87 research outputs found

    Geoarchaeology of Pleistocene open-air sites in the Vila Nova da Barquinha-Santa Cita area (Lower Tejo River basin, central Portugal)

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    This paper aims to provide insight into human occupation and landscape change during the Pleistocene in a central area of the Lower Tejo basin (Portugal). Detailed geomorphological mapping, coupled with lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and luminescence dating, supports the identification of a complete terrace staircase sequence. It consists of six gravely terraces located below the culminant (Pliocene) basin unit. A chronological framework for the sedimentary sequences and associated human industries is proposed and correlated with marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS): T1 terrace, not dated; T2, not dated; T3, >300 ka; T4, 300–160 ka (MIS8, MIS7 and MIS6); T5, 136–75 ka (MIS5); T6, 62–30 ka (MIS3); colluviumand aeolian sands, 30–14 ka (MIS2); valley fill deposits, 14 ka to present (MIS1). The oldest artefacts were found at the base of the T4 terrace, with the local stratigraphic level dated to 175 6 ka (Middle Pleistocene). The lithic assemblages collected from distinct stratigraphic levels (T4, T5 top, T6 terraces and colluvium) are characterized by the predominance of opportunistic technological choices, a feature that can be attributed partly to the preferential exploitation of the available raw material, dominated by local-sourced quartzites and quartz pebbles. The adaptation to local raw material (texture and volume), together with subsistence patterns and behaviours, could explain the rarity of Acheulian types (handaxes and cleavers) and picks in the T4 terraces of the Tejo tributaries; this is in contrast to the same terrace of the Tejo valley, in which these types are found. Interpretation of the environmental conditions (controlled by climate and glacio-eustatic sea-level changes) affecting the hunter-gatherer human groups is also presente

    An exceptionally long paleoseismic record of a slow-moving fault: the Alhama de Murcia fault (Eastern Betic Shear Zone, Spain)

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    Most catastrophic earthquakes occur along fast-moving faults, although some of them are triggered by slow-moving ones. Long paleoseismic histories are infrequent in the latter faults. Here, an exceptionally long paleoseismic record (more than 300 k.y.) of a slow-moving structure is presented for the southern tip of the Alhama de Murcia fault (Eastern Betic shear zone), which is characterized by morphological expression of current tectonic activity and by a lack of historical seismicity. At its tip, the fault divides into a splay with two main faults bounding the Góñar fault system. At this area, the condensed sedimentation and the distribution of the deformation in several structures provided us with more opportunities to obtain a complete paleoseismic record than at other segments of the fault. The tectonic deformation of the system was studied by an integrated structural, geomorphological, and paleoseismological approach. Stratigraphic and tectonic features at six paleoseismic trenches indicate that old alluvial units have been repeatedly folded and thrusted over younger ones along the different traces of the structure. The correlation of the event timing inferred for each of these trenches and the application of an improved protocol for the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of K-feldspar allowed us to constrain a paleoseismic record as old as 325 ka. We identifi ed a minimum of six possible paleoearthquakes of Mw = 6-7 and a maximum mean recurrence interval of 29 k.y. This provides compelling evidence for the underestimation of the seismic hazard in the region

    On the relationship between K concentration, grain size and dose in feldspar

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    Previous work has been unable to establish a relationship between K concentration and De in single-grains of feldspar. Here we use four well-bleached sediments with low external dose rate (typically ≤1.5 Gy ka-1) to investigate this relationship. Single and multi-grain pIRIR measurements and μ-XRF analyses are made on Na- and K-rich extracts; μ-XRF is directly applied to grains sitting in single-grain discs to minimise uncertainty in grain identification. Micro-XRF is shown to be sufficiently precise and accurate and luminescence instrument reproducibility is confirmed using dose recovery measurements on heated feldspar. We are again unable to establish any correlation between single-grain De and K concentration, even in feldspar grains for which the internal dose rate should dominate. We also measure highly variable Rb concentrations in these grains and are unable to detect, at the single-grain level, the correlation between K and Rb previously observed in multi-grain investigations. Nevertheless, these results are unable to explain the lack of De correlation with K. Finally, we investigate the dependence of De on grain size (isochrons). Linear correlations are observed but slopes are inconsistent with model prediction. We conclude that this surprising absence of the expected relationships between dose and K concentration and grain size does not arise from analytical precision, incomplete bleaching, sediment mixing or fading. It appears that we cannot measure feldspar doses in these samples as accurately as we thought

