2,342 research outputs found

    A Model for Cortical Rewiring Following Deafferentation and Focal Stroke

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    It is still unclear to what extent structural plasticity in terms of synaptic rewiring is the cause for cortical remapping after a lesion. Recent two-photon laser imaging studies demonstrate that synaptic rewiring is persistent in the adult brain and is dramatically increased following brain lesions or after a loss of sensory input (cortical deafferentation). We use a recurrent neural network model to study the time course of synaptic rewiring following a peripheral lesion. For this, we represent axonal and dendritic elements of cortical neurons to model synapse formation, pruning and synaptic rewiring. Neurons increase and decrease the number of axonal and dendritic elements in an activity-dependent fashion in order to maintain their activity in a homeostatic equilibrium. In this study we demonstrate that synaptic rewiring contributes to neuronal homeostasis during normal development as well as following lesions. We show that networks in homeostasis, which can therefore be considered as adult networks, are much less able to compensate for a loss of input. Interestingly, we found that paused stimulation of the networks are much more effective promoting reorganization than continuous stimulation. This can be explained as neurons quickly adapt to this stimulation whereas pauses prevents a saturation of the positive stimulation effect. These findings may suggest strategies for improving therapies in neurologic rehabilitation

    Homeostatic structural plasticity increases the efficiency of small-world networks

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    In networks with small-world topology, which are characterized by a high clustering coefficient and a short characteristic path length, information can be transmitted efficiently and at relatively low costs. The brain is composed of small-world networks, and evolution may have optimized brain connectivity for efficient information processing. Despite many studies on the impact of topology on information processing in neuronal networks, little is known about the development of network topology and the emergence of efficient small-world networks. We investigated how a simple growth process that favors short-range connections over long-range connections in combination with a synapse formation rule that generates homeostasis in post-synaptic firing rates shapes neuronal network topology. Interestingly, we found that small-world networks benefited from homeostasis by an increase in efficiency, defined as the averaged inverse of the shortest paths through the network. Efficiency particularly increased as small-world networks approached the desired level of electrical activity. Ultimately, homeostatic small-world networks became almost as efficient as random networks. The increase in efficiency was caused by the emergent property of the homeostatic growth process that neurons started forming more long-range connections, albeit at a low rate, when their electrical activity was close to the homeostatic set-point. Although global network topology continued to change when neuronal activities were around the homeostatic equilibrium, the small-world property of the network was maintained over the entire course of development. Our results may help understand how complex systems such as the brain could set up an efficient network topology in a self-organizing manner. Insights from our work may also lead to novel techniques for constructing large-scale neuronal networks by self-organization

    Modelling structural plasticity

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    Automatic Generation of Connectivity for Large-Scale Neuronal Network Models through Structural Plasticity

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    With the emergence of new high performance computation technology in the last decade, the simulation of large scale neural networks which are able to reproduce the behavior and structure of the brain has finally become an achievable target of neuroscience. Due to the number of synaptic connections between neurons and the complexity of biological networks, most contemporary models have manually defined or static connectivity. However, it is expected that modeling the dynamic generation and deletion of the links among neurons, locally and between different regions of the brain, is crucial to unravel important mechanisms associated with learning, memory and healing. Moreover, for many neural circuits that could potentially be modeled, activity data is more readily and reliably available than connectivity data. Thus, a framework that enables networks to wire themselves on the basis of specified activity targets can be of great value in specifying network models where connectivity data is incomplete or has large error margins. To address these issues, in the present work we present an implementation of a model of structural plasticity in the neural network simulator NEST. In this model, synapses consist of two parts, a pre- and a post-synaptic element. Synapses are created and deleted during the execution of the simulation following local homeostatic rules until a mean level of electrical activity is reached in the network. We assess the scalability of the implementation in order to evaluate its potential usage in the self generation of connectivity of large scale networks. We show and discuss the results of simulations on simple two population networks and more complex models of the cortical microcircuit involving 8 populations and 4 layers using the new framework

    Investigation of Magnetoelectric Sensor Requirements for Deep Brain Stimulation Electrode Localization and Rotational Orientation Detection

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    Correct position and orientation of a directional deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrode in the patient's brain must be known to fully exploit its benefit in guiding stimulation programming. Magnetoelectric (ME) sensors can play a critical role here. The aim of this study was to determine the minimum required limit of detection (LOD) of a ME sensor that can be used for this application by measuring the magnetic field induced by DBS. For this experiment, a commercial DBS system was integrated into a head phantom and placed inside of a state-of-the-art Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID)-based magnetoencephalography system. Measurements were performed and analyzed with digital signal processing. Investigations have shown that the minimum required detection limit depends on various factors such as: measurement distance to electrode, bandwidth of magnetic sensor, stimulation amplitude, stimulation pulse width, and measurement duration. For a sensor that detects only a single DBS frequency (stimulation frequency or its harmonics), a LOD of at least 0.04 pT/Hz0.5 is required for 3 mA stimulation amplitude and 60 μμs pulse width. This LOD value increases by an order of magnitude to 0.4 pT/Hz0.5 for a 1 kHz, and by approximately two orders to 3 pT/Hz0.5 for a 10 kHz sensor bandwidth. By averaging, the LOD can be reduced by at least another 2 orders of magnitude with a measurement duration of a few minutes

    From Matrices to Knowledge: Using Semantic Networks to Annotate the Connectome

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    The connectome is regarded as the key to brain function in health and disease. Structural and functional neuroimaging enables us to measure brain connectivity in the living human brain. The field of connectomics describes the connectome as a mathematical graph with its connection strengths being represented by connectivity matrices. Graph theory algorithms are used to assess the integrity of the graph as a whole and to reveal brain network biomarkers for brain diseases; however, the faulty wiring of single connections or subnetworks as the structural correlate for neurological or mental diseases remains elusive. We describe a novel approach to represent the knowledge of human brain connectivity by a semantic network – a formalism frequently used in knowledge management to describe the semantic relations between objects. In our novel approach, objects are brain areas and connectivity is modeled as semantic relations among them. The semantic network turns the graph of the connectome into an explicit knowledge base about which brain areas are interconnected. Moreover, this approach can semantically enrich the measured connectivity of an individual subject by the semantic context from ontologies, brain atlases and molecular biological databases. Integrating all measurements and facts into one unified feature space enables cross-modal comparisons and analyses. We used a query mechanism for semantic networks to extract functional, structural and transcriptome networks. We found that in general higher structural and functional connectivity go along with a lower differential gene expression among connected brain areas; however, subcortical motor areas and limbic structures turned out to have a localized high differential gene expression while being strongly connected. In an additional explorative use case, we could show a localized high availability of fkbp5, gmeb1, and gmeb2 genes at a connection hub of temporo-limbic brain networks. Fkbp5 is known for having a role in stress-related psychiatric disorders, while gmeb1 and gmeb2 encode for modulator proteins of the glucocorticoid receptor, a key receptor in the hormonal stress system. Semantic networks tremendously ease working with multimodal neuroimaging and neurogenetics data and may reveal relevant coincidences between transcriptome and connectome networks

    Funktion und Dysfunktion motorischer Netzwerke

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    A direct relationship between oscillatory subthalamic nucleus-cortex coupling and rest tremor in Parkinson's disease

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    Electrophysiological studies suggest that rest tremor in Parkinson's disease is associated with an alteration of oscillatory activity. Although it is well known that tremor depends on cortico-muscular coupling, it is unclear whether synchronization within and between brain areas is specifically related to the presence and severity of tremor. To tackle this longstanding issue, we took advantage of naturally occurring spontaneous tremor fluctuations and investigated cerebral synchronization in the presence and absence of rest tremor. We simultaneously recorded local field potentials from the subthalamic nucleus, the magnetoencephalogram and the electromyogram of forearm muscles in 11 patients with Parkinson's disease (all male, age: 52-74 years). Recordings took place the day after surgery for deep brain stimulation, after withdrawal of anti-parkinsonian medication. We selected epochs containing spontaneous rest tremor and tremor-free epochs, respectively, and compared power and coherence between subthalamic nucleus, cortex and muscle across conditions. Tremor-associated changes in cerebro-muscular coherence were localized by Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources. Subsequently, cortico-cortical coupling was analysed by computation of the imaginary part of coherency, a coupling measure insensitive to volume conduction. After tremor onset, local field potential power increased at individual tremor frequency and cortical power decreased in the beta band (13-30 Hz). Sensor level subthalamic nucleus-cortex, cortico-muscular and subthalamic nucleus-muscle coherence increased during tremor specifically at tremor frequency. The increase in subthalamic nucleus-cortex coherence correlated with the increase in electromyogram power. On the source level, we observed tremor-associated increases in cortico-muscular coherence in primary motor cortex, premotor cortex and posterior parietal cortex contralateral to the tremulous limb. Analysis of the imaginary part of coherency revealed tremor-dependent coupling between these cortical areas at tremor frequency and double tremor frequency. Our findings demonstrate a direct relationship between the synchronization of cerebral oscillations and tremor manifestation. Furthermore, they suggest the feasibility of tremor detection based on local field potentials and might thus become relevant for the design of closed-loop stimulation systems