61 research outputs found
Discontinuities Cause Essential Spectrum on Surfaces
Two-dimensional maps with discontinuities are considered. It is shown that, in the presence of discontinuities, the essential spectrum of the transfer operator is large whenever it acts on a Banach space with norm that is stronger than L infinity\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}L<^>\infty \end{document} or BV\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\end{document}. Three classes of examples are introduced and studied, both expanding and partially expanding. In two dimensions, there is complication due to the geometry of the discontinuities, an issue not present in the one-dimensional case and which is explored in this work
Linear response formula for piecewise expanding unimodal maps
The average R(t) of a smooth function with respect to the SRB measure of a
smooth one-parameter family f_t of piecewise expanding interval maps is not
always Lipschitz. We prove that if f_t is tangent to the topological class of
f_0, then R(t) is differentiable at zero, and the derivative coincides with the
resummation previously proposed by the first named author of the (a priori
divergent) series given by Ruelle's conjecture.Comment: We added Theorem 7.1 which shows that the horizontality condition is
necessary. The paper "Smooth deformations..." containing Thm 2.8 is now
available on the arxiv; see also Corrigendum arXiv:1205.5468 (to appear
Nonlinearity 2012
On the susceptibility function of piecewise expanding interval maps
We study the susceptibility function Psi(z) associated to the perturbation
f_t=f+tX of a piecewise expanding interval map f. The analysis is based on a
spectral description of transfer operators. It gives in particular sufficient
conditions which guarantee that Psi(z) is holomorphic in a disc of larger than
one. Although Psi(1) is the formal derivative of the SRB measure of f_t with
respect to t, we present examples satisfying our conditions so that the SRB
measure is not Lipschitz.*We propose a new version of Ruelle's conjectures.* In
v2, we corrected a few minor mistakes and added Conjectures A-B and Remark 4.5.
In v3, we corrected the perturbation (X(f(x)) instead of X(x)), in particular
in the examples from Section 6. As a consequence, Psi(z) has a pole at z=1 for
these examples.Comment: To appear Comm. Math. Phy
Upper bound on the density of Ruelle resonances for Anosov flows
Using a semiclassical approach we show that the spectrum of a smooth Anosov
vector field V on a compact manifold is discrete (in suitable anisotropic
Sobolev spaces) and then we provide an upper bound for the density of
eigenvalues of the operator (-i)V, called Ruelle resonances, close to the real
axis and for large real parts.Comment: 57 page
Entropic Fluctuations in Statistical Mechanics I. Classical Dynamical Systems
Within the abstract framework of dynamical system theory we describe a
general approach to the Transient (or Evans-Searles) and Steady State (or
Gallavotti-Cohen) Fluctuation Theorems of non-equilibrium statistical
mechanics. Our main objective is to display the minimal, model independent
mathematical structure at work behind fluctuation theorems. Besides its
conceptual simplicity, another advantage of our approach is its natural
extension to quantum statistical mechanics which will be presented in a
companion paper. We shall discuss several examples including thermostated
systems, open Hamiltonian systems, chaotic homeomorphisms of compact metric
spaces and Anosov diffeomorphisms.Comment: 72 pages, revised version 12/10/2010, to be published in Nonlinearit
A review of linear response theory for general differentiable dynamical systems
The classical theory of linear response applies to statistical mechanics
close to equilibrium. Away from equilibrium, one may describe the microscopic
time evolution by a general differentiable dynamical system, identify
nonequilibrium steady states (NESS), and study how these vary under
perturbations of the dynamics. Remarkably, it turns out that for uniformly
hyperbolic dynamical systems (those satisfying the "chaotic hypothesis"), the
linear response away from equilibrium is very similar to the linear response
close to equilibrium: the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations hold, and the
fluctuation-dispersion theorem survives in a modified form (which takes into
account the oscillations around the "attractor" corresponding to the NESS). If
the chaotic hypothesis does not hold, two new phenomena may arise. The first is
a violation of linear response in the sense that the NESS does not depend
differentiably on parameters (but this nondifferentiability may be hard to see
experimentally). The second phenomenon is a violation of the dispersion
relations: the susceptibility has singularities in the upper half complex
plane. These "acausal" singularities are actually due to "energy
nonconservation": for a small periodic perturbation of the system, the
amplitude of the linear response is arbitrarily large. This means that the NESS
of the dynamical system under study is not "inert" but can give energy to the
