26 research outputs found


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    This study addresses the coastal terrace staircases of western central Portugal (Cape Mondego to Cape Espichel). Below the culminant marine unit that records the last episode of aggradation before the ongoing stage of incision, several terrace levels ar identified. The following methodology was used: a) production of geomorphological maps, combining analysis of detailed MDT’s and aerial photos, with field surveys calibrated with GPS; b) stratigraphic and sedimentological study of the sedimentary deposits associated with the marine platforms; c) luminescence dating. On each terrace staircase, the number of platforms and their elevations are different, indicating differential uplift. Quartz OSL provided age estimates up ca. 150 kyr and post-IR IRSL on K-feldspar up to ca. 700 kyr for the marine terraces under study. Using the culminant platform as reference and assuming that it is ca. 3.6 Ma old, uplift rates were estimated as ranging spatially from 0.071 m/ky to 0.019 m/ky. The ongoing luminescence dating will provide uplift rates estimated for the lower and middle marineterraces, clarifying if an acceleration of the crustal uplift is going on

    Violet stimulated luminescence dating of quartz from Luochuan (Chinese loess plateau): Agreement with independent chronology up to ∼600 ka

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    Luminescence dating at the Luochuan loess type (China) section is at present limited to ∼0.1 Ma using quartz blue light stimulated luminescence (BLSL), but can be extended back in time to ∼0.5 Ma by resorting to the more developmental post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL) and thermally transferred OSL (TT-OSL) signals. Since both the latter are associated with systematic uncertainties due to the potential (a)-thermal instability of these signals, a search continues for alternative, and demonstrably stable luminescence signals that can cover the entire Quaternary timescale. Here we explore the violet stimulated luminescence (VSL) signal at the Luochuan section, which provides a continuous archive of homogenous sediment with favourable luminescence characteristics and a solid independent age framework. By testing several VSL protocols and their associated performance, we demonstrate that the Multi-Aliquot Additive-Dose (MAAD) protocol produces a VSL chronology at Luochuan which is in agreement with independent ages up to ∼0.6 Ma. For a more representative environmental dose rate of ∼2 Gy/ka (∼35% lower than at Luochuan), the documented range of MAAD-VSL sensitivity (200-1800 Gy) would correspond to the ability to date sediment up to ∼1 Ma back in time, offering a remarkable advance over existing methods.</p

    Towards an improvement of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age uncertainties:Modelling OSL ages with systematic errors, stratigraphic constraints and radiocarbon ages using the R package BayLum

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    International audienceAbstract. Statistical analysis has become increasingly important in optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating since it has become possible to measure signals at the single-grain scale. The accuracy of large chronological datasets can benefit from the inclusion, in chronological modelling, of stratigraphic constraints and shared systematic errors. Recently, a number of Bayesian models have been developed for OSL age calculation; the R package “BayLum” presented herein allows different models of this type to be implemented, particularly for samples in stratigraphic order which share systematic errors. We first show how to introduce stratigraphic constraints in BayLum; then, we focus on the construction, based on measurement uncertainties, of dose covariance matrices to account for systematic errors specific to OSL dating. The nature (systematic versus random) of errors affecting OSL ages is discussed, based – as an example – on the dose rate determination procedure at the IRAMAT-CRP2A laboratory (Bordeaux). The effects of the stratigraphic constraints and dose covariance matrices are illustrated on example datasets. In particular, the benefit of combining the modelling of systematic errors with independent ages, unaffected by these errors, is demonstrated. Finally, we discuss other common ways of estimating dose rates and how they may be taken into account in the covariance matrix by other potential users and laboratories. Test datasets are provided as a Supplement to the reader, together with an R markdown tutorial allowing the reproduction of all calculations and figures presented in this study

    Combining dating techniques in paleo-earthquake chronologies: the example of El Saltador (Alhama de Murcia fault)

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    Presentamos la cronología de paleoterremotos establecida para la rama sur de la Falla de Alhama de Murcia (Béticas Orientales) a partir del estudio paelosismológico de la localidad de el Saltador (Lorca). Mostramos la aplicación combinada de cuatro métodos de datación; luminiscencia en cuarzo y feldespato (OSL en cuarzo y pIRIRSL), datación de series de Uranio en carbonatos pedogénicos, y radiocarbono. Para acotar la edad de los paleoterremotos con la mejor definición posible, se han integrado las edades de las capas que definen temporalmente los paleosismos en un modelo deposicional. Para ello se usó el programa OxCal (versión 4.2), que realiza un tratamiento estadístico bayesiano de las funciones de probabilidad de las edades de materiales afectados según un orden estratigráfico conocido y calcula la recurrencia media y la recurrencia particular entre eventos sucesivos. La secuencia de materiales aluviales muestra el registro de ocho eventos paleosísmicos ocurridos desde hace 54,3 ± 9,1 ka. El tiempo de recurrencia medio varía entre 3,5- y 5,3 ka , localizándose el último evento entre el s. XIII y el s. XVIII.We present a chronology of paleo-earthquakes established at El Saltador (Lorca), a paleoseismical site in the southern branch of the Alhama de Murcia Fault (Eastern Betics). Because of the difficulties in dating the affected sediments using a single dating approach, we combined four types of methods; Two of them based on the luminescence of quartz and feldspar (Quartz-OSL and pIR-IRSL), U-series on pedogenic carbonates and radiocarbon dating. To obtain the best possible accuracy for the age of each paleoearthquake, we integrated the age of the layers that constrain the seismic events into a depositional model. To this end, we relied on the OxCal program (version 4.2), which performs a Bayesian statistical treatment of the probability functions of the ages assigned to a sequence of layers of known stratigraphical order, at the time that it provides the average recurrence and the single recurrence between successive events. The sequence of alluvial deposits analyzed shows the record of eigth paleoseismic events occurred since 54,3 ± 9.1 ka. The average recurrence intervals ranges between 3,5- and 5,3 ka with the last event taking place between the XIII and XVII centuries.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)Generalitat de Catalunyapu