Sauce Grande y su afluente homónimo (pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    The shallow lake Sauce Grande is located in the southwest of Buenos Aires province. It is a widening of the Sauce Grande River that flows in and out of the lake. The aim of this study is to estimate for the first time the primary productivity (PP) of this lake and to contrast the physiochemical variables, phytoplankton structure and trophic status with those of its main tributary. Monthly samplings (April-September 2014) were performed in the middle basin of the river and on the coast of the lake. We recorded in situ physical and chemical parameters with a multisensor Horiba U-10. Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net for the qualitative study and with plastic bottles for quantitative analysis.The greatest physicochemical differences corresponded to turbidity and conductivity with values of 581.3 NTU and 9 mS/cm for the lake and 17.7 and 1.7, for the river. The average PP in the lake was 252.1 mg C/m3.h. Cyanobacteria were the most abundant taxonomic group in both systems, although its abundance was greater in the shallow lake. The Carlson index, based on the concentration of chlorophyll a and total phosphorus, identifies the lake as eutrophic, while the river was classified as oligo-mesotrophic according to the same variables. Our results suggest that the Sauce Grande Lake is an autotrophic system with a highly productive metabolism. The remaining production becomes biomass and accumulates within the system, in the form of high levels of phytoplankton abundance, in particular a massive proliferation of Cyanobacteria.The shallow lake Sauce Grande is located in the southwest of Buenos Aires province. It is a widening of the Sauce Grande River that flows in and out of the lake. The aim of this study is to estimate for the first time the primary productivity (PP) of this lake and to contrast the physiochemical variables, phytoplankton structure and trophic status with those of its main tributary. Monthly samplings (April-September 2014) were performed in the middle basin of the river and on the coast of the lake. We recorded in situ physical and chemical parameters with a multisensor Horiba U-10. Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net for the qualitative study and with plastic bottles for quantitative analysis.The greatest physicochemical differences corresponded to turbidity and conductivity with values of 581.3 NTU and 9 mS/cm for the lake and 17.7 and 1.7, for the river. The average PP in the lake was 252.1 mg C/m3 .h. Cyanobacteria were the most abundant taxonomic group in both systems, although its abundance was greater in the shallow lake. The Carlson index, based on the concentration of chlorophyll a and total phosphorus, identifies the lake as eutrophic, while the river was classified as oligo-mesotrophic according to the same variables. Our results suggest that the Sauce Grande Lake is an autotrophic system with a highly productive metabolism. The remaining production becomes biomass and accumulates within the system, in the form of high levels of phytoplankton abundance, in particular a massive proliferation of Cyanobacteria

    Productividad, estado trófico y dinámica fitoplanctónica en la laguna Sauce Grande y su afluente homónimo (pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    The shallow lake Sauce Grande is located in the southwest of Buenos Aires province. It is a widening of the Sauce Grande River that flows in and out of the lake. The aim of this study is to estimate for the first time the primary productivity (PP) of this lake and to contrast the physiochemical variables, phytoplankton structure and trophic status with those of its main tributary. Monthly samplings (April-September 2014) were performed in the middle basin of the river and on the coast of the lake. We recorded in situ physical and chemical parameters with a multisensor Horiba U-10. Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net for the qualitative study and with plastic bottles for quantitative analysis.The greatest physicochemical differences corresponded to turbidity and conductivity with values of 581.3 NTU and 9 mS/cm for the lake and 17.7 and 1.7, for the river. The average PP in the lake was 252.1 mg C/m3.h. Cyanobacteria were the most abundant taxonomic group in both systems, although its abundance was greater in the shallow lake. The Carlson index, based on the concentration of chlorophyll a and total phosphorus, identifies the lake as eutrophic, while the river was classified as oligo-mesotrophic according to the same variables. Our results suggest that the Sauce Grande Lake is an autotrophic system with a highly productive metabolism. The remaining production becomes biomass and accumulates within the system, in the form of high levels of phytoplankton abundance, in particular a massive proliferation of Cyanobacteria.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Productividad, estado trófico y dinámica fitoplanctónica en la laguna Sauce Grande y su afluente homónimo (pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    The shallow lake Sauce Grande is located in the southwest of Buenos Aires province. It is a widening of the Sauce Grande River that flows in and out of the lake. The aim of this study is to estimate for the first time the primary productivity (PP) of this lake and to contrast the physiochemical variables, phytoplankton structure and trophic status with those of its main tributary. Monthly samplings (April-September 2014) were performed in the middle basin of the river and on the coast of the lake. We recorded in situ physical and chemical parameters with a multisensor Horiba U-10. Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net for the qualitative study and with plastic bottles for quantitative analysis.The greatest physicochemical differences corresponded to turbidity and conductivity with values of 581.3 NTU and 9 mS/cm for the lake and 17.7 and 1.7, for the river. The average PP in the lake was 252.1 mg C/m3.h. Cyanobacteria were the most abundant taxonomic group in both systems, although its abundance was greater in the shallow lake. The Carlson index, based on the concentration of chlorophyll a and total phosphorus, identifies the lake as eutrophic, while the river was classified as oligo-mesotrophic according to the same variables. Our results suggest that the Sauce Grande Lake is an autotrophic system with a highly productive metabolism. The remaining production becomes biomass and accumulates within the system, in the form of high levels of phytoplankton abundance, in particular a massive proliferation of Cyanobacteria.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Estudio de la alineación rotacional en la artroplastia total de rodilla mediante tomografía computarizada

