3,778 research outputs found

    VLTI/MIDI 10 micron interferometry of the forming massive star W33A

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    We report on resolved interferometric observations with VLTI/MIDI of the massive young stellar object (MYSO) W33A. The MIDI observations deliver spectrally dispersed visibilities with values between 0.03 and 0.06, for a baseline of 45m over the wavelength range 8-13 micron. The visibilities indicate that W33A has a FWHM size of approximately 120AU (0.030'') at 8 micron which increases to 240AU at 13 micron, scales previously unexplored among MYSOs. This observed trend is consistent with the temperature falling off with distance. 1D dust radiative transfer models are simultaneously fit to the visibility spectrum, the strong silicate feature and the shape of the mid infrared spectral energy distribution (SED). For any powerlaw density distribution, we find that the sizes (as implied by the visibilities) and the stellar luminosity are incompatible. A reduction to a third of W33A's previously adopted luminosity is required to match the visibilities; such a reduction is consistent with new high resolution 70 micron data from Spitzer's MIPSGAL survey. We obtain best fits for models with shallow dust density distributions of r^(-0.5) and r^(-1.0) and for increased optical depth in the silicate feature produced by decreasing the ISM ratio of graphite to silicates and using optical grain properties by Ossenkopf et al. (1992).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for ApJ letter

    Marginal and non-commutative deformations via non-abelian T-duality

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    In this short article we develop recent proposals to relate Yang-Baxter sigma-models and non-abelian T-duality. We demonstrate explicitly that the holographic space-times associated to both (multi-parameter)-β-deformations and non-commutative deformations of N=4 super Yang-Mills gauge theory including the RR fluxes can be obtained via the machinery of non-abelian T-duality in Type II supergravity

    Quicksort Revisited: Verifying Alternative Versions of Quicksort

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.We verify the correctness of a recursive version of Tony Hoare’s quicksort algorithm using the Hoare-logic based verification tool Dafny. We then develop a non-standard, iterative version which is based on a stack of pivot-locations rather than the standard stack of ranges. We outline an incomplete Dafny proof for the latter

    IR Dust Bubbles: Probing the Detailed Structure and Young Massive Stellar Populations of Galactic HII Regions

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    We present an analysis of wind-blown, parsec-sized, mid-infrared bubbles and associated star-formation using GLIMPSE/IRAC, MIPSGAL/MIPS and MAGPIS/VLA surveys. Three bubbles from the Churchwell et al. (2006) catalog were selected. The relative distribution of the ionized gas (based on 20 cm emission), PAH emission (based on 8 um, 5.8 um and lack of 4.5 um emission) and hot dust (24 um emission) are compared. At the center of each bubble there is a region containing ionized gas and hot dust, surrounded by PAHs. We identify the likely source(s) of the stellar wind and ionizing flux producing each bubble based upon SED fitting to numerical hot stellar photosphere models. Candidate YSOs are also identified using SED fitting, including several sites of possible triggered star formation.Comment: 37 pages, 17 figure

    Constraints in the circumstellar density distribution of massive Young Stellar Objects

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    We use a Monte Carlo code to generate synthetic near-IR reflection nebulae that resemble those (normally associated with a bipolar outflow cavity) seen towards massive young stellar objects (YSOs). The 2D axi-symmetric calculations use an analytic expression for a flattened infalling rotating envelope with a bipolar cavity representing an outflow. We are interested in which aspects of the circumstellar density distribution can be constrained by observations of these reflection nebulae. We therefore keep the line of sight optical depth constant in the model grid, as this is often constrained independently by observations. It is found that envelopes with density distributions corresponding to mass infall rates of similar to10(-4) M-circle dot yr(-1) (for an envelope radius of 4700 AU) seen at an inclination angle of similar to45degrees approximately reproduce the morphology and extension of the sub-arcsecond nebulae observed in massive YSOs. Based on the flux ratio between the approaching and receding lobe of the nebula, we can constrain the system inclination angle. The cavity opening angle is well constrained from the nebula opening angle. Our simulations indicate that to constrain the outflow cavity shape and the degree of flattening in the envelope, near-IR imaging with higher resolution and dynamic range than speckle imaging in 4 m-class telescopes is needed. The radiative transfer code is also used to simulate the near-IR sub-arcsecond nebula seen in Mon R2 IRS3. We find indications of a shallower opacity law in this massive YSO than in the interstellar medium, or possibly a sharp drop in the envelope density distribution at distances of similar to1000 AU from the illuminating source.</p

    A discrete geometric model of concurrent program execution

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    A trace of the execution of a concurrent object-oriented program can be displayed in two-dimensions as a diagram of a non-metric finite geometry. The actions of a programs are represented by points, its objects and threads by vertical lines, its transactions by horizontal lines, its communications and resource sharing by sloping arrows, and its partial traces by rectangular figures. We prove informally that the geometry satisfies the laws of Concurrent Kleene Algebra (CKA); these describe and justify the interleaved implementation of multithreaded programs on computer systems with a lesser number of concurrent processors. More familiar forms of semantics (e.g., verification-oriented and operational) can be derived from CKA. Programs are represented as sets of all their possible traces of execution, and non-determinism is introduced as union of these sets. The geometry is extended to multiple levels of abstraction and granularity; a method call at a higher level can be modelled by a specification of the method body, which is implemented at a lower level. The final section describes how the axioms and definitions of the geometry have been encoded in the interactive proof tool Isabelle, and reports on progress towards automatic checking of the proofs in the paper

    Formal Proof of SCHUR Conjugate Function

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    The main goal of our work is to formally prove the correctness of the key commands of the SCHUR software, an interactive program for calculating with characters of Lie groups and symmetric functions. The core of the computations relies on enumeration and manipulation of combinatorial structures. As a first "proof of concept", we present a formal proof of the conjugate function, written in C. This function computes the conjugate of an integer partition. To formally prove this program, we use the Frama-C software. It allows us to annotate C functions and to generate proof obligations, which are proved using several automated theorem provers. In this paper, we also draw on methodology, discussing on how to formally prove this kind of program.Comment: To appear in CALCULEMUS 201

    The RMS Survey: 6 cm continuum VLA observations towards candidate massive YSOs in the northern hemisphere

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    (Abridged) Context: The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey is an ongoing multi-wavelength observational programme designed to return a large, well-selected sample of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). We have identified ∼\sim2000 MYSO candidates located throughout the Galaxy by comparing the colours of MSX and 2MASS point sources to those of known MYSOs. Aims: To identify the populations of UCHII regions and PNe within the sample and examine their Galactic distribution. Method: We have conducted high resolution radio continuum observations at 6 cm towards 659 MYSO candidates in the northern hemisphere (10\degr< l < 250\degr) using the VLA. In addition to these targeted observations we present archival data towards a further 315 RMS sources extracted from a previous VLA survey of the inner Galaxy. Results: We find radio emission towards 272 (∼\sim27% of the observed sample). Using results from other parts of our multi-wavelength survey we separate these RMS-radio associations into two distinct types of objects, classifying 51 as PNe and a further 208 as either compact or UC HII regions. Using this well selected sample of HII regions we estimate their Galactic scale height to be 0.6\degr. Conclusions: Using radio continuum and archival data we have identified 79 PNe and 391 HII regions within the northern RMS catalogue. We estimate the total fraction of contamination by PNe in the RMS sample is of order 10%. The sample of HII regions is probably the best representation to date of the Galactic population of HII regions as a whole.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 15 pages, 9 figures and 5 tables. Full versions of Tables 3, 4 and 5 and Figs. 2, 4 and 7 will only be available via CDS or the RMS website at http:/www.ast.leeds.ac.uk/cgi-bin/RMS/RMS_VLA_IMAGES.cg

    Communicating Shared Resources: A Paradigm for Integrating Real-Time Specification and Implementation

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    The timed behavior of distributed real-time systems can be specified using a formalism called Communicating Shared Resources, or CSR. The underlying computation model of CSR is resource-based in which multiple resources execute synchronously, while processes assigned to the same resource are interleaved according to their priorities. CSR bridges the gap between an abstract computation model and implementation environments, but is too complex to be treated as a process algebra. We therefore give a calculus for CSR (CCSR), that provides the ability to perform equivalence proofs by syntactic manipulation. We illustrate how a CSR specification can be translated into the CCSR formalism using a periodic timed producer-consumer example, and how a translated CSR specification can be shown correct using syntactic manipulations
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