10 research outputs found

    Analysis of association between sanitation and health in brazilian states, using secondary data from data bank indicadores e dados bĂĄsicos para a saĂșde 2003 – IDB 2003

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the association between sanitation and epidemiological indicators - in the brazilian states. Secondary data from data bank Indicadores e Dados BĂĄsicos para a SaĂșde 2003 – IDB 2003 – from Ministry of Health were used. Three types of sanitation were compared: population coverage by water supply system, by sewage disposal, and by domestic garbage collection services. They were compared with infant mortality rate, proportional mortality by acute diarrhea among infants under five years of age, and proportional mortality by infectious and parasitic diseases for all ages.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a associação entre condiçÔes de saneamento – cobertura populacional por redes de abastecimento de ĂĄgua, por sistemas de esgotamento sanitĂĄrio e por serviços de coleta de lixo – e indicadores epidemiolĂłgicos – taxa de mortalidade infantil, mortalidade proporcional por doença diarrĂ©ica aguda em menores de cinco anos de idade e mortalidade proporcional por doenças infecciosas e parasitĂĄrias para todas as idades – nos estados brasileiros, utilizando dados secundĂĄrios do banco de dados Indicadores e Dados BĂĄsicos para a SaĂșde 2003 – IDB 2003 – do MinistĂ©rio da SaĂșde

    Research, development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies in Brazil

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    Purpose – Most research and development (R&D) activities in Brazil are performed by science and technology institutions (STIs). The purpose of this research was to determine whether environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) developed by these organizations were transferred to companies, either through cooperation during research or through mechanisms such as licensing agreements or spin-offs. Design/methodology/approach – In total, 1,939 research groups and 702 patent registers, identified from the same set of words related to ESTs, using semantic search in open-access databases, covering a period from 2005 to 2014, were examined. The two data sets (patents and research groups) were overlaid, and it was possible to associate inventors’ names with researchers’ names. Findings – The results showed that only six patents could be related to the 1,939 identified research groups. Of the six patents, only one was the object of a licensing agreement, and no spin-off was identified. Practical implications – This study evidenced that it is necessary to expand the mechanisms of knowledge transfer, directed not only from STIs to companies but also in the opposite direction, given that companies recognize potential market opportunities. Originality/value – This study shows that improvements in the Brazilian National Innovation System are necessary, as ESTs research groups demonstrated a weak association with technologies transferred to companies, with only one case of technology transfer in the form of a licensing agreemen

    Granuloma hialinizante de pulmĂŁo recidivante Recurrent pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma

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    Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 61 anos, masculino, internado com objetivo de exérese de massa pulmonar para estudo anatomopatológico. O paciente apresentara anteriormente um quadro de febre, tosse seca e dor toråcica, associado à presença de massas pulmonares detectadas por radiografia de tórax, tendo sido submetido em duas ocasiÔes (1976 e 1981) a toracotomia para a investigação diagnóstica, sem diagnóstico anatomopatológico conclusivo. A TC de tórax revelou volumosas massas com åreas de calcificação em ambos os campos pulmonares. O material do estudo anatomopatológico foi compatível com granuloma hialinizante de pulmão. No pós-operatório, o paciente apresentou vårios episódios de broncoespasmo que foram revertidos com medicação sintomåtica. Foi mantido com prednisona na dose de 40 mg/dia com boa evolução clínica até o envio deste relato.<br>We report the case of a 61-year-old male patient who underwent surgical excision of a lung mass for anatomopathological study. The patient had previously presented with fever, dry cough, and chest pain, together with lung masses detected by chest X-ray, and had undergone thoracotomy for diagnostic investigation on two occasions (1976 and 1981), although a conclusive diagnosis had not been made. A CT scan of the chest revealed large masses with areas of calcification in both lung fields. The anatomopathological study was consistent with pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma. In the postoperative period, the patient experienced several episodes of bronchospasm, which was reversible with the use of symptomatic medication. At this writing, the patient was receiving maintenance therapy with prednisone (40 mg/day) and had shown clinical improvement