802 research outputs found

    Redefinir rey y soberanía: el retorno de Fernando VII y la agonía del Liberalismo

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    This paper analyzes, mainly drawing on the Liberal press, the political options put forward in the early months of 1814 on the occasion of the Valençay treaty and the return of Ferdinand VII to Spain. The political atmosphere of uncertainty generated by the King’s silence allowed for the incorporation of moderate alternatives to the political debate. Thus, besides the two more popular options, associated with the 1812 Constitution and the absolute regime emerged as a result of the Mutiny of Aranjuez, it was possible to defend, regarding the monarchy, the candidacy of Carlos IV to the throne; and concerning the political system, the positive qualities of post revolutionary, moderate. Regimes were highly valued. | En este trabajo analizamos, a través principalmente de la prensa liberal, las alternativas políticas puestas en juego en los primeros meses de 1814 con motivo de la firma del tratado de Valençay y el retorno de Fernando VII a España. El clima de incertidumbre política generado por el silencio del rey permitió que, junto a las dos corrientes con más apoyos, las asociadas a la Constitución de 1812 y al régimen absoluto surgido del motín de Aranjuez, fueran contempladas alternativas intermedias, tanto con respecto a la monarquía, con la entrada en escena de la candidatura de Carlos IV al trono, como con respecto al régimen político, pues fueron ponderadas las virtudes de los regímenes templados de carácter postrevolucionario

    La inspiración española de la revolución piamontesa de 1821

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    A partir de una reflexión sobre la importancia del modelo revolucionario español en la Europa liberal y romántica, el artículo aborda el caso concreto de la revolución piamontesa de 1821. De un lado, analiza el proceso revolucionario a la española afrontado por los liberales piamonteses; en tanto que, de otro lado, estudia tanto la posición que ocupó la Constitución española de 1812 entre los modelos constitucionales durante la Restauración, como el proceso que llevó a un movimiento preferentemente moderado a aceptar la propuesta política española, de corte radical.Starting from a reflection on the importance of Spanish revolutionary model in liberal and romantic Europe, the article discusses the specific case of the Piedmontese revolution of 1821. On the one hand, analyzes the revolutionary process a la española faced by Piedmontese liberals, while, on the other hand, studies both the position occupied by the Spanish Constitution of 1812 among the constitutional models during the Restoration, as well as the process leading a movement preferably moderated to accept the Spanish political proposals, of a more radical nature

    Libertad de imprenta y conservadurismo en el Cádiz de las Cortes

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    La libertad de imprenta fue uno de los derechos considerados prioritarios por el liberalismo gaditano, como lo demuestra tanto su temprano estudio por parte de las Cortes de Cádiz, que acabaron regulándolo apenas un mes y medio después de su primera reunión, como su inclusión más tarde en la Constitución de 1812. En este trabajo no sólo analizamos el proceso de reconocimiento de la libertad de imprenta, sino también la reacción que provocó entre la opinión conservadora, muy crítica tanto con el derecho en sí mismo, como con las primeras consecuencias que estaba teniendo sobre la naciente opinión pública española.Freedom of the press was one of the rights to which Cadiz liberalism conferred priority. This is evidenced by both his early study by the Cortes of Cadiz, who regulated it just a month and a half after its first meeting, and their final inclusion in the 1812 Constitution. In this work we analyze not only the process of recognition of the freedom of the press, but also the reaction that it caused among the conservatives, very critical with the right itself, and with the first consequences that its recognition was having on the emerging Spanish public opinion

    Zamoranos : [bando en apoyo de la Reina]

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    Bando fechado en Zamora 12 de diciembre de 1835, firmado Fernando Gómez ButronCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Beer composition analysis: abundance evolution and characterization of beer flavor active compounds by GC-MS and determination of its ethanol concentration using MIR spectroscopy.