    On the importance of grain size in luminescence dating using quartz

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    There are two major problems commonly encountered when applying Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating in the high dose range: (i) age discrepancy between different grain sizes, and (ii) age underestimation. A marked and systematic discrepancy between fine-grain (4–11 μm) and coarse-grain (63–90 μm) quartz single aliquot regeneration protocol (SAR) ages has been reported previously for Romanian and Serbian loess >40 ka (De of ∼100 Gy), generally with fine-grain ages underestimating the depositional age. In this paper, we show a similar age pattern for two grain size fractions from Chinese loess, thus pointing to a potential worldwide phenomenon. While age underestimation is often attributed to signal saturation problems, this is not the case for fine grain material, which saturates at higher doses than coarse grains, yet begins to underestimate true ages earlier. Here we examine the dose response curves of quartz from different sedimentary contexts around the world, using a range of grain sizes (diameters of 4–11 μm, 11–30 μm, 35–50 μm, 63–90 μm, 90–125 μm, 125–180 μm, and 180–250 μm). All dose response curves can be adequately described by a sum of two saturating exponential functions, whose saturation characteristics (D0 values) are clearly anticorrelated with grain diameter (φ) through an inverse square root relationship, D0 = A/√φ, where A is a scaling factor. While the mechanism behind this grain-size dependency of saturation characteristics still needs to be understood, our results show that the observation of an extended SAR laboratory dose response curve does not necessarily enable high doses to be recorded accurately, or provide a corresponding extended age range

    Mechanisms and age estimates of continental-scale endorheic to exorheic drainage transition: Douro River, Western Iberia

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    In western Iberia, mechanisms that can explain the transition from endorheic to exorheic continental-scale drainage reorganization are foreland basin overspill, headwards erosion and capture by an Atlantic river, or a combination of both. To explore these, we have investigated the Portuguese sector of the Douro River, the locus of drainage reorganization. The Douro River is routed downstream through the weak sedimentary infill of the Douro Cenozoic Basin, after which the river cuts down through harder granitic and metamorphic rocks crossed by active fault zones, before reaching the Atlantic coast. We investigated the drainage reorganization using an integrated approach that combined remote sensing, field survey and geochronology, applied to Pliocene–Quaternary fluvial sediments and landforms. The older drainage record is documented by a series of high and intermediate landform levels comprising: (1) a high level (1000–500 m a.s.l.) faulted regional fluvial erosion surface, the North Iberian Meseta planation surface and the Mountains and Plateaus of Northern Portugal, recording the endorheic drainage of the Douro Cenozoic Basin; (2) a first inset level at 650–600 m a.s.l., comprising a broad fluvial surface developed onto a large ENE–WSW depression, interpreted as recording the initiation of the continental scale reorganization; and (3) an inset fluvial surface at 550–400 m a.s.l., corresponding to the establishment of the exorheic ancestral Douro valley. The younger drainage record comprises an entrenched fluvial strath terrace sequence of up to 9 levels (T9 = oldest), positioned at 246–242 m above the modern river base; T1 = youngest, positioned at +17–13 m. Levels T1 and T3 display localized fault offsets. The three lowest terrace levels (T3–T1) were dated using optically stimulated luminescence techniques with results ranging from >230–360 ka (T3), through 57 ka (T2) to 39–12 ka (T1). Fluvial incision rates of the younger terraces were quantified and temporally extrapolated to model the ages of the intermediate to high elevation levels of the early drainage record. Integration of incision data informs on the probable timing of the drainage reorganization and the initial adjustment, ~3.7–1.8 Ma. This was followed by acceleration of incision, producing the entrenched river terrace sequence developed via spatial and temporal variations in rock strength, uplift and cyclic cool-climate variability as the river adjusted to the Atlantic base level