37 research outputs found

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Continuous Quantum Systems

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    We introduce a versatile and practical framework for applying matrix product state techniques to continuous quantum systems. We divide space into multiple segments and generate continuous basis functions for the many-body state in each segment. By combining this mapping with existing numerical density matrix renormalization group routines, we show how one can accurately obtain the ground-state wave function, spatial correlations, and spatial entanglement entropy directly in the continuum. For a prototypical mesoscopic system of strongly interacting bosons we demonstrate faster convergence than standard grid-based discretization. We illustrate the power of our approach by studying a superfluid-insulator transition in an external potential. We outline how one can directly apply or generalize this technique to a wide variety of experimentally relevant problems across condensed matter physics and quantum field theory

    Entanglement growth and correlation spreading with variable-range interactions in spin and fermionic tunneling models

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    We investigate the dynamics following a global parameter quench for two one-dimensional models with variable-range power-law interactions: a long-range transverse Ising model, which has recently been realized in chains of trapped ions, and a long-range lattice model for spinless fermions with long-range tunneling. For the transverse Ising model, the spreading of correlations and growth of entanglement are computed using numerical matrix product state techniques, and are compared with exact solutions for the fermionic tunneling model. We identify transitions between regimes with and without an apparent linear light cone for correlations, which correspond closely between the two models. For long-range interactions, we find that despite the lack of a light cone, correlations grow slowly as a power law at short times, and that—depending on the structure of the initial state—the growth of entanglement can also be sublinear. These results are understood through analytical calculations, and should be measurable in experiments with trapped ions

    Enhanced superexchange in a tilted mott insulator

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    In an optical lattice, entropy and mass transport by first-order tunneling are much faster than spin transport via superexchange. Here we show that adding a constant force (tilt) suppresses first-order tunneling, but not spin transport, realizing new features for spin Hamiltonians. Suppression of the superfluid transition can stabilize larger systems with faster spin dynamics. For the first time in a many-body spin system, we vary superexchange rates by over a factor of 100 and tune spin-spin interactions via the tilt. In a tilted lattice, defects are immobile and pure spin dynamics can be studied

    Spin-models, dynamics and criticality with atoms in tilted optical superlattices

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    Funding: Strathclyde: UK EPSRC Programme Grant DesOEQ (EP/P009565/1), the European Union Horizon 2020 collaborative project QuProCS — QuantumProbes for Complex Systems (Grant Agreement No. 641277), and by the EOARD via AFOSR Grant No. FA9550-18-1-0064.We show that atoms in tilted optical superlattices provide a platform for exploring coupled spin chains of forms that are not present in other systems. In particular, using a period-2 superlattice in one dimension, we show that coupled Ising spin chains with XZ and ZZ spin coupling terms can be engineered. We use optimized tensor network techniques to explore the criticality and nonequilibrium dynamics in these models, finding a tricritical Ising point in regimes that are accessible in current experiments. These setups are ideal for studying low-entropy physics, as initial entropy is “frozen-out” in realizing the spin models, and provide an example of the complex critical behavior that can arise from interaction-projected models.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Resonant two-site tunnelling dynamics of bosons in a tilted optical superlattice

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    Funding: Strathclyde: UK EPSRC Program Grant DesOEQ (No.EP/P009565/1), the European Union Horizon 2020 collaborative project Quantum Probes for Complex Systems (Grant Agreement No. 641277), and by the EOARD via AFOSR Grant No. FA9550-18-1-0064.We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model in a gradient potential and a superlattice, beginning from a deep Mott insulator regime with an average filling of one particle per site. Studying a quench that is near resonance to tunneling of the particles over two lattice sites, we show how a spin model emerges consisting of two coupled Ising chains that are coupled by interaction terms in a staggered geometry. We compare and contrast the behavior in this case with that in a previously studied case where the resonant tunneling was over a single site. Using optimized tensor network techniques to calculate finite-temperature behavior of the model, as well as finite-size scaling for the ground state, we conclude that the universality class of the phase transition for the coupled chains is that of a tricritical Ising point. We also investigate the out-of-equilibrium dynamics after the quench in the vicinity of the resonance and compare dynamics with recent experiments realized without the superlattice geometry. This model is directly realizable in current experiments and reflects a general way to realize spin models with ultracold atoms in optical lattices.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Entanglement Dynamics after a Quench in Ising Field Theory: A Branch Point Twist Field Approach