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    L'alineació rotacional a l'astroplàstia total de genoll es refereix a la posició dels implants en el pla axial. Un mínim desplaçament afectarà la distribució de la càrrega y variarà l'estabilitat, l'alineació i la cinemàtica de l'articulació. Tot i que hi ha un consens pel que fa als efectes adversos d'una alineació rotacional incorrecta, encara no està clar quines són les referències anatòmiques que cal utilitzar. Les mesures de l'alineació rotacional requereixen un estudi d'alta qualitat. La TC és la modalitat d'imatge d'elecció per a l'estudi postoperatori de l'artroplàstia total de genoll. L'objectiu d'aquest treball es avaluar la capacitat diagnòstica de la TC per a l'estudi de l'alineació rotacional postoperatòria en l'artroplàstia total de genoll i presentar les variacions en el protocol de TC que minimitzen l'artefacte metàl·lic. Aquest estudi avalua la reproductibilitat de l'angle condili posterior, format per l'eix epicondili quirúrgic i la línia bicondilia posterior, mesurant la correlació entre dos observadors. El coeficient de correlació de Pearson mostra una forta correlació positiva (R=0.84) entre els dos observadors. La mitja d'error de les mesures adquirides és de -0.14º amb una desviació estàndar de 2.06º (-0.14 ± 2.06), per la qual cosa la modificació dels paràmetres tècnics de la TC per a la minimització dels artefactes metàl·lics és eficaç per l'avaluació rotacional. No obstant, l'alta magnitud de l'error indica que el radiòleg ha de ser prudent en el diagnòstic de mínimes variacions angulars que impliquin canvis en l'actitud mèdica i terapèutica.La alineación rotacional en la artroplastia total de rodilla se refiere a la posición de los implantes femoral y tibial en el plano axial. Un mínimo desplazamiento afectará la distribución de la carga por lo que variará la estabilidad, la alineación y la cinemática de la articulación. Aunque hay un consenso en cuanto a los efectos adversos de una alineación rotacional incorrecta todavía no está claro qué referencias anatómicas utilizar. Las medidas de la alineación rotacional requieren un estudio de alta calidad por lo que la TC es la modalidad de imagen de elección para el estudio postoperatorio de la artroplastia de rodilla. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la capacidad diagnóstica de la TC para el estudio de la alineación rotacional postoperatorio en las atroplastias totales de rodilla y presentar las variaciones en el protocolo de TC que minimizan el artefacto metálico. Este estudio evalúa la reproducibilidad del ángulo condíleo posterior formado por el eje transepicondíleo quirúrgico y la línea bicondílea posterior midiendo la correlación entre dos observadores. El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson mostró una fuerte correlación positiva (R=0.84) entre los dos observadores y la media de error de las medidas adquiridas fue de -0.14º con una desviación estándar de 2.06º (-0.14 ± 2.06), por lo que la modificación de los parámetros técnicos de la TC para minimización de artefactos metálicos es eficaz para la evaluación rotacional. No obstante, la alta magnitud del error indica que el radiólogo debe ser cauteloso en el diagnóstico de mínimas variaciones angulares que impliquen cambios en la actitud médica y terapéutica

    Delineating transitions during the evolution of specialised peroxisomes: glycosome formation in kinetoplastid and diplonemid protists