outside world. An "active" NESS of this sort is very different from an
equilibrium state, and it would be interesting to see what happens for active
states to the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure
Long-term photometry of ICÂ 348 with the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative network
We present long-term photometric observations of the young open cluster IC 348 with a baseline time-scale of 2.4 yr. Our study was conducted with several telescopes from the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative (YETI) network in the Bessel R band to find periodic variability of young stars. We identified 87 stars in IC 348 to be periodically variable; 33 of them were unreported before. Additionally, we detected 61 periodic non-members of which 41 are new discoveries. Our wide field of view was the key to those numerous newly found variable stars. The distribution of rotation periods in IC 348 has always been of special interest. We investigate it further with our newly detected periods but we cannot find a statistically significant bimodality. We also report the detection of a close eclipsing binary in IC 348 composed of a low-mass stellar component (M ≳ 0.09 M⊙) and a K0 pre-main-sequence star (M ≈ 2.7 M⊙). Furthermore, we discovered three detached binaries among the background stars in our field of view and confirmed the period of a fourth one
Response operators for Markov processes in a finite state space: radius of convergence and link to the response theory for Axiom A systems
Using straightforward linear algebra we derive response operators describing the impact of small perturbations to finite state Markov processes. The results can be used for studying empirically constructed—e.g. from observations or through coarse graining of model simulations—finite state approximation of statistical mechanical systems. Recent results concerning the convergence of the statistical properties of finite state Markov approximation of the full asymptotic dynamics on the SRB measure in the limit of finer and finer partitions of the phase space are suggestive of some degree of robustness of the obtained results in the case of Axiom A system. Our findings give closed formulas for the linear and nonlinear response theory at all orders of perturbation and provide matrix expressions that can be directly implemented in any coding language, plus providing bounds on the radius of convergence of the perturbative theory. In particular, we relate the convergence of the response theory to the rate of mixing of the unperturbed system. One can use the formulas derived for finite state Markov processes to recover previous findings obtained on the response of continuous time Axiom A dynamical systems to perturbations, by considering the generator of time evolution for the measure and for the observables. A very basic, low-tech, and computationally cheap analysis of the response of the Lorenz ’63 model to perturbations provides rather encouraging results regarding the possibility of using the approximate representation given by finite state Markov processes to compute the system’s response
Predicting climate change using response theory: global averages and spatial patterns
The provision of accurate methods for predicting the climate response to anthropogenic and natural forcings is a key contemporary scientific challenge. Using a simplified and efficient open-source general circulation model of the atmosphere featuring O(105105) degrees of freedom, we show how it is possible to approach such a problem using nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Response theory allows one to practically compute the time-dependent measure supported on the pullback attractor of the climate system, whose dynamics is non-autonomous as a result of time-dependent forcings. We propose a simple yet efficient method for predicting—at any lead time and in an ensemble sense—the change in climate properties resulting from increase in the concentration of CO22 using test perturbation model runs. We assess strengths and limitations of the response theory in predicting the changes in the globally averaged values of surface temperature and of the yearly total precipitation, as well as in their spatial patterns. The quality of the predictions obtained for the surface temperature fields is rather good, while in the case of precipitation a good skill is observed only for the global average. We also show how it is possible to define accurately concepts like the inertia of the climate system or to predict when climate change is detectable given a scenario of forcing. Our analysis can be extended for dealing with more complex portfolios of forcings and can be adapted to treat, in principle, any climate observable. Our conclusion is that climate change is indeed a problem that can be effectively seen through a statistical mechanical lens, and that there is great potential for optimizing the current coordinated modelling exercises run for the preparation of the subsequent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change
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