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    [EN] In this project the flavor and ethanol composition of a craft Pilsen beer provided by a micro-brewery called Boga will be analyzed. The first aim of this study is to identify the flavor active compounds found in such beer and study their respective abundance evolution throughout fermentation using the GC-MS technique. The second aim is to determine its ethanol concentration through MIR spectrometry

    Spatial Distribution of Biomass and Woody Litter for Bio-Energy in Biscay (Spain)

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    Forest management has been considered a subject of interest, because they act as carbon (C) sinks to mitigate CO2 emissions and also as producers of woody litter (WL) for bio-energy. Overall, a sustainably managed system of forests and forest products contributes to carbon mitigation in a positive, stable way. With increasing demand for sustainable production, the need to effectively utilise site-based resources increases. The utilization of WL for bio-energy can help meet the need for renewable energy production. The objective of the present study was to investigate biomass production (including C sequestration) from the most representative forestry species (Pinus radiata D. Don and Ecualyptus globulus Labill) of Biscay (Spain). Data from the third and fourth Spanish Forest Inventories (NFI3-2005 and NFI4-2011) were used. We also estimated the potential WL produced in the forest activities. Our findings were as follows: Forests of Biscay stored 12.084 Tg of biomass (dry basis), with a mean of 147.34 Mg ha1 in 2005 and 14.509 Tg of biomass (dry basis), with a mean of 179.82 Mg ha-1 in 2011. The total equivalent CO2 in Biscay's forests increased by 1.629 Tg year-1 between 2005 and 2011. The study shows that the energy potential of carbon accumulated in the WL amounted to 1283.2 million MJ year-1. These results suggest a considerable potential for energy production.This work was supported by the Basque Government and by the Office of Research of the University of the Basque Country grant by Project SAI10/147-SPE10UN90 and by Project NUPV14/11, respectively. The authors also thank the technical and human support provided by J.M. Eguskitza, Joseba M. Gonzalez and Jose Miguel Edeso, Aitor Bastarrica and Leyre Torre for drawing some of the figures. Our sincere thanks to Hazi Fundazioa for providing essential data for this study

    Sustainable Renewable Energy by Means of Using Residual Forest Biomass

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    The substitution of energy based on fossil fuel by bioenergy could be an effective solution to reduce external energy dependency, thereby promoting sustainable development. This article details a study of the use of biomass residues produced in the forestry sector as a consequence of field operations of the two predominant forest species (Pinus radiata D. Don and Ecualyptus globulus Labill) of Biscay (Spain). The potential of forest residues is estimated to be 66,600 dry Mg year −1 −1 . These residues would provide 1307 TJ year −1 −1 . Energy parameters, ultimate and proximate analyses, and the level of emissions of the forest residues are performed in order to estimate their characteristics as fuel. The research done has shown very similar values in terms of the net calorific value of the residues of P. radiata (19.45 MJ kg −1 −1 ) and E. globulus (19.48 MJ kg −1 −1 ). The determined emission factors indicate a reduction in gas emissions: CO (23–25%), CO 2 2 (22–25%), SO 2 2 (87–91%) and dust (11–38%) and an increase of 11–37% in NO x x compared to hard coal. Estimation of the emission factors of the residual biomass allows the environmental impacts, that are potentially produced by biofuel, to be estimatedThis work was funded by the Basque Government and by the Office of Research of the University of the Basque Country grant by Project SAI10/147-SPE10UN90 and by Project NUPV14/11, respectivel

    Las fracturas del patriotismo: apuntes sobre las respuestas a la guerra en la Andalucía napoleónica

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    Buena parte de los estudios dedicados a la Guerra de la Independencia española ha reiterado los esquemas interpretativos tradicionales, que proponían una lectura cerrada de la guerra que primaba el estudio de sus aspectos políticos y militares y que, cuando hacía referencia al papel desempeñado por los españoles, lo hacía para insistir en la heroica y unánime respuesta que habían dado al invasor, demostrando al mundo la fuerza de la renacida nación española. Esta interpretación obvia la complejidad que muestra este confl icto cuando se analiza, como en este trabajo, a escala local, toda vez que es posible revisar los mitos asociados durante tanto tiempo a la guerra.A great part of studies related with the Peninsular War has reiterated the traditional discourse, the vision of the war proposing a closed interpretation of those years. Such an interpretation has taken priority to the analysis of political and military aspects and, when it has paid attention to the role placed by Spanish people, it has stressed their heroic and unanimous response to invader, having proved the entire world the force of the renewed Spanish nation. This interpretation ignores the complexity showed by the peninsular confl ict when it is analysed, as we do in this paper, in a low scale, since it is possible to revise every myth associated for a long time with the Peninsular War