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    One peculiarity of protists belonging to classes Kinetoplastea and Diplonemea within the phylum Euglenozoa is compartmentalisation of most glycolytic enzymes within peroxisomes that are hence called glycosomes. This pathway is not sequestered in peroxisomes of the third Euglenozoan class, Euglenida. Previous analysis of well-studied kinetoplastids, the ‘TriTryps’ parasites Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp., identified within glycosomes other metabolic processes usually not present in peroxisomes. In addition, trypanosomatid peroxins, i.e. proteins involved in biogenesis of these organelles, are divergent from human and yeast orthologues. In recent years, genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes for a variety of euglenozoans have become available. Here, we track the possible evolution of glycosomes by querying these databases, as well as the genome of Naegleria gruberi, a non-euglenozoan, which belongs to the same protist supergroup Discoba. We searched for orthologues of TriTryps proteins involved in glycosomal metabolism and biogenesis. Predicted cellular location(s) of each metabolic enzyme identified was inferred from presence or absence of peroxisomal-targeting signals. Combined with a survey of relevant literature, we refine extensively our previously postulated hypothesis about glycosome evolution. The data agree glycolysis was compartmentalised in a common ancestor of the kinetoplastids and diplonemids, yet additionally indicates most other processes found in glycosomes of extant trypanosomatids, but not in peroxisomes of other eukaryotes were either sequestered in this ancestor or shortly after separation of the two lineages. In contrast, peroxin divergence is evident in all euglenozoans. Following their gain of pathway complexity, subsequent evolution of peroxisome/glycosome function is complex. We hypothesize compartmentalisation in glycosomes of glycolytic enzymes, their cofactors and subsequently other metabolic enzymes provided selective advantage to kinetoplastids and diplonemids during their evolution in changing marine environments. We contend two specific properties derived from the ancestral peroxisomes were key: existence of nonselective pores for small solutes and the possibility of high turnover by pexophagy. Critically, such pores and pexophagy are characterised in extant trypanosomatids. Increasing amenability of free-living kinetoplastids and recently isolated diplonemids to experimental study means our hypothesis and interpretation of bioinformatic data are suited to experimental interrogation

    The role of NADPH oxidase in carotid body arterial chemoreceptors

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    Producción CientíficaO2-sensing in the carotid body occurs in neuroectoderm-derived type I glomus cells where hypoxia elicits a complex chemotransduction cascade involving membrane depolarization, Ca2+ entry and the release of excitatory neurotransmitters. Efforts to understand the exquisite O2-sensitivity of these cells currently focus on the coupling between local PO2 and the open-closed state of K+-channels. Amongst multiple competing hypotheses is the notion that K+-channel activity is mediated by a phagocytic-like multisubunit enzyme, NADPH oxidase, which produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in proportion to the prevailing PO2. In O2-sensitive cells of lung neuroepithelial bodies (NEB), multiple studies confirm that ROS levels decrease in hypoxia, and that EM and K+-channel activity are indeed controlled by ROS produced by NADPH oxidase. However, recent studies in our laboratories suggest that ROS generated by a non-phagocyte isoform of the oxidase are important contributors to chemotransduction, but that their role in type I cells differs fundamentally from the mechanism utilized by NEB chemoreceptors. Data indicate that in response to hypoxia, NADPH oxidase activity is increased in type I cells, and further, that increased ROS levels generated in response to low-O2 facilitate cell repolarization via specific subsets of K+-channels

    Long-term hydrological changes in northern Iberia (4.9–0.9 ky BP) from speleothem Mg/Ca ratios and cave monitoring (Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, Spain)

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    An absolute-dated stalagmite from Kaite Cave (Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, N Spain) provides a nearly continuous, high-resolution record of a proxy of regional precipitation patterns through the 4.9–0.9 ka BP interval. This record is based on the Mg/Ca ratio of the calcite and its variation through the stalagmite stratigraphy, which is interpreted to be primarily driven by changes in precipitation amount. The calibration of the proxy is supported by the present-day monitoring carried out in the cave for the last 10 years, which reveals a robust inverse relationship between the inter-annual/inter-decadal variability of rainfall and the Mg concentration of dripwaters and precipitating speleothems. The record of paleoprecipitation, based on 2400 Mg/Ca measurements, shows strong variability at inter-annual to inter-decadal scales, and more subtle but significant changes at secular to millennial scales. This long-term paleohydrological evolution outlines five successive intervals with consistent trends, which are bounded by abrupt shifts in the regional precipitation. These shifts took place at 4.65, 4.2, 2.6, and 1.3 ka BP. Significantly, the intervals of maximum precipitation of the whole record (around 4.9–4.65, 2.6–2.45, and 1.3–1.1 ka BP) can be related with episodes of minimum solar activity and correlated with cold climatic events elsewhere.Contribution to research projects 28 CGL2010-21499-BTE and CGL2013-43257-R of the Spanish R+D National Program 29 (MINECO) and research groups ‘‘Paleoclimatology and Global Change’’ and ‘‘Laser Induced 30 Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)’’ from the UCM (Spain).Peer reviewe
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