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    We extend the branch point twist field approach for the calculation of entanglement entropies to time-dependent problems in 1+1-dimensional massive quantum field theories. We focus on the simplest example: a mass quench in the Ising field theory from initial mass m0 to final mass m. The main analytical results are obtained from a perturbative expansion of the twist field one-point function in the post-quench quasi-particle basis. The expected linear growth of the RĂ©nyi entropies at large times mt ≫ 1 emerges from a perturbative calculation at second order. We also show that the RĂ©nyi and von Neumann entropies, in infinite volume, contain subleading oscillatory contributions of frequency 2m and amplitude proportional to (mt)−3/2. The oscillatory terms are correctly predicted by an alternative perturbation series, in the pre-quench quasi-particle basis, which we also discuss. A comparison to lattice numerical calculations carried out on an Ising chain in the scaling limit shows very good agreement with the quantum field theory predictions. We also find evidence of clustering of twist field correlators which implies that the entanglement entropies are proportional to the number of subsystem boundary points

    Propagation of errors and quantitative quantum simulation with quantum advantage

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    The rapid development in hardware for quantum computing and simulation has led to much interest in problems where these devices can exceed the capabilities of existing classical computers and known methods. Approaching this for problems that go beyond testing the performance of a quantum device is an important step, and quantum simulation of many-body quench dynamics is one of the most promising candidates for early practical quantum advantage. We analyse the requirements for quantitatively reliable quantum simulation beyond the capabilities of existing classical methods for analogue quantum simulators with neutral atoms in optical lattices and trapped ions. Considering the primary sources of error in analogue devices and how they propagate after a quench in studies of the Hubbard or long-range transverse field Ising model, we identify the level of error expected in quantities we extract from experiments. We conclude for models that are directly implementable that regimes of practical quantum advantage are attained in current experiments with analogue simulators. We also identify the hardware requirements to reach the same level of accuracy with future fault-tolerant digital quantum simulation. Verification techniques are already available to test the assumptions we make here, and demonstrating these in experiments will be an important next step

    Treelike interactions and fast scrambling with cold atoms

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    We propose an experimentally realizable quantum spin model that exhibits fast scrambling, based on nonlocal interactions that couple sites whose separation is a power of 2. By controlling the relative strengths of deterministic, nonrandom couplings, we can continuously tune from the linear geometry of a nearest-neighbor spin chain to an ultrametric geometry in which the effective distance between spins is governed by their positions on a tree graph. The transition in geometry can be observed in quench dynamics, and is furthermore manifest in calculations of the entanglement entropy. Between the linear and treelike regimes, we find a peak in entanglement and exponentially fast spreading of quantum information across the system. Our proposed implementation, harnessing photon-mediated interactions among cold atoms in an optical cavity, offers a test case for experimentally observing the emergent geometry of a quantum many-body system

    Efficient tomography of a quantum many-body system

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    Quantum state tomography (QST) is the gold standard technique for obtaining an estimate for the state of small quantum systems in the laboratory [1]. Its application to systems with more than a few constituents (e.g. particles) soon becomes impractical as the e ff ort required grows exponentially with the number of constituents. Developing more e ffi cient techniques is particularly pressing as precisely-controllable quantum systems that are well beyond the reach of QST are emerging in laboratories. Motivated by this, there is a considerable ongoing e ff ort to develop new state characterisation tools for quantum many-body systems [2–11]. Here we demonstrate Matrix Product State (MPS) tomography [2], which is theoretically proven to allow the states of a broad class of quantum systems to be accurately estimated with an e ff ort that increases e ffi ciently with constituent number. We use the technique to reconstruct the dynamical state of a trapped-ion quantum simulator comprising up to 14 entangled and individually-controlled spins (qubits): a size far beyond the practical limits of QST. Our results reveal the dynamical growth of entanglement and description complexity as correlations spread out during a quench: a necessary condition for future beyond-classical performance. MPS tomography should therefore find widespread use to study large quantum many-body systems and to benchmark and verify quantum simulators